I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2401 The extremely unlucky werewolf

Nasdir had just recovered his image when a young man in gorgeous clothes walked to the wall, took out a thing with a metal plug from the storage bag, inserted it into the hole, and then connected the other end Insert it into another beautiful-looking rectangular alchemy item in your hand.

"This is the latest mobile communication item. It is no longer a magic circle that constantly restores energy, but is activated by storing electrical energy. Therefore, the cost is greatly reduced, and even a noble like me who is not too rich can use it."

The young man saw Nasdel looking at him with dull eyes, so he proudly introduced his beloved baby, then his eyes narrowed, showing a bit of gloating, and he laughed.

"My friend, your face seems a little burnt and smells burnt. You didn't touch these electric current magic arrays directly with your hands, did you?"

"No, no."

Nasdel is such a proud werewolf. He instinctively denied this speculation. He is the smartest werewolf among the younger generation of the Dark Council. How could he do such a stupid thing? He must not embarrass the werewolf family. He must not let anyone People despise the werewolf clan.

The young man withdrew his gaze, looked at his beloved baby again, and said jokingly.

"It's okay if it's not. Mysterious Voice and the municipal department have been publicizing it for so long. Even children as young as Rentat know how to use electricity safely. Only people who have never experienced this kind of life would make such childish mistakes. "

"An, safe use of electricity? How old is the child?"

Nasdel was secretly glad that he had denied it just now, otherwise he would have been really shameless in public. He did not want to be regarded as a country bumpkin again. After all, he represented the face of the Dark Parliament and was a trusted confidant of Prince Dubnar.

Because Nasder was worried about being seen through by the young nobles, he decided to leave here quickly, so he dragged his still paralyzed body out of the square with difficulty and walked towards the quiet and deserted streets. His brain, which was slightly sluggish due to the electric shock, suddenly realized that he had stepped on nothing, and there was a feeling of weightlessness under his feet.


In the square, the young man just seemed to hear something. When he looked back, he found nothing. A self-deprecating smile appeared on his face and he muttered something softly.

"What kind of noise can there be in the middle of the night? I must have heard too many ghost stories and had an auditory hallucination!"

The young man finished charging his baby and was about to leave the square when he suddenly remembered something and reminded himself.

"You can't walk in remote and dark streets. Recently, a group of thieves from outside have been stealing manhole covers from sewers. Many people have fallen in!"

Rentat, in a dark street.

Two sneaky little men were moving quickly carrying a heavy thing. Suddenly, several figures jumped out from around the corner. One person grabbed a hand and pushed them to the ground.


The heavy thing made a crisp sound after falling to the ground. The two little men were struggling desperately, but they still couldn't get rid of the people behind them who were subduing them.

"The black dog on Glenling Street!"

One of the little men was shocked and angry. He looked back and saw the very familiar uniform, and blurted out.

Bang, this little man was slapped hard on the face. A man in a black straight uniform walked out of the darkness, bent down and squatted in front of him, and said with a bit of coldness.

"Please call us Mr. Police."

Since the headquarters of the Holm Kingdom Police Department is located on Granling Street in the administrative district, gang members, small gang criminals and some citizens use Granling Street as the popular name of the police department.

The policeman's slap completely woke up the little man and made him understand his current situation. He said with a fearful look on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Police."

This little man heard that the black dog on Granling Street had a unique apprentice-level alchemy item on his body. Being hit by it was like an electric shock, which would produce long-lasting general paralysis and pain. Life was worse than death, so he stood in front of him. He would never dare to be aggressive against these black dogs. He didn't want to bear the power of that unique alchemy item.

"Your criminal act of stealing manhole covers was caught on the spot. The evidence is conclusive and will be sent to the municipal court for trial. Well, it is a crime of endangering public safety in a dangerous way. If nothing goes wrong, you will spend the rest of your life happily in the mine. , Of course, if you are willing to become Mr. Magician’s experimental object, you may be able to return to Rentat in a year.”

The senior police detective patted the little thief on the face, with a somewhat malicious smile on his face, and stared at the two little men with penetrating eyes.

The two little thieves who stole the manhole cover were stunned by these words, and asked with a bit of confusion and horror on their faces.

"The crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means, Mr. Police, what is this crime? We just stole manhole covers and sold them for money. We definitely did not do anything else that was illegal or disciplinary!"

The two little men felt very frightened when they heard this long list of names. It was obviously a serious crime. They did not dare to admit this crime and quickly explained their affairs.

"Hey, I told you bastards a long time ago that you should pay attention to the Holm Kingdom Voice and other radio stations, and pay attention to the latest laws and regulations. The crime of endangering public safety in dangerous ways was a crime added to the Kingdom's Code last month. In this era, thieves who don’t know how to listen to the radio will be eliminated sooner or later!”

The senior police detective stood up straight and looked down at the two little thieves who were pressed on the road. With a somewhat contemptuous smile on his face, he said sarcastically.

The crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means was a crime specially proposed by Natasha when the House of Lords discussed the Aircraft Regulations and Road Safety Regulations, to prevent someone from deliberately using aircraft disasters or car accidents to achieve murderous purposes.

