I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2372 Divine descending technique, kill with one sword!

Rentat Abbey.

Radical cardinals, bishops, and priests shouted fervently and piously.

"The time has come for us to be martyred!"

"Only the truth lasts forever!"

The cardinals, bishops, and priests all knelt in front of the cross and began to pray quietly.

All the bishops and priests crossed their arms and placed them on their chests in the shape of a cross, prostrate themselves close to the ground and chanted.

"You are one and ten thousand."

"It's the beginning and it's the end."

"It is the creator and the master."

“We will let your ways walk on earth as we walk in your kingdom.”

“Your ways will be walked on earth as in your kingdom.”

Rays of holy light radiated softly from their bodies, dyeing them with bright colors. Wings seemed to emerge from behind. These holy lights were connected together and quickly expanded into a sea, rushing towards the east of Rentat.

More than twenty cardinals, more than a hundred bishops, and thousands of priests sacrificed themselves at the same time, died as martyrs, and displayed the kingdom of heaven on earth, which was at least more powerful than the last battle between Salde and Ivan Vincent. Can be twice as powerful.

Starting from Rentate Monastery, the sea of ​​holy light quickly flowed towards the aristocratic district in the east of the city. Immediately afterwards, the churches where radical clergy gathered in Rentate City also poured out extremely bright holy light, a node Connected node by node. Looking at the ground from Arlinge in the sky, you will find that there are numerous light spots in the westernmost part of Rentat, as if the Holy Spirit and priests are praising and singing. As you go eastward, there are fewer such light spots, but they are brighter. Even with the naked eye, you can see that they are divided into six layers.

The holy light gathered and resonated with the overall magic array of Rentat City. The light became more and more dazzling, and finally connected with the King of Angels who was displaying the protection of God.

"You are one and ten thousand!"

“We will let your ways walk on earth as we walk in your kingdom.”

Ethereal and vast prayers sounded throughout Lentat, and the holy light twisted and changed. The magician in the sky was surprised to see that from west to east, the projections of the first, second, and seventh floors of Paradise Mountain appeared in sequence, as if the kingdom of heaven had come to the earth!

Douglas, Fernando and others only felt that they were trapped in the ocean of holy light, their mental power was a bit slow, and they seemed to be isolated from the real world. Before breaking the kingdom of heaven on earth, no damage could be reflected to Lentat City.

However, although the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth can only weaken those in the legendary realm to a certain extent, the higher the level, the smaller the impact. Douglas quickly adjusted and prepared to use magic.

At this time, the super-large teleportation array suddenly became brighter, and thirteen figures appeared inside, each one extremely powerful and with astonishing momentum.

"Melmoth, Anastas, Maria, Augusta, Antony, Valentil, Azzaro, Estila, Bahá'u'lláh..."

With five saints, eight Holy Spirit priests, Holy Knights, and the King of Angels, the number and strength of church personnel instantly exceeded that of the Magic Council.

Fernando secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Only thirteen members of the College of Cardinals arrived, which showed that the Pope was also caught off guard and could not mobilize more power in a hurry. This showed that Salde and the King of Angels were in conflict with the Pope. There is also a deep gap between them, and they even plotted against Pope Benedict II.

Outside the Nexor Palace, Sard's figure slowly emerged. He did not take action immediately, but looked in the direction of the Glory Cathedral. It was not until the light of the super large teleportation array lit up that he walked out of the holy light of heaven on earth. His always calm and deep face could not help but bring a smile to his face. With a hint of smile, full of energy and dignity, he strode towards Nexor Palace.

"it's time!"

"His Majesty the Pope should have led the members of the College of Cardinals to come. Facing Douglas and the easily persuaded chaos, as well as the help of His Excellency the King of Angels, His Majesty the Pope will either be defeated, or he can only use up his remaining life to cast divine descendants. Technique."

