I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2363 Ivan Vincent takes action, and the Heart of Time gives in

Chapter 2363 Ivan Vincent takes action, and the Heart of Time gives in

Natasha expressed it extremely forcefully with a majestic look on her face.

"If you can even compromise and give in to the action of assassinating me, wouldn't it mean to tell others that they can assassinate me, no matter whether they succeed or fail, they will not be severely punished. If I do this, I don't think I will live long. "

Ketonia wanted to speak again, but Natasha stopped her with a gesture and said very firmly.

"So, York and Baladi must die!"

"According to the charge of treason, the Baladi family who was the mastermind will be deprived of their title and their territory will be taken back. Since York is only slightly involved, the Ctonia family will only be traced to individuals and will not affect the family."

"Your Excellency Ketonia, do you think this is a good way to deal with it? I don't think your family only has one great knight, right?"

Without principles, easy compromises and concessions will only make compromises and concessions worthless.

Ketonia raised her head and looked at Natasha standing against the light, her back straight, and the sacred light enveloped Natasha, not angry but powerful, full of the aura of a king, making people subconsciously ignore her beauty.

Ketonia's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he did not actively exude majesty, the accumulated prestige of hundreds of years of epic knights still made his eyes full of oppression. Duke James, who was standing next to Natasha, as a golden knight, They couldn't help but turn their eyes and avoid Ketonia's gaze, but Natasha looked at her firmly without any hesitation.

Ketonia seemed to feel the queen's majesty. After being silent for more than ten seconds, she spoke in a low voice.

"Your Majesty the Queen, your handling is very good. I agree that anyone who dares to violate the basic order of the nobility must be severely punished. But I hope Her Majesty the Queen will let me deal with York personally. I don't want him to bring shame to the family on the gallows. .”

"This is a reasonable request, I can grant it, and please don't let me down, Lord Ketonia!"

Natasha relaxed mentally. The confrontation with Ketonia was as tiring to her as a battle with a Sky Knight of the same level. She was mentally drained and her heart was full of pressure. Seeing that the other party finally gave in , which can be regarded as a victory in a confrontation.

Ketonia sighed and prepared to turn around and leave. This incident would definitely affect the family. Natasha was only afraid of him being an epic knight, so she did not involve the family's inheritance and title.


At this moment, Ivan Vincent suddenly took a step forward, a powerful aura rose up from his body, and stars appeared around him, turning the entire guest room into a starry sky and a galaxy, bright and gorgeous, vast and spectacular, like a dream, Strong pressure surged towards Ketonia, Ivan Vincent said in a cold voice.

"Your Excellency Heart of Time, the Duke of York's assassination of the Queen has been dealt with!"

"But how do I end this matter of me being innocently involved?"

Ketonia was impacted by Ivan Vincent's momentum, and an extremely terrifying momentum rose from his body. Face to face, a long river of time and space emerged, surrounding Ketonia, and time slowly flowed into the endless starry sky. .

Ketonia's eyes sparkled and she looked at Ivan Vincent without giving in. This was an epic battle between knights. It did not involve royal power and nobles, it was just a battle between strong men, and Natasha could not interfere.

Countless stars were affected by time, rapidly aged, fell into decay, exploded, and turned into meteorites and interstellar matter. The Milky Way dimmed, the starry sky dried up, and the entire starry sky fell into a dead silence and desolation. Finally, the starry sky seemed to have come to an end.

Natasha's expression changed, and she was about to step forward and block Ivan Vincent. She would never allow Ketonia to hurt Ivan Vincent.

Ivan Vincent looked extremely calm, his eyes reflected the decaying starry sky, he reached out and took Natasha's little hand, a slight smile appeared on his handsome face, his eyes were serious and domineering, and he whispered .

"Natasha, leave it to me, trust me, don't worry about other things!"

Natasha was stunned when she heard this. She felt Ivan Vincent's firm belief. She blinked her deep eyes, showed a well-behaved look, and took a step back. This was extremely rare for Natasha. Natasha Tasha has a tough and upright personality. She will not give in even when facing Archduke Violet. Her personality is more like that of a man, otherwise she would not have fallen in love with Sylvia in the first place.

Ivan Vincent looked at Natasha's compliance with relief, let go of Her Majesty's hand, and took another step forward. His aura became stronger, not affected by the decay of the starry sky at all, and the blood power in his body became even more excited. It was even boiling.

The decayed starry sky suddenly began to shrink violently, and all matter was swallowed up. The incomparable darkness turned into the deepest origin in the world. This origin is like the origin of the world, the beginning of all things, in the river of time. The ups and downs in it seemed to be affected by time, and it began to vibrate, and a very secretive fluctuation gradually came out.