"I, are we just stealing manhole covers?"

The two little thieves looked like they were frightened and about to cry. Thinking of the miserable scene where they would have to spend their next lives in the mines if found guilty of this crime, they almost despaired.

As for reducing the crime by becoming a magician's experimental item, the two little thieves never thought that the magician's world is full of weirdness and terror, which may be more terrifying than death!

The senior police detective snorted and said decisively.

"You stole the manhole cover and let a large number of citizens fall into it and suffered trauma. Isn't it a crime of endangering public safety in a dangerous way? Please repent after you get to the mine!"

"No, Mr. Police, please spare us. If we knew about this crime, we wouldn't dare to do such a thing."

"Mr. Police, I, I have important information!"

The two little thieves were frightened and rushed to the tunnel.

The senior police detective nodded with satisfaction and ordered the police around him.

"Take them back for proper interrogation first, and give me the recorded confession first."

Seeing the two little thieves being escorted away crying, a policeman next to him showed a flattering smile and asked in a low voice.

"Boss, you are so powerful. You just frightened them and you defrauded them of important information."

"Who told them not to listen to the radio? To be honest, I really want to put this crime on them. His grandma made me fall in public this morning!"

The senior police detective had an angry look on his face, and a faint trace of purple could be seen on his forehead. It was obviously caused by a fall in the morning. No wonder he was so resentful.

"No wonder the boss is limping today. It turns out he almost fell into the sewer."

The policeman looked thoughtful, but he didn't dare to answer the question.

The senior police detective asked the other police officers to deal with the ending of the matter and arranged the task very carefully.

"Put the manhole cover back in place and find something to lock it to prevent it from being stolen again before dawn. Hey, how can we do such a small thing? There are simply not enough manpower! Don't follow other cases! This kind of thing A special department should be set up to maintain it.”

Several policemen worked together to lift the manhole cover back to its original place and put it away. At this time, one of the policemen looked at the newly built manhole cover and said unexpectedly.

"When we were rounding up the two thieves just now, was it possible that someone was unlucky enough to fall?"

"How is that possible? It's already late at night! And we haven't stared at this place for only a few minutes. It can't be such a coincidence!"

The policeman who had previously flattered the senior police detective was not worried at all. He took out a specially prepared bottle of apprentice-level alchemy potion and poured it into the gap of the manhole cover. In this way, the manhole cover will stick firmly in the cold tonight until the daytime slows down. Slowly melts away.

This is their temporary method to deal with similar incidents, a method specially created by magicians. After doing all this, the police officers who rushed back to Wennan Glanling Street quickly left.

Not long after, the manhole cover suddenly made a "Boom! Boom! Boom!" sound, but with the help of the special alchemy potion, the manhole cover did not move at all and stuck firmly.

In the dark sewer, Nasdel felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead. What happened to Rentat? He dug a hole in the middle of the street in a dignified manner. He fell so hard that he couldn't control his body and was covered in blood!

Emotions of anger, frustration, and astonishment welled up in Nasdel's heart, making him wish he could immediately transform into a werewolf and knock the manhole cover away with one punch.

"Calm down, calm down, don't expose the identity of the werewolf, otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission of Your Excellency the Prince."

Nasdel persuaded himself over and over again in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel angry and felt extremely depressed and depressed. After an unknown amount of time, he finally controlled his anger and satisfactorily Taking a deep breath, a foul smell penetrated the werewolf's nose with a well-developed sense of smell, making Nasdel almost vomit.

"I am a calm and wise werewolf that Your Excellency the Prince values. I must not be like other reckless guys!"

Nasdel's anger surged again, and when he tried his best to regain his composure, he firmly reminded himself. Finally, Nasdel relied on the werewolf's powerful self-healing ability and staggered towards the other direction of the sewer. go.

After walking for a while, an extremely terrifying and angry sound erupted from the sewer again, echoing in the dark and smelly small waterway.

"Asshole, it's stuck here too!"

"Damn it, what on earth were the people of Lentat thinking?"

Nasdel had been gone for who knows how long. Just when he felt he could no longer control himself, the manhole cover above showed no signs of sticking. He pushed open the manhole cover and climbed out, taking a deep breath of fresh, cold air. He felt that this was the clearest air he had ever encountered in his life.

Even if Nasdel was an adult werewolf, he would inevitably feel exhausted physically and mentally after experiencing this series of events. Full of exhaustion, he walked outside a nearby abandoned house, sat down with his back against the wall, and took a deep breath. , while slowly recovering from the physical trauma.

Nasdir's body has extremely strong recovery power, which is a werewolf's talent. At this time, the injury from falling into the sewer has healed, but the pain that seems to come from the bone marrow after being shocked still makes his body quite sluggish. This is magic damage, which is harmful to him. As for werewolves, they also need to wait for the sequelae to slowly disappear.

"Rentate's changes have a good side, but also a very dangerous side: lightning magic arrays are deployed everywhere without safety protection, and holes are dug in the middle of the avenue at will!"

