I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2399: Attitude in Arcane Research, Three Experimental Hypotheses


"How can this be?"

"It's so ridiculous, the superposition of life and death? How can life and death exist at the same time?"

Ivan Vincent proposed this experimental conjecture, which was a famous experiment in his previous life, Schrödinger's cat. As soon as this experimental idea was proposed, Lucien's expression moved slightly, his eyes blinked several times quickly unconsciously, and he looked at him strangely. Ivan Vincent looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.

I don't know how many voices sounded in the Arcane Research Institute at the same time, a superposition of life and death? Is it life or death? This strange state has left everyone in a state of confusion. All arcanists feel that the world has suddenly become extremely strange. Is this still the world they know?

"Cats can be in a superposition state of life and death. What if the cats in the experimental device are replaced by humans? Will humans also be in a quantum superposition state of life and death?"

Grand Arcanist Oliver took a step forward, with a solemn expression on his face and a bright light in his eyes as he asked extremely seriously.

Oliver obviously disagreed with Ivan Vincent's conclusion and raised his own inner doubts and opinions.

"No, the wave function has collapsed at this time, and the result is determined. Either life or death. There will be no superposition of life and death."

Ivan Vincent gave a completely opposite answer, which was beyond everyone's expectations. His expression was inexplicable and made people feel at a loss.

"What's the difference between a human and a cat? Why can the observation of the former make the wave function collapse and make the quantum superposition state disappear, but the observation of the latter cannot?"

Oliver was very dissatisfied with this answer. He took another step forward, and the cognitive world emerged. Countless thunders of destruction appeared, silver snakes, roaring and shaking. It was an extremely horrifying sight that attracted everyone's attention. Ivan Vincent was waiting for his answer.

"Consciousness, the participation of consciousness, and the conscious intelligent observer can make the wave function collapse."

Ivan Vincent moved the corner of his mouth slightly, his eyes were full of sincerity, he glanced at everyone, and gave the final answer. This is a result that no arcanist had expected. It is too mysterious for consciousness to change the world. It's not magic, it's magic, it makes them feel that it subverts their previous understanding.

All the arcanists were shocked. They never thought that Ivan Vincent would give such an explanation. If consciousness and intelligent observers are the cause of the disappearance of the quantum superposition state, many terrible facts will be derived!

Fernando, who had been patient for a long time, finally started to roar. The first hair dryer of the Magic Council went crazy, and a terrifying air pressure was generated in the large classroom. His hair and hair stood on end, his face turned red, his saliva splashed, and he shouted in a loud voice.

"In other words, before the conscious observer appeared, the entire world, the entire universe, was in a wave function state, a diffuse probability cloud state without substance? Then after a long wait, the first observer was born , and then the universe and the world collapsed into what we see now?”

The universe has spread for billions of years, just waiting for the affectionate look of the first observer? This is simply ridiculous, only a madman would talk in his sleep like this!

"Why can't it be like this? The world before the first observer is incomprehensible to us, so what's the point of what state it was in?"

Ivan Vincent faced the furious Fernando with a calm expression and calm eyes. His blue eyes were full of profound meaning. He stared at Fernando without moving an inch and retorted very seriously.

As soon as these words came out, even Douglas, the Speaker of Parliament, couldn't help but stand up. This experienced old man was so confused for the first time. The explanation given by Ivan Vinson completely subverted all his previous perceptions. If the reality of the world is like this, what is the meaning of arcana? Doesn’t it mean that the Supreme Being in the world preached by the Church of Truth is correct. Even if it is not the God of Truth, there does exist such a first God. .

"That means there is a First Observer, the Original Supreme Observer? Is that what you mean?"

As soon as this conclusion came out, not only Brooke and Oliver couldn't agree with it, but even Helen and Hathaway, who were relatively more accepting of Ivan Vinson's interpretation, shook their heads firmly after Ivan Vinson proposed the observer's explanation. With expressions of disapproval, they absolutely cannot accept this ridiculous explanation. If there really is a supreme initial observer, what is the meaning of arcane magic? Is it necessary for arcane masters like them to exist?

