I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2498: Unfavorable start, old storage room

Compared with Mohist thought, it is more difficult for famous people and peasants to be accepted by the kings of various countries. If they are chosen to preach on this kind of thought, they may have a hard time completing their mission. They might as well just loot the items from this world and return to the world. You might be able to reduce some losses by redeeming your good deeds later.

In one and a half years, Jiang Zhiwei has made further progress in her cultivation and has been promoted to the third level of the outdoor scene. She is only one step away from crossing the first ladder and becoming a top master. Meng Qi has an amazing opportunity, and he does not hesitate to step into it as well. Although he has not yet reached perfection, he has practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills. He has amazing combat power, is good at changing, and physically strong. His strength is not weaker than Jiang Zhiwei. Several others have also improved their cultivation. Zhang Yuanshan , Zhao Heng has entered the realm of exterior scenes, and Qi Zhengyan and others are only one step away from entering the realm of exterior scenes.

"After this mission, we should be a real location team."

Meng Qi hadn't seen anyone in more than a year, and everyone was somewhat unfamiliar with them. He tried his best to liven up the atmosphere and said with a smile on his face.

"Without the emergence of saints, hundreds of schools of thought are not prosperous. That is to say, the Mohist theory may not even have sprouts at present. It is quite difficult to spread, which is not in line with the disputes among the countries in the world of gods. Therefore, in addition to exchanging secret treasures for self-defense, we have to keep Good deeds of forced departure.”

Since discussing the details of the mission was extremely time-consuming, Meng Qi and others mainly chose to seal the mysterious treasures to prevent them from falling into the hands of unknown people. In the end, they exchanged a total of four secret treasures.

"The Lost Soul Bell (imitation), a treasure-level secret treasure. When this bell rings, the master and below will lose their souls, and the master will also be dizzy. It can be used once. Anyone with nine orifices will try their best to activate it. It is worth 6,900 good deeds."

"The Immortal Binding Rope (imitation), a treasure-level secret treasure, can tie up the powerful outdoor warriors below the Grandmaster for three breaths, so that they can only rely on special skills and physical strength to resist attacks. It can be used twice, and the Nine-Apertures will fight to the death. It can be activated with all your strength, worth 5,600 good deeds."

"Jade Xu Apricot Flag (imitation), a treasure-level secret treasure, can release golden lotus, shoot light, hook the earth, block powerful attacks, magical powers and secret treasures from the sixth heaven in the exterior scene, weaken stronger attacks, can be used twice, worth five Thousands of good deeds.”

"The Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth (imitation) is a treasure-level secret treasure. It is condensed by the energy of merit and virtue. It is impervious to all laws and invulnerable to all evil. This object is an imitation and is limited to the sixth heaven and below. It can be used twice. It can be used twice. Acting out of necessity is worth 5,400 good deeds."

The light rose, and Meng Qi and others disappeared into Samsara Square.

The night is deep, looking at the majestic palaces in the distance, and hearing the sound of turning around in my ears.

Two men in simple but old-fashioned clothes sat opposite each other in the room, silent for a long time.

After a while, the man with a short beard looked out into the dark night, sighed and said sadly.

"The nations are in strife, rituals have collapsed, and music has been ruined. The princes only know about enjoyment and hegemony, but do not see the hardships in the world. The bones are covered with grass, and the people are living in disgrace. They are living and dying, and people's hearts are sinking. When will this long night end?"

After the darkness, pure and clear light shines through the eyes, and the surrounding simple and slightly old buildings come into view.

There are several towering rammed earth platforms in the distance, with pavilions and pavilions built on them, with complicated patterns and extreme luxury. This world is Bole City in the Han Dynasty. There is Bole Jun among the four princes of all countries. He is powerful, noble in status, profound in cultivation, wields great power, is a heroic and bold man, and has a wide range of followers. Apart from the Han Hou, he should be the most worthy of the Han Kingdom Lobbying nobles.

