I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2667 Bullshit rules, secret guidance

As expected, the handwriting on the booklet became blurry again, and the smeared ink stains were like ink droplets from the pen tip falling into a urn of clear water. They spread quickly, but Ning Que remained unmoved and continued to work quickly. Scroll down.

"Man is the spirit of all things, so he can understand the way of nature. Will is the power, which is the power of thought."

The blurry writing floated off the paper again and began to buzz and vibrate in his mind. Ning Que felt that the vibrations were not even like paddling, but more like the cold wind on the grassland. He felt that he was fighting against countless fierce and cruel people. The horse thieves fight.

Ning Que took a deep breath and forced his head up to rest for a moment. Because the movement of raising his head was too firm and forceful, it actually made his neck muscles feel a little painful.

Ning Que felt that his energy had recovered, and then he turned his attention to the paper again.

"The power of human thoughts originates from the brain, gathers between the snowy mountains and the air sea, condenses into frost, dew and water, travels through various orifices and disperses outside the body, and is connected with the breath of the heaven and earth around the body..."

The ink ball floated again, oscillating and swaying. Ning Que suddenly couldn't hear the buzzing in his mind. He felt endless rain falling from the sky, hitting his face, body, and clothes. He suddenly felt an extreme feeling. clammy, and then he passed out again.

In the afternoon of the third day, outside the old library.

"Give me, let me!"

Four deacons wearing academic robes quickly carried the unconscious Ning Que out of the old library, threw him to the doctor waiting outside the building, and then someone carried him into the carriage.

These are the twenty-seven people who were unconscious in the building today.

In the afternoon of the fourth day, outside the old library.

"Give me, let me!"

The same four deacons wearing academic robes carried the unconscious Ning Que out of the old library, threw him to the waiting doctor outside the building, and complained in a low voice while wiping the sweat on their foreheads.

The ninth person who was unconscious in the building today.

In the afternoon of the fifth day, outside the old library.

"Jiangjang, it's still the same person!"

The same four deacons wearing academic robes slowly walked out of the old library carrying the unconscious Ning Que and shouted a few words feebly. The doctor on standby outside the building looked at this familiar face and couldn't help but sigh. There was a sound.

There are only four people unconscious in the building today.

In the afternoon of the sixth day, outside the old library.


Four deacons wearing academic robes said two words very succinctly, and then threw someone into the shade of a tree outside the building.

Except for Ning Que, no one on the second floor could hold on anymore, but the four deacons felt much more relaxed.

The thin copy of "A Preliminary Exploration of Snow Mountains and Seas" was now like a huge mountain in Ning Que's hands. He took a deep breath and turned his gaze to the window for a long time. When the green forest tops were dyed green, he felt tired and dry. With his eyes wide open, he lowered his head again and continued to read silently. After a while, he raised his head again and looked at the snow-white roof before resting.

When Ning Que first started reading these magical cultivation books, he could only hold on for a few sentences, but now he could hold on for longer and longer. Although he still didn't know where he saw the next day, he felt extremely A vague but clear feeling, knowing that I see more and more every day.

Ning Que was able to hold on for longer, not because his resistance to the spells and ink characters on the book became stronger and stronger, but because his willpower became stronger and stronger after being honed in this war, and he continued to Stop looking for a suitable time match between rest and reading, and look for any way to sustain yourself for longer.

"If you keep looking at it like this, you will die."

Zhao Wuhao raised his head, with a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes. Ning Que's tenacity was something ordinary people didn't possess. He didn't want to see Ning Que waste time like this, so he gave him a few words.

Ning Que slowly closed the book, turned around with difficulty, and bowed to Zhao Wuhao who had spoken out. He now comes to the second floor of the old book building every day, so naturally he has seen Zhao Wuhao here many times.

Zhao Wuhao put down the book in his hand, still sitting on the floor, and said with a faint smile on his face.

"The practice books on this floor are all written in ink by great practitioners using their thoughts. In other words, every ink character on these books is the highest quality of the Talisman Master."

