I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2371 The action begins, King of Angels

In June, also known as the summer month, at noon on the 14th, the scorching sun hung high, casting countless golden rays of light. The air was filled with hot breath, making people feel a little bit inexplicably nervous and upset.

On the thirty-fifth floor of the Arlinge Magic Tower, voices kept ringing:

"Confirmation that Pope Benedict II preached in the holy city of Reims today and has not left."

"It is confirmed that Saints Melmoth, Anastas, Mary and others are near the Pope and have not left."

"It is confirmed that the leader of the ascetics, Saint Odin, is in the new alien space and has never left."

"Confirmed that the leader of the ascetics, Valencier, entered the confessional in the holy city of Reims to pray and never left."

"Confirmation that Bahá'u'lláh, the Judge, is at the headquarters of the Inquisition and has not left."

"It is confirmed that Beria, the Glory of God, is in the Northern Fortress and has never left."

Confirmed information came one after another, allowing the Supreme Council and the high-level magicians participating in the operation to accurately grasp the situation.

"It is impossible to confirm the whereabouts of the giants of the Inquisition, St. Anthony of the Night Watch, Brentus the Inspector, and the 'Original Flame' who ranks first among the Night Watch."

"Unable to confirm……"

Such information was not only about the Southern Church, but also about many powerful people in the Northern Church and the Dark Mountains. All the personnel deployed by the Magic Council for many years came into use at this moment.

After synthesizing all the intelligence and confirming the situation, Douglas stood up from his seat, walked to the front of the Supreme Council meeting room, and announced solemnly and solemnly.

"The operation has begun. Please be careful about your own safety."

"The secret is above!"

All the magicians put their right hands on their foreheads and saluted the president of the Great Arcanist Council.

The capital of the Duchy of Calais, Cux.

Erika, the transformation master with short flaxen hair, walked out of the black magic tower that looked like an astrological platform. She carried a strong sense of historical vicissitudes with her. She was one of the rare ancient magicians in the Supreme Council, and sometimes she Called a historian. She secretly counted the time in her heart and walked slowly towards the Cathedral of Kux with several archmages and high-level magicians.

At this time, two dragon-scaled horses galloped past, and the two knights on them shouted deliberately.

"Your Majesty Yourcenar has requested an emergency meeting of the nobles."

Yourcenar is the epic knightly twilight song of the Duchy of Calais. Erica understood that this was part of the plan, and Yourcenar would not do anything more until the situation completely changed.

A few minutes later, Erica and others, who seemed very slow, arrived outside the Cux Cathedral on the other side of the city. A middle-aged cleric wearing a white soft hat was looking at her calmly.

"Terrance, are you ready to hand over?"

Erica asked the wise angel from the Diocese of Calais. Cardinal Terrence asked that the other party had been won over by Sal and was willing to cooperate with this operation.

Faced with the hostility of the magician, Terrence, the Bishop of the Truth Church, replied with a soft smile on his face.

"I have sent the cardinals out to inspect various counties. There are only a few bishops and priests inside, and the magic circle has been closed."

Erica did not enter rashly, but maintained due caution. She motioned with her eyes to a summoning mage next to her, asking him to summon two high-level devils to enter and control the cores of the divine magic array and the teleportation array respectively.

When there were no problems, several archmages and magicians entered one after another and took control of different areas, while Erica still stayed in the square, confronting Terence from a distance, waiting for Lentat's progress.

The capital of Buryan Kingdom, Salivar.

Grand Arcanist Brooke is a semi-old gentleman wearing a white hairband and a black double-breasted gown. His left hand is in his pocket and he holds a short black cane in his right hand. He is with the petite silver-haired lady Chelsea Howe. Together with Walter, we climbed the stairs outside the Bethlehem Cathedral and walked directly inside without any other bells and whistles.

As a Grand Arcanist, he is confident enough that even if all the magic circles are activated, he can kill Cardinal Bifur, known as the Light of Heaven, inside.

When Brooke was about to enter the church door, he looked back at the palace where King Briana was and whispered.

