I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2370 Where is the sun? There was no headshot!

Douglas had a bit of confidence on his face. Although he had never been certified and unable to improve due to the problem of the sun, he did not stop his steps and deduced the path of being like a god. He just needed to go and verify it himself. Know if this is the right path.

Ivan Vincent also deduced the path of the god-like, and found a path for the arcanist to attack the god-like, which should be similar to the path deduced by Douglas, and he was the first to speak.

"Replace the power of emotions with your own cognitive world, and replace the power of faith with the real environment corresponding to the cognitive world. The impact of the two is superimposed and integrated with each other. It should be possible to complete the transformation of the state and the opening of the god-like door in one step. This is what I The deduced path for magicians to attack gods is correct. I wonder if the path deduced by the Speaker of Parliament is also the same?"

When Douglas heard this, a confidant smile suddenly appeared on his face, bright and gratified. He finally found someone who could share the same goals. Even if he failed to attack the gods, he did not need to worry about the development of arcane magic. He believed that as long as there was With the existence of Ivan Vincent, arcane magic will definitely become the mainstream of cultivation in the mainland, and even the Church of Truth cannot stop it.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, it's great to have you here!"

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult to hit the gods. I have only a small grasp of this path, but I have to give it a try. For me, the most important and favorite thing is to unravel the mysteries of the world bit by bit. , strength is just a bonus item because of this!”

Ivan Vincent was stunned when he heard this. Why did Douglas's tone mean that he was asking for help? This was not good. He just wanted to show his strength to the Magic Council in order to shock him, so that Sal would not be killed one year later. After the successful alliance between Germany and the Magic Council, they will suppress the nobles of the Kingdom of Holm in order to form a new balance.

"Why do you have the illusion of being an undercover boss? No, absolutely not!"

Ivan Vincent quickly changed the subject and said to Douglas.

"Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, don't you want to know why I suddenly submitted articles like crazy?"

"The reason is simple. Because of your plans in one year, I don't want the interests of the Kingdom of Holm to be harmed and a new balance can be formed!"

Douglas then suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder Ivan Vincent, who had been hiding so deeply, would take the initiative to expose himself and leave clues. It turned out that it was for this purpose. He did not dwell on how Ivan Vincent knew about them and Sal. Dema planned, just smiled and made a promise.

"No matter what the final result is, our Magic Council will never interfere with the politics of the Kingdom of Holm and will protect the status and rights of the nobles. All we want is the right to freely study magic arcana!"

"In exchange, I will take action for you one year later when you encounter difficulties and help you block Pope Benedict II's divine magic!"

Ivan Vincent smiled with incomparable confidence on his face. Since Douglas had extended an olive branch, he would reciprocate the favor and make his own statement.

When Douglas heard this, his expression became serious, and he remembered the tragic situation in the eighth level of hell. He immediately understood what Ivan Vincent meant, and he said with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent's legendary magic is really breathtaking. It is a super magic that can resist the divine magic. It can be said to destroy the world!"

"With your words, I am even more confident. One year later, the southern forces of the Church of Truth will inevitably withdraw from the Kingdom of Holm and retreat to the other side of the Storm Strait!"

“Happy to work with!”

“Happy to work with!”

Ivan Vinson and Ivan Vinson raised their glasses together, clinked them, and drank them all in one gulp, showing their heroism. In the end, Douglas didn't ask about the position of the sun anymore. He understood that now was not the time. A year later, he believed Ivan Vinson. Will tell him the sun's position coordinates.

Ivan Vincent was recognized by Douglas, who was far more generous and generous than ordinary people. In order to promote the development of arcane arts, not only did he not conflict with Ivan Vincent, he even actively asked Ivan Vincent to write for publication. In the "Arcane" journal, he showed great magnanimity.

Ivan Vincent also specially selected a paper to address hot issues in the Magic Council today and published it. It made a certain breakthrough, but it would not cause many magicians to collapse their cognitive world, which was enough to give Douglas face.

Ivan Vinson threw out the special theory of relativity in "On the Electrodynamics and Mass-Energy Equations of Moving Objects".

In the office of the Arcane Review Committee, Angela directly picked up the quill and wrote out the review opinions. She looked focused, excited, and her cognition was constantly shaking, and she made corresponding adjustments.

"This is a sublimation of your Excellency the Speaker's motion system, repairing its limitation of being accurate only at low speeds, extending the concept of motion to macroscopic and high-speed scales, and initially solving many problems in the integration of the two systems since the electromagnetic theory was perfected. It gives us hope that the arcane will finally establish a unified theory."

"Starting from the fewest possible assumptions promoted by Mr. Ethan, we were surprised and horrified to find that our understanding of time and space seems to have gone in a magical and confusing direction, which is completely different from the time and space we knew in the past. It is so mysterious and full of magic. It not only subverts the construction of time and space in our cognitive world, but also subverts various concepts based on the absolute view of time and space in our daily lives. It has made me confused like never before, and even some doubts about life. value."

