I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2668: Those with strong rules set the rules, and those who know the flute will know the meth

Ning Que walked to the desk next to the west window again, picked up the writing brush and a new piece of paper there, and after thinking for a while, he began to write on the white paper. This time he did not write the small regular script with hairpins that he was best at. , but cursive script. His cursive script is much worse than hairpin small regular script, but it is still thousands of times better than the calligraphy of His Majesty the Emperor.

In his reply, Ning Que first sincerely thanked Zhao Wuhao for his advice. Of course, he did not mention his name or identity. Then he wrote down his own experiences and practices one by one, and asked the other party to comment on whether it was feasible. Finally, I asked for advice again and pointed out what I didn’t understand.

"When I was reading and meditating, I seemed to see the leaves in the lake moving. Is that the original intention of the Talisman Master's strokes? I saw the leaves in the lake drifting away and leaving traces scattered, but there was a faint pattern to escape. If I felt something in the sea of ​​qi in my chest and abdomen, that But telepathy?"

According to the rules of the academy, even students in the art department can only use their own understanding to look at the collection of books in the building before entering the second floor. Ning Que has no cultivation potential, and even with his supreme perseverance, he cannot understand some truths. It was just that his foolish old man's spirit of moving mountains finally moved Zhao Wuhao, so he secretly gave instructions and broke the rules of the academy.

However, fortunately, the rules of the academy are worthless in Zhao Wuhao's eyes. He has never followed the rules of the world. He only believes in his own rules. After all, the rules are made by the strong, and if you are a weak person, then The rules are tailor-made for you. This is a truth that applies everywhere in the world.

And Zhao Wuhao is one of the few strong men in the world who can break through the five realms. Even the master dare not say how far his realm has reached and cannot make rules for him. Strong strength is the basis for Zhao Wuhao to dare to break the rules of the academy. The cashier arranged for Chu Youxian to enter the academy and guided Ning Que to understand the cultivation principles and knowledge contained in the books on the second floor of the old library.

"Observe the characters, forget the form, and keep the intention. Only when the intention is intentional or unintentional is the intention."

Zhao Wuhao looked at the doubts on the rice paper, picked up a pen to answer the students' doubts, then walked aside, took out a book again, and started reading with interest, without even noticing that sitting next to the east window There was a hint of dissatisfaction on Yu Lian's beautiful face in front of the table.

"I heard that you once collected two hundred thousand taels of silver and arranged for an ignorant dandy to enter the academy?"

"Today, I broke the rules again and taught a person who has no cultivation qualifications to understand the truth of the books in the upstairs. Where did you put the rules of the academy? It is really too wanton and reckless!"

When Zhao Wuhao heard this, he looked up at Mr. Third, who was at the back of the academy, with a cynical smile on his face and said in denial.

"Mr. 3, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. Do you have any evidence?"

Yu Lian's pretty face was full of charm, her starry eyes widened, she pointed at the white paper on the desk by the west window and retorted.

"Isn't what you wrote on the paper evidence?"

"How can you prove that it was written by me? The handwriting is different from mine!"

Zhao Wuhao works without revealing anything. He changed his handwriting long before doing so. As a master calligrapher, it is easy for him to change his handwriting. The calligraphy on the rice paper is as simple as his own. There is no way the ordinary handwriting could be traced to being written by one person.

When Yu Lian heard what Zhao Wuhao said, he knew that the other party must be confident, so he no longer dwelled on the matter, but turned around and said.

"Then it's true that you accepted money and brought an unlearned dandy into the academy, right? I've heard many teachers in the academy talk about this, and it caused quite a stir. Even the teachers knew about it. Got this!"

What a scoundrel Zhao Wuhao was, he was completely unafraid and shook his head in denial.

"Mr. Yu Lian, you can't just follow others' opinions when there is no evidence to catch an adulterer or a couple. You are slandering my noble character!"

When Yu Lian heard this, his face turned red, his chest was about to explode with anger, he was ups and downs, his breathing was a bit heavy, and he said in a hateful voice.

"Elder brother saw with his own eyes the banknote you collected, how can you still deny it?"

Zhao Wuhao knew that Yu Lian had a secret crush on Li Manman, but he had never heard that Li Manman liked Yu Lian, and he actually told Yu Lian such a secret thing, causing Zhao Wuhao to be beaten. Caught off guard.

"Yes, I have collected money from the Chu family. If you are unhappy, you will expel Chu Youxian from the college. At worst, I will return the money to them!"

