I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 23 Techniques

Every time Neji took a step, chakra would surge out from the acupuncture points on the soles of his feet and invade the underground. Under Neji's powerful mental control, chakra directly shattered all the roots of underground weeds, and then poured out from his ten fingers. Ten long chakra threads directly smashed the parts on the weed ground. Only then did the vision appear where all the weeds disappeared where Neci walked.

Neji walked around the farmland. He looked like he was not a ninja clearing weeds, but like a nobleman out for a spring outing.

However, in only about ten minutes, Neji returned to Kai's side and completed his mission.

"Xiao Li, Tiantian, you have to work hard. Neji has completed his task, and you have only done less than one-tenth of it." Kai looked at Ningji who was not even sweating next to him, shook his head, and immediately He began to urge Tiantian and Xiao Li to speed up.

"How is that possible?" Tiantian raised his head in surprise and looked at Neji and Kai.

"Ningji, you are so awesome! I will definitely not be too far behind you." Xiao Li speeded up with fighting spirit and devoted himself to the great cause of weeding.

"Damn it, Xiao Li, I won't admit defeat. I am determined to become a powerful female ninja like Tsunade-sama." Tiantian also wiped away the loss and shock on his face and sped up.

Under the tree on the roadside, Ningji watched Xiao Li and Tiantian working, like a young master checking on the work of his family's tenants.

Looking at the passionate Xiao Li and the two, he slowly closed his eyes, entered the spiritual world, and experienced the life experience of a ninja during the Warring States Period.

So far, he has experienced the lives of more than a hundred ninjas, and every time he needs to be fully committed.

This is different from the people in other fantasy worlds transformed by Neji's thoughts, requiring Neji to invest most of his mental emotions into it.

Every time Neji experiences a period of life as a legendary ninja, it will take Neji a long period of time to digest it. Otherwise, he will be easily affected by this life experience, and his personality and concepts will undergo huge changes.

Kai, who was originally standing aside, thought that Ningci was closing his eyes and concentrating, and didn't care. However, after a while, he discovered that Ningci had not moved at all from beginning to end. He must have entered a deep level of practice and unconsciously Then he stood beside Ningci and secretly protected Ningci's safety.

Although the only employer around him who issued the mission was an ordinary villager in Konoha and not a ninja, Kai still vaguely regarded him as a target of caution.

Although Kai is a rough guy in daily life, he is still very reliable. He is a trustworthy teammate and friend with a strong sense of responsibility. Although he has never thanked Neji for the secret technique he gave him last time, But he kept Neji's help in mind.

"Finally, it's all done." Xiao Li and Tiantian rubbed their waists that hurt from labor, sweating profusely, but their faces were full of joy.

"Thank you very much, I'm very satisfied!" The employer was very happy. After all, the entire weeding time went much faster than he imagined.

"Teacher Kai, what are we going to do next?" After handing over the task, Tiantian and Xiao Li looked at the sun that had not yet set, not wanting to disband now.

"Since the first mission of your ninja career has been completed, let's talk about your thoughts on the mission." Kai really wanted to know the students' views on the mission, which would help him fully understand Neji San people.

"Nothing special." Neji didn't feel novel or disgusted, he just felt normal.

"It's different than I imagined. I never thought that ninjas would have to do this kind of mission." Tiantian was a little moody, and his ninja career was different from what he expected.

"I don't have any ideas, I will work hard, but no matter what task, I will do my best!" Xiao Li is still so enthusiastic, and he has not let the so-called small tasks dampen his fighting spirit at all.

"Very good, then, I understand. Then, let's talk about what you learned." Kai's appearance at this time was not as off-line as usual, full of seriousness and a strong sense of responsibility.

"The role of Ninjutsu is wider than I thought. Even for things like weeding, you can use what you have learned and apply what you have learned." Neji still had some insights into the practice of weeding this time and understood. The village lets newly graduated genin not only to hone their patience, but also to lay a solid foundation for them to use ninjutsu more flexibly.

"When faced with a task, no matter what it is, we must take it seriously and go all out!" Xiao Li also showed some thoughtfulness and seriousness on his face. I completely remember Kai’s education in my heart.

"Ninja is not as simple and beautiful as we imagined. I will adjust my mentality." Tiantian had completely abandoned his little emotions at this time, obviously realizing his attitude problem.

"Sure enough, my students are all great, youth is really touching." Kai returned to his usual passionate state at this time, and his white teeth flashed in the sun, blinding Neji's eyes, making Neji completely unable to bear it. Closed his eyes.

"Teacher Kai!"


Xiao Li and Kai hugged each other and cried with exaggerated emotions. The scene was so beautiful that it was hard to bear to look at it.

"Ah, it's here again, it's true!" Tiantian couldn't help complaining, his eyes rolled up, comparable to the eyes of the Hyuga clan.

"Ningji, how did you manage to clear away the weeds so quickly?" Tiantian thought of Neji's performance, curiosity appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but ask.

Neji, who was sitting on the grass, glanced at Kai and Xiao Li, who were separated due to Tiantian problems. Seeing the same curiosity in their eyes, he couldn't help but smile and said slowly, "It's not really a secret, it's just simple. It’s just chakra manipulation skills.”

"Teacher Kai, as a jounin, you should have seen the chakra techniques I use." Every jounin's experience is legendary and he is well-informed.

"I feel a little familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before?" Kai scratched his head, his whole face wrinkled together, obviously he had some impression, but he couldn't remember it at all, and he was a little distressed.

"Actually, it's very simple. I poured out chakra under my feet to shatter the roots of weeds. I used the Hyuga clan's Kaitian technique. I just sprayed out chakra from the apertures all over my body instead of spraying out chakra only from my feet. It changed from defense to It’s just for offense.”

"As for crushing the weeds, I use the most common chakra string controlled by the puppets in the Sand Ninja Village in the Country of Wind, and add changes in the nature of the wind attribute chakra."

Neji said it very lightly, but Kai looked shocked when he heard it, while Xiao Li and Tiantian didn't understand it at all, with some confusion on their faces.

Neither Kaitian nor puppet control skills can be achieved by ordinary ninjas, not to mention that Neji studied them on his own and has no access to this knowledge.

"How did you learn it? Kaitian should be a secret that is not passed down to the Hyuga clan, and the Puppet Master is a unique force of the Suna Ninja Village and will not be passed down at all." Kai couldn't help but ask.

Thank you for the sunshine at night = miracle vote

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