I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2400 Bait fishing, redneck werewolf

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, your experiments and conjectures today are very different from your usual style. What is your purpose in doing this?"

Lucien looked at Ivan Vincent seriously. At this time, this handsome man who looked like the mythical sun god had a smile on his face, bright and bright, and extremely beautiful.

"Lucien, I knew I couldn't hide it from you!"

"Don't say anything about this, and don't come forward to explain. The fish hasn't taken the bait yet. You'll understand later!"

Ivan Vincent leaned back on the chair, his expression was lazy and leisurely, a bit comfortable, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and in the depths of his eyes, there was a mysterious and vast starry sky emerging, which was real and shocking. He looked towards the south, the mainland across the Storm Strait, with amusement and deep meaning.

When Lucien saw this, his expression moved slightly, and a guess vaguely emerged in his heart. He took a deep breath, but did not express the guess in his heart. He nodded solemnly and expressed his understanding. He finally knew Ivan Vincent. The purpose of what he did today was obviously to bully him into knowing little about arcana and lacking independent thinking. Most likely, he would regard the theory put forward by His Excellency Ivan Vincent as the truth. In this way, it would be fun!

After this experiment, the Magic Council fell into a strange state of silence. Everyone was discussing the electron double-slit interference experiment, Schrödinger's cat, Douglas's entangled particles, delayed selection experiments, etc., but no one was talking about consciousness. , thinking and the influence of intelligent observers on the microscopic world, subconsciously avoiding this extremely shocking explanation.

However, just because ordinary arcane masters don't think about it, doesn't mean that great arcanists and outstanding arcane masters in the microscopic realm don't think about it. A paper on this aspect has been submitted to the arcane review committee.

Larry sat in the dark study like a statue, as if he had been sitting here for thousands of years without moving. Schrödinger's cat frightened him, and Ivan Vinson's observer theory made him even more afraid, making it difficult to calm down. Do your own research and adventures with this in mind.

Suddenly, Larry sighed, as if he had aged several years, and resignedly picked up the pile of papers in front of him that needed to be reviewed.

""What exactly is consciousness?", Mr. Vicente."

"The Boundary Between Soul and Flesh, Lord Douglas."

"The difference between soul and consciousness: the problem of the observer effect", His Excellency Fernando."

""What is Observation?", Mr. Hathaway."

As Larry read these papers, his mind felt swollen and very confusing. After Mr. Ivan Vinson introduced his consciousness into the microscopic world, the elemental field that was originally objective and real was suddenly filled with colorful fantasies, and all kinds of unbelievable conjectures seemed to destroy it. Lose his outlook on life.

Larry pressed his forehead painfully, put aside these papers discussing consciousness, soul, and observation, and decided not to think about them for the time being. Suddenly, he saw a relatively thick paper:

""Relativistic Wave Equation of Single Electron", His Excellency Ivan Vinson!"

Larry had written a paper in this area before. When he saw this, he perked up and started reading attentively. As he read, his expression became extremely excited. His left hand kept pulling on his tie, as if he wanted to release the heat in his heart, and said to himself in amazement.

"I actually directly guessed the form of an equation and then explained it."

"And this equation is full of mathematical and arcane beauty. It is simple and beautiful and seems to contain the most profound and essential laws and mysteries!"

Larry's eyes suddenly widened and his pupils dilated, because all the problems that had arisen in the microscopic field in the past few years were rigorously and self-consistently explained by Ivan Vinson using this equation. The Brooke scattering experiment, The abnormal magnetic field splitting phenomenon, the fine structure of the spectrum, etc. are all perfectly governed by this equation. Even the electron spin model hypothesis proposed by Lucien was rigorously deduced by Ivan Vinson using the equation, showing that It is a relativistic effect of electrons following the conservation law.

Reading such a paper is like seeing results one after another, which makes Larry dizzy, extremely shocked, and sincerely admired.

"This is a perfect summary and refinement of the great development in the microscopic field over a long period of time. The glorious and dazzling golden era has been condensed into one paper!"

