I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2669: Changing one’s fate against the will of heaven, even before seeing it

Zhao Wuhao didn't even raise his head, still focusing on reading the book, muttering disdainfully.


Ning Que suddenly understood and knew that the other party did not want to be exposed, so he turned and walked towards the stairs. Just as he was about to go downstairs, he heard an impatient voice coming from behind him.

"The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest grain of wood; the nine-story platform begins from tired soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

"Walking fast does not mean walking far. Walking steadily is the way to go. I hope you will take care of yourself in the future!"

Ning Que paused, did not look back, and replied with great gratitude.

"Students should remember the teachings and never dare or forget!"

After saying that, Ning Que stepped forward and walked downstairs, towards the new world. He knew that from today on, he became different. He had truly pushed away the obstacles on the road of cultivation and became a new person. The name of the practitioner.

Ning Que got the Supreme Sensation Chapter at Kaiping Market many years ago. From then on, he meditated all the time. He meditated before going to bed. After getting up, he looked at the rising sun and meditated in a daze. He was very happy after winning three bowls of rice wine in a bet. Forgetting to meditate, I jumped into Subi Lake covered in blood and meditated. Although I sadly found that I had never sensed the vitality flowing between heaven and earth, my proficiency in entering the meditative state was definitely the best in the world.

All thoughts are empty, stick to your original intention and act according to your will.

Ning Que has been in this world for sixteen long years, and the Qi Sea and Snow Mountains in his body are blocked, and his hope has been destroyed countless times. Today, he finally heard, or felt for the first time, the long and calm breathing, which is the breath of heaven and earth. .

Although this long and calm breathing was slight, it was definitely the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. It was more beautiful than the sound of the horse thief in Subi Lake falling off his mount, more beautiful than the sound of Zhang Yiqi struggling to bounce with his eyes wide open, and even better than the sound of a money bag. The sound of the silver splits hitting inside is even more beautiful.

During the long and calm breath, there are green leaves stretching, flowers blooming, hundreds of birds chirping, towering mountains, oceans of flowing water, oranges falling at the top of the state, hundreds of companies competing to cross the river, and the vastness of the land. There is stillness in the sky.

Ning Que didn't know what words to use to describe the beauty of the breathing of heaven and earth. After thinking about it, he could only compare it with the weak breathing he heard that year when he picked up a cold and bruised body among the dead bodies by the roadside. Little Sangsang, he took off his clothes and held the little baby girl in his arms for a whole day and night, and finally heard the faint breath.

At this moment, he finally vaguely understood the meaning of those sounds, those gasps coming from the stone pillars on the street and the guise of the wine shop. Those breaths coming from the ancient locust trees in the deep courtyard, the green leaves under the seats, those breaths coming from the stone lions and wooden buildings, the streets, the palace walls, are all the breath given to them by heaven and earth.

What I hear in my ears is a calm and long breath that comes from ancient times and will surely go to the future. What I touch with my fingers is not a physical object, but it can confirm its real existence. The doors and windows of the room are closed, but there are gentle and gentle fluctuations like the wind. Slowly lingering around his body, no, this kind of fluctuation is more serious than the wind, more like the gentleness of the clear water of a quiet pool, but lighter than the water.

Ning Que was finally sure that he had sensed something. He could no longer suppress the emotions welling up from deep inside his heart. He woke up and looked at the scroll he had written on the wall of the room and the simple pattern of beams and columns, his eyes filled with excitement. , and another extremely complicated emotion. He felt that although the doors and windows in front of him were closed, he seemed to be able to see the gray wall and the row of green trees behind the doors and windows. He knew that the world in front of him seemed different from the previous world. There is no difference, but the world will definitely be different for him after today.

Ning Que stretched out his still slightly trembling fingers and pointed them at the bean-like candlelight on the table. He inhaled slowly, urging his mind to enter the sea of ​​​​qi and snowy mountains. After a long, long time, he finally calmed down. Release slowly. The candlelight on the table was shaking uneasily. I don't know if it was the wind, his fingers, or his mind.

"Is this the vitality of heaven and earth?"

Ning Que looked at his fingertips and didn't see anything, but he could feel that there was a very thin layer of existence there. He murmured to himself, and then he added in a deep voice.

"This is the vitality of heaven and earth!"

Ning Que's young and immature face was full of determination and determination, without any wavering or self-doubt.