An extremely shocking sound reached everyone's ears, and the whole world fell silent. An unparalleled explosion occurred at the extremely condensed origin. It was an explosion that cannot be described in words. Countless matter in the universe erupted from the origin. It was ejected from the sky and turned into bright and gorgeous stars, satellites, planets, stars, meteorites, black holes, white dwarfs, supernovas, neutron stars. The endless starry sky shines again, more brilliant, more gorgeous, more shocking, more It is vaster and more magnificent, as if it is reborn from the ashes.

The endless powerful momentum impacted Ktonia, and the river of time was forced back and integrated into Ktonia's body. The blood power gradually calmed down, as if it was being oppressed.


Ketonia let out a low groan, and couldn't help but take a step back. Her expression became much darker, and the time in her eyes disappeared. She covered her chest with her palms, with a hint of horror, and her voice became much older. He no longer had the sharp edge he had before, and spoke hoarsely with a somewhat weak aura.

"A new generation replaces the old ones, and the next generation is formidable. His Excellency Ivan Vincent is so powerful that it is admirable!"

"This time the Ketonia family made a mistake. I wonder what Your Excellency Ivan Vincent wants me to do?"

Ketonia was straightforward. If he lost, he lost. Although there was no real action, it was just a competition of blood strength, knightly will and momentum, but the winner had been determined. Even if he took action, the result would not change. Ketonia would definitely Defeat is undoubtedly a huge blow to Ketonia. He can sense that Ivan Vincent is only a legendary second-level epic knight now, and it is really shocking that his strength has reached such a level.

For a terrifying genius like Ivan Vincent, Ketonia does not dare to compete with him. He has entered the twilight years of his life. How many more years can he protect the family? If he offends a being like Ivan Vincent, he will have no influence on the family. The future will be a huge disaster, so he compromised and gave in. This matter must be solved once and for all. There must be no future troubles. No matter how high the price is, Ivan Vincent must be eliminated. , to meet his requirements.

"I hope that the rotation of the epic knights will be advanced. After all, Natasha has just been crowned and needs to get familiar with all the epic knights in the kingdom as soon as possible. Your Excellency Ketonia will hand over to your Excellency Winston as soon as possible."

Ketonia understood that this was a condition of exchange, and he also knew that if something like this happened, Natasha would definitely not trust him in a short time. Ivan Vincent did this to ensure Natasha's safety and majesty. .

Ketonia lowered her head and thought for a moment, looked at the fighting-minded Ivan Vincent, and knew that she had no choice. Then she reluctantly nodded and said: "After I escort Her Majesty the Queen back to Nexor Palace, I will go ahead. Go and exchange with Winston to guard the territories in the alien space, and you will not let down Her Majesty the Queen’s expectations.”

"Your Excellency, you are the epic hero who founded the kingdom. I have full confidence in you."

There was a hint of joy on Natasha's face. Ctonia's departure greatly reduced her pressure. Lord Winston is an absolute neutral and will not get involved in the battles between the church, the royal power, and the Magic Council.

Natasha looked at Ktonya with a respectful look, but did not forget to comfort him and spoke softly.

"The Duke of York's affairs will be left to you, and you will decide the specific heir. The interests of the Ctonia family will not be harmed in any way!"

Ketonia pressed her left hand on her chest, bowed deeply, and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Now he was at a disadvantage. If Natasha wanted to suppress the Ketonia family, he could only accept it even if he was dissatisfied.

"Thank you Her Majesty for your trust. I will escort you back to Nexor Palace first."

After returning to Nexor Palace, Natasha immediately made response arrangements and gave instructions to Duke James and others.

"Duke James, please go and ask Duke Thorenfen to come, block the news at the same time, and convene a meeting of the House of Lords in an hour. Duke Russell, please prevent Count Baladi from escaping. And check whether York is really dead."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Duke James and others responded sincerely and respectfully. On the one hand, it was because Natasha's political views were consistent with theirs. On the other hand, Ivan Vincent defeated Ketonia, the legendary third-level epic knight. , officially became the first person in the Holm noble family, strength is the most important thing.

Natasha now has Ivan Vincent, a powerful epic knight, as her support, which is enough to secure the throne, take advantage, and take the initiative. Her majesty, strength, and influence have greatly increased.

Nexus Palace. In the House of Nobles. Count Baladi walked in with Duke Russell with a livid face. Faced with the warm greetings of the pro-church aristocratic members, they all just nodded slightly in response, losing their previous calmness and elegance.

"Russell, can you tell me why Her Majesty the Queen wants to summon noble members? I remember that the one-month mourning period has not passed yet. Is she going to ruin her promise?"

Count Baladi asked Duke Russell, who was smiling like a blond artistic young man next to him, the reason. His heart was full of uneasiness and fear.