"Since we have a wide range of customers, we are not afraid of not being able to see Mr. Bole."

Jiang Zhiwei and others discussed it and decided to use this brother of the Marquis of Han as an experiment to see if the upper nobles could accept Mohist thought.

Universal love, non-aggression, respecting the virtuous, advocating unity, heaven's will, knowing ghosts, not fate, not happiness, frugal use, frugal burial, Mohist thought is fundamentally not suitable for nobles, but more suitable for the people at the bottom, but this aspect The world is five hundred years after the Conferment of Gods. The nobles are all descendants of immortal gods. Their cultivation is tyrannical. It is no lie to say that one enemy can start a prairie fire. A single spark can start a prairie fire. This may not be applicable in this world. If you want to preach, you can only lobby the big people. Noble.

The rammed earth platform towered high, and the pavilions and buildings stood tall. Meng Qi pretended to be the leader and led Jiang Zhiwei and others to Bolejun's mansion. Seeing that the five people were all very impressive, the concierge did not dare to neglect them. He came up to them and asked respectfully.

"Your distinguished guest is here, what's the purpose of your visit?"

Meng Qi wears a black robe to make himself look mature, so that people can take him seriously and be willing to listen to his teachings.

Meng Qi was brought into the identity of Juzi from the Demon Family, with a gentle, solemn and majestic look on his face, and he spoke calmly.

"I have often heard that Mr. Bole has the ability to know people, is approachable, and has a wide range of followers. He wants to eliminate the long-standing disadvantages of the Han Dynasty, so we took the liberty to come here."

As he spoke, Meng Qi's breath swirled, and it was inexplicably deep and difficult to describe in words. There was a looming sun and other ethereal phenomena flying around him, which frightened the concierge into a daze. He felt that he was more powerful than most of the master's guests!

Meng Qi knew that if he didn't show his strength, he might only be received by the butlers, but after showing enough value, he would definitely receive everyone in person in the name of Lord Bole's approachability and informality!

Sure enough, after the retainer reported, Bole Jun Jiwu directly greeted him at the gate and treated him very politely. He has a young appearance, but his eyes are deep, and he has experienced the vicissitudes of life. His clothes are not simple but not gorgeous. He wears a beam crown on his head, and his breath is slightly exposed. The wind and thunder are condensed, excluding others.


Meng Qi and others were slightly shocked. Although they had long expected the power of the world of gods, they did not expect that a random noble would be a grandmaster.

Mr. Bole was very enthusiastic and walked with Meng Qi arm in arm. He also talked and laughed with Ruan Yushu, Zhao Heng and others, which made people feel like spring breeze. While walking through the numerous palaces and pavilions, Meng Qi sensed the atmosphere of many exterior scenes. Some were subordinates of Lord Bole or some of his disciples, more than 20 of them.

"With the power of a country's top nobles, it is only less than the number of outdoor scenes of the martial arts sect."

Meng Qi felt that it was thrilling. It was worthy of being in the Conferred God World. This level of knowledge was as good as or even better than the main world.

Everyone entered the room, they knelt down behind the desk, exchanged a few words, and Lord Bole raised his hands and asked.

"Why do these people come all the way to teach me?"

"I often hear that you want to eliminate the long-standing disadvantages of the Han Dynasty, but someone does not know your own abilities and comes here to show your humiliation."

Meng Qi knelt and sat with his back straight. His posture was different from the past. He was full of calmness and wisdom. His acting skills were good. He was worthy of being a person who had practiced eight or nine mysterious skills. He was good at changing. His acting skills were enough to defeat many young talents. He was called Acting school, sophisticated and natural.

Mr. Bole looked serious, his attitude was respectful, he bowed and said seriously.

"All ears."

Meng Qi slowly opened his mouth according to what was discussed before, and slowly revealed some of the Mohist doctrines.

"One principle is to respect the virtuous and value talented people regardless of their status. Although the nobles and officials are strong, their number is limited. Although the common people and slaves are weak, their numbers are large. Even if the former has one talent in ten and the latter is one in ten thousand, it can still be done ten times or a hundred times. It may even be a thousand times greater than the former, so we must pay attention to it.”