Ivan Vincent suddenly raised his head and looked at all the arcane masters with extra sincerity. His voice was clear and magnetic. In the face of everyone's questions and rebuttals, he spoke calmly without any impatience.

"Haven't you ever thought about why there is extraordinary power? Why is there magic?"

"Starting from consciousness, starting from the observer effect, maybe it is a way."

Ivan Vincent's calm voice echoed in the large classroom, hitting the hearts of all arcanists including Douglas, Brooke, and Fernando!

"Yes, what is the essence of magic? This is a question that the Parliament has been exploring since its establishment! This is a question that will inevitably arise after human beings witness all kinds of extraordinary phenomena! Unless humans stop thinking and go through life as confused as cats and dogs. Live your life!”

The more they understand the reality of the world, the more puzzled the arcanists are about this issue, because there seems to be no place for magic in the laws that are close to the reality of the world!

"Consciousness, intelligent thinking, and the observer effect, may they really be ways to explain the essence of magic?"

Everyone looked at Ivan Vincent in front of them and struggled in their hearts. Ivan Vincent was as usual, graceful, handsome and sunny, majestic and majestic. People couldn't help but believe in his correctness all along. Following his footsteps, he is the most authoritative Grand Arcanist in the microscopic realm and the macroscopic starry sky. He is a great being who promotes the forward development of the Magic Council and continues to improve the arcane theoretical system.

In the minds of most arcanists, Lord Ivan Vincent is so tall and majestic like a mountain. He is a being that they need to look up to all their lives. He is an idol that they desperately chase but cannot keep up with.

"But, but, why would His Excellency Ivan Vincent put forward such an explanation for the transition from the microscopic realm to the macroscopic world, that is, the collapse of the wave function?"

"Did I think wrongly?"

"Has past experience and my imagination deceived me?"

"Starting from consciousness, starting from the observer effect, maybe it is a way."

Facing the authoritative presence of Ivan Vincent, some arcanists gradually changed their minds and tried to change their views to agree with Ivan Vincent's.

"The first observer may not be a transcendent being, maybe someone like us."

"As for the supreme observer that the Speaker is worried about, that is, the god who throws the dice, we can ignore it."

"Recall the experiment just now. My observation led to changes in the properties of electrons. If I can complete such an observation, each of you can complete it!"

"The god who throws dice does exist, but He is not outside, but in the hearts of each of us. Each of us is our own supreme god!"

The expression on Ivan Vincent's face was deep, and his eyes were deep, hiding countless secrets. His voice sounded faintly again, echoing in the Arcane Research Institute, causing everyone's hearts to shake again, and they looked at the great arcanist with dull eyes.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, I think your explanation is not quite correct."

Annick, a member of the Arcane Research Institute, stood up. This arcanist was an extremely shy person. He was usually taciturn and admired Ivan Vincent very much. But at this time, he looked at Ivan Vincent with extremely firm eyes. Van Vincent put forward different opinions and objected to Ivan Vincent's research conclusion. Facing the great arcanist he admired most, he did not shy away from looking away and buried his head as before. Instead, he looked firmly at Ivan Vincent and refused to give in.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, I also think there is something wrong with your explanation."

At this time, Heidi, who was wearing a knight uniform, also stood up. This female magician who admired Natasha the most had an admiration for Ivan Vincent, otherwise she would not imitate Natasha's clothes on weekdays. Just to get a little attention from Ivan Vincent, this girl with a clear distinction between love and hate stood up stubbornly regardless of the objections of her teacher Lucien. She raised her chin slightly, revealing her white and smooth swan neck. His fists were clenched, his body was trembling slightly, but his expression was still firm, and he expressed his point of view loudly.

There was no trace of anger or disappointment on Ivan Vincent's face. His eyes were calm and deep, without any ripples. He looked at the two people who stood up quietly.