"In the past, when we studied the microscopic field, we were like ordinary people picking apples. It was very difficult to get one. However, Mr. Evans's equations and this paper show that the apples are ripe and falling to the ground like raindrops!"

After Larry was shocked and sighed, he reviewed the following content and saw Ivan Vinson's speculations on antiparticles and antimatter. He was a little silent for a while.

“Why didn’t I dare to put forward prediction hypotheses so boldly in the first place?”

Of course, Larry also knew that there were many problems with his previous equations, not just negative energy.

"Are there really positrons?"

Larry muttered to himself, took up a pen and wrote down the review opinions, without adding any details, and he finished it in one go.

"This is undoubtedly the most profound, shocking and classic equation in the microscopic field, surpassing all others. To distinguish it from the Evans field equation, I call it the Lucien equation. Starting from this equation, for a long time in the past All the accumulated questions have been answered. This is the sublimation of the era of great arcane development! Of course, I think this is not the end of the golden age of the microscopic realm, but the completion of the overture, and the first movement is about to truly begin!"

No one expected that after proposing consciousness and the observer effect, Ivan Vinson did not bother with these issues. Instead, he announced the fusion of the two major theories of special relativity and quantum mechanics with a shocking equation that dispelled the fog in the microscopic field. , this is like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, illuminating the darkness, making people no longer doubt the vigorous vitality of quantum mechanics and the microscopic field.

"If you don't think about why there are probabilistic interpretations, uncertainty principles, and why wave function collapse occurs, this is definitely a golden age in the development of arcana!"

Almost all arcanists sigh like this, but they also know that if arcane and magic want to continue to develop, one day they will have to face this strange phenomenon, explore the arcane meaning behind them, and solve the problem of soul, magic and... Regarding the question of quantum state, when the time comes, a choice must be made between arcana and magic, life or death? Or life and death?

In the Supreme Council meeting room, Douglas raised the issues that needed to be dealt with today one by one, and everyone discussed and voted before finally speaking.

"Stannis told me that the Dark Mountains are a little uneasy. Those dark guys seem to have re-recognized us after the Rentat War and began to weigh the issues of cooperation and confrontation with us."

"Aren't they too slow?"

Lucien, as the newly promoted legendary magician and Grand Arcanist, has also become an important member of the Supreme Council. When he heard about the Rentat battle, it was only a few years ago that the Dark Council realized that it was nerve-wracking. The arc is too long!

Fernando sneered, knowing the behavior of the races on the Dark Parliament very well, and explained.

"Those guys are a race with long lifespans. In their eyes, our more than ten years may be just a few days. In addition, their interest in arcane arts is not as good as that of the church, so it is inevitable that this will happen!

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, you need to tell Her Majesty the Queen to pay attention to Rentat's situation during this period. There may be many dark creatures appearing."

Ivan Vincent leaned lazily on the back of the chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded a little casually, indicating that he understood, and did not speak.

In the dark mountains, a young man with short silver-gray hair and golden eyes stared majestically at the werewolf in front of him and gave instructions.

"Nasdel, sneak into Rentat and Arlinge as soon as possible and take a good look at the changes brought about by the Magic Council. This is the basis for our future decisions."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The burly and wild werewolf calmed down his fur and turned into a rugged man with the same silver-grey hair. He bowed down and responded respectfully.

In the harsh winter month, night came extremely early, and a howling cold wind blew up in Rentat, which is far north, causing every pedestrian on the street to tighten their coats, hold down their hats, and speed up their pace.

For the residents of Lentat, the biggest difference between now and before is that the street lights on both sides of the road have covered the streets of Lentat, large and small, and the clear magic crystal lamps illuminate the way home. It is no longer like in the past. Only a few bustling streets are equipped with arc street lights. When most citizens rush on the road in winter nights, they either rely on the light of the silver moon and stars, bring their own lanterns, or simply walk in the dark, so they often fall down on the road.