Nasdir is still unwilling to admit that he does not have the common sense to use electricity safely. He thinks that the actions of the magicians are too risky and aggressive. He constantly summarizes what he has seen and heard, and makes comments on Rentat's new things. evaluated.

The night was deep and quiet, and Nasdel felt that his mood was gradually calming down, his injuries were recovering quickly, and he was regaining his confidence again, thinking with high morale.

"But these encounters are just episodes. I am out of danger and everything will be fine again."

The thoughts in Nasdel's mind just emerged. The keen intuition from his racial talent made him aware of the great danger. Without thinking, Nasdel jumped forward instinctively. However, before his body could fully recover, the electric shock The sequelae of the disease were still affecting him, so his movements were slightly slower.


The abandoned house behind Nasdel suffered a violent explosion and completely collapsed.

"Are the people in Rentat crazy? Are their own houses blown up without warning?"

Nasdel never thought that the house behind him would suddenly explode. If it was aimed at him, he should have noticed it long ago!


A strong shock wave hit Nasdel hard, and the surrounding area was completely flooded with walls, stone bricks, dust and other things.

"Why, why?"

A miserable and weak voice came faintly from below, revealing incomparable despair and confusion.

At the street entrance on the other side of the house, a group of people watched the explosion.

"Director, the new alchemical explosives provided by the magicians are very effective."

Watching the houses collapse one by one, a brown-haired ordinary man said excitedly to the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Very good, it saves us the demolition work. I believe we will soon be able to widen the streets here and build a new and comfortable civilian area in Rentat."

The supervisor who directed the demolition work nodded with satisfaction. As expected, the boss went to Arlinge to purchase new alchemical explosives and asked a magician who specialized in elemental explosions to point out the location.

The ordinary person next to him saw that the supervisor was in a good mood, so he casually asked about his curiosity.

"Supervisor, why do we have to come to demolish it in the middle of the night? Aren't we afraid of disturbing the sleep of nearby citizens?"

"Then block the passage of this road during the day? This is the street that leads directly to the city gate. I don't know how many goods enter the market area from here! Are the rich people more important, or the ordinary citizens? Hurry up and let those lazy guys move. Get up and clear the streets before daybreak!”

The supervisor gave instructions loudly, and a large group of workers immediately started working. The ordinary person looked around with a little worry and said.

"Supervisor, didn't you check if there was anyone inside before the explosion?"

"How could there be someone? All sides are blocked, and warning signs are made with magic crystal lamps. Who would break in without eyes? And our people are watching at all intersections, unless he can fly or burrow into the ground. !”

The supervisor rolled his eyes angrily, waved his hand, and signaled the other person to work quickly and not to worry about what was available or not.

In the early morning, Ali left his rented house and walked through a busy street towards the aristocratic district.

“Last night’s demolition explosion was so horrific!”

Ali sighed as he walked, with a look of amazement on his face. Announcements had been posted in advance for the demolition work, and various notices had been made, so he, who was literate, knew exactly what the explosion was about last night.

There is a monastery near the entrance of the noble area, but it has been transformed into a school. From time to time, the sound of reading can be heard, and exquisite and gorgeous carriages continue to drive from the distance of the noble area and drive directly into the school.

"Jane, Class 1, Grade 2, General Education, Mills School, Qining Street, Rentat Noble District."

Ali looked at the school from a distance, silently thinking about the pen pal's communication method. In the second year after the establishment of the general school, the nobles decided to imitate it and build a special school for the nobles. They could not allow their children of noble blood to study together with ordinary people.

Whether the nobles are willing or not, they have to admit that this way of learning together can stimulate their children's enthusiasm for learning more than the previous separate family education, and this environment helps to establish personal relationships from childhood, and before adulthood There is a considerable social circle.

Ali watched the aristocratic carriages and alchemy cars drive into the school, and watched the aircraft of different shapes flying from the sky, including models, ship types, and scaled-down airships, and so on. The ground felt a kind of gap and invisible wall.

Ali sighed and turned to leave as he had many times before. He had mixed emotions in his heart, including inferiority complex, dissatisfaction, frustration, pain like being pricked by a needle, and strong desire from it.

Ali was walking, he came near where the block had been demolished last night, and then he heard a strange whimper.

"Huh? What is that?"

Ali followed the sound and found a large dog lying in the grass. Its eyes were closed, and its silver-gray fur was full of blood and dust.

"This dog looks so much like a wolf!"

Ali sighed casually. He knew from books that there was indeed a kind of dog that looked very much like a wolf. With good intentions, Ali walked over and found many scars on the dog, so he smiled.

"Fortunately you met me."

During this time, Ali worked as a temporary worker in the hospital of the Magic Council and learned how to bandage, so he took the sleeping and moaning big dog home with difficulty, wrapping it up like a mummy with a certain skill. He didn't know how much time had passed before he saw the big dog waking up, its eyes staring blankly ahead, and two lines of turbid tears flowing from its eyes.

"Cry, cry?"

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