"I hope Bedlenka and Bassol will not make irrational decisions."

Void Hammer Bedrunka and Calamity Knight Bashor are the epic knights of the Kingdom of Buriana.

"They will wait until the situation is almost clear before they decide."

Holt, the Silver Moon scholar who has been here for a long time, smiled and Brooke nodded without saying anything. He walked slowly into the church, walked to the third row of seats in front of the cross and sat down, then lowered his head in meditation, waiting for the time to come. , like the most devout believer, the cardinal preaching above had no idea that the eighth-ranked Grand Arcanist in the purification sequence was sitting in front of him.

Hercules in the coastal corridor of Northland and Vicente in the Camelot Kingdom encountered similar situations to Erica. They successfully took over the cathedral and controlled the teleportation point. The epics of these countries and regions The knights, like Yourcenar, called for an emergency meeting of the nobles.

Rentat, outside the Glorious Cathedral. Storm Lord Fernando, along with a legendary magician and a dozen archmages and high-level magicians, are waiting for Salde to come out.

Without keeping them waiting for long, Sard, who looked like an ordinary old man, walked out of the Glorious Cathedral and kept his promise.

Sard was dressed in an ordinary white clerical robe and had slightly cloudy eyes. If it weren't for his peaceful and deep temperament, Sard would be no different from the ordinary old man basking in the sun on the street in Rentat. He glanced around the empty church square and chuckled.

"I was worried that Storm Lord you wouldn't dare to come!"

Fernando, with a stormy aura, fiery and straightforward personality, sneered and said sarcastically.

"Why don't you dare to come? Will the church just watch us continue to grow and develop? I bet that the church will not wait until ten years later. As long as the Pope's magic can be resumed, he will launch a comprehensive attack on us. War, so it’s better for us to take the initiative.”

Due to the rapid development in the past hundred years, results that subvert the "Holy Code" or "Canon" will appear from time to time. The Magic Council has become the current focus of containment and attack by the church. It is no longer possible to immerse itself in development and silently enjoy the stable time of confrontation between the north and south churches. When a force develops to a certain stage, it must have a war with its original controller in order to gain space for continued development.

Therefore, in the past ten years, the Magic Council has continuously provoked the church, hoping that they would break out into a controllable local war without adequate preparation.

When the Pope is restrained by the Northern Church and the Dark Council, and is not ready for corresponding mobilization and mediation, the Supreme Council of the Magic Council believes that the losses of the legendary magician can be controlled within a certain range. In this way, there will be The basis for fighting for the defection of seven epic knights.

It is a pity that Pope Benedict II has always maintained his rationality, suppressed the radical voices within the church, and made preparations step by step.

Faced with this situation, the Magic Council is under tremendous pressure. Even without Salde seeking cooperation, the Council will try to provoke a war this year or early next year.

Regarding what Salde said, the Pope judged that it would take sixty years for the Parliament to develop to the point where it could not be contained, so that a full-scale war would break out in ten or twenty years. Fernando and other members of the Supreme Council were completely unconvinced. The Pope and the Cardinals The members of the group are not blind. It is impossible for them not to see the rapid expansion of arcane theories in recent years, make new assessments, and not give the magic theory a chance to develop and grow.

Therefore, Douglas and other great arcanists have reason to believe that when the divine art is restored, Pope Benedict II will focus on getting rid of the Magic Council. Perhaps at this time next year, what awaits is a comprehensive war for which the church is fully prepared. war.

In this case, it is better for the Magic Council to take the initiative to instigate changes in the situation, create a general trend, and avoid the terrible situation of a legendary pinnacle suffering from the divine descending spell. No legendary peak would be willing to face the divine descending technique directly.

Salde's cooperation is such an opportunity, which just caters to the parliament's idea of ​​​​launching the plan this year or early next year. Therefore, the Magic Council made the most detailed plan for this operation, which was made in case the Pope led fifteen or sixteen members of the College of Cardinals to suddenly arrive.

