I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 24 It’s very simple

"It's very simple. I have read many historical records. Some of the biographies of ninjas record their life experiences. Among them, Kaiten and Puppet Master are mentioned. After all, these two are quite comparable in the ninja world. Common ninjutsu."

"Even if there is a record, there is definitely no technique to follow it. How did you learn it?" Seeing that Neji still didn't understand the point of the question, Kai asked anxiously and anxiously.

"It's very simple. Just think about it and give it a try. After all, you already have the idea. You just need to fill in the theory." Kai and Tiantian listened to Neji's ordinary show off, with embarrassment on their faces. They couldn't figure out why something was so difficult and why it was so easy in Neji's eyes. They couldn't help but doubt their own IQ and looked at each other with wry smiles. I really can’t understand the existence of genius.

"It turns out it's so simple. I thought it would be difficult!" Xiao Li opened his mouth wide and accepted Neji's explanation with an expression of sudden realization.

"Xiao Li, you idiot! How could you really believe that this kind of thing is very simple!" Kai and Tiantian really didn't expect that Xiao Li actually believed Ningci's humble words, which was somewhat because of Xiao Li's IQ. Feel worried.

But perhaps because of Xiao Li's presence, Kai and Tiantian looked much better and no longer doubted their IQ.

It turns out that it's not their IQ that's the problem, there are people like Xiao Li, which is enough to prove that their IQ is still above ordinary people. It must be that Neji's IQ and genius level have exceeded his imagination.

"Ah, for Neji, simplicity is enough. After all, people need to be self-aware, so I just need to work hard to learn Taijutsu." Xiao Li looked like it was a matter of course, not frustrated at all, and looked at Kai and Tiantian strangely. , didn’t understand what they were making a fuss about.

"Xiao Li, I find that sometimes you are really smart." Tiantian glanced at Xiao Li with a complicated expression, and his impression of Xiao Li changed.

"I know I'm not smart, but I believe that as long as I work hard, I can gain something. Every drop of sweat I shed is valuable." Xiao Li's expression was full of seriousness, and there was a shadow of maturity on his immature face.

"Li, you are already an excellent ninja. With your own tolerance and persistence, I believe you will become a great ninja." Kai touched Locke Li's head with his hand, his eyes filled with relief and recognition. .

"Xiao Li, thank you!" Tiantian looked at Xiao Li complicatedly. Xiao Li shocked Tiantian's heart even more than Neci did. Tiantian never thought that Xiao Li, a hot-blooded crane tail, had grown to a point where he admired him.

"Really? Thank you for your recognition. I will definitely continue to work hard." There seemed to be tears in Xiao Li's eyes. He reached out and gently wiped the corners of his eyes. He finally got the recognition except for Neji and did not laugh at him. his efforts.

"To celebrate everyone's completion of the first task in life, and to celebrate everyone's growth, I'm going to treat everyone to a barbecue tonight!" Kai waved his hand, his face was full of joy, and he was a generous treat.

"Teacher Kai, you won't skip the bill again, will you?" Neji looked a little confused and his voice was full of resentment.

"Hahaha, no, how could I escape the bill?" Kai scratched the back of his head, big beads of sweat hanging on his forehead, and grinned.

"Last night, someone seemed to have skipped the bill!" Neji's words were like a shadow surrounding Kai.

"I will pay first, and the accident last night will never happen again!" Kai waved his hands roughly, became angry, and yelled at Neji loudly.

"Okay, for the time being, I believe in Teacher Kai's credibility." Ningci said nonchalantly. It's not that Ningci is fussy. The main reason is that Ningci mainly relies on Hizashi's inheritance. He lives on nothing every day. Last night's meal money was almost enough for Ningci. Half a month's worth of food expenses.

The Akimichi family, the Yamanaka family and the Nara family have been staunch allies since the Warring States Period. The three major families have stayed together for warmth and advanced and retreat together. When the first Hokage put down the civil strife in the Land of Fire and established the one-country-one-village system, he was the first to respond to the Senju. One family, can be regarded as the die-hard supporters of the Hokage family. The Inar, Deer, and Butterfly combinations of the three families have been passed down from generation to generation in Konoha. Among them, the Akimichi family is all fat, but they represent Butterfly in the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly combination, because The secret technique of the Akimichi family is the doubling technique, which is a secret technique of Yang escape. In order to obtain huge Yang escape, one needs to eat like crazy and accumulate fat. When using Yang escape, the fat is burned to provide huge Yang escape chakra. Call it butterflying.

Because they like to eat and are very good at eating, the Akimichi clan has strong knowledge in eating, so the Akimichi clan's barbecue restaurant is considered the most famous in Konoha. Akimichi BBQ is tender and salty, the meat is abundant, and the price is relatively affordable, so it is packed with diners every day.

"The Akimichi family's barbecue is definitely the best in Konoha. You can eat as much as you want. I will definitely not let you down today." Kai patted his wallet boldly, indicating that his wallet was very bulging.

"Then you're welcome. Boss, let's order barbecue for four people first." Neci took the lead in ordering.

"Well, it tastes really good." Neji swallowed a piece of barbecue in one gulp. Seeing Kai's face darken, Neji gradually slowed down. There were already 8 empty plates piled up next to Neji, and with Xiao Li and Tiantian still immersed in their struggle with food, this time Neji and the others ate nearly ten people’s worth of barbecue!

"Kai, when did you come, why didn't you tell me." As the current patriarch of the Akimichi clan, Akimichi Tingzao often needs to deal with some family diplomacy, so he often communicates with friends at the barbecue restaurant.

The tall and muscular Akimichi Choza, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Nara Shikaku hadn't had a drink together for a long time, so they met at the barbecue restaurant to catch up on old times. As soon as they entered, they saw Kai and his students having a dinner together, so they came over to chat. Say hello.

"Douza, Haiichi and Shikaku haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's get together when we have time." Kai and Ino Shikacho were ninjas of the same era. They fought side by side in the Great Ninja World War and were considered comrades-in-arms.

"Isn't it okay now? Let's have a drink and chat together." Dingzuo directly invited Kai to come over and get together.

"Okay, let me explain." Kai looked back at Xiao Li and Tiantian who were still struggling with food, ignored them, and turned his attention directly to Neji.

"Teacher Kai, it seems you haven't paid the bill yet!" Neji didn't waste any time and asked Kai directly.

"I'll pay the bill. I'm just partying with friends at the barbecue restaurant, and I'm not leaving." Kai retorted angrily.

Kai carefully looked at the three Dingzuo people next to him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha, Kai, is this your student? How cute! I am the owner of the barbecue restaurant. It doesn't matter even if Kai doesn't pay the bill. You can eat with confidence. It's mine!" Ding Zuo looked at Neji and Kai. Communicating, he immediately revealed his identity, hoping to dispel Neji's concerns.

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