In the spring of the fourteenth year of the Apocalypse, the whole city of Chang'an, and even the whole world, was alarmed, because the academy was going to open a second floor here. The mountain behind the academy, the second floor, was the most unknowable place in the world. Countless people were thinking about it. It’s a place I long for, and I want to find out.

The spring sun has not yet risen, Chang'an City is still dark, and the morning breeze is still cool. The area around the academy meadow, which should be quiet, is already extremely lively.

The Yulin Army cavalry wearing full armor patrolled around vigilantly. Under the temporary awning, officials from the Ministry of Rites were nervously arranging seats. Under the green trees in the distance, there were some men wearing official uniforms of the Tang Dynasty. He stood expressionless, not knowing which department these people belonged to, and they naturally exuded a dangerous smell.

Looking at the lively but solemn scenes around me, it reminds me of the college's admission examination. Today's security alert level is not much different from that of the day of the admission examination.

The opening of the second floor is a big event for the entire Chang'an City, because this year Prince Longqing from the Temple Adjudication Department will enter the second floor of the academy, which involves the complex relationship between the Tang Empire, the Xiling Temple and the Yan Kingdom , and it became a major event that attracted worldwide attention.

Many people think that Prince Longqing is an unparalleled genius. Although he is the prince of the Yan Kingdom, after his brother was sent to Chang'an City as a hostage, he was sent by the Yan Kingdom royal family to travel and study in various countries in the world. He lived in the country and the Southern Jin Dynasty for several months, and then entered the Xiling Divine Kingdom Haotian Dao Sect Tianyu Academy to study, and became the number one in the first year of admission. "

If we talk about the oldest, most prestigious, highest-status and most respected academy in the world, it is undoubtedly the academy in the south of Chang'an City. However, in addition, each country also has its own well-known academies. The Tianyu Academy of Xiling Divine Kingdom is taught by the priests of the temple. It is the most prestigious. It is naturally extraordinary to be the first in such a place. However, this alone does not explain too much. question.

In the third year after Prince Longqing entered Tianyu Academy, he followed his classmates and teachers to preach in various places. In the fall of that year at Lanke Temple in Washan, the teachers of Tianyu Academy argued with the great Buddhist masters and retreated. Prince Longqing stood up and walked forward with a smile. Debating with the seven disciples of the Buddha for three days and three nights, he won seven games in a row, even causing the chief disciple of Lanke Temple to vomit blood and fall to the ground. Finally, he provoked the reclusive elder of Lanke Temple to ring the bell, and then he smiled, shut up, picked up flowers and returned to the table. .

The elder of Lanke Temple praised him for his profound knowledge and unparalleled eloquence. If he could enter Buddhism, he would be able to understand the wonderful meanings in just ten years and be led to unstoppable places.

In the fourth year after Prince Longqing entered Tianyu Academy, Head Master Haotian condescended to accept him as his direct disciple, and even asked him to start learning how to deal with the affairs of the Judgment Department of the temple. Now I heard that Prince Longqing was only one step away from entering the realm of knowing his destiny. , highly regarded by the Haotian Taoist Sect, is already the second-ranking figure in the Judgment Department, responsible for guarding the evil spirits of the heretics, and has great authority.

Prince Longqing came to Chang'an City this time. In addition to entering the second floor to continue his studies, there was another important reason, that is, to replace his elder brother, Prince Yan, as a hostage.

Emperor Yan is getting old and his health is declining, and no one knows when he will pass away. His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty attaches great importance to filial piety and agrees with Prince Yan to return to the country to serve his relatives, but requires that the Yan State must be replaced by a royal family of sufficient weight. After much deliberation, besides Prince Longqing, who else is qualified? "

The Xiling Temple has trained Prince Longqing for many years, and his talents are indeed extremely outstanding. The people of the Yan State value his talents, and their close relationship with the Xiling Temple, and regard him as the hope for the revival of the Yan State. In their eyes, this man Prince Longqing is probably much more important than the prince who has been a hostage in Chang'an City for many years. So many people don't understand why the Yan people actually agreed to Datang's request this time.

The opening of the second floor of the academy to rival Ning Que is also an extremely important matter. It is an extremely important matter for many students in the academy. No one wants to step onto the second floor of the academy and become a student of the Master. That represents unlimited Bright future.

