I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2500: Falling short of success, a glimmer of hope

"This is a Taoist master's teaching and enlightenment. He has crossed the first ladder to heaven and achieved the fourth level of outdoor scenery!"

Meng Qi was filled with envy. Jiang Zhiwei had really encountered an opportunity. With the help of an expert, she could reach the sky in one step and save herself countless hard work.

A trace of thought flashed in the depths of Meng Qi's eyes. The old man in the Tibetan room, a master of Buddhist scriptures, why is this image so familiar? Jiang Zhiwei has not met a Taoist saint, right? !

In the back room of the Tibetan room, Cang looked up, his eyes penetrated the wall, and saw Jiang Zhiwei's breakthrough, with relief on his old face, he nodded and laughed softly.

"Children can be taught!"


Compared with previous court meetings, because King Chen began to follow Mohism, this time it became clean and smooth, with no more red tape. Everyone quickly returned to their seats, waiting for King Chen to speak.

King Chen looked around and announced the first thing, that Meng Qi would be in charge of the affairs of the Great Situ, and Jiang Zhiwei and others would be the assistants of the Young Situ.

When the announcement was made, many eyes were cast on Meng Qi, all of them were as if they were real, but one of them was quite indifferent, which surprised Meng Qi a little. Upon sensing, he saw that this was a young-looking man with a tall crown and ancient robes, a jade tree facing the wind, and an outstanding temperament.

"Tian Guang, the eldest son of Siko Tian Heng, was promoted to the location and became a senior doctor at the age of thirty..."

Meng Qi quickly recognized the man's identity, and everything about him quickly flashed through his mind.

Meng Qi slowly walked out of the official team, stood at the foot of the steps, and as the Great Situ, prepared to announce and interpret the new national policy.


At this moment, a sharp shout came, stopping Meng Qi's move. This person was Tian Guang. He walked out of the queue, first saluted King Chen, then looked at Meng Qi with stern eyes, and asked.

"I have something to ask Da Situ."

As a noble, Tian Guang's attitude towards Meng Qi was not respectful. Of course, almost all nobles had this attitude. After all, the Mohist ideology was not friendly to nobles and preferred people from poor backgrounds, so they were rejected by these immortal descendants. of resistance.

Meng Qi was very knowledgeable and deliberately showed respect to King Chen. He first asked for instructions with his eyes. When the other party nodded, he looked at Tian Guang with a smile and said softly.

"Sir, sir, please tell me. I'm all ears!"

At this time, Tian Guang and Meng Qi were less than five steps apart, and their energy was entangled with each other. Tian Guang looked directly at Meng Qi and spoke slowly.

"I wonder if Great Situ has ever heard about the affairs of the Wu Kingdom in the south?"

Meng Qi was stunned, wondering how long he had been in this world and how he knew so much information.

"Appreciate further details."

King Chen also had a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know what Tian Guang was talking about. It seemed that the Tian family, which had a close relationship with the Chu State, had obtained exclusive information from the Chu State.

Tian Guang smiled calmly and said slowly.

"The king of Wu selected talents regardless of their status, appointed Wu Hao, an idler from the mountains, abolished fiefdoms, adopted food towns, established counties and counties, and praised military merits. This aroused fierce opposition, and the country of Wu fell into civil war and foreign invasion. In another ten days , this news will be known to everyone, I wonder how Da Situ views this matter?"

"What do you think of this?"

Meng Qi's mood at this time can only be described by the word "fuck". Is this the rhythm that the Legalist saint will play? Or which reincarnation person was lucky enough to be drawn to the Legalist family when accepting the mission? But he was so direct from the beginning, leaving no room for buffering. No wonder he encountered a fierce counterattack!

Meng Qi made eye contact with Jiang Zhiwei and others, and felt that Wu Hao was very likely to be a reincarnator, and there was probably a small team behind him to support him. This is not surprising. After the first death mission, the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation mentioned that it is entirely possible to encounter other teams in non-camp confrontation missions. As for cooperation, fighting, or just passing by each other, it all depends Own.

"It's outrageous that you can still play like this after drawing such a good lottery from the Legal family!"

Meng Qi secretly complained in his heart that he was just messing around and playing a good hand of cards badly. If it weren't for the fact that King Wu is one of the few strong men in the world. As a half-step Dharmakaya and in charge of a powerful magic weapon, there are many strong people loyal to him. Wu Hao would Their reforms may have failed a long time ago, but unlike today, they are still struggling to hold on and slowly gain the upper hand.

While many thoughts were running through Meng Qi's mind, Tian Guang took a step forward. He changed from his calm and elegant attitude just now and became aggressive, questioning in a deep voice.

"What does Great Situ think of this matter?"

