I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 25 Reminiscing about the past

"Sorry, I'm rude!" After hearing Ding Zao's words, Neji stood up and bowed embarrassedly.

"That's not the case. It was us who disturbed your team's dinner party." Although Ding Zuo is tall and powerful, he has a muscular body. But his personality is very gentle, and he does not ignore Neji's etiquette just because he is young.

"Okay, you guys don't want to keep chatting there, it's really troublesome, why not just share the table here, it's the same anyway." Nara Shikaku walked with the distinctive characteristics of the Nara clan, high IQ, good at planning, but not Motivation, lack of patience, and finding trouble in everything are also the biggest shortcomings of smart people.

Haiyi, Kai and others quickly moved a table to join Neji and others' original dining table.

"Well, Teacher Kai, Neji. Who are they?" Xiao Li and Tiantian raised their heads and saw Inoludie. They asked Kai curiously. The meat in their mouths was not swallowed, and their teeth kept chewing.

"Friends of Mr. Kai, just keep eating. There is no need to pay any attention to it." Ningci did not introduce the three Dingzuo people to Xiao Li and Tiantian. After all, today was the first time that Ningci saw the pig deer butterfly. I shouldn’t know three people this time!

"It's delicious!" Xiao Li and Tiantian were very obedient and worked hard, not caring about what was going on here at all.

The three of them sat down one after another, surrounding the table, each with a bottle of sake in front of them.

The chatting party among friends made several people completely relax their usual tension. They looked relaxed and comfortable. There was no politeness, they just drank wine and ate barbecue by themselves. There were no rules at all, and some were just casual and relaxed. .

The three Dingzuo and Kai chatted about the current situation and things in the village. As we talked, we talked about children. Choji, Shikamaru and Ino are in fifth grade at the ninja school and will graduate in another year, so they are very concerned about the children's performance in school. As he said this, he remembered that Kai had just become the leading teacher, and began to ask Kai about his feelings.

"Kai, how do you feel about being a teacher for the first time?" Yamanaka Hai asked Kai about his experience as a teacher. Among the three, only his child was a girl, so he was most concerned about the child's situation after graduation.

This is the same as the parents of children in Ningci's previous life. They are very concerned about their children's education and seek information about their children's future development in order to make their children's future more secure. However, the situation in the ninja world is somewhat different from that in the previous life. The choice of the teacher who leads the team is more important, related to the growth, life and death of the children. Naturally, Haiichi pays more attention to Ino's situation after graduation.

"The students are all excellent and are already excellent ninjas, so I am very satisfied with their performance." Kai said about his students and unconsciously started to show off his team to Haiyi. His expression was full of pride, and his thick eyebrows were raised entirely.

"It seems that Kai is very satisfied with his students." Nara Shikaku glanced at Neji and the others from the corner of his eye.

Neji instantly noticed the gaze and turned to look at Shikaku. Shikaku didn't expect Neji to be so alert and sensitive. Just a peripheral light aroused Neji's reaction, and he raised the wine glass in his hand to signal. After a while, he nodded his head as a greeting.

Because Gai was reminiscing about the past, Neji deliberately blocked his attention from Gai and the others. When Shikaku's gaze aroused Neji's physical instinct, he overreacted.

Neji could only smile slightly at Shikaku as a gesture of kindness.

"What an alert brat." Shikaku sighed inwardly, never expecting that there would be someone like Ningji among the current genin.

Needless to say, Kai, as an elite jounin, was very observant, and he noticed the look between Shikaku and Neji.

"So, Neji is amazing, right?" Kai said to Shikaku. There was a somewhat meaningful smile on his face.

"It's really amazing, Hyuga Neji? This year's chief student, the nerd of the Hyuga clan!" As the leader of the Jounin class in Konoha, Shikaku is in a high position and has many sources of information, so even if Neji deliberately keeps a low profile, there are still Some information leaked out. Although it was basically leaked by Neji himself intentionally, the fact that Shikaku was able to pay attention to Neji's information also showed that Shikaku was attentive.

"Neji is a real genius. He has the highest talent among people I have ever seen. Even Kakashi can't compare to him." Kai's tone was filled with pride and a little loss. Kai is a representative of hard work that can make up for failure. He has always believed that as long as he works hard enough, he is a true genius. He can catch up with geniuses, so he always targets Kakashi. The appearance of Neji completely broke Kai's cognition. There are geniuses in the world who are hard to catch up with, and ordinary people can only look up to them.

"A genius who surpasses genius!" Nara Shikaku's deep voice sounded, with some deep thoughts and doubts on his face.

"This is impossible. Kakashi is a super genius who graduated from the Ninja School in one year, became a Jonin at the age of twelve, and created Raikiri A-level ninjutsu on his own!" Akimichi Tingza pressed his hands on the table and pressed The barbecue table made a squeaking sound. It was obvious that Akimichi Tingza did not want to believe that Neji was a genius that surpassed Kakashi.

"Although Hyuga Neji has always been the top student in the school, he has not reported any particularly outstanding deeds. Moreover, most of his students in this class are civilian ninjas and lack ninja talents, so it seems even more impossible. He is a genius who surpasses Kakashi." Yamanaka Haiichi also expressed his doubts, but compared to Akimichi Choza's fierce reaction, Yamanaka Haiichi believed in his own judgment and rationality more, and his reaction was much smaller than Akimichi Choza's. , but from the way he stared at Kai, it could be seen that Yamanaka Haiichi was not as calm as he appeared.

"That child is a branch of the Hyuga clan, he seems to be the child of Hyuga Hizashi!" Nara Shikaku asked Mike Kay for confirmation.

"Yes!" Kai looked back at the genin forehead protector on Neji's forehead, his eyes seemed to see through the forehead protector, and there was some dissatisfaction on his face.

"The caged bird has unimaginable talents, but can't use them?" Nara Shikaku sighed softly, raised the wine glass on the table, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"I believe in my students. A cage can trap a canary, but it cannot restrain an eagle. Neji is the overlord of the sky, not a house sparrow trapped in a cage for people to watch!" Kai did not react violently. , with a determined expression on his face, he picked up a piece of barbecued meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, chewing it hard with his teeth.

"You know, in fact, when Hizashi just passed away, Kakashi and I met Neji at the ninja school. At that time, his strength was no less than that of Kakashi and I. To this day, it is difficult for me to understand What level has his strength reached? So I believe that even if there is a caged bird, it will not trouble him, because he is a true genius." Kai took a sip of sake and relaxed.

"I even think that he is the strongest person in Konoha Village now. Even though he is only twelve years old!" Kai shook his head, somewhat puzzled by his ridiculous idea, but he also had a firm belief that he could not detect.

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