There was still half a day before the opening of the second floor. Ning Que deliberately came here in advance. He did not sit on the lawn of the academy to bask in the sun like the others. He walked into the familiar academy and walked along the slope at the back. He walked through the bamboo forest and walked around the wetland twice. Then he walked to the old library and said hello to the teacher who had just woken up. He lifted up his shirt and walked upstairs.

I don't know whether it was because it was still early or for some other reason, but there was no sign of Zhao Wuhao on the second floor. Ning Que was startled for a moment, walked to the desk by the west window, poured water into the ink, and after taking a few deep breaths, he casually wrote a word. After confirming that his mood had calmed down, he put down his pen and left.

Walking through the large dense forest behind the wetland, the eyes suddenly open up. The green meadow is as smooth as felt under the first morning light. Those who see it want to take off their clothes immediately and roll on it for a dozen times.

This is a very remote part of the academy, very quiet and cold, and few students come here.

Ning Que walked into the lush forest, caressing the rough and gray tree trunks with his palms, looking up at the sparse branches at the top of the treetops, frowning slightly, silent.

"What did you do today."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the forest, with a hint of disgust in his tone, as if he was blaming Ning Que's arrival for disturbing the peace of the owner of the voice.

"The student has met sir."

Ning Que looked at the figure approaching in the forest, gave a very respectful salute, straightened up, thought carefully for a moment, and then answered.

"Today I had a bowl of chicken noodle soup with shredded pickled radish. I took a carriage to the academy and stood outside the stone gate for a while. Then I went to Bingshe to put down my things. I walked around the lake for two and a half times and met at the old library. I asked Mr. Xi, and then I wanted to go upstairs to ask you for advice. Since you were not here, I wrote a word and came here."

Zhao Wuhao walked up to Ning Que. His handsome and heroic face was filled with tranquility. This was the most handsome face Ning Que had ever seen, as if it had been carefully carved by Haotian. It was unparalleled in the world, which made him slightly absent-minded.

Zhao Wuhao did not ask Ning Que what question he wanted to ask him. He glanced at him and said calmly.

"It's a pity that you have done so many things today and still can't calm down your heart!"

Ning Que was silent, lowered his head and said nothing, just staring blankly at his toes and the soil under his feet, as if there was endless attraction there.

"Do you want to enter the second floor of the academy?"

Zhao Wuhao's voice sounded in Ning Que's ears again. The young gentleman was still sharp-eyed as always, and he could see his inner thoughts at a glance. There was no secret that could be hidden in front of him.

"I know I don't have much chance, but it's always a bit of a fluke. Once I have an idea, it's hard to calm down. I wonder if there is anything you can teach me, sir?"

Ning Cao nodded and admitted very honestly that he went to the old library today because he wanted to ask Zhao Wuhao about the second floor of the academy.

"The second floor of the academy is not as mysterious as imagined. It is the most unknowable place in the world. The unknown is the Master, not the back of the academy!"

Zhao Wuhao expressed a point of view that Ning Que had never thought about, but Ning Que felt it was very reasonable and had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Ning Que lowered his head and thought for a moment. Suddenly, his whole body shook slightly. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhao Wuhao. Unable to conceal the shock in his heart, he asked tentatively.

"Sir, have you ever entered the second floor of the academy?"

"Why do you ask?"

Zhao Wuhao neither denied nor admitted. He did not answer Ning Que's question directly, but asked a rhetorical question.

"Only those who have entered the second floor of the academy know what the back mountain of the academy is like, and will feel that it is not mysterious at all!"

Ning Que had a quick mind and amazing observation skills. He guessed the truth of the matter just from Zhao Wuhao's few words and facial expressions, so he asked this question.

"I did enter the back hill of the academy, which is the so-called second floor, but I only went there a few times. After Master came back from his travels, I never went there again!"

"My master was not there when I went there. It can also be said that what I went to was not really the second floor of the academy!"

There was something strange on Zhao Wuhao's face. Although he had stayed in the academy for six years, he had never seen his wife. At first, the master did not want to see him, and later he avoided seeing her, but the two of them But he is very aware of the other person's existence, and can clearly perceive the subtle changes in the other person's breath, which is deeper than understanding him in person.

"Have you met your wife, sir?"

Ning Que understood what Zhao Wuhao meant. The back of the academy without the Master was not really a two-story building.

