I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2364 Taking control of Holm, the headshot maniac is about to take action

"Your Majesty the Queen. We must severely punish this behavior, hang David, burn Gwell, and ask the church to provide corresponding compensation!"

Whether they were pro-Church conservatives or pro-Magic Council liberals, they all reached a consensus that such a thing was absolutely not allowed. They all expressed the same idea, severely punishing the murderer, protesting to the Church, and safeguarding the interests of the nobility!

"They will get a fair trial. This meeting today is because Earl David confessed that he was also instigated by others. The instigator was Earl Baladi, and the Duke of York was also involved."

Natasha was very satisfied with the reaction of the nobles. She knocked the gavel lightly, and everyone fell silent before speaking again.

The noise stopped again, and all the nobles looked shocked. The Duke of York and Earl Baladi were both great nobles, leaders of the conservatives, and important figures in the House of Lords. They were involved in this matter and were bound to It caused a great shock and affected the changes in Holm's political power. Moreover, the Duke of York had the Heart of Time behind him, and Ketonia was his backer, which was a major pillar of Holm's strength.

Thinking of this, all the nobles looked at Count Baladi who was sitting quietly, praying that nothing would really happen. The kingdom could not withstand the civil war. Duke Rex also glared at Baladi angrily, this idiot who acted without authorization!

"Your Majesty, I deny the accusations against me. I want to confront David face to face. I never instigated or suggested that he assassinate you. He himself had bad thoughts after getting to know Gwell. It is beyond my control. , Regarding this, the Duke of York is also innocent, you can ask him."

Count Baladi showed a calm side and stood up unhurriedly. He knew that the Duke of York had a big backer, so he tied himself to the Duke, hoping to use Natasha's knowledge of time. Get rid of Ktonia's fear and get rid of your own guilt.

"I have sent for the Duke of York."

Natasha acted very calmly. She had already expected that Count Baladi would not confess his crime obediently, and had already planned a countermeasure.

Natasha's calmness made Count Baladi feel uneasy and he said anxiously.

"Please allow your Majesty. Earl David and I will confront each other in front of all the nobles to prove my innocence!"

Natasha waved her hand, and a knight came in escorting David, who was wrapped in a restraining bracelet. Count David looked crazy, smiled wantonly, and yelled at Count Baladi.

"Hahaha, Baladi, you still want to deny it? It was obviously you who tempted me to think in the direction of resentment. It was obviously you and York who instigated me to assassinate the queen."

Count Baladi smiled slightly and looked at the crazy Count David. He was not surprised but happy that he was sure to get off the hook.

"Count David, please tell everyone how we instigated and bewitched you?"

David was stunned for a moment, unable to think of any powerful words, so he made up a few random sentences based on his previous statements.

Baladi's voice was raised, as if he had been greatly wronged, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, he is lying. We have never said anything like this. I ask the clergy to take a polygraph test on him!"

Earl Baladi and the Duke of York were very cautious in their words. They only used some vague words to guide Earl David to assassinate Natasha. They never said anything that could be used as a hook. Count Baladi was very confident about this. , he looked at Natasha sincerely, and asked with a smile on his lips.

"Please ask Her Majesty the Queen to repeat the polygraph and deposition process. I am outraged by David's false accusation."

At this moment, a knight came in again from outside the gate, knelt down on one knee, and reported to Natasha.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of York committed suicide out of fear of guilt. Here is his confession, which contains a detailed confession of the mastermind of Count Baladi."


Suddenly, the entire parliament hall became noisy. This was a change that the nobles had never thought of. York committed suicide out of fear of crime? How can this be! How could Lord Ketonia, Heart of Time, allow such a thing to happen?

Count Baladi's limbs were weak and he slumped in his seat. His brain was noisy, he couldn't hear any sound, and his vision became blurry. He knew that he was done playing and there was no hope of survival at all. His heart was full of doubts. , only one voice echoed in my heart.

