I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2499 Chen Guoce's response to

The lectures of Meng Qi and others still attracted the summons of King Chen, who asked for advice on how to govern the country and found a way to solve Chen's dilemma.

Inside the palace of Chen State. Meng Qi and others had just paid a visit to King Chen, and after they were seated at the table, they heard what King Chen said.

"You are all great talents, I have heard something. However, the country of Chen is peaceful and happy, and the nobles and common people are in harmony. I am afraid that your knowledge will be of no use."

King Chen has the iconic five-coloured long beard and is full of energy. He is a master of outdoor scenes. He is more powerful than the domestic nobles. He is a country carefully selected by Meng Qi and others, which is more conducive to making Mohist theory become what it is. The country shows its learning and completes the task.

Meng Qi is an eloquent person. After this period of lectures, he has become even more agile in thinking and good at debating. He smiled slightly and said.

"The state of Chen is in dire straits. Disaster is just around the corner. How can there be peace and happiness?"

"I have often heard that lobbyists love to bluff people with their big words. Could it be that Mr. Su wants to imitate them?"

King Chen is mocking Meng Qi for being alarmist, using lobbyist techniques, and working with lobbyists, which makes people look down upon him for nothing.

For this meeting, their team had rehearsed and deliberated many times. Everyone looked serious and did not show any smile. The hall was silent and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

"Although the Chu and Tang Dynasties are like tigers and wolves, our country has become dependent on Chu. Since we no longer have any worries about our future, we can also compete with the help of the powerful Tang Dynasty. Why should we be in danger?"

King Chen bent his figure slightly, took a breath, and could no longer hold his breath. He knew the difficulties faced by Chen Guo very well, and naturally he did not want to waste time and miss the opportunity to ask for advice.

"If the Chu and Tang Dynasties had restrained themselves and used less swords and weapons, this situation would have lasted for a long time. However, nowadays the two countries are often in conflict, and the lives on the border are in ruins. Each is suffering, and there is no benefit. Things that are not beneficial to both sides will change over time. Tang Ruo If you abandon Chu and attack Chen, how will your Majesty handle yourself?"

"Secure the city and defend yourself, waiting for Chu's reinforcements. Both sides are allies, and Chu will not sit idly by."

If Chu abandoned its allies, other small countries would probably turn to Tang, and Chu's situation would become increasingly difficult. Therefore, King Chen did not doubt the possibility of Chu sending strong men to rescue him, so he was not afraid of this happening.

"If the Chu and Tang Dynasties fought in the Chen region, the devastated creatures would not be their own, but they would also be able to plunder fertile mines, fertile land, natural materials, treasures, and talented people. Wouldn't it be more advantageous than in the past?"

"In the opinion of the king, should I give up what is beneficial and lose it, or should I pursue the advantage and chase it away?"

"If we do it again and again, how many times can we defend it with the help of Chen Guo?"

"Destruction is only a matter of seconds, and your Majesty still turns a blind eye?"

Meng Qi smiled slightly, calmly and unhurriedly, and explained Chen Guo's situation one by one. His voice was sonorous, powerful, shocking, and extremely convincing.

King Chen's face seemed to remain unchanged and unmoved, but his pupils were tightened and he was worried. This was exactly what he was worried about, so he summoned the now famous Meng Qi and others, hoping to get good advice on governing the country from them and change Chen Chen's situation. The current decline of the country.

"There were more than a dozen small countries between the Chu and Tang Dynasties, most of which were weaker than ours. With the wisdom of the Tang Dynasty, how could it be possible to sacrifice the easy for the difficult?"

King Chen felt guilty, but his words were very tough, hiding his true thoughts, and still argued.

"Such a small country can be destroyed overnight. Will your Majesty be lucky this time next year?"

Meng Qi sat upright, with his hands on his knees, and his words also became fierce! King Chen glared angrily and pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword. But after a long time, he sighed, stood up and cupped his hands, asking for advice.

"Sir, you really understand the power of the world like a fire. A big country is like a huge stone. I have never heard that two rocks often collide and the egg in the center can survive. Can you teach me, sir?"