In the arcane field, arcanists adhere to experimental results, observational phenomena and theories strictly based on these foundations, not a certain person or authority. This is the attitude of arcane research. The two of them dared to stand up and Ivan Vincent was still very happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on the outside.

"What do you think is wrong?"

"Observation does change the results, but observation can never be explained by the influence of consciousness or an intelligent and thinking observer. Observation is an objective behavior. Intelligent life can do it, ordinary cats and dogs can do it, experimental equipment can do it, and it is composed of a large number of particles. Microscopic systems are also possible. As for the scale at which quantum superposition states will exist, we need to continue to explore and study."

"I also think so."

Annick and Heidi didn't have many clear ideas, just a vague concept that couldn't be expressed accurately.

"Although there is no accurate mathematical model to support it, this is a more objective explanation. Ivan, your theory is too subjective."

Douglas stood on the opposite side of Ivan Vincent this time and agreed with Annick and Heidi's ideas. Fernando didn't speak, but the expression on his face fully showed that he was on Annick's side. Of course, this did not mean that he accepted their explanation without any experimental results and mathematical models. It was just a comparison. , Ivan Vinson’s theory is even more ridiculous! Brooke, Oliver, Helen, Hathaway, Bergner, Laventi and others showed the same attitude in different ways.

"But in this case, how to explain magic? How to explain divine magic? How to explain the power of faith? Annick, your explanation does not leave room for extraordinary power."

Ivan Vincent still maintains his calm and gentle attitude, and does not seem to be angry at all because of everyone's disapproval.

Annick opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute. His wisdom and knowledge could not cope with Ivan Vincent's question.

"Ivan Vincent, don't forcefully connect two unrelated issues. There is no place for magic in the microscopic realm, but that doesn't mean there is no place for it in other fields."

Fernando spoke. Seeing Ivan Vincent making things difficult for Annick, the great arcanist took the initiative to take over the topic and once again put forward a different point of view.

"My theory is just a conjecture for the time being, a conjecture that includes all extraordinary powers. In the current air-to-air situation, arguing is a waste of time. Therefore, we slowly explore and experiment, hoping to find the truth of the world. "

Ivan Vincent had a smile on his face, bright and relaxed, and he didn't seem to mind the opposition at all, and said with a bit of laziness.

The arcanists couldn't tell whether they were disappointed or relieved. His Excellency Ivan Vincent did not throw out irrefutable experiments and theoretical predictions to declare his victory. This is not in line with common sense! No, this is normal!

Suddenly, Ivan Vincent looked at Oliver, Fernando, Douglas, Annick, Splinter and others with a faint smile, changed the topic and said.

"I have three experimental ideas here that cannot be completed at the moment. I hope that with everyone's joint efforts, they can be completed as soon as possible. This will provide strong evidence for our interpretation of the microscopic field."

"In the first experiment, we all know that temperature is a reflection of the degree of thermal motion of molecules, so as long as the movement of microscopic particles is contained, theoretically it will create ice colder that is closer to absolute zero. In such a restricted environment, microscopic particles may It will be in the same quantum state, and at the same time, it will also allow us to complete many ideas."

Ivan Vinson roughly told everyone about the idea of ​​using strong magnetic fields or lasers to create traps to trap microscopic particles, and roughly guessed how to observe specific microscopic particles in a very short moment through appropriate experimental steps in such an environment. There is no specific idea about the quantum superposition state, it is a theoretical speculation that is close to fantasy.

Strong magnetic fields are familiar to every arcanist. Ivan Vincent has proposed the concept and general principles of lasers before. Many magicians have a certain understanding of this, because as long as they are equipped with magic crystals such as rubies, , you can amplify your own light ray magic to a certain extent and produce scorching high temperatures. Of course, this is limited by distance.