"You are very perseverant. You can even be said to be the most perseverant student in the academy in the past ten years. But you must know one thing. Perseverance is useless in order to see through the supreme talent of the Talisman Master. You have to enter the book and break the book. Zhishu, you must have the tyrannical power of an upper-level Dongxuan."

"And your physique is not suitable for cultivation at all. Just relying on perseverance to survive here will do you a lot of harm without any benefit. It is all a useless effort."

Ning Que stood there and was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he bowed his head to the ground and asked Zhao Wuhao sincerely.

"Student, sir, may I ask if you are in the upper level of Dongxuan?"

Zhao Wuhao didn't say a word, didn't nod or shake his head, and just looked at Ning Que with a calm look.

When Ning Que saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he asked again.

"I dare to ask, sir, when I first entered the academy, did I reach the upper level of Dongxuan?"

Zhao Wuhao smiled slightly, understood the meaning of Ning Que's words, and answered slowly.

"You are right. When I entered the academy, I had never practiced cultivation. However, I was gifted with the seventeen qi apertures of the Snow Mountain Qi Sea. I also had an extremely tyrannical mental power, which was not weaker than that of the upper level Dongxuan. Therefore, You can read freely on the second floor!"

Ning Que's expression froze when he heard this. Is this the lucky guy favored by heaven and earth? He is simply a born protagonist. No wonder he can become a teacher in the academy at such a young age.

Ning Que took a deep breath, once again strengthened his faith in his heart, bowed his head to the ground, and spoke sincerely.

"Students want to continue watching for a few more days."

Zhao Wuhao nodded casually and did not stop him. He just mentioned something. As for whether Ning Que wanted to listen or not, that was up to him.

Not long after this conversation, Ning Que fainted again. The four deacons in academy robes had long been accustomed to this. They could even feel his weight clearly, their faces expressionless. He picked it up, didn't bother to shout anything, and just walked downstairs.

From then on, things seemed to be as usual. Ning Que went to class in the morning, had lunch at noon, and went upstairs in the afternoon. Under the gaze of all the students in the academy, he was carried out every time, day after day, in an endless cycle.

On the second floor of the old book building, Ning Que took the thin book "A Preliminary Exploration of the Qi Sea and Snow Mountains" and walked to the depths of the bookshelf, closer to the west window. Here, he could get the sun all the time in the afternoon, and he was in the warm ocean. He sat down in the sunshine, crossed his legs on the floor, closed his eyes for a long time, gently rubbed his pale and thin cheeks, opened the book with a smile and continued reading.

After a long time, the pale Ning Que stood up, walked to the table next to the west window, looked at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, thought for a long time before sitting down, picked up the ink stick with his fingers, and began to grind it in the clear water. .

Copying of books in the building is strictly prohibited. Even if you want to filter the magical characters in the cultivation books through your mind and turn them into ordinary handwriting and copy them on white paper, it is not feasible. However, you can make some notes. Although you cannot copy them, you cannot take away.

Ning Que held up his pen for a long time, but could not put it down on the paper because he had forgotten what he had seen in the thin book before and he didn't know what to write on the paper at this time.

"Perhaps the things I have been doing so hard are meaningless, right?"

Ning Que smiled slightly at himself, thinking about the hard work he had gone through these days, thinking about the pain every night, and thinking about Sangsang using hot towels to apply on his forehead every night. It is so difficult to enter the world of spiritual practice. No matter how hard you try, it seems that failure can only make failure seem more tragic.

There was a soft popping sound, and the ink-filled brush hovered in the air for too long. A drop of ink fell down and landed on the snow-white paper. The ink spread quickly along the fibers on the paper, blooming into a cloud of hair. The beauty of irregularity.

Ning Que looked down at the mass of ink marks, and suddenly his heart moved slightly. The deepest feeling of slight sourness was washed away, turning into absolute calm. At this moment, he understood everything.

Not every relationship has beautiful memories, not every fairy tale has a happy ending, and not all efforts will be rewarded. As long as he works hard, what he gets in the end is not something he can decide, so he enjoys it. This process is good.

"If you can't write down anything small or big when you put pen to paper, then you don't need to remember it. If you don't know what to write, you can call it a note. Then write something else, such as your mood, your own experience, or your feelings in the building. , the dusk here by the west window is like the afterglow of the moment when candles are cut..."