"As long as you can select talented people regardless of their superiority, teach martial arts, and provide help, given time, why worry about having no one available? Why worry about the accumulated shortcomings not being eliminated?"

Mr. Bole pondered for a long time, and felt that it seemed reasonable. He changed his title and became more respectful, but still said in an awkward tone.

"Sir, I have a clear vision of thousands of miles, but this is one of the long-term disadvantages. If I select talents and teach martial arts widely, I may be framed as treason. Moreover, if there is only one person among thousands of people who can be used, it will cost a lot more than the noble officials."

Meng Qi expressed the Mohist thoughts again without hesitation and proposed a solution.

"Therefore, we need to save money and bury it sparingly."

"How many warriors can we raise by erecting this high platform and building this pavilion? The way to survive after death is elusive, so why waste all our wealth on it?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Meng Qi finished speaking, Lord Bole suddenly changed his color, stood up and said angrily.

"I am a descendant of King Wen, a descendant of a god and man. After death, I can reach heaven. How can I be so illusory? Sir, there is no need to say more!"

Meng Qi was a little stunned. He didn't even mention universal love and non-aggression, which was the most vulnerable to opposition. Just one funeral aroused fierce opposition from Mr. Bole. It was really difficult for Mohist doctrine to be preached to the upper class.

Mr. Bole didn't want to talk anymore, so he called the housekeeper and asked him to lead Meng Qi and others down and become his guests. Meng Qi exchanged glances with Jiang Zhiwei and others, then suddenly stood up, saluted, and said goodbye.

"Since you can't accept what I say, it's pointless for me to wait here, so I'll take my leave."

Although Mr. Bole was dissatisfied with the doctrines and ideas put forward by Meng Qi and others, he still admired their strength very much, so he persuaded them to stay.

"The five of them are knowledgeable and have extraordinary strength. They are here to be put to good use."

"Can you take what I said?"

Meng Qi asked sternly, with a cold look in his eyes. They are not here to be followers and lackeys, but to spread Mohist thoughts and doctrines. Where is the free time to spend time with Bole Jun.

Mr. Bole showed no hesitation and still said firmly.


Meng Qi laughed, turned around and led everyone outside.

“If you have different paths, don’t work together!”

Mr. Bole's face was gloomy, but he thought about his reputation and did not stop the five of them from leaving. After leaving the mansion, Meng Qi sighed to Jiang Zhiwei and others.

"It's harder than expected. The Mo family is indeed the enemy of the upper class."

"It seems that they attach great importance to things after death, and the idea of ​​​​ceremonial burial must be changed."

As a few people sighed and moved forward, someone suddenly chased them from behind and shouted loudly.

"The friends in front of me will stay!"

Meng Qi's hair stood up when he heard this. Fortunately, none of the fellow Taoists stayed behind, otherwise everyone would have fallen into this world.

The visitor was around forty, with a sallow complexion and no beard. He was dressed as a retainer and had a long sword tied around his waist. His aura was connected to the sky and the earth, making it look like an outdoor scene.

"Brother, what's important?"

Meng Qi looked at each other in confusion. They didn't seem to know each other. What did this person mean by stopping them.

The sallow-faced man without a beard showed a smile on his face. He was very respectful to Meng Qi and others, and saluted in reply.

"I am Zhao Bai, a guest of Bolejun Mansion."

"I was on duty outside the hall just now. I heard Mr. Wang's eloquent remarks and felt the same way, so I came here to pay a visit."

"Brother Zhao is from Weihan?"

Meng Qi's heart moved. The upper-class nobles would not resonate with Mohist teachings. It seemed that this disciple must not have a high background, otherwise he would not have such an understanding.