"How could it be like this? It shouldn't be like this!"

Natasha banged the gavel and declared calmly, filled with the majesty of a queen.

"The evidence is conclusive. Count Baladi was found guilty. He was sentenced to hanging, deprived of his title, and the territory was taken back. The territory will be divided into five pieces. The largest piece belongs to His Excellency Duke Ivan Vincent. The remaining four pieces are given to Duke James, Duke Russell, and Count Haisong and Countess Camille, in recognition of their merit and loyalty to the assassination operation!"

All the nobles listened blankly to Natasha's announcement of the outcome of the matter, with no reaction at all. All the changes made them confused. The development of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations. Ketoni in the Heart of Time Asia actually didn't keep the Duke of York, what happened?

"All the members of the Baladi family were deprived of their titles, and the direct members were exiled to the North! The Duke of York confessed before his death, and he was not the mastermind, so he will not hold the Ctonia family accountable!"

Natasha's majestic and cold voice kept ringing, and the nobles were sweating. These two were truly great nobles. The Duke of York had an epic knight as his backer. Now he has also ended up dead. It is really terrible.

In the past, in the eyes of the nobles, Natasha was just a heavenly knight with outstanding talents, a stunning beauty with excellent appearance, and a synonym for royal power with no foundation from abroad. However, with the outcome of this verdict, the Heart of Time Ctonia The concessions, the fall of the two truly great nobles, the loyalty of the knights, they knew that Natasha had truly transformed into the majestic and sacred Her Majesty the Queen, who would not allow others to offend her!

Rex looked at Count Baladi's collapse and shook his head slightly. Since Natasha dared to convene this meeting, it meant that the private exchanges and compromises had long been completed, and Baladi's fate had long been doomed!

Ivan Vincent stood next to Natasha, looking at the high-spirited and majestic beauty, and slowly spoke, completely establishing the majesty of the queen for Natasha, and her position could no longer be shaken.

"After friendly consultations between me and His Excellency Ketonia, Your Excellency Ketonia believed that Her Majesty the Queen should get to know the two legendary epic knights of the kingdom faster, so she took the initiative to petition and went to the alien space to change defenses and let Sir Winston return. Go and guard the alien space!"

"Her Majesty the Queen is very grateful for Ketonia's loyalty and does not want to let it down, so she has no choice but to agree to His Excellency Ketonia's request!"


Suddenly, all the nobles' eyes turned to the indifferent and calm Ivan Vincent. They finally understood the cause of the matter and secretly complained.

"Friendly negotiation? Active petition? Loyalty and selflessness?"

“We don’t believe any of these words!”

"His Excellency Ivan Vincent seems to be more powerful than imagined. He can actually force His Excellency Ketonia, the Heart of Time, to give in!"

"I finally understand why the Duke of York committed suicide. Even His Excellency the Heart of Time couldn't save his life!"

"Her Majesty the Queen will completely have the upper hand now, and Holm's future direction will be in her hands!"

"Whether you are a conservative or a liberal, you can only surrender at her feet and follow her will!"

In the Cathedral of Glory, in the cardinal's room, Salde received the results of the meeting of nobles. His cloudy eyes were shining with a deep look. His thumb rubbed the cross badge hanging on his chest. The faint holy light was gentle and soft. , warm and bright, he fell into deep thought. After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"Ivan Vincent is such an incomprehensible young man!"

"The last time I played against him, although I still retained some strength and didn't use my trump card, I still had no confidence that I could beat him even if I used my trump card!"

Arlinge, the highest level of the Magic Council headquarters, the highest council, all twenty-four members were present, gathered in a circle, with incomprehensible expressions, and listened quietly to Fernando's account of Salde's request for alliance.

"We can agree to Salde's alliance. This is a good thing for our Magic Council!"

"No matter whether we can push the front to the Storm Strait or not, we will not suffer any loss!"