Meng Qi and others were not surprised by this. Since King Chen summoned them, he must be well aware of Chen Guo's situation. It was just a test of Meng Qi and others' grasp of the situation.

"Affiliating the whole country to the Chu and Tang Dynasties is a strategy to avoid future troubles. However, the nobles of the Chen State can do it but the king cannot. If the nobles join the Chu and Tang Dynasties, they can still keep their fiefs and fiefs. Can the king keep the Chen State?"

King Chen looked slightly shocked. He knew this very well, so he was worried and wanted to find a solution and asked Meng Qi and others.

"There are three sources of Chen's country's danger. One is its own weakness. In this age of tigers and wolves, where there is no sense of justice, weakness is a sin. The other is that one does not know one's own strength and often launches senseless wars, attacking small countries attached to the Tang Dynasty and making the Tang Dynasty jealous. The three are not beneficial to each other, and it only benefits Chu State, not Tang Dynasty."

Meng Qi and the others talked for a long time, and what they said was the result of everyone's hard work and wisdom.

"It's beneficial to Tang. Could it be that he wants to be the grass on the wall and waver?!"

King Chen was able to achieve the status of a grandmaster, so he was certainly not an unintelligent person. He knew that sitting on the fence was never a good idea. He looked at Meng Qi with a somewhat skeptical look, wondering what he meant?

"No! It is beneficial to Tang, but it is useful to Tang!"

"What's the meaning of this statement?"

King Chen was confused and couldn't figure out how to be useful to Tang without being a mere wallflower.

"The Chu and Tang Dynasties have been at war for a long time, the hatred has deepened, and the commercial exchanges have been cut off!"

"Although the Chu and Tang Dynasties were able to trade with other countries, some of the heavenly materials, earthly treasures, elixirs and exotic flowers were only produced in the other country, such as the Yunze medicines of Chu and the secret treasures of Guanshan in Tang. These were indispensable items for them. Even if it is possible to travel through other countries or conduct private transactions, the quantity will ultimately be insufficient to satisfy cultivation."

Meng Qi is full of self-confidence, has extraordinary bearing, and is able to guide the country with ease and look like a wise man.

"Could it be that you want to help the Tang State purchase Yunze's medicines? But if you are discovered, the Chu State will definitely send troops to attack!"

King Chen thought for a while, shook his head, thought that this was not feasible, and quickly refuted.

"Why do you need to bear this infamy?!"

Meng Qi shook his head slightly, denied King Chen's guess, and continued.

"The king only needs to abolish the Sekitsu tax!"

Countries have permanent checkpoints at their borders and within their own countries, one for inspection and the other for tax collection.

King Chen was shocked. If there was no customs tax, how could we feed the country, rectify the armament, and train scholar-bureaucrats? Wouldn't this be digging our own graves?

"How does this work?"

Meng Qi's back is straight, as tall as an ancient pine, firm and confident, and full of celebrity style.

"Most of the taxes on Guanjin are privately set up by fiefdoms and fall into the hands of nobles. They have nothing to do with the king. If all taxes on Guanjin can be abolished, will the merchants of Chu and Tang come here to make profits?"

"At that time, Chen Guo will become a place where merchants gather, and the city tax will more than double? And the merchants need food, clothing, housing, transportation, singing, dancing and fun, so why worry about the lack of business in the inns and restaurants? They only worry about not having enough guest rooms and need to build more! They only worry about food and wine It’s not enough, we need to make more preparations!”

"Then what the people earn is not cheap, what the shops earn is generous, and all kinds of treasures are available in the upper camp. Why does the king worry about insufficient national taxes, insufficient national treasury, and no money to support scholars?"

The excitement could be faintly seen in King Chen's expression. He stood up suddenly, his hands trembling a little, as if a new door had been opened. He could still do this. It was a good idea that he had never thought of!

"In such a place where merchants gather, there will be no Yunze medicine and Guanshan treasure sent by caring people in Chu and Tang Dynasties? This is what they did in private, what does it have to do with the king? At most, it is a fault of lax interrogation!"

"With this in mind, the king is beneficial to both the Chu and Tang Dynasties. It is a mutual benefit!"

"So, the Chen State is not weak. If you want to take it by force, you will lose yourself!"