"It's hard to believe that time will slow down as the speed increases, and space will shrink as the speed increases. All this goes against our intuitive understanding and imagination based on this, but each equation seems to contain It was convincing enough, as if it was closer to the origin of the world, and Mr. Ethan had already observed the theoretical effect of accelerated speed and increased mass in electromagnetic cyclotron. At this moment, it seemed as if a sacred door collapsed in my heart, but at this moment From its ruins a brand new door has arisen.”

"Although the relativity system established by Mr. Ethan is not perfect enough and has not yet solved the problems in the inertial system, there is no doubt about its value. In particular, the mass-energy formula that identifies the relationship between mass and energy is full of mathematical and arcane beauty. , concise and powerful, hiding profound and unimaginable mysteries, just like the goddess's poem Brooke's equations, anyone who sees them without being shocked and attracted certainly does not have arcane talent!"

"Mass and energy, time and space, this is the magic revealed in the world. Maybe we can get extremely powerful power from this. Based on this, I made the following evaluation results of Mr. Evans's paper: This paper is among the When perfected, it will have the magic power to change the times. It will give us a more intelligent understanding of time, space and matter. Moreover, it can be seen that it will establish a system of relativity. Therefore, it is recommended to reward three thousand arcane points and eight arcane points. Ten thousand."

In the Aringe Magic Tower, Yurisian was dressed as a battle mage, wearing an arcane badge with six silver stars, a magic badge with five black rings, and a badge with a silver crescent moon on his chest. He slowly walked in hall.

"Good morning, Mr. Yurisian."

Several intermediate arcanists coming down the stairs greeted Yurisian respectfully as soon as they saw him.

Yurisian was always more easy-going when he was not performing tasks and responded with a smile.

"Good morning, are you also here to wait for today's "Arcane"?"

"Yes, the debate on Lord Oliver's transformation equations has been very heated during this period. We can't wait to see the latest explanations and applications. Maybe some gentleman will suddenly confirm it experimentally?"

The leading mid-level arcanist, Bobby, is a burly man with slightly narrow eyes, a bit excited and pious. These arcanists are like researchers, full of the latest research on the great arcanist. I am curious and admired, and hope to learn their research results and theories as soon as possible.

Yurisian nodded in agreement when he heard this. He was obviously very concerned about the research of the Grand Arcanist and agreed.

"Me too, but I'm more worried about seeing Mr. Ethan write a paper on this aspect one day."

As soon as these words came out, many arcanists in the hall suddenly fell silent. This name haunted them like a nightmare. During this period, this mysterious arcanist Ethan threw out many shocking theories. This caused many middle- and high-level magicians to have their cognitive world collapse and die from headshots. They were famous and their demeanor changed.

After more than ten seconds, Bobby came back to his senses. Just as he was about to answer Yurisian's words, he suddenly saw several magic apprentices in charge of reception taking out "Arcane", "Magic" and other periodicals and placing them on the reception desk. On the stage, he quickly changed his words.

"Mr. Yurisian, the paper is here, please ask for it first."

Seeing Bobby lined up in front of the reception desk, Yurisian shook his head and said jokingly.

"In order, you first check for everyone to see if there is Ethan's paper and remind everyone to pay attention."

Yurisian originally rejected Bobby's kindness politely and humorously, but as soon as he said the words, all the arcanists who crowded over to buy the journal stopped where they were. Their eyes were focused on Bobby's face, as if they were agreeing with Yurisian's opinion. First, do you look through the papers of mysterious Ethan? If so, which aspect is it?

Bobby, who originally didn't think much about it, was stared at by so many eyes. He suddenly remembered the achievements of "Headshot Demon" and "Skull Crusher", and cold sweat quickly broke out on his forehead, but the gazes of the arcanists behind him , put him under tremendous pressure, and after making a difficult decision, he had to reach out and pick up a copy of "Arcane".

Yurisian saw that his joke seemed to be amplified under certain circumstances, so he took a step forward, preparing to stop Bobby and prepare to identify it himself.

Suddenly, Yurisian stopped because he heard Bobby blurt out an exclamation.

"This issue of "Arcana" really has Mr. Ethan's paper!"

Bobby's voice became high-pitched uncontrollably, and he could feel the obvious tremor in his voice. There were some whispers in the hall before, but all disappeared, as if they were frozen in time.

"What paper?"

Yurisian asked subconsciously, not daring to step forward without saying anything. The name Ethan was extremely ominous, so it was better to be cautious.

Bobby looked down at the paper, exhaled slowly, relaxed a little, and said slowly.

"The electrodynamics of moving objects and the mass-energy equation sound like research on the theory of motion of the electromagnetic system, and they don't look like disruptive results."

The arcanists were relieved. Bobby did not leave his position. He was directly in front of the reception desk, reading the first paper in the journal. The other arcanists had their own thoughts and did not interrupt him. , their eyes were focused on his head, showing special concern.

Yurisian fell into thinking because the meaning of this topic was unclear.

After a while, Bobby's facial muscles began to twist, and drops of sweat condensed on his forehead, sliding down his face. Then he stretched out his left hand and held his head. He seemed to be in extreme pain, and his eyes were confused and confused.