"As expected, it is the vibrant Magic Council. After nearly a thousand years, the church has slowly become decayed. Only blood and fire can give it new vitality. Go in, the magic enchantment has been closed, even the moderates I took the opportunity to send all the clergy to Richard, and there were only a few people left, including Vera Amorton who supervised the entire process on my behalf."

Salde sighed and became more afraid of the Magic Council. He requested that the parts of the Glory Cathedral except the teleportation array be kept intact for his future use. This stingy yet eager attitude seems to really demonstrate his sincerity in cooperation.

Without the obstruction of the divine barrier, Fernando's spiritual force field enveloped the Glory Cathedral without any hindrance. However, he still remained cautious and ordered some magicians to go in first and control the core of the divine barrier and the super large teleportation array. .

The archmages and high-level magicians quickly took control of the Glory Cathedral. Some clergy looked at their actions and their emotions became extremely complicated.

Although these clergy favored the Magic Council, they were also inspired by Salde and had the idea of ​​​​changing like the Northern Church. They no longer wanted to live under the terrifying pressure of the Magic Council, but when they saw that the Glorious Cathedral was controlled by magicians, There is still a feeling of loss in my heart and my eyes are slightly red.

“Is an era over?”

Since the super-large teleportation array was too strong, it was difficult for the archmages to destroy it directly. Fernando dragged his red magic robe and walked into the Glory Cathedral.

Sard looked at this scene quietly and said with a smile.

"I will withdraw from Rentat first to eliminate your doubts. When you have completed complete control of this area, I will come and crown the glorious archbishop."

Fernando looked at him with his eyes hiding the aura of the storm. Without saying anything, he passed directly past him and entered the depths of the Glory Cathedral.

Salde chuckled twice, without any anger, and walked out of the church square slowly but really quickly.

The floating city of Aringe had flown over Rentat at some point, and all the sections of railway tracks had been retracted, like a battle fortress.

Douglas was sitting on the 35th floor of the central magic tower and gave instructions to a legendary magician on the side.

"Atlante, keep an eye on Sard and don't let him play any tricks!"

Atlante looked solemn, nodded, and opened his closed eyes, which seemed to hide a strange and fascinating world.

The east part of Rentat City belongs to the aristocratic area. Both the Nexor Palace and the Glory Cathedral are located here. Therefore, the scenery is beautiful and the population density is extremely low.

A knight whipped his dragon-scale horse and galloped quickly on the wide and deserted road. The sun was strong at noon. He met almost no one before he arrived at Duke James' villa.

"Her Majesty the Queen has requested an emergency meeting of nobles?"

James was a little puzzled. The time required by Her Majesty the Queen was very tight, and almost only the nobles of Rentat could participate, and those from other places could not make it. After Duke James identified the authenticity of the coat of arms, he went to Nexor Palace full of questions and prepared to hold a meeting of nobles.

On the thirty-fifth floor of Arlinge Magic Tower, information from various places was sent back one by one.

"Erica takes control of Cux Cathedral."

"Vicente takes control of Blanes Cathedral."

"Hercules controls the Cathedral of the Light of the North."

"Brooke and Holt are waiting for the order to take action."

"Confirmation, the Pope is still preaching..."

"Confirmation, several saints are still with him..."

Douglas stood calmly in front, without any nervousness. He was able to establish the Magic Council under extremely bad circumstances and develop it. Douglas had never seen any dangerous situations. No matter how bad the situation was this time, it could still be compared to Have you ever lived in the early days of the establishment of the Magic Council?

At that time, magicians were purified by the church every day and could be destroyed at any time. Suddenly, Atlante's deep voice sounded, showing a bit of surprise.

"Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, Sard is missing!"

Atlante's Cursed Eye has been paying attention to Sard, but Sard, who had just left the noble area, actually hid it from his eyes and disappeared silently!

Douglas looked at Grand Arcanist Oliver and others with a calm expression and arranged things in an orderly manner.

"Inform Brooke to take action, notify Hercules and others to take action. Before the epic knights realize that something is wrong, send several cardinals to Heaven Mountain or seal them away. At the same time, tell Brooke to return immediately for reinforcements once the battle is resolved."