"No, never seen it before!"

"It's not right to say that. We have never met on a secular level, but we have met each other. We are very familiar with each other."

Zhao Wuhao's words were so cloudy that Ning Que was confused. A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. If you have seen it, you have seen it. If you have not seen it, you have not seen it. What does it mean that you have seen it and haven't seen it yet?

"Your level is still too low to understand, and there are some things that cannot be explained clearly in words!"

Zhao Wuhao did not explain to Ning Que in detail, but just said this lightly, so Ning Que could only temporarily suppress his curiosity and ask instead.

"Sir, are you a great practitioner who has entered the realm of knowing fate?!"

Ning Que has come into contact with tens of thousands of people since he was a child, but none of them is a great practitioner in the realm of knowing fate.

Zhao Wuhao shook his head slightly. This reaction surprised Ning Que. He originally thought that Zhao Wuhao had broken through to the top level of Dongxuan and became a great practitioner in the realm of knowing fate. Unexpectedly, he got a negative answer.

"You don't need to know my realm and strength."

"Do you have the confidence to enter the back mountain of the academy and become the Master's disciple?"

Zhao Wuhao didn't want to talk about his own realm with Ning Que. These things were too profound for Ning Que. He knew too much and was harmful to him, so he changed the topic.

"I don't know if I can enter the back hill of the academy, but I want to enter the second floor of the academy. There are reasons why I have to enter the second floor. I just want to go all out and leave no regrets!"

The bright sunlight cast through the gaps in the forest, and mottled light and shadow fell on Ning Que's body. His immature face was full of perseverance, and one could easily feel his determination.

"Thinking is the key. As long as people want to do something, they can often do it. People's ideas are the most wonderful things in the world."

Zhao Wuhao turned around and walked back, leaving only these words.

It's getting late, and it's almost time to open the second floor. Ning Que gently clenched his fists and walked through the wetlands and quiet alleys to the front yard of the academy, which was already bustling with people.

After a conversation with Zhao Wuhao, Ning Que became clearer about his thoughts and strengthened his beliefs.

It was almost noon, accompanied by melodious ritual music, His Royal Highness Prince Li Peiyan of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Li Yu, and several officials from the imperial court came from below the meadow, followed closely by envoys from various countries and dozens of people from the Xiling Temple. Priests and Taoists.

Some of the green trees along the road in the middle of the meadow have already bloomed, and they are pink and fresh and lovely. Especially the peach tree near the main entrance of the academy, which is in full bloom for some reason, delicately fluttering in the spring breeze.

A young man wearing dark-colored clothes came from the road. The blooming peach blossoms were set off by his perfect cheeks, and all the color suddenly disappeared. This man was none other than Prince Longqing of the Yan Kingdom.

All the priests below Mo Li, the vice-president of Xiling Yutian Academy, stood up together with the envoys from various countries, and the students in the academy who were talking about it became silent. Even the professors and doctors of the academy who were used to seeing the opening ceremony of the second floor, Looking at the young prince walking among the flowers and shadows in the sunshine, he couldn't help but clasp his hands in admiration.

Ning Que stood in the corner outside the crowd, watching the action in the field. No one noticed him, and no one would really regard an ordinary academy student like him as the opponent of Prince Long Qing.

A professor from the academy came out. As the professor appeared, everyone, including princes and princesses, as well as important figures in the Xiling Temple, stood up and bowed slightly in greeting, because this professor was a talisman master who lived in seclusion in the academy. His status is extremely noble, and no one would put on airs in front of such a person, not to mention that this professor is presiding over the opening ceremony of the second floor of the academy today.

"The second floor of the academy is open today, and only one person is available."

The professor looked at the hundreds of people in the room with an expressionless face. He didn't know what kind of magic was used. The old voice clearly reached everyone's ears. The voice was not noisy and seemed very gentle and gentle.

"The test method is very simple. The stone path goes around the mountain. If you want to enter the second floor of the academy, please feel free to climb up. Whoever can reach the top of the mountain can enter the second floor. If you can't reach it, then whoever climbed it will be used as the standard. , to determine the outcome.”

The professor pointed at the mountain behind the academy that was obscured by clouds and mist. The blazing sunlight failed to dispel the mist on the mountainside. People could not see clearly the appearance of the mountain in the clouds and mist, and could only see the sloping mountain road under the clouds.

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