"So, if Chen Guo abides by his righteousness and does not attack other countries, it will do no harm to himself!"

"So, Chen Guo is useful, it is beneficial to himself, and it is convenient to have more!"

"Why should we destroy this country that is beneficial, righteous and not weak?"

"Therefore, if the outcome of the Chu and Tang dynasties is not clear, then the state of Chen has no worries. But when the outcome of the Chu and Tang Dynasties is clear, doesn't your Majesty still not know what to do?"

Meng Qi's expression was solemn, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and with every word he spoke, King Chen's body was shaken, and he became more and more excited and joyful. He walked up to Meng Qi, held Meng Qi's hands tightly, and prayed.

"Sir is truly a great talent that has never been seen in the world. Chen Guo is lucky enough to receive his teachings. I wonder if you would like to be the chief disciple of Chen Guo?"

Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and the others looked at each other, a bit happy, the fish had finally taken the bait, and the mission was expected to be completed.

"It's my wish, but I dare not invite you!"


A bronze wine cup was smashed to the ground, creating a deep hole and making a sound of gold and iron. Siko Tian Heng's face was ashen, he looked at his eldest son Tian Guang in front of him and said heartbrokenly.

"Absurd! Ridiculous! The king actually appointed Su Mo of the Mohist family as the chief disciple to carry out a reform move!"

"Abolition of customs and taxation, and promotion of talents and talents will destroy our foundation!"

Tian Guang looked solemn, nodded slightly, and agreed with resentment in his eyes.

"Children also feel heavy."

"I heard that Wu Hao, an idler from the mountains, was newly appointed by the state of Wu in the southeast. He said that he wanted to abolish the fiefdoms, use towns for food, and build counties and counties. Because of this, the state of Wu fell into civil war. I am afraid that Su Mo will eventually follow his example!"

"Abolish fiefdoms, use food towns, and build counties into counties?"

Tian Heng's eyes darkened, and he felt that he no longer knew the world. Was the sky of the nobles about to fall?

Tian Guang's expression was indifferent and absolute, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"The child thought that the trouble must be eliminated as soon as possible."

"With the king's support, I'm afraid it won't be easy to succeed!"

Tian Heng frowned, the king is a grandmaster and the strongest person in the Chen Kingdom. Who can get rid of troubles under his eyes? Could it be possible to contact the nobles of Chu State?

"If you give up your life, there should be a chance to strike!"

"Guang'er you?"

Tian Heng looked at his son who looked enlightened and showed a surprised expression.

Tian Guang gritted his teeth, his expression still determined, and he said firmly.

"In today's world, either you die or I die. As long as this trend can be killed, the world will be stable, and we will be safe."

"Su Mo himself said that where righteousness lies, even if there are thousands of people, I will go there!"

If you cannot abolish the customs tax, you will not be able to attract merchants. If you cannot attract merchants, it will be difficult to see the benefits. Unprofitable things will rarely be accomplished!

Meng Qi and others convinced King Chen that this was the beginning, but the real difficulty was yet to come!

Jiang Zhiwei and others stayed in the Chen Kingdom's court, waiting patiently for Meng Qi to be conferred the title of Grand Situ and preside over the changes in the Chen Kingdom.

Jiang Zhiwei had nothing to do and wanted to know more about the culture and history of this world. She obtained the permission of King Chen to read the Chen Guo collection in the collection room. This is a very rare gift. In this era of undeveloped people's wisdom, knowledge is even more precious. , it is not easily disseminated to the outside world, so Meng Qi and others' lectures caused a sensation. This is an unprecedented feat.

The location of the Tibetan Room is somewhat remote in the palace. The surrounding vegetation is messy and dark and quiet. There are only two people in the entire Tibetan Room. Apart from Cang, who is the history of the Tibetan Room, there is only one young official who is responsible for taking care of Cang's daily life. Duoyou was lazy and disappeared at this time. I don’t know where he went.

Cang, who has white hair and beard, and a stooped body, is sitting in the Tibetan room, holding a cane in his hand, with a peaceful face and cloudy eyes. He looks at the young woman in front of him and chuckles, revealing a mouth of incomplete teeth, which are extremely withered and yellow. The sound is vicissitudes of life.