"Yes, if Salde succeeds, the Church of Truth will split again. This is great news for us!"

“The Church of Truth’s attitude towards heretics is far more cruel and bloody than its treatment of heretics like us!”

"If Salde can successfully split the Southern Church, it will greatly affect the power of the church. Salde will even become our most loyal ally, which can reduce our pressure and allow us to expand and develop faster!"

Everyone's opinions were relatively unified, and they all voted in favor and passed the resolution to form an alliance with Salde. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to completely control the Holm Kingdom area and completely suppress the church.

At this moment, Sir Douglas's expression moved slightly, and he pricked up his ears, as if he was listening to some news. His expression changed slightly, he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, stood up, and announced.

"I just got the news that Natasha Violet has completely taken control of the Kingdom of Holm, and all the nobles have expressed their surrender!"

"Ivan Vincent took action to suppress Ketonia, the Heart of Time. Ketonia was transferred out of Rentat and went to a different space to change defenses. Winston is about to return. We need to consider the impact of this matter!"

"Ivan Vincent can actually defeat Ketonia. The Heart of Time is a legendary level three epic knight!"

"Ivan Vincent is nothing to be afraid of. No matter how strong he is, he is just one person and should not pose much of a threat to our Magic Council!"

"And your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, didn't you say that Ivan Vincent has a good impression of the Magic Parliament? We can even reach an agreement with him to win over Ivan Vincent and make him completely fall to us!"

Douglas listened quietly to everyone's discussion. Only Mr. Hathaway remained silent. She is Natasha's elder and comes from the Hoffenberg family. Naturally, she does not want a conflict between the two parties.

Douglas had a general understanding of everyone's opinions and said solemnly.

"Ivan Vincent's strength should not be underestimated. The last time I came into contact with him, I felt that he is powerful. He is not weaker than me. He is a terrifying existence with deep hiding. Don't let his youth fool us. Reason and eyes!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the top panel members changed. Shock flashed in their eyes and solemn expressions on their faces. They had overestimated Ivan Vincent's strength as much as possible, but they still underestimated him. Van Vincent actually has the strength to rival the Speaker of the Parliament. This is really terrifying.

All members have full trust in Douglas's judgment. This great magician, the Grand Arcanist, who founded the Magic Council and created the arcane system, has never made a mistake and is the biggest reason why the Magic Council has grown to its current size.

"We have no conflict of interest with the royal family and nobles of Holm. Even if we drive the Church of Truth out of the kingdom, we will not interfere in the affairs of the nobles. All we want is the right to freely spread magic and arcana, so I think We can try to reach an agreement with them and form a new balance!"




Almost everyone agreed to Douglas's proposal. Only Vicente, the Lord of the Dead, seemed to have some objections. However, seeing that everyone agreed, he could only give up his own idea. According to his idea, even if Ivan Vincent is powerful It is not as powerful as the Magic Council. The seven great arcane masters and eleven legendary magicians are enough to kill Ivan Vincent a dozen times. Why worry about him? Just do it.

In fact, the Magic Council should be thankful that it agreed to Douglas's proposal, which was not as extreme as Vicente's. Otherwise, the Magic Council might have ushered in a nuclear meltdown in the world. Mushroom clouds would rise over the Magic Council headquarters, directly giving the Magic Council three hundred years of power. The development was reduced to ashes. Even legendary magicians, I am afraid that few people can survive, and only a handful of great arcanists can survive.

At least, it would be difficult for Vicente, the master of the dead souls of the great arcanist, to survive under the hands of Ivan Vincent. There is no other way. His necromancy magic is simply defeated by Ivan's fireball magic. No undead creature can resist it. If it can survive the explosion of one mushroom cloud, it will definitely not be able to withstand the explosion of two mushroom clouds.

The next day, members of the Supreme Council of the Magic Council and Salde swore an oath of alliance and cooperation, and an agreement was reached.