The werewolf Nasdel followed the crowd and walked off the last magic steam train and stepped onto the smooth stone ground of the six-pointed star platform. Since the cities in this world themselves are part of the magic or divine defense system, except for Arlinge and others, Except for a few very special cities, it is impossible for most cities to dismantle city walls, city gates, etc., nor to give up defenses on their own.

Because of this, the magic steam train cannot enter the city at night. It is said to be the last train every day. After the city gate is closed, they can only temporarily park at a temporary platform outside the city.

"Huh, the magic steam train is indeed as described in the rumors and books. It is comfortable, fast, and convenient. It is indeed a very good alchemy item."

Nasdel breathed out and watched them form white mist in front of him. He was wearing typical Holm Kingdom clothes, a white shirt, a brown sweater, a black double-breasted dress, a top hat of the same color, and a hand in his hand. He was holding a decorative cane and his burly figure held up his clothes tightly. At first glance, he was a very strong man.

Nasdel looked around the platform, dizzy, taking in everything, and thought to himself.

"It's a pity that the magic steam train cannot travel in the Dark Mountains, so we can only consider the Silvermoon Wasteland."

The Dark Mountains are full of dangerous space cracks and magical creatures. There is more than 80% chance that the steam train will never come back after it leaves.

The Silver Moon Wasteland is an alien space controlled by the werewolf clan. The name actually does not match the reality. It is not a wasteland with a silver moon shining brightly. Instead, it is a very rich and prosperous plain. However, the werewolves insist on naming this alien space this way. Space, so with the passage of thousands of years, its original name has been forgotten by people.

Nasder pulled up his clothes and looked around the platform. After finding that there was nothing worth paying attention to, he felt a little uncomfortable with this situation and walked quickly outside.

"Prince Dubnar gave me this task because he values ​​me. He must think that I am one of the few werewolves who is clear-headed and good at thinking and observation. I cannot let him down."

There was a proud look on Nasdel's simple face, and he was extremely excited in his heart, and his steps subconsciously accelerated.

Dubnar has always regarded himself as the most cunning, wise and scheming werewolf. He is Nasdel's most revered idol and imitates his behavior and ways of doing things.

Although the other princes and vampires all laughed at Dubnar as a real straight-line thinking creature, reckless and unplanned, this could not change Nasdir's view. They must be slandering the wise and great prince!

As soon as Nasder stepped out of the platform, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes were full of brilliance, as if the stars in the sky were reflected in the city of Lentat.

Magic crystal lamps swayed with their own light wherever Nasdel could see them. Whether it was street lamps, household lights in houses, or the headlights of alchemy cars, or the horse lanterns of carriages, they all exuded warmth and tranquility. It feels like these lights are connected together, dreamy and shocking, seeming to cover up the stars in the sky.

Nasdel looked in one direction. Two tall tower-like buildings overlooked the entire city of Rentat. Their towers were inlaid with clear crystal lamps, rendering themselves beautiful. And the nobility left a deep impression on Nasder, who first arrived in Rentat City. It was the most intuitive beauty!

"That is?"

Nasdel stopped and stood there in oblivion, as if he could not restrain his inner agitation on a full moon night, his mind in a blank state.

"Never been to Rentat? The taller one is the Holm Royal Magic Tower, and the slightly shorter one is the Holm Radio Station and the National Electromagnetic Wave Management Committee!"

A passing passenger looked at Nasder funny and answered his question casually, with pride and pride in his eyes.

"Committee, isn't that an organizational structure that only exists in the Magic Parliament? Is it possible that on top of the Electromagnetic Wave Management Committee of the Kingdom of Holm, there is also the Electromagnetic Wave Management Committee of the Four Channel Countries and the Northland Coastal Corridor? The headquarters is in Arlinge?"

A series of questions arose in Nasdel's mind, but he did not ask any more because the traveler's gaze deeply hurt his fragile and proud heart.

"That must be the way you look at a country bumpkin!"

Nasdel felt that his guess was correct, but in order to complete the task assigned by His Excellency the Prince, he could only forcefully control his temper and not beat the passenger.

"You must not reveal your identity as a werewolf! How can you pretend that I am not a country bumpkin who came to Rentat for the first time when you ask about other things later?"