"Go up another floor, go up another floor. All the worries I had before are gone now. I am a young man collecting firewood by the Sobi Lake. Why should I insist on following what others say about the cold weather? It’s not autumn today."

Ning Que picked up the pen and wrote randomly on the paper. He didn't have any specific thoughts. He just wrote casually according to his thoughts at this moment. As the pen tip wrote clear and beautiful words on the paper, his chest and abdomen felt... The extremely boring mood seemed to be gradually erased by pens like ink and disappeared without a trace.

"I have been in the building for seventeen days, practicing hard every day, but I can't cultivate the words into my heart. I can only watch them slip away. I have been awake, and I have fallen into a dark and sweet dream for no reason, but they always Not here."

"If they are false on paper, why can I see them? If they are real, why can't I remember them? If they exist between reality and fiction, then the ink that writes them is real, Or is it a lie? Is the paper that carries them real, or is it a lie?"

Since he was just expressing his feelings casually, Ning Que suddenly didn't want to write any more at this point, so he stopped and put down his pen, quietly looked at the words on the paper, put the book back on the bookshelf, and turned to face Zhao Wu who was not far away. Hao bowed respectfully and walked downstairs.

After a long time, Zhao Wuhao put down the book in his hand, walked to the paper on the desk, looked at the beautiful hairpin in regular script, curled his lips slightly, and said with some annoyance.

"What a grown man writes in small regular script with hairpin flowers? You really deserve that you can't step into the door of spiritual practice!"

Having said that, Zhao Wuhao still picked up his pen and ink, and started writing like a dragon and a phoenix, breaking the rules of the academy and instructing Ning Que on how to practice.

"Rules don't matter, they're just stinky bullshit!"

The third dismissal bell rang, and the students left the library in twos and threes, or returned to Chang'an City, or went to the kitchen hall to grab the freshest corn cobs, or walked on the stone path next to the wetland to the old library.

Ning Que walked to the bookshelf and took out the thin booklet without looking at it. He was already familiar with the location of the book. As long as he walked upstairs, even if he blindfolded him , he was able to find it accurately, but it was a pity that he still didn't remember the content at all, which he should be familiar with.

Ning Que sighed softly in his heart. He opened the book "A Preliminary Exploration of the Qi Sea and Snow Mountains" and read it again. After an unknown period of time, he walked to the desk next to the west window again, wanting to write something casually. , express your feelings.

Suddenly, his brows frowned slightly, and his eyes stopped on the paper he wrote on last time.

"No need to understand, no need to think, just read the words themselves."

Ning Que understood the meaning of this sentence instantly. Could this be the original intention of the Talisman Master who copied the books in the academy? Then what I need to do is to look at these words without thinking about the meaning of these words.

Ning Que looked at the thin book on his lap and thought silently for a long time. These days, he had exhausted a lot of energy and kept reading the books in the building. He was very clear about the impact those words had on his spiritual world. Comparing the two , he increasingly felt that this way of reading books was worth trying.

You just see a word that you know well by heart, but you don't think about it, and you pretend not to know the meaning of the word. It's not even a pretense, but it makes you really forget the meaning of the word, no matter from what angle. Look, these are extremely difficult things.

"You have to forget all the words you know. How can you do this?"

At this time, Zhao Wuhao walked past Ning Que, pretending to glance at the paper, looking at the beautiful hairpin in small regular script, he seemed extremely angry, and scolded Ning Que.

"There is no progress at all. A grown man can write in small regular script with hairpin flowers. It really embarrasses my gentleman's face!"

Ning Que turned back to look at Zhao Wuhao, his mind consuming a lot of energy was stabbed, making him react slowly and speak a beat slower than usual.

"Student has met sir!"

"Hmph, let's go back to writing a hundred large characters, and just practice the most basic Yong character. Give it to me before tomorrow. If you can't finish it, don't take my class again!"

After that, Zhao Wuhao waved his hand and left the second floor angrily, disappearing from Ning Que's eyes.