Sard had only one purpose from the beginning to the end, which was to trigger an all-out war between the Magic Council and the Church of Truth before the Pope's divine conjuration was restored, so that the Magic Council would force Pope Benedict II to spend his life to perform the divine conquest. He knew that the Magic Council would definitely Choosing to cooperate, because this is an upright conspiracy, Salde created a better advantage for the Magic Council than delaying the war for a year. The choice of the Magic Council is self-evident.

"When the Pope falls and powerful enemies are killed, it will be time for me to lead the seven epic knights to save the church. With such achievements and what I have initially mastered, I will undoubtedly ascend the throne of the Pope and truly master That secret." Sard slowly walked towards the gate of Nexor Palace. He did not expect to destroy the Magic Council if they were prepared, but he believed that in the unexpected event of the arrival of the King of Angels and the subsequent Seraph, the Magic Council Some legendary magicians will be lost, which will balance the changes in the situation brought about by the weakening of the church's strength.

He smiled and said to himself: "So Douglas, Brooke, and Fernando, please work harder and kill Anasta, Maria, Bifur and others who are loyal to the Pope. I will be extremely grateful to you." .”

By that time, the church no longer had several cardinals trained by the Pope as successors, and no more radical cardinals and night watchmen. Under the cover of the King of Angels, there was no way for Sard's conspiracy to be exposed. Maybe, even if the remaining legendary magicians tell the truth, who in the Church of Truth will believe it?

"If I want to achieve my goal, I must first conquer the epic knights of several kingdoms. Let's start with Nesik Palace today!"

"And those magicians are all proficient in life-saving techniques and need the sword of truth, so Her Majesty the Queen, please be called by the Lord and make some contribution to my great plan!"

The ability of the legendary magicians to save their lives is better than the last. For the clergy, only a few magical spells such as divine descending and light of judgment can erase their souls and phylacteries together. After getting the Sword of Truth, things will be much easier. .

“The cattle and sheep have become fat and should be slaughtered!”

While whispering, Salde stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the magical defense layer of the Nexa Palace. The six angel wings behind him slowly unfolded. His wings of light were stretched and graceful, and the light spots were holy and vast. Then, as if he had merged with the holy light, he was indistinguishable from the magical defense layer and passed through it.

After Sard entered the Nexor Palace, the seraph-like wings behind his back gently flapped, and he directly crossed one barrier after another and arrived at the core area of ​​the Nexor Palace, which is the limit of the inner defense. Sard's The seven-layer heaven mountain appeared in his eyes, converging into a light that controlled power, life and death, and chanted in a low voice.

"Light of Judgment!"

If I say you are guilty, you are guilty! Under the light, the inner defense crackled and it seemed that it could not hold up for long, and Sard's faith induction blocked the vicinity. Once Natasha tried to escape, she would be able to detect it immediately, and he used a space anchor to block the way to the outside world. Teleport to prevent Natasha from getting the space teleportation scroll from the Magic Council.

In the outer area of ​​​​Nexor Palace, a man in his thirties with a mustache suddenly contracted his pupils and was about to stop Sard.

But at this moment, a tall old man with hair that seemed to be getting grayer appeared in front of him. He stopped Knight Winston and said in a deep voice.

"Winston, please wait and see, and then decide whether to follow the church or lean towards the parliament."

"What about Her Majesty the Queen?"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Winston's face, his brows furrowed, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Without Her Majesty the Queen and the other kings, there is no need to take reckless risks."

Heart of Time Ketonia looked cold and ruthlessly answered Winston's doubts.

"Aren't you worried about His Excellency Ivan Vincent? He is no weaker than Bishop Salde!"

Winston looked at the Heart of Time and asked tentatively. He wanted to know how the other party would deal with the presence of Ivan Vincent.

"Bishop Salde's strength is beyond our imagination. Not to mention Ivan Vincent, not even Douglas can stop him!"

Ketonia seemed to know something, with an inscrutable expression on his face, as if he had a chance to win. He was sure that Salde would win, and he was not worried at all about what trouble Ivan Vincent would cause.

Boom, the inner defense finally collapsed after supporting it for more than ten seconds, and Sard stepped into Natasha's bedroom.