Meng Qi calmed down his distracting thoughts and cleared his thoughts. He was about to answer Tian Guang's question when his eyes suddenly froze and he saw a streak of blood appearing around Tian Guang's body and said something bad to himself.

The light quickly condensed on Tian Guang's right hand, and he slashed Meng Qi with the force of his sword! This change happened in the blink of an eye. No one expected that Tian Guang would do such a thing in a gathering of powerful people. Even King Chen, who was the grand master, was unable to react in time.

How dare he directly assassinate someone in court? Even if he succeeds, he will not be able to escape the wrath of King Chen, and he will definitely die! This act of completely sacrificing life to assassinate Meng Qi is so decisive!

Tian Guang's body seemed to have shrunk in a circle, his eyes were full of martyrdom, and his expression was firm. He wielded the knife very quickly, and with a flash of blood, he had already hit Meng Qi's left chest.


The sound of gold and iron clashing erupted, and Meng Qi stood peacefully, as steady as a mountain. The place where his chest was struck emitted a faint golden light, and there was no damage at all!

No damage? Tian Guang's eyes widened and he was horrified! The "Secret Blood Transformation Sword" he was taught by a stranger was useless to Su Mo! Doesn't this sword technique claim that once struck by the sword, the gods will not be able to escape and will turn into blood instantly?

Tian Guang was also a decisive person. He didn't have time to think too much, so he put aside the shock. The inner scene was trembling, and the acupoints all over his body were retracted. He was about to self-destruct, wanting to die with Meng Qi.

At this moment, Meng Qi moved his shoulders, exerted force on his waist and hips, and his chest collided with Tian Guang's hand!



Tian Guang was directly knocked away, his body directly hit the pillar in the hall, and slowly slid to the ground. His right hand hung softly, his chest was completely sunken, and blood spurted out from his mouth, as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer. Flesh!

This is the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, every part of the body is like a treasure weapon!

Before King Chen could take action, Sikotian Heng stepped forward and came to his son, with an angry look on his face and an angry shout.

"Evil son!"

Before he finished speaking, his right hand fell down like a mountain, hitting Tian Guang's head hard. Tian Guang looked calm, as if he had no fear of the coming of death. Tian Heng had such a ruthless nature, and even tiger venom would not eat its seeds. , he actually killed his eldest son in front of everyone and broke off the relationship.

There was no resentment on Tian Guang's face. This was what their father and son had discussed long ago. He just opened and closed his mouth and left his last words.

"The etiquette has collapsed, and the music has been ruined. You descendants of fallen immortals and gods, who have messed up the etiquette and laws of nobles and common people, will not die well!"

Tian Guang's last words echoed in the hall, making Meng Qi's eyes twitch slightly. Tian Guang made himself so generous and tragic, why did he feel like he and others were villains.

"Humph, the ignorant and conservative remnants that have been rolled over by the wheels of history!"

Meng Qi secretly complained in his heart, establishing a positive image for himself and feeling much happier.

There was silence in the hall, and you could hear a needle drop. What just happened happened so fast that most of the powerful people had not yet sorted out their thoughts.

However, Tian Guang's dying cry penetrated into their ears, making them feel a slight sense of self-harm. The rabbit died and the fox was sad!

Tian Heng took a step forward, bowed and apologized, saying that he had no way to teach his son. King Chen was furious, but he couldn't involve the Tian family in this matter. He could only remove Tian Heng from his position as chief minister and stated that he would investigate the matter thoroughly.

Under the threat of King Chen's anger and Tian Guang's corpse, the nobles listened quietly to Meng Qi's announcement and interpretation of the latest national policy. Their momentum was temporarily suppressed. They did not refute Meng Qi, but looked at him with a strange look. Meng Qi, I don't know what he is thinking, but he probably won't be too friendly. After all, class antagonisms and conflicts of interest cannot be easily resolved.

Meng Qi was striking while the iron was hot, his momentum was rising, his voice was loud, and he spoke out new national policies one by one, all of which the nobles had heard. At the end, Meng Qi said in a deep voice.

"The king has decreed that anyone who collects taxes from Guanjin will be killed without guilt!"

"Kill without guilt?"

The courtiers and nobles could not hide their astonishment, and some people were immediately angry. This policy would make the nobles' insubordination useless. There are many experts in the caravan. If someone really kills the tax collector and is not responsible, the nobles will Their rights will also be useless and difficult to deal with.

"Da Situ, as soon as this method comes out, the Chen Kingdom will be in chaos. What if some unscrupulous people attack and kill the people guarding the pass, and then falsely accuse them of collecting the tax from the pass?"

Meng Qi and others had already been fully prepared for this kind of questioning. They did not panic, looked at the person who asked the question calmly, and said slowly.

"There was a law before: if you encounter bandits, you can kill them. The same is true for this matter. How it was solved before is how it is solved now."