Therefore, listening to Ivan Vincent's description of the conjectures and hypotheses, the magicians did not have much difficulty in understanding, and Helen did not even blink. This seemed to explain many incomprehensible aspects of her legendary ice and snow magic? As for how to create a trap, even if Ivan Vincent has an idea, he will definitely not tell it, leaving it to her research!

To the Grand Arcanist, direction is more important than any specific steps!

Oliver's face turned a little gloomy, but also seemed quite excited. If a real quantum superposition state is truly observed, it would fully prove that the secret of the god-like thing is indeed in the microscopic realm! It's just that the experiment described by Ivan Vincent is very difficult and cannot be completed in a short time.

"But this is of no use in explaining the reasons for the transition from the microscopic realm to the macroscopic world. It only confirms the quantum state of the mixed superposition of many possible states!"

Lucien put forward his own ideas. He did not speak in the dispute just now and maintained a neutral attitude.

"In the magic experiment just now, we can make two more changes."

"One change is that after the electron passes through the double slit and achieves self-interference, we then decide whether we want to see its wave nature or particle nature, so before it falls on the screen, we process the screen for this purpose. At this time, we will What experimental images are presented?”

"What's the problem with this? Since it has passed through the double slit, interference must have occurred, and volatility must have manifested itself."

The arcane masters first thought subconsciously, and then shuddered. Anything can happen in the microscopic realm that is so weird that it goes against common sense. Could it be that conscious observation will modify the facts that have already happened, so the law of cause and effect on the timeline is no longer strictly true. ?

Ivan Vincent deliberately distorted the description of this experiment to prevent anyone from completing it prematurely and blowing his own head off, and then he continued.

"The second change is to use a method that does not disturb the movement of microscopic particles to record which gap they pass through, but this time, after recording, the experimental device does not issue an alarm or other signal to let us know, but immediately deletes it. Observing the records, will the electrons exhibit wave or particle properties?"

The faces of the arcanists turned pale again. Are they trying to distinguish whether it is the observation of the experimental device or the observation of our consciousness?

After Lucien finished describing the three experiments, he exhaled.

"My experiment is over here. Do you have any questions?"

The arcanists were still immersed in the mental shock caused by the three experiments. No one answered for a while, and they seemed extremely quiet. Everyone in the entire institute was in a state of confusion.

"I also have a thought experiment. According to your explanation, before observation, microscopic particles are in the form of a probability cloud superimposed on many possible states. Then suppose that the particles change and split into two smaller particles and leave in different directions. This process There is no observer involved, so the two particles are also in a quantum superposition state and maintain overall conservation."

"When the distance is far enough, one of the particles is observed, and its state is fixed, while the other particle follows the corresponding rules and immediately collapses into a fixed state? Does this kind of action at a distance violate the special theory of relativity?"

The Arcane Emperor, Speaker Douglas, put forward his own ideas, his eyes as gentle as ever, looking at Ivan Vincent, waiting for his explanation.

The arcanists felt dizzy and their scalps were numb. They had experienced too many thought experiments today, from Schrödinger's cat, delay experiment and deletion experiment, to Douglas's entangled particles, all of which were like destroying the three perspectives. Thought experiments, they don’t understand much and are full of fear.

"I predict that this phenomenon will occur, but it does not violate the special theory of relativity, because before observation, microscopic particles unfold according to wave functions, permeate the space, and are everywhere. The two particles are an indivisible whole."

Ivan Vincent answered not quite accurately, and he did not dare to be too accurate. This experiment was a bait for fishing.

Douglas nodded without any surprise, still sticking to his ideas and speaking in a calm voice.

"I will find a way to verify this experiment and see if your theory is complete."

After this experimental debate that was destined to be recorded in the history of magic was over, Ivan Vincent walked out of the Arcane Research Institute, rubbed his eyebrows slightly tiredly, and returned to his study alone.

Not long after, Lucien in a black tuxedo knocked on the door and came in. He was full of confusion about what happened today and needed to ask Ivan Vincent to clear up his doubts.

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