"Hathaway and David swap places."

"Let's help Fernando!"

Orders were issued one after another, and Hathaway disappeared on the spot and appeared in the Arlinge Magic Tower. Davila was responsible for her previous mission.

In the Glory Cathedral, the super large teleportation array is shrouded in a layer of holy light. Fernando stood far away in the atrium, about to use the legendary magic Thunder Storm to completely destroy it.

At this time, Vera Amorton, who was in the other direction, suddenly showed a touch of joy from the heart on her beautiful and indifferent face. Holy light burst out from her body. The muscles on her face twisted and squirmed, turning into a woman. A beautiful and handsome man.

This man has long blond hair, holy and beautiful facial features, and the white wings on his back spread out quickly, one pair, two pairs, three pairs, four pairs... a total of eighteen pairs! He knelt down devoutly, with countless light spots twining between his wings, and behind him, a projection of a seven-story mountain of heaven appeared vaguely, with the same singing Holy Spirit and angels, and the same six Seraphs. , also has the highest layer of boundless light. It's just that compared to the projection of the divine descending technique, this projection is much more illusory, and in the highest level, the huge code-bearing angel crawling at the feet of the God of Truth has disappeared!

"Whoever recites your name will be protected from all harm."

This extremely handsome man prayed in a low voice, and his body quickly disappeared, dyeing everything around him with a layer of ripples that seemed not to belong to this world. The ripples spread quickly, wrapping the super large teleportation array within it.

Fernando's bright red pupils shrank tightly, recognizing the identity of the man in front of him, and coldly spit out a name.

"King of Angels, Mercantron!"

Storm Lord Fernando did not rush to attack the super large teleportation circle, but calmly sent out a signal and said to others.

"Start the third set of plans!"

After the signal from Storm Lord Fernando was sent, with the super large teleportation array as the center, a black storm suddenly erupted like the end of the world, blowing down all the pillars and domes of the Glory Cathedral that had been reinforced by divine magic. The building on the left melted like glass, while the one on the right froze into lumps of ice crystals. Both were crystal clear and colorful. Then, heat and cold exchanged, and everything turned into powder or gas.

At the same time, one after another giant snake-like silver lightning crackled in the black storm on the super large teleportation array. Each lightning seemed to bring out a terrifying aura of destruction, and the powerful electromagnetic force distorted the surrounding scene. The huge sounds of wind and thunder are like roars that shock the soul. This is the fundamental magic of Fernando's legendary profession, the furious storm!

However, Mercantron, the King of Angels, used the projection of Heavenly Mountain to display the protection of God, allowing himself and the super-large teleportation array to be in another world. That is an ideal place that can only be reached by the Holy Spirit and angels. It is the refuge where the God of Truth redeems the world. The storm, lightning, high temperature, and low cold with a strong aura of destruction acted on the God's Guard and penetrated directly without causing any damage.

He is worthy of being the guardian of the divine defense ceiling of space. He is worthy of being Mercantron, the King of Angels, the pinnacle of legend!

"Withdraw to Arlinge, and the others will attack with me. Although God's Protection is the ultimate in space defense spells and is said to be immune to all harm, it also has an upper limit that it can withstand. It is not difficult for us to work together to break it!"

Douglas came, and that familiar and kind voice relieved the tension and worries in the hearts of the magicians. Things were still under control. If the Speaker did not fall, the Parliament would not suffer a devastating blow!

In the air, Douglas floated to one side, and there seemed to be light shining in his hands, as if a vast sun was about to be born. In other directions, the legendary magicians stood apart to prevent them from being swept away by the divine magic.

"Elemental Dominator", "Hand of Annihilation", "Ice Witch", "Prophet", "Cursed Eye", "Starlight", "Sun King", "Alchemy Master" and other ten magic councils A legend gathers here, and there are five great arcane masters and a peak legend. This kind of strength is enough to sweep away any country and force outside of the church here. It is extremely powerful.

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