The opposing courtiers raised questions one by one, but Meng Qi all retorted calmly. In addition, the aristocratic momentum caused by the incident just now was suppressed, and the new national policy was successfully implemented. Most of the nobles were prepared to avoid the limelight and cancel the period of time. , and then connect in secret to look for opportunities to cause trouble.

A month later, Meng Qi and others were surrounded by dots of black and white and golden light. Since the new national policy was successfully implemented, the caravans of Chen Guoshangying have been coming and going continuously, and the people have made a lot of profits, which has made the Mohists recognized by countless people. Therefore, everyone will have merit and moral energy, and the law of heaven is just. , rewards and punishments are clear!

Da Sikong Gongyangzeng had a pleased smile on his face, and looked towards the opposite side. Opposite him stood a tall, thin young man, whose appearance was quite similar to him. Although he had a horse face, his features were regular and he had a unique charm, but there was only a gap between his eyebrows. With an arrogant look, it was his second son Gong Yangbo who was practicing in the Golden Light Cave of Wudang Mountain!

"My son is finally back! Have the immortals of Jinguang Cave made a decision?"

Gongyang Bo nodded and said with a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, the child has lived up to his mission. The immortals have made a decision and are ready to intervene in this matter."

Envoys from the palace came to announce that King Chen wanted to see Meng Qi and others. No one was surprised. During this period, King Chen summoned many people to ask various questions.

The sky was dark, and although the wind was howling, it was suppressed and calm, as if a heavy rain was about to come. Such weather made Jiang Zhiwei and others feel gloomy, but there was no sign of danger, so they didn't care.

The journey was smooth, and Jiang Zhiwei and others entered the palace easily, and all the way to the palace where King Chen was discussing matters, the guards checked and verified the identity of the visitor.

This is a slightly immature face, and Meng Qi is no stranger to it. Tian Kuo, the youngest son of his former commander-in-chief Kou Tianheng, is different from his brother Tian Guang. He is attracted by the Mohist thoughts of Meng Qi and others, and he admires and agrees with this theory. After the test, he secretly became a Mohist, not an ordinary nobleman!

"He is already a young Sikou, why would he come here to serve as a guard?"

Meng Qi was slightly confused and looked directly at Tian Kuo with the intention of asking.

Tian Kuo looked at Meng Qi with a gloomy expression. He lowered his left hand and made a gesture common among Mohists. The meaning of this gesture is: extremely dangerous!

Meng Qi and others were shocked and kept their expressions unchanged. They understood that someone must have deceived Tianji so that they could not detect it. There was a change in the palace. What was the situation of King Chen?


Meng Qi and the others suddenly jumped up and retreated violently backwards. They ran a few dozen feet away in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, they had already fallen into the fishing net. How could they escape so easily?

As soon as the light emerged, the people sitting in the palace immediately noticed it and stood up suddenly, holding a long bow in their hands, and golden light condensed into sharp arrows!

Jiang Zhiwei and others felt that the world suddenly dimmed, and the beautiful state where the inside and outside were connected and harmonious, and the outside world became their own scene, seemed to be shattered. I saw a ray of golden light condensed into a sharp arrow, piercing through the sea of ​​vitality, passing through the layers of void, illuminating the boundless darkness, and filling the sky in an instant. The terrifying sense of oppression and the indescribable strength seemed to be like heaven and earth. The prominence of a certain legal principle is hard to resist and hard to avoid. What a terrifying arrow!

"Is this the power of a grandmaster plus a top-grade or even top-grade treasure weapon?"

Because of Tian Kuo's tip, Qi Zhengyan had already hidden the Yuxu apricot-yellow flag in his hands. At this time, he unfolded it into the wind, showing off the wonders of Kunlun's secret treasure and blocking the golden arrows.

The sharp arrows of golden light shot down the golden lotuses, but they still moved forward with invincible strength. Due to their own level, the Xinghuang Banner imitation could only try to weaken it and could not block it. It even did not slow down much. It seemed that such a speed It is the characteristic of the golden arrow itself, which is the fusion of legal principles. It is not external. If it is not destroyed or has corresponding legal principles to counteract it, it will be difficult to affect it!

Meng Qi knew it was not good, and immediately gritted his teeth. Yuan Shi sat in the center, fearless, using his own martial arts will to forcibly eliminate the fluctuations of emotions, and briefly resisted the suppression of his soul!

The body suddenly grew in size, reaching two feet in height. The Dharma and Principles were intertwined, and it was majestic and solemn. The golden arrow pointed directly between the eyebrows had to change its direction and point upwards diagonally.

The sharp arrow of golden light targeted the center of Meng Qi's eyebrows. Such a change of direction forced the distance to increase. Meng Qi was able to react a little. He raised his head slightly and swung his left arm sideways to block his face! The sharp arrow of golden light hit Meng Qi's left arm, piercing deeply. The light suddenly shone, and the extremely terrifying power of the explosion was released!