"I am a commoner in the Qin land. I met by chance and achieved the level I have today. Unfortunately, the Qin country has strict hierarchies and the nobles are corrupt. There is no hope for advancement. Later I heard that Lord Bole accepted many followers, regardless of status, and treated everyone equally. This I have just come all the way to the Han Dynasty, so I feel the same way about Mr. Su’s theory of admiring the virtuous.”

"I have many friends who have similar experiences. Please come to my humble residence and give me some advice."

Zhao Bai looked at Meng Qi with a bit of admiration and respect, and looked at Meng Qi expectantly. He agreed very much with the Mohist theory, and was even full of desire. He believed that this theory could solve his confusion, guide him on the road, and illuminate the darkness. .

Meng Qi and others looked at each other and felt as if they had a new idea. They nodded and followed Zhao Bai to his residence. It was a large room with twenty or thirty people in it, and there were only two location masters. , all kneeling in the room with solemn expressions, looking at Meng Qi and others respectfully, listening to their opinions.

"We all agree with what Mr. Sir said about respecting the virtuous. However, there are very few monarchs or nobles in various countries who can ignore their status and make great use of their talents. First, they have strict hierarchies and cannot look down on them. Second, they cut costs from the common people. It’s so great that you often teach thousands of people but get nothing, sir, can you teach me?”

"Effectiveness in burials, the nobles built large-scale construction projects and built palaces. The expenditure was huge enough to teach thousands of people. In order to seek the way to survive forever after death, the tombs were built just like they were during life. They were extravagant and wasteful, and the treasures were displayed more than the palaces. , but throughout the ages, how many people have been able to come back from the dead and become immortals and gods? If you can control these two aspects, why worry about not having money to teach others?"

"Throughout the ages, who has been able to become an immortal or a god? Perhaps he was taught the Dharma, practiced diligently, transcended the ordinary world, or made great achievements in bringing benefits to the world or eliminating harm in the world, and was praised and conferred by immortals, saints, ghosts and gods. In the past, King Wu conquered It was only after Zhou created a group of gods that he became the ancestor of many princes and nobles today."

"It can be seen from this that if one adheres to Heaven's will and is supervised by ghosts and gods, if he wants to go to heaven after death, become a god or immortal, and live forever in the world, what he builds is not an ancient tomb, but merit and virtue, and he follows Heaven's will!"

"The princes and nobles attach great importance to tombs, do not care about the people, and do not have the virtue of living in heaven. They seek to live forever after death, which is no less than wanting to go south but driving north instead."

“In today’s world, it is clear that the quarrels among the princes are the source of troubles, but in fact they only know how to love themselves, but do not know how to love everyone. They have no compassion and kindness, and use their own interests to harm the interests of others. If countries do not love each other, disputes will continue. The strong bullies the weak, destroys cities and villages, lays corpses thousands of miles away, and fills the fields with bones. If people don’t love each other, they use the noble to bully the humble, use rape to make fools, and levy and expropriate violently, so that the people cannot survive!”

Meng Qi threw out a series of theoretical theories that were thought-provoking. This was an idea that had never been thought of before. Zhao Bai and others looked at each other in shock. They were both shocked and thought-provoking. It seemed that this was the right way and the principle of heaven and earth!

Promote the benefits of the world, eliminate the harm of the world, clarify the aspirations, and respect ghosts and gods. This is in line with the ancient theory of good and evil. Otherwise, if you are not diligent in your cultivation and do evil things, as long as you can build a luxurious ancient tomb, you can become a god and live forever after your death?

The radiance on Meng Qi's body gradually lit up, like a true medieval weapon sage, expounding the Mohist doctrine and thought, which was recognized by all the disciples present. They all came from humble backgrounds, and they sympathized with the Mohist doctrine and resonated strongly with it.

"Sir, you are a great talent. You have an insight into world affairs. You are well aware of the evils in the world. I am not so talented. I am willing to follow you and put an end to this chaotic world!"

"I am not talented, but I would like to follow you sir!"

"The world is thirsty for Mr. Talent!"