The hall fell into an eerie silence again. Bobby suddenly murmured to himself and turned his head. He was shocked to find that all the arcanists around him, including Yurisian, whether they were mid-level or low-level, were all far away from him. The straight-line distance is at least ten meters away, and there is nothing around him, as if a piece of it has been swallowed by the devil.


Bobby looked at everyone very puzzled, just like a little white rabbit.

The arcanists all looked at him with strange eyes. Yurisian coughed awkwardly to ease the atmosphere, and then said in a concealed manner.

"We saw you in pain before, so we wanted to give you a quiet environment to calm down. What is this paper about?"

"Oh, are you worried that my cognition will collapse and my head will explode?"

Bobby was not a fool, he woke up immediately, knew what everyone was worried about, and said with a smile.

"How is that possible? Mr. Ethan's paper is based on two premises and naturally derives Sir Oliver's transformation equations. There is nothing subversive."

It's okay that Bobby didn't tell the specific content. Now Yurisian and others took three steps back again, looking at the "Arcana" journal in Bobby's hand as if they were facing an enemy, showing caution.

"What? A paper on explaining the Oliver transform?"

"Then why are you in such pain and holding your head?"

Bobby looked down at his feet sheepishly, smiled awkwardly, and said softly.

"I can understand the derivation of the formulas, but the descriptions of time, space, mass, and energy are very confusing to me. I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it. I want to hit myself on the head to see if I can get some inspiration."


Almost at the same time, all the arcanists exhaled at the same time, and the breaths merged into a breeze. It turned out that this guy couldn't understand, and he was thinking hard there, which shocked himself and others.

The huge stone in the hearts of this group of middle and low-level arcanists finally fell to the ground, but no one dared to go up and read it carefully. After a while, seeing that Bobby was indeed fine, Yurisian mustered up the courage to walk to the reception desk and read Ivan Vinson's paper.

As time passed slowly, the expression on Yurisian's face became more and more solemn, his muscles tightened, and he gritted his teeth. His smooth forehead was covered with cold sweat, his eyes were full of doubts and confusion, and he kept mumbling to himself, as if Keep talking about space and time, mass and energy. Moreover, the strangest thing was that there seemed to be an undetectable and inexplicable change around him, as if the light became a little brighter.

When Bobby saw Yurisian's performance, he immediately understood the fear of the arcanists before. Magic waves were generated, acceleration spells were superimposed, and he rushed into the crowd in three steps and two steps at a time, and the arcanists one by one He clenched his fists and stared at Yurisian's head in horror.

I don't know how long it took, but Yurisian suddenly screamed. The tense arcanists immediately retreated in a hurry, and the hall became a mess. When they each hid further and prepared themselves to see a headless corpse, they found Yurisian standing there in high spirits and with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Yurisian, are you okay?"

Bobby summoned up the courage to ask, his expression full of caution, fearing that the other party would suddenly blow his head. The scene was so shocking that he never wanted to see it again in his life.

Yurisian laughed, his voice full of joyful emotions, very proud of his prank, and said with great joy.

"Although this paper is not perfect, it gave me a great shock and solved some problems that have troubled me for a long time. Therefore, my understanding of the world has become semi-substantial just now!"

Jurisian has enough mental power and control over magic, which means that he is about to become a sixth-ring magician and enter the ranks of high-level magicians.

"Really? Congratulations in advance on becoming a high-level mage. But, Mr. Yurisian, why are you screaming? You made us think your head was going to explode!"

Bobby was still too young, very simple and frank, and said with some complaints.

When Yurisian heard this, he smiled even more happily. His bright smile made people feel a little hateful, and he couldn't help but want to punch him hard on his smiling face.

"I'm very happy, so I want you to share my happiness."

Witnessing that Yurisian broke through the biggest obstacle to the high level, the mid-level arcanists in the hall did not bother to condemn his prank. They rushed to the reception desk to buy "Arcane" journals, hoping that they could do the same for themselves. There are similar miracles.

After a long time, only two or three of the dozens of mid-level arcanists were lost in thought, as if they had gained something but were a little confused. The others were like Bobby, who could understand the derivation but not the specific details. The meaning is confusing.

However, they all realized that this paper seemed to overturn Speaker Douglas's movement system, and the cognitive world based on this foundation in the past was also shaken.

Fortunately, Ivan Vinson spent a lot of effort at the end of the paper to describe the previous motion system as a low-speed approximation of this theory, and gave many examples to stabilize them. This is not a subversion, but a sublimation! Even so, the fact that the foundation of what they had learned in the past was shaken and limited still made them more confused than ever before.

At this time, a man with an aquiline nose walked in, wearing the badge of a seventh-level arcanist and a seven-ring magician on his chest. He saw the strange behavior of the arcanists, so he asked a few more questions. Hearing the answer from the mid-level arcanist, he frowned, took the "Arcane" journal and read it, disgustingly.

"Absurd! How could space-time be like this! It completely goes against observation and imagination! There are still many loopholes in Ethan's paper!"

While he was criticizing the paper, he picked up "Arcana" and walked upstairs, preparing to study it carefully. He did not notice the helpless expression of the mid-level arcanist who had snatched the journal from him.

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