Every member of the Supreme Council signed a magic contract. According to Sard's request, the magician asked the Lord of Hell, Maldymus, for justice and swore an oath to the will of the Hell Abyss. Sard swore an oath to the God of Truth and signed the contract with faith.

Generally speaking, ordinary magic contracts have no effect on legendary magicians. After all, those devils and other mysterious creatures that supervise the execution of magic contracts are not bad if they are not captured by legendary magicians and used as experimental materials. How can they have the ability to supervise and execute them? Penalties for breach of contract. Therefore, magic contracts at this level are often supervised by the Nine Dukes of Hell, or they swear to the origin of magic by understanding the world.

Of course, there are only eight great dukes in hell now. The Duke of Frost, the Lord of Silver, and Tiftidis have been killed by Ivan Vincent and have completely fallen. This is the first divinity to fall in the past hundreds of years. biology. The Nine Dukes of Hell were favored by the will of the abyss and obtained part of the origin of the plane. They can be regarded as god-like, but their strength is not as good as the God of Truth.

Since the origin of magic is illusory, its existence is still a question. The specific binding force of the latter oath has always been criticized. There have been magicians who violated this oath, causing the cognitive world to collapse and die, but there are also cases where there is no impact, and there are still It's alive and kicking, so this often becomes a loophole for magicians to swear.

Salde knew this very well and was naturally unwilling to take this risk. He asked the Lord of Hell, Mardymus, a god-like person, to supervise him. However, his own oath of faith was very strict on clergy, so there was no need for him to do so. The Lord of Hell comes to supervise.

The contract stipulates that the Magic Council shall not take action against Salde until he breaks his promise or attacks any magician in the Magic Council. Before his new sect makes moves that endanger the Magic Council, their development must not be suppressed. In every alien space territory acquired by the Magic Council, Salde will have priority to preach. Rights correspond to obligations. The promise made by Salde is that one year later, he will voluntarily leave the Glorious Cathedral, and the Magic Council will send someone to take over the super large teleportation array and the magical defense core. This is better than what was previously proposed. Taking the initiative to close the teleportation array goes a step further. At the same time, Salde will ask the cardinals of the other four dioceses who have been won over by him to do the same. Those who have not been won over will cooperate with the development of the Magic Council to carry out sneak attacks and assassinations.

Although the alliance between the Magic Council and Salde is very secretive, it still cannot be hidden from Ivan Vincent. His spirit and soul are more powerful than gods, and he can easily spy on every move of both parties, but he can't. A clue was discovered by the other party.

Ivan Vincent frowned slightly. If the Magic Council completely drove the forces of the Southern Church out of the Kingdom of Holm, it would become the undisputed largest force in the region and would inevitably have a certain impact on the nobles. It seemed that he needed to do something Come up with something and warn the Magic Council to prevent them from becoming too arrogant and becoming another Church of Truth.

Ivan Vincent tore open the space and entered his own demiplane. His many years of arcane research papers are hidden here. He needs to select a few papers and give them to the Magic Council as gifts for all magicians to appreciate. A headshot fireworks display.

Ivan Vincent picked and chose a few research theories that he thought were suitable. They would cause the cognitive world of some magicians in related fields to collapse, and directly hit the head, without causing the cognitive collapse of the great arcanists and causing magic. The strength of the Parliament was greatly reduced, and the Church of Truth took advantage of it.

"This paper is okay, it's superficial enough, and it won't drastically reduce the number of high-ranking mages in the Magic Council!"

"This article will not work. It is too profound for the Magic Council. The nature of time and space. Even Douglas will realize that the world will collapse if he sees it. If such a thing happens, the Pope of the Church of Truth will laugh out of his dreams. of!"

Many of Ivan Vincent's researches are subversive. If they are thrown out without careful selection and control, the Magic Council's great arcanists, legendary magicians, and high-level arcane masters may all have their heads shot. Three hundred years of development will be destroyed in one day. This is not what Ivan Vincent wants to see.

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