"But, Mr. Third, do you dare?"

Yu Liang hesitated when she heard the words, and suddenly became angry. She really didn't dare to do this. If Chu Youxian was fired, wouldn't it be just to openly advertise that the academy could be admitted by accepting money? Wouldn't the reputation and reputation of the academy be lost? .

"You scoundrel!"

Yu Liang stared at the indifferent Zhao Wuhao angrily, cursed angrily, stopped even tracing in regular script, and went downstairs, leaving only the dumb and smiling Zhao Wuhao, who was calm and composed. Hun doesn't care.

Ning Que came again as promised and came to the second floor of the old book building. He read the ink characters under the sun under the west window. He used the eight methods of Yongzi to disassemble all the words on the book into individual strokes, and then carefully understood the direction of those strokes. The meaning of sharpness is deliberately forgotten.

Ning Que finally opened the book "A Preliminary Exploration of the Qi Sea and Snow Mountains" and read the middle part. The ink characters that caught his eye were disassembled into thousands of strokes, and then reassembled into thousands of different shapes and meanings. The inexplicable word "Yong" almost completely exhausted his mental and physical strength.

Ning Que rubbed his sore eyes and silently turned his head to look at the increasingly thick green leaves outside the window. He knew that there was no point in continuing to look at it forcefully. Even if he continued to squeeze the last of his mental perseverance, it would be nothing more. Understanding the intentions of some talisman masters who copied the scrolls will not provide any help in entering the initial state.

Ning Que quietly listened to the noisy cicadas chirping outside the window. After listening for a long time, he suddenly turned his head, closed the thin book on his lap, then closed his eyes and began to meditate. The strokes of words in the book were deconstructed into the meaning of the strokes using the Yongziba method, and then he forcibly forgot the meaning of the strokes with scattered thoughts. Although there were many in number, they could barely park quietly in a corner of the spiritual world.

But once Ning Que started to meditate on these strokes, the thoughts of the complicated strokes would become sinister. On the first day when he forgot about the word contemplation and felt that the power of thoughts in his chest and abdomen had no way forward, Ning Que knew that it would be very dangerous to forcefully meditate and urge thoughts, so he did not dare to try again, but now that he has reached this point, he has reached this point. At this moment, he had to try again. His spirit could no longer hold any more words of Yong.

Ning Que sat cross-legged by the window with his eyes closed, motionless for a long time like a statue. A warm spring breeze blew from the west window and blew onto his thin blue academic robe, causing ripples on his chest. The green shirt outside the abdomen slowly protrudes and then calms down, protrudes again and calms down again, as if it possesses some kind of spirituality, and as if some kind of wonderful life has come to life. It's a pity that those traces flicker between the rise and fall, and they are still incoherent after all. Interconnected, isolated in a corner and unable to touch each other, spiritually blocked, life without foundation, gradually declining.

In a small pond somewhere in the academy, the water was disturbed by the wind and made waves. The slight waves pushed a few small round duckweeds on the surface to sway in all directions. However, no matter which direction the duckweeds swayed, they would eventually touch the wall of the pond. Returned dejectedly.

In a deep mountain somewhere in the world, a famous scholar walked through a dense forest to visit a famous temple. When he opened the wooden door of a small temple, he learned that the eminent monk had already traveled all over the world.

In Ning Que's spiritual world at this moment, those extremely complicated strokes, those deconstructed into side radicals with no specific meaning, those horizontal and vertical lines and ink dots, suddenly appeared as he tried to meditate and understand. become vivid. The ink marks gained sharp metal edges, turning into the frightening sword formations of the Barbarian Golden Tribe on the grassland. The brush strokes gained infinite moisture, turning into the cold rain outside the Spring Breeze Pavilion. It began to fall, and what fell was the knives cutting off human heads. Countless, the falling rain is majestic and endless, there is no end, only endless conflicts.

Suddenly the whole world disappeared. He suddenly opened his eyes and broke away from the state of sitting and meditating. He felt a sharp dull pain in his chest. He couldn't help lowering his head and coughed. The slightly hoarse coughing sound was instantly torn apart. In the tranquility of the second floor of the old library, he hurriedly raised his sleeves to cover his lips, only to find some scarlet blood spots on his green sleeves.