Most of the people in the hall prostrated themselves one after another. After hearing the Mohist's humble words and righteousness, they were so enlightened that they couldn't control themselves.

"No wonder the Mohist school has become a prominent school and the people of the aristocracy and below are aspirational!"

Meng Qi looked at this scene in surprise, thinking thoughtfully in his heart. He looked at each other with Jiang Zhiwei and others, and had new insights and ideas in his heart.

"I think we should accept them and lobby the princes of small countries. The stronger we are, the greater the help we will bring, and the easier it will be to succeed. As long as they can be cowardly and survive for three months, the task will be completed!"

As the younger brother of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Zhao Heng was well versed in the art of political intrigue. Seeing this scene, he weighed the pros and cons in his mind and sent a message to Meng Qi.

Meng Qi nodded. This was the same idea as his. However, everyone had to change their thinking and develop the Mo family into a well-organized group from the bottom up. In this way, they might be feared by others. , bringing unexpected dangers.

As the sun sets, gold flows like blood, and the hustle and bustle of Bole City gradually returns to tranquility.

The hall was covered with straw mats and filled with people of all kinds sitting on their knees, some dressed as scholars, some dressed as retainers, some wandering warriors, and some ordinary people, with different identities but the same concentration, vaguely revealing a bit of piety.

As for the first chapter, today it is Meng Qi's turn to give a lecture, and what he talks about is "love each other and benefit each other."

"Heaven and earth are unkind, treating all things as stupid dogs. They are not tyrannical. They treat all beings equally without discrimination."

Meng Qi searched hard to improve the concept of "universal love" and even used the contents of the Tao Te Ching that had not yet appeared in this part of the world.

Meng Qi seemed to be sitting upright, talking eloquently and confidently, but in reality he was trembling with fear. The aristocrats in this world were too powerful, even the immortals, gods, and Buddhas, and they were temporarily unable to defeat them. Therefore, they could only reform the Mohist theory and not directly target the aristocrats, but again It must be consistent and self-contained, which is really difficult for him.

Meng Qi and others gave lectures and became increasingly powerful, which aroused the fear of Lord Bole. He ordered Meng Qi and others to be expelled, and secretly contacted other forces to intercept and kill them. Unfortunately, it did not affect Meng Qi and others.

Meng Qi and others also used the lectures during this period to transform the Mohist theory to make it more suitable for this world. It was close to maturity and they gained a lot. They decided to find a small country to preach and complete the mission of reincarnation.

The Chen State is located between the Tang State and the Chu State. It is sparsely populated and the strongest is King Chen. He is a master and lives in the cracks. Life is very difficult and difficult. He was selected by Jiang Zhiwei and others to preach in this country. Mohist doctrine did not visit the nobles or King Chen, but gave lectures in the bamboo forest outside the capital every day, attracting countless people to listen.

In Chen Guozang's room, there is an old man of about fifty, with white beard and hair, a weathered face, and a stooped body. He is leaning on a cane. He is energetic, his eyes are bright and shining, giving people a sense of wisdom, and the corners of his mouth are With a somewhat kind and gentle smile, he looked through the void, saw the lectures of Jiang Zhiwei and others, and laughed softly.

"These little guys are really interesting. They have learned to be a weapon saint. So, should I, an old man like me, be a Taoist ancestor for once?!"

The old man's name is Li Cang, who is the history of the Tibetan Chamber of Chen State. Although he is also from a noble family, his official position is not high, and he works in this Tibetan Palace. He is not taken seriously, and is unknown and unknown.

An illusory world emerged behind the old man, and the moral energy filled the Tibetan room. The majesty, vastness, loftiness and vastness formed a sharp contrast with the old and thin figure.

Today, the strongest person in the world is a half-step Dharma body, but there are divine soldiers to suppress it, and the hidden Taoist Buddha lineage behind the great powers seems to be unable to survive, but they have weird and terrifying magic weapons, and there are endless legends about immortals. Even if the Dharma body is high No one dares to underestimate this world.

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