The golden light exploded randomly, flesh and blood flew everywhere, Meng Qi's body was broken into pieces, and Qi Zhengyan flew backwards with him. His left arm was completely blown up from the shoulder up, and no bones remained. The fire was thrown high, and half of his face was sunken and stained red with blood, which was extremely hideous. If he hadn't practiced the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills and had the Yuxu Apricot Flag to block him, even if this arrow couldn't kill Meng Qi, it would still be able to destroy 70% to 80% of his strength!

Meng Qi and others still did not dare to stay. The opponent was a grandmaster and had top-quality weapons in his hands. They could not compete with them, so they fled frantically outside again.

The man in the palace drew his long bow again, and the golden light condensed into a sharp arrow, and he was about to shoot it again. At this time, it depends on who is faster.

The strong men who were ambushing around the palace flew out one after another. Their arrangements were disrupted and they could only take the initiative to attack and kill them. There were former Situ Heng, former Situ Wang Dan, current Sikong Gong Yangzeng, and some members of their family. Children of elders.

These nobles joined forces with the immortal chief of Jinguangdong to plot against King Chen, and then sent people to coax Meng Qi and others into the palace, preparing to kill them together. Who knew that Tian Kuo was the Mohist, and Meng Qi They sensed the danger before they even entered the palace.

Jiang Zhiwei felt a sense of fatal crisis in her mind. An idea flashed across her mind, and she thought of a place. Without thinking too much, she shouted directly.

"Go to the Tibetan Room, there may be a chance of survival!"

Meng Qi and others' hearts stirred, and they thought of the master hermit who was the history of the Tibetan Chamber that Jiang Zhiwei met. They turned around and changed direction with Jiang Zhiwei, running towards a remote place in the palace.

Grandmaster Jinguangdong exerted force on his right hand, and with red clouds lingering behind him, thousands of golden lights were released, and he drew the bowstring with a rather strenuous feeling.

Jiang Zhiwei's mind was sharp, and she knew that this was not the time to hold back, so she took out the Bell of Desolation under her control.


Suddenly, a bell rang out, the spirit shook, and the soul separated. The strong men who rushed out were all dizzy and unable to control themselves. The targeted Grandmaster Jinguangdong also felt his mind buzzing, his hands were temporarily weak, and he flicked his bow string. Got up and lost direction.

The golden light turned into a sharp arrow, pierced through the roof of the palace, penetrated the layers of clouds, went straight into the Qingming, and shot towards the sun! With a click, the small black clock in Jiang Zhiwei's hand broke into pieces.

Meng Qi turned around without hesitation, the acupuncture points all over his body shrank in emptiness, and the formless and immortal Yuanshi phase loomed behind him. It was dark, dark, chaotic, and indescribable. Immediately afterwards, he raised one arm high and slashed down with a sword. The light of the sword flew out and opened up the world. The road was cut open with one sword. Several masters in front of him were cut into two. Everyone quickly used their escape skills and entered a circle. In the side hall.

The surroundings are overgrown with weeds and very desolate. It seems that this is a forgotten place. Few people come here. It is quiet and peaceful. It is filled with a pure and moral atmosphere, which immediately relaxes the tense nerves of everyone who is tired of running around.

Jiang Zhiwei and others looked at each other and realized they had come to the right place. Cangshi Shi was indeed an expert, probably not weaker than King Chen, a master.

Jiang Zhiwei took a step forward and did not rush into the storage room. She bowed and said loudly.

"The Tian family, the Wang family, and the Gongyang family joined forces with the Jinguangdong monks to rebel, assassinate King Chen, and hunt for us. Please ask the seniors to take action to bring order to the chaos!"

Jiang Zhiwei's voice was like a clear spring, clear and quiet, pure and sweet, and reached the ears of the old man in the Tibetan room.

At this time, there were three pursuers behind Jiang Zhiwei and others. Grandmaster Jinguangdong in the palace also stepped out of the room, holding a long bow and pulling the bowstring again. The golden light gathered, and the sharp arrow was about to leave the bowstring and shoot towards here. The situation reached its climax. Dangerous situation.

There was no movement in the Tibetan room for a long time. Although the door was open, the interior was dim and there was no light. The situation inside could not be clearly seen. Jiang Zhiwei and others were extremely anxious, and their eyes gradually showed disappointment. They gritted their teeth and tried to fight for their lives. , prepare to escape and break out.


An old voice came, full of sighs, which made Jiang Zhiwei and others look happy. They finally came out. It seemed that they didn't have to fight so hard.

"Thum, thump, thump!"

The sound of the cane hitting the ground was very clear. An old man with white beard and hair and a stooped figure slowly walked out of the hiding room and stood on the steps in front of the door.

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