"Young lady is a sage of the Mo family. I wonder why you came to this storage room?"

Meng Qi was hailed as the leader of the Mohist family, and several others also took turns giving lectures, so he was hailed as a sage of the Mohist family. His reputation was not small. Even Cang, who lived in the Tibetan room, had heard about it, so he called Jiang Zhiwei that way.

Jiang Zhiwei smiled warmly and was approachable. She bowed and said to the old-looking Cangshi Shi.

"I don't dare to be called a sage. I have the favor of King Chen and can read the books in the Chen Kingdom. I have to trouble the elders!"

Cang secretly smiled in his heart, as his little nephew knew how to be polite and was not arrogant.

The room was a little dark, and his turbid eyes narrowed, as if he wanted to see Jiang Zhiwei's face clearly. He stood up with difficulty, leaned on his cane, and staggered towards the storage room. His figure staggered, which made people worry about him. He will fall down in the next second.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhiwei hurriedly took two steps forward, stretched out her hand to support Cang, and walked side by side.

"Although the territory of Chen State is small, it has a long history. The ancestors are also gods. There are 30,000 volumes of books in the library, which cover everything. They should not be underestimated. I think the cultivation of the sages has reached the outside world, and there is only one step left. After passing the first ladder, if you want to listen to what I have to say, you can choose a volume of "The Jade Scripture of the Interior of the Yellow Courtyard" in the collection room. Although it is not a great thing, it should be of some benefit to you!"

Jiang Zhiwei paused. This old man actually saw through her cultivation strength at a glance. How is this possible?

Jiang Zhiwei's expression became a little more solemn, her mind relaxed, and she felt Cang's aura carefully. There was no trace of cultivation. She was about to die, her skin and flesh were loose, and she couldn't see anything strange at all.

Cang seemed to sense Jiang Zhiwei's doubts, and grinned, her teeth were withered, and she smiled extremely kindly.

"I've been working hard for decades, and my eyesight is pretty good. It's reasonable to be able to see some things!"

Jiang Zhiwei's expression changed. Not only did this old man have astonishing knowledge, but he also had a deep understanding of people's hearts. He saw his doubts, thought about it in his heart, showed a bright smile, nodded and said.

"Thank you for your advice, elder. I will read this volume of "The Jade Scripture of the Inner Scenery of the Yellow Courtyard"!"

"Children can be taught!"

Cang stopped and pulled out a simple and yellowed volume from the bookshelf that smelled of time, and handed it to Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhiwei took it with both hands, bowed slightly, and showed some respect to the old man. She knew in her heart that she might have met an expert hermit, and this volume of "The Jade Scripture of the Interior of the Huangting" must have mysteries.

"I'm old. If you exercise a little, you won't have enough strength. I'll rest first!"

After that, Cang walked toward the back of the storage room with his cane, his steps were heavy and wobbly, and he looked extremely weak, making people suspect that the old man would fall down in the next second.

Jiang Zhiwei watched the old man disappear, then slowly straightened up his back, with some thoughts on his face, tightly holding the book in his hand, turned around and left the dim palace.

In a side hall, everyone was there. Jiang Zhiwei walked in with a solemn look. Everyone was slightly stunned and asked.

"Didn't you go to the library to read the classics? Why did you come back so soon?"

Jiang Zhi took a slight breath, sat next to everyone, put the "Jade Scripture of the Interior of the Yellow Courtyard" in her hand on the desk, glanced at the confused faces of everyone, and said softly.

"I met an expert hermit in the Tibetan room today, and this is the book he pointed me to!"

Meng Qi's expression changed, and he quickly looked at the classics on the desk. There were six simple seal characters on the cover, with vigorous handwriting and a mysterious atmosphere.

"The Jade Scripture of the Yellow Courtyard!"

Meng Qi had a look of surprise on his face. Huang Ting Jing is a Taoist classic and has not been circulated in the main world. I don't expect it to be seen in this world. Could it be that Jiang Zhiwei met a Taoist master.

"Do you know this sutra?!"

Jiang Zhiwei and others looked at Meng Qi. The young monk always knew some strange secrets. He might have heard of this scripture somewhere.