Ning Que didn't react for a while. He rubbed his head and sat on the floor to regain his energy. After a long time, he felt a little more comfortable. His head started turning again and he said something strange.

"Mr. Zhao, why did you leave the old library so early today? Didn't you always stay there until the sun goes down?"

"Is it possible that you are angry at my small regular script with hairpin flowers? The big characters of Bai Zhang Yong are really cruel. I am afraid I will have to stay up late tonight!"

Ning Que smiled bitterly and stood up. He was punished by Zhao Wuhao. It took a long time to write a hundred large characters. This was the only way to end today.

Suddenly, Ning Que stopped, turned around suddenly, and suddenly realized, looking straight at the writing on the paper, and murmured to himself.

"No, you forget the word! The Eight Methods of Everlasting Words!"

For anyone who has received ordinary calligraphy training, the character Yong is always the most familiar character. The eight strokes of Yongzi just have the eight methods of regular script, which are the so-called point as side, horizontal as strangle, vertical as crossbow, hook as leap, lift as strategy, skimming as plundering, short skidding as pecking, and pinching as tying. This is the famous The Eight Methods of Yongzi.

Ning Que's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. If the word "Yong" is taken apart, repeated and reassembled, it can basically form any word in the world. So if I use the eight methods of "Yong" to break down the characters and then look at them again, what if I can recognize all the characters as "Yong"?

Ning Que knew that this was not a very efficient method, or even a smart method, just a stupid method, but he didn't need a smart method.

At this time, Ning Que could not suppress his inner desire and impulse. After taking a deep breath, he opened the first page of "A Preliminary Exploration of Qi Sea and Snow Mountain" without hesitation.

"Heaven and earth breathe, it's for breathing!"

Ning Que stared at the word "天" at the front of the first sentence in the book. To be more precise, he did not see the whole word in his eyes, only the first stroke of the word "天", a flat horizontal line at the end. It was as if a sharp knife cut through the dark spiritual world, and with a hiss, a weak white light seeped out from the tiny gap.

Then, a second line of thick ink appeared in Ning Que's eyes, followed by a long and indifferent stroke, and finally a pinch. The full and complete word Tian on the page of the book appeared in his eyes and in his mind one after another in this deconstructed way, but it could never form a complete meaning.

There is clearly a word in the eye, but you are only allowed to see the strokes, and you are not allowed to combine them in your mind. It sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to do this. It is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Fortunately, Ning Que had been practicing calligraphy for nearly twenty years, and word splitting had already become a kind of instinct. The calligrapher requires each stroke to be written first, and then the frame is reorganized.

Now, Ning Que had forcibly cut off the part of the reorganized framework in his mind. Whenever his spiritual instinct was to combine those strokes, the word "Yong" deep in his mind began to play an important role and was understood by itself as A certain part of the word Yong. Rather than a certain part of Tianzi!

It was very difficult for Ning Que to do this kind of thing. At this time, he had concentrated all his energy. The hands holding the book were shaking slightly, his back was wet with sweat, and his eyelashes were blinking in pain. , lips pursed extremely tightly.

This time, after the ink words on the book entered Ning Que's eyes, they did not turn into smudges of ink like before and then float off the page to shock his mind. Instead, they appeared extremely clear and slowly in his field of vision. , quiet and tame.

At this time, Ning Que had completely forgotten everything. He just looked at the strokes quietly and watched the strokes moving forward. His eyes were slightly lowered, and he sat cross-legged on the floor shrouded in the warm afternoon sun, without feeling dizzy. Fainting, only incomparable peace.

A new world appeared before Ning Que's eyes. It was so wonderful. The gentle spring breeze gently blew his clothes, and the front of his shirt trembled slightly, as if some invisible power was slowly flowing inside.

The traces on the front are not coherent and smooth. Every time it reaches a certain point between the chest and abdomen, it will quietly turn back, just like the spring breeze raising the water waves on the lake, pushing the leaves on the water to scatter around, and finally touching the stone wall by the lake. So we turned back silently, but in the end we were unable to land or break the shore.

I don't know how long it took, but Ning Que smiled, stood up, and murmured extremely sincerely.

"Student, thank you sir for your advice!"

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