Natasha Bi is not here, there is only one figure in the entire palace, wearing a magic robe, but hanging on the waist is a silver-gray long sword, with no patterns on it, glowing with an icy edge, dull luster, and unparalleled sharpness .

Ivan Vincent was tall and tall, with a faint smile on his face. He seemed to have expected Salde's arrival and did not show any surprise. He calmly stared at the ambitious man. Greed and desire have devoured this holy cardinal. He has no trace of the kindness and compassion of a clergyman. For his own selfish interests, he does not hesitate to provoke a fight between the two major forces, just to satisfy his own ambition.

"Ivan Vincent, how could it be you?"

"Where's Natasha, isn't she staying in the palace all the time?"

For the first time, Sard showed a look of surprise. This was different from his plan. It was clear that Ivan Vincent had been transferred away by him for other things and should not be here.

"Why can't it be me, Bishop Salde? You think you can use the news that my father is critically ill to trick me away."

"Actually, it's not like I'm just using the trick. For knights, going back and forth through the Storm Strait is indeed time-consuming, but I'm not only an epic knight, but also a magician, a legendary magician. Space magic means a lot to me. It’s not difficult at all, just one space teleportation solves this problem, so it seems like you missed something, I’m really sorry!”

There was no apology on Ivan Vincent's face. Instead, he looked like he wanted to be beaten. People couldn't help but want to hit him hard in the face.

After hearing this, Bishop Salde focused his attention on the magic robe on Ivan Vincent. He had just been confused by Ivan Vincent's sudden appearance and did not notice Ivan Vincent's appearance for a moment. Dress to impress.

Salder's eyes tightened, and he stared at Ivan Vincent's young and handsome face. His cloudy eyes were full of shock, and he asked in disbelief.

"Have you not been promoted to an epic knight? Why can you still be promoted to a legendary magician?"

The path of a knight and the path of a magician are almost incompatible. This is the consensus of the world, so Salde can't figure out why Ivan Vincent can become a dual-professional legend. In the words of this world, this is not in line with the world. reality.

"Maybe it's because I'm a genius?"

Ivan Vincent raised his eyebrows, with a bit of pride, and stabbed Salde's wound mercilessly.

"Of course, it is impossible for you to understand such a genius. After all, I heard that Bishop Salde was dull and mediocre in your qualifications when you were young!"

Salder's face changed, becoming as gloomy as water, a terrifying glare flashed in his vicissitudes of life, murderous intent surged out, his hair and beard stood on end, and he angrily scolded Ivan Vincent.

"Ivan Vincent, geniuses are not worth their lives, they can easily perish. You'd better be more careful with your words and actions!"

"However, the strong never fall halfway, and a genius who dies in infancy is not a real genius. Therefore, I have been cautious about my words and deeds since I was a child, and will not do anything out of the ordinary. It was not until I was promoted to legend and had the strength to protect myself that I began to stand out. , not afraid of any danger!"

Ivan Vincent told his experience with great candor. It could be seen that he was answering Bishop Salde's words very seriously, but it was this serious attitude that completely angered Salde, because it represented Ivan . Vincent's confidence and arrogance are extremely arrogant, even the kind of arrogance that does not put Salde in his eyes.

Sard stopped talking nonsense with Ivan Vincent, and struck a light of judgment again, without giving Ivan Vincent any time to react. Under the light of judgment, the front half of the palace was directly destroyed.

Ivan Vincent clenched the long sword at his waist with his right hand. With a sound of sword sound, the long sword was erected in front of him. With determination in his eyes, he took a step forward and slashed towards the light of judgment.


After a crisp sound, the light of judgment scattered in all directions, and the long sword lit up with a blinding light, stabbing towards Salde's head without making any sound.

Sard's eyes were filled with bright sword light, and his old face showed a solemn look. The Sword of Truth, a legendary third-level extraordinary object, has the characteristics of cutting off everything. It is extremely sharp and can be held in Na's hand. In Tasha's hands, it poses no threat to him, but in Ivan Vincent's hands, it is enough to pose a huge threat to his life.