"The "Huangting Sutra" has three volumes, namely "The Jade Sutra of the Inner Scenery of the Huangting", "The Jade Sutra of the Outer Scenery of the Huangting", and "The Jade Sutra of the Middle Scenery of the Huangting". The inner part refers to the heart; the scenery refers to the image. The external image is the sun and the moon. The image of stars and clouds; the inner image is the image of flesh, blood, muscles, bones, and internal organs. The mind resides in the body and observes the image of one body, so it is called the inner scene."

"The Nei Jing Jing is also known as "Tai Shang Qin Xin Wen", "Dong Hua Jade Pian", and "The Great Emperor's Golden Book". There are three parts, eight scenes, and twenty-four gods. It is believed that gods live in every part of the human body. Three parts and eight scenes The Twenty-Four Gods refer to dividing the human body into three parts: Shangyuan Palace, Zhongyuan Palace, and Lower Yuan Palace. Each part of the Yuan Palace is guarded by eight sceneries, that is, the eight sceneries in the upper part are in the Yuan Palace of the human body, and the eight sceneries in the middle part are guarded by the gods. The divine restraint is in the Zhongyuan Palace of the human body, and the divine restraint of the Eight Scenic Spots of Xiabei is in the Xiayuan Palace."

Meng Qi reached out and opened the "Inner Scenery Sutra". It was empty and white. Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but look at Jiang Zhiwei.

"A wordless book?!"

Jiang Zhiwei was also stunned. She didn't expect that the old man actually gave her a wordless sutra. She stretched out her hand to take the sutra. A sudden change occurred, clear light shone, and countless talismans and incantations appeared in the void, blending into the center of Jiang Zhiwei's eyebrows. No one could react in time.

Jiang Zhiwei's eyes were closed tightly, her whole body was filled with clear light, and there was a faint sound coming from her body, which was mysterious and profound, making people intoxicated.

"The secret of the ultimate path, no trouble, remains true. Every knot in Niwan has a spirit. The god of hair is named Taiyuan. The spirit of brain is named Niwan. The root of the essence of brain is named Yingxuan. The god of nose is named Lingjian. The god of ears is idle. The word is Youtian, the tongue god has the word Zhenglun, and the tooth god Yi Feng has the word Luo Qian. On one side is Shenzong Niwan, and the nine real Niwans all have houses, one inch in diameter, and they are all wearing purple clothes and Fei Luo Shang. But think about one part. The lifespan is infinite, and they do not live separately in the mind. They sit in sequence facing outwards, and the existing minds are naturally the same."

"The liver qi is strong, clear and long, and the six internal organs produce three lights. The heart is focused and not tilted, and the upper part combines with the three burners and the lower jade pulp. The Xuan liquid moves in the clouds to remove the odor, cures the hair and teeth, and practices the five directions. Take Jin Xuan Ying into the Mingtang, and lower it. The throat is clear and the gods are enlightened. Sit on the canopy and travel to Guizhou. The three clear mats are floating in the air, and the five-color clouds are green and green. Close your eyes and look at each other, so that all the minds and spirits can still respect themselves. The seven mysterious brilliance opens the door of life and facilitates the existence of heaven. Xuangen. It can still be recovered after a hundred and twenty years. It is very difficult to keep the Tao sincerely after this. The only way is to wait for the nine-turn eight-jeon elixir to restore the essence and save the seven yuan. The beauty of the sun and the moon can save the old and the disabled, and the liver qi will flow around for no reason."

In Jiang Zhiwei's inner scene, a mighty heavenly voice sounded, which was the voice of the old man in the Tibetan room. Golden flowers fell wildly, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and countless pure spirits gathered and turned into gods, entrenched above the nine heavens, majestic and sacred, and the entire interior The heaven and earth are filled with immeasurable purple energy, which is supreme, noble and supreme.

Outside, Meng Qi and others watched Jiang Zhiwei nervously, and saw that as she breathed, there was clear air flowing in and out of her nose, and the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, integrating into Jiang Zhiwei's body. Furthermore, the energy of merit, morality, saintliness, merit, and yin virtue are integrated into the body, and the body becomes immortal, with pure and flawless spirit.

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