Zhao Wuhao sensed Ning Que's actions and shook his head slightly. As expected, his qualifications were too poor and his Qi orifices were blocked, making it difficult to practice. Forcibly meditating like this would only hurt himself and would be of no use at all.

"Doing it by force is harmful but useless. You don't understand such a simple truth. You are so stupid!"

When Ning Que heard Zhao Wuhao's vicious words, he no longer felt as angry as before. He had already guessed that it was Mr. Zhao who had secretly pointed him out. The other party refused to admit it on the surface and humiliated him in every possible way. Why was he angry? He was grateful. It’s still too late.

"The students are so stupid that they make the teacher laugh!"

Ning Que's attitude was very good, showing sincerity and gratitude. Zhao Wuhao snorted coldly and ignored him.

Ning Que didn't get angry either. He stood up unsteadily, stood in front of the case, and splashed ink again, leaving behind his doubts.

"Snow-capped mountains and seas have different qi orifices. How to practice mindfulness and how to stir up the vitality of heaven and earth?"

After writing such a paragraph, Ning Que, who was extremely pale, staggered downstairs, looking very weak, making people worry that he might faint on the way.

Zhao Wuhao was immersed in reading. He didn't know how long it had passed, but even the setting sun had already fallen below the horizon. Then he stood up and walked under the west window. The cold stars were shining in a silvery white color, making people feel extremely quiet.

Zhao Wuhao lowered his head and looked at the question on the white paper. On the white rice paper, there was still a little scarlet left, which was accidentally left by Ning Que.

"What a nonsense, he's not afraid of refining himself to death!"

"But if this kid wants to practice cultivation, he must solve his innate qualifications and open the Qi orifices around the snow-capped mountains and Qi sea. Otherwise, even if he understands the principles of cultivation, it will be difficult for him to become a cultivator."

It's just that no one in the world can understand it on their own, and everyone who tries to do so is dead. Of course, it's not completely impossible. The Xiling Temple uses the Great Divine Subjugation Technique and asks Haotian's Glory to forcefully penetrate people's orifices and change their lives against the will of heaven!

It's just that it takes the three great priests of the temple to spend half their lives to perform the Great Divine Art. There is no one in this world who is worthy of the temple paying such a high price.

However, there are Tongtian Pills in Xiling that can help people to clear up the orifices, but the effect is not as good as the Great God’s Art. Chen Pipi is a Taoist genius that is rare in a century. After joining the disciples, he only got three Tongtian Pills, which made the old Taoist priests in Guanli upset. The conference was held for three consecutive days. You must know that even Zhi Shou Guan's contemporary walking Ye Su only got one Tong Tian Pill back then.

"The little fat man should still have two Tongtian Pills in his hand, but I can't ask him for such an expensive elixir. Those are the things the other party keeps at the bottom of the box!"

"That's all, I'm taking advantage of you, kid. I will create a Dharma for you to help you open up your Qi orifices and embark on the path of spiritual practice. How you go in the future depends on you!"

Zhao Wuhao reached out and patted his forehead. Countless thoughts rolled around, and the light of wisdom lit up. Every sentence of the magic formula was brewing in his heart. He kept deleting, combining and arranging it, and gradually gathered it into a complete sentence, sentence by sentence. The combination of the techniques changed again and turned into a complete technique. The content of this technique is not long and not very mysterious, but it is the first cultivation method in the world that can penetrate the body. If it is spread, it will be enough to cause a rain of blood. Fishy wind.

"There are flutes in heaven and earth, and they sound everywhere. If you want to open the orifice, you need the knife of creation, which can change the destiny against the sky, open up the qi orifice, collect the good fortune, and open the avenue."

In a eloquent manner, Zhao Wuhao wrote about a hundred characters on the rice paper. This method is called Tongxiao Mingqiao Technique. It is a method that has never been thought of by anyone before, and can achieve unprecedented feats. It can help people acquire knowledge and make those who are unable to practice it. When a person embarks on the path of spiritual practice, it is simply astonishing!

As Zhao Wuhao put down the brush in his hand, the method on the rice paper suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed before. This was the method left by Zhao Wuhao. Only Ning Que could see it, and it could only be seen once. After that, The Dharma will disappear and no one will know about it anymore.

The next day, when the third bell rang, Ning Que jumped up with energy, rushed out of the study room and rushed into the kitchen. He devoured lunch for two, walked around the lake a few more times, and then ran up to the old library. On the second floor, go straight under the west window.

"There's no reply!"