Sald's aura changed, and there seemed to be something in his body. It was ethereal, vast, ethereal and supreme. He immediately got rid of the lock of Ivan Vincent's sword and flashed thousands of miles high in the sky. The strength of the legendary peak was fully displayed.

Ivan Vincent followed closely and came to the sky. The long sword in his hand grew again, and an illusory crack appeared in the space. It seemed that it had passed through the distance and appeared directly in Salde. In front of his eyes, he wanted to kill him completely, extremely ruthlessly.

"You are one and ten thousand."

"It's a moment, but it's also eternity."

"It is the creator and the master."

When Salde was reciting these sacred scriptures, his body seemed to be in another world, with a majestic and sacred milky white light flowing from his body, and a condescending and transcendent feeling emerged spontaneously.

All the believers in Rentat City were inexplicably moved at the same moment, shedding tears of joy and praying:

"You are one and ten thousand."

"It's a moment, but it's also eternity."

Wrinkles appeared on Sard's face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin lost its luster. The whole person looked like a mummy. He raised his right hand, and the projection of the seven-layer Paradise Mountain appeared in the sky, and the holy light covered the sun. , ethereal, beautiful, joyful and melodious songs and praises sounded together, and countless rays of light began to converge towards the boundless light group on the seventh floor.

Such a horrifying scene undoubtedly shows one thing, that is, Salde can actually use the divine descending technique! This is the pinnacle magic that can directly destroy a legendary peak powerhouse. It is the trump card of the Church of Truth. It is a powerful magic that only Pope Benedict II can perform. Every time it is used, a large amount of life is consumed, and there are Long cooling period and extremely harsh usage conditions.

As a qualified conspirator, Salde understands that his own strength is the basis of all plans. It is precisely because he has mastered the magic of divine descent that he dares to have other ideas, plot against the Pope and the Magic Council, and trigger this shocking event. Great war.

"Because you obtained His original power, you are so arrogant and have greedy ambitions. You want to sit on the throne of the Church of Truth!"

Ivan Vincent had a determined look on his face. He was very wise. He had long noticed that Bishop Salde's aura was a bit strange, and he also knew that his power came from the will of the abyss. He was so confused that he even forgot his real name. An existence that is so chaotic that it cannot be described also possesses the strength of a god-like state, so Salde can use it to perform the divine descending technique.

"It's just an abyssal will that confuses its own existence. Only Salde will use it as your trump card. It's really hilarious!"

It’s no wonder that Ivan Vincent looks down on the Will of the Abyss. The Will of the Abyss is notoriously chaotic and irrational. He often plays a god-like self-destruction game, and then spends a long time recovering from the Abyss. I don’t understand the most basic weighing of pros and cons.

Sard's eyes were deep as if there were countless bright stars, which were connected to form the shape of a cross. Behind him, the projection of the Paradise Mountain descended in the entanglement of chants and light. The projection of the Holy Light of the Paradise Mountain gathered together, poured into the seventh floor, and then continued endlessly. The milky white light flooded the sky, and there was nothing in the sky except the milky white holy light.

Ivan Vincent looked indifferent, and a starry sky appeared in his eyes. Countless bright stars shone, and the blood power in his body was stimulated and active. Countless stars emerged from the surface of his body and turned into a bright galaxy. The two galaxies slowly They are integrated into one, vast, magnificent, mysterious, bright, gorgeous and dazzling.

Suddenly, a star of destiny rose. This star was extremely huge. It rotated slowly, releasing bright and dazzling light. It exploded with a bang. The Sword of Truth raised a sun, shining brightly and rushing towards the holy light that filled the sky.


An earth-shaking explosion sounded, and the sky and the earth were completely white. Nothing could be seen or heard, and time and space were distorted.

A silver-gray long sword passed through time and space. A trace of panic appeared on Sard's extremely old face. The blade of the long sword passed across his neck, and his head flew out. The projection of heaven in his pupils dissipated instantly, and his eyes There is no bright light anymore. Pity this old man who plotted against everyone, but in the end it was all in vain.

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