Nasdel had a strong self-esteem that was rare among the werewolves. Carrying his luggage, he called a carriage and drove towards the bustling street.

"Why are there so many people? Aren't they afraid of the cold?"

When Nasdel passed by a square, he saw hundreds or even thousands of citizens standing in the cold wind. He was suddenly surprised. They were not as cold-resistant as werewolves. He immediately stopped the carriage and Nasdel stood in the square. On the edge, I saw the giant speaker in the center and heard the sweet and moving sound.

"The next program is everyone's favorite program, Body Mysteries. We are fortunate to have John Viscount Wellesley. He is a great knight and has rich experience in exercising the body. He will tell us that when the body is not yet complete, What incorrect concepts about exercise should you avoid before you grow up, and how should you strengthen your body!"

Nasdel's eyes lit up, he took out a piece of information from his luggage and quickly read through it. Soon, he turned to a specific page, and then he kept listening attentively, and kept looking down at the information in his hand. Finally, he laughed loudly, thinking very proudly in his heart.

"It turns out that this is the mysterious voice, and the information is indeed correct."

Nasdel opened his mouth wide open as he listened to Viscount Wellesley's talk. He was extremely surprised and secretly marveled.

"Isn't this a formal way of exercising for knights? You can actually promote it directly on the radio!"

This surprised Nasdir. Even the most open-minded Alto, this kind of thing did not happen. He had to become a servant of a certain knight to obtain a similar method.

"Don't the nobles protest? Or do they have a better way to exercise? Or did Holm announce it to fight against the church?"

Nasdel kept guessing about various reasons, but soon his attention was attracted by the wonderful programs of the Voice of Mystery, and he was fascinated by them. This was a form of entertainment he had never experienced before!

In the dark mountains, due to the influence of space gaps, fog and other harsh environments, it is difficult to hear mysterious sounds.

"The mysterious voice is really great, a hundred times stronger than what the intelligence described. Fortunately, I came to Rentat!"

Nasdel thought excitedly, and before he knew it, the mysterious sound had ended. After the crowd in the square left, he sneaked behind the giant speaker out of curiosity, but there was nothing valuable there except wires and some simple devices.

"Hey, what is this?"

Nasdel, who was full of curiosity, followed the wires to the wall on the other side of the square and found that there were more than a dozen strange holes on the wall. They were arranged in groups of three, one up and two down, side by side.

Nasdel observed it carefully for a while, but could not see the purpose of these holes. He wanted to ask passers-by, but he was worried about being regarded as a country bumpkin, so he decided to do his own research.

As a werewolf who grew up in the Dark Mountains, Nasdir knew that even if something didn't seem dangerous, he couldn't touch it casually, so he carefully took out a steel needle from his luggage and planned to use it to replace his own. Fingers, if there is any danger, you can avoid it in time.

“These holes are placed openly and openly near the square without worrying about citizens touching them. Obviously there is not much danger!”

Nasdel, who thought he was smart, made a very reasonable inference. After looking around and confirming that it was dead of night, Nasdel inserted the steel needle into the hole.


Silver-white electric current sprang out from the hole and hit Nasdel along the steel needle. The speed was so fast that he could not avoid it. Numerous electric currents rushed around Nasdel's body. He could not control himself and trembled violently. His body There was a faint smell of burning. His right hand tried to leave the steel needle, but it seemed to be sucked on it and he couldn't take it away.

After a while, fur appeared on Nasdel's body, muscles bulged, and black energy lingered. With a sudden force, he finally got rid of the steel needle.

"Flash, lightning, magic circle, Rentat's demon, magician and nobles, how, how do the nobles think of such, such dangerous things, things are casually placed on the wall, on the wall."

Nasdir was so shocked that his whole body was numb, he stammered when speaking, and spit out a black air from his mouth. He was extremely angry and aggrieved. How could such a dangerous magic circle be carved in such a place without any protection or fear of the citizens? Did you accidentally come into contact with an ordinary noble? If he hadn't been an adult werewolf, he would have been electrocuted just now!

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