Ning Que looked at the blank space below his message, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He had long known that his talent was innate and difficult to break, but he still held out hope. Now that hope was shattered, he felt depressed.

But Ning Que had already decided that even if he died, he would still find a way out of nowhere. He took a deep breath, cheered up his energy again, and prepared to meditate with perseverance. As soon as his energy gathered, he saw what was in front of him. In the blank space on the rice paper, a Dharma text appeared, which firmly attracted his attention.

"Tong Xiao Ming Qiao Technique!"

Ning Que's body trembled slightly. This is the great method, the key that opens the door to the world of spiritual practice. His persistence for so many years has finally seen the light of day. This is the hope he has been pursuing so hard. It can allow him to change his life against the will of heaven and become a spiritual practitioner. the supreme truth.

Ning Que stared at the handwriting on the rice paper, not daring to miss a single word. He understood how precious this Dharma was. He had never heard of anyone saying that there was a true Dharma that could penetrate the body, and this Dharma left behind Without the restriction method, Ning Que didn't know if he could still see this method after missing 10 opportunities.

There is a truth in the world: if there is something, there is something, and if there is nothing, there is nothing.

In the secular world, the criteria for existence or absence are very simple. Things that can be seen exist, things that can be heard also exist, and things that are tangible also exist. But if you can’t see or hear, you can’t. If you can't touch it, then of course it doesn't exist.

But this standard does not apply to the world of practice. The breath or vitality that permeates the world, and the thought power that vibrates through the sea of ​​​​sea and snowy mountains and causes the vitality to vibrate cannot be perceived by ordinary people. They cannot see or hear it. It cannot touch the breath of heaven and earth and the mind power of practitioners, but it does not mean that such things do not exist.

The first state, also known as the first awareness, refers to the practitioner's mind released from the sea of ​​​​qi and the snowy mountains, and the existence of the breath of heaven and earth is clearly understood.

Perception means that after a practitioner first recognizes the breath of heaven and earth, he can still live in harmony with it and even have some sensory communication and contact.

These two initial realms are collectively called the virtual realm. Whether an ordinary person can embark on the path of spiritual practice can be judged in the simplest way through the above discussion.

If he can see, hear, or touch the breath or thoughts of heaven and earth, then he is really on the road.

Ning Que stared blankly at his slightly trembling fingers. Looking at his fingertips, he clearly felt something he had never felt before. It was the breath of heaven and earth, the vitality of heaven and earth.

It is not accurate to describe this feeling as touching, it is more like a kind of perception. There is spirit in the human brain, and spirit produces ideas. Ideas are some mysterious power generated by thinking, that is, the power of thought.

At this time, Ning Que's mind was clear with no distracting thoughts. There was only one thought, which seemed to be the breaths circulating between heaven and earth. This time, he finally understood his thoughts and felt the power of his thoughts, from the void and through the window. It seeped out from the seams, from the sunlight, from every drop of sweat, gathered between his fingers at a speed beyond the speed range, and landed on the rice paper in front of him.

As this breath fell in, the magic door on the rice paper instantly dissipated. Ning Que came back to his senses and felt the opening of several Qi orifices in the snow mountain Qi sea. Surprise and excitement appeared on his face, and his eyes even It was already wet, and only he knew how difficult it was.

It took a long time for Ning Que to barely suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart. He looked down at the rice paper as white as snow and thought to himself that it was true.

"The method has disappeared. Fortunately, I remembered it!"

As soon as the thought came to mind, Ning Que had a clear understanding in his heart. He could practice this method and memorize it, but he could not express it in his mouth, put it on paper, or show it in words. Unless one day his realm could surpass that of leaving this article behind. Dharma man.

"Mr. Zhao's methods are really unpredictable and awe-inspiring!"

Ning Que slowly let out a sigh of relief. He finally found the great method, opened the door to practice, and successfully entered the path of practice. In the next period of time, what he wanted to do was not come to this old library to read. Instead, he practiced the Xiao Ming Aperture method to open up the seventeen Qi apertures of the Snow Mountain Qi Sea, improve his cultivation qualifications, and become a practicing genius. Although the acquired acuity is not as good as the natural ability to have all seventeen qi orifices, it is still enough to make him a one-in-a-million genius.

Ning Que packed up the pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the desk, and then walked to the place where Zhao Wuhao often read. He did not approach, but gave a respectful salute from a distance and spoke with great sincerity.

"Student, thank you sir for your kindness!"

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