Count Baladi knew that Natasha would go to James' private estate today, and also knew that David and Gwill would take action. So as soon as I heard that Natasha was going to convene a noble council, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

However, Duke Russell, an eighth-level heavenly knight, directly came to invite him and followed him closely. Even if he wanted to make excuses or escape, he had no choice but to follow him obediently even though he was feeling uneasy.

Count Baladi kept cheering and comforting himself, hoping against hope that nothing would happen, and kept hinting that nothing would happen to him.

Baladi believed that he only stimulated David with words, channeled the resentment in David's heart, and introduced Gwell to David. He never directly instigated David to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen. It cannot be because he was in private. Two people he introduced to each other at a banquet became murderers, so he would have to bear the crime, right?

Duke Rex shifted his gaze and looked at Duke Russell. Duke Russell understood that he had fulfilled his responsibility, left Count Baradi with a smile, and returned to his seat.

"Why did you come with Russell? Do you know why Her Majesty the Queen called for a meeting? This is a violation of a month's promise."

Duke Rex had a vague premonition. It seemed that something big had happened, but he was kept in the dark and had no idea. This is an extremely dangerous trait for politicians and represents his I can no longer control the situation.

Count Baladi shook his head, pretending not to know anything, and said softly.

"I don't know either. Where's York?"

Duke Rex frowned, his expression became even uglier, he looked at Count Baladi gloomily and replied.

"I didn't see it. Every time a meeting of nobles is held, he is always the first to arrive! Today is so abnormal. Could it be that something happened to him? Lord Naktonia's anger will destroy everything."

As long as there is a meeting of the House of Nobles, the Duke of York will definitely enter Nexor Palace early and go to visit the Heart of Time, Ctonia.

When he heard that York didn't come, Count Baladi's expression became even worse. His heart sank to the bottom of the sea. He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and prepared to resist. After all, he believed that Natasha and others had no direct influence. The evidence proves that this assassination is related to him. As long as she grits her teeth and doesn't let go, Natasha can't do anything to him.

Since this aristocratic meeting was held temporarily, many aristocratic members who were not in Rentat and were not very powerful did not have time to come back, and only about two-thirds of them arrived.

Duke Rex sensed that Natasha had arrived at the door. He quickly stood up and left his seat, walked to the half-height platform in front, picked up the gavel, and knocked twice. After the crisp sound, the hall of the House fell silent.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Duke Rex turned around, and the air flow caused the black cloak to flutter, welcoming the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen.

Natasha was wearing a black palace dress, with her long purple hair hanging casually behind her shoulders. She held her arm with Ivan Vincent. The two of them walked side by side from the gate, followed by Camille and a group of knights. , as soon as they entered the hall, the team of knights separated to the left and right, guarding the seats in the circular conference hall.

The leader is a calm blond man, John Knight, the grand knight of the Violet Knights from Alto. The other knights include the Violet Knights from Alto, and some of them came to Nata during this time. Among the Knights of the Sword of Truth, Knights of Judgment, and Knights of the Holy Cross who are loyal to Shah, there are fully fifteen people at the rank of grand knight, and more than fifty people at the knight level. Plus Camille, this is more than the number of people in a medium-sized knighthood. The strength is getting stronger.

Seeing this posture, the nobles didn't understand what was going on and started whispering, which indicated that the next step might be very uneasy.

At the same time, the nobles were also shocked. In less than a month, Natasha, the new queen, had gained the allegiance of so many great knights and knights, and had reached out to the three major knights. Her methods were too great. It's amazing. He already has the basic strength to ensure the stability of his throne.

The nobles looked at Ivan Vincent standing next to Natasha, and they understood deeply that with such an epic knight as her fiancé, Natasha's throne was already unshakable, and in the future it would be Holm. The biggest contradiction in the kingdom is to reconcile the contradiction between the conservatives and the liberals, maintain a balance, and never involve changes in the throne.

Natasha knocked the gavel, shutting up the talking nobles, and the entire chamber suddenly became quiet. She looked around the hall expressionlessly and said with hidden anger.

"This morning, I suffered an assassination."


The nobles immediately became excited. Assassinating the monarch itself is the biggest taboo of the nobles, and it happened less than a month after the coronation of Her Majesty the Queen. This is simply a challenge to the order of the nobles!

Duke Rex was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the absence of Duke of York, recalled Count Baladi's absence, and thought of their previous extreme thoughts, and a rage arose in his heart, and he glared at Count Baladi angrily. .

"Stupid idiots, I hope you don't even have a plan to silence me! If evidence is found, just go and die. Don't expect me to intercede for you!"

at this time. Count Baladi calmed down instead, turning a blind eye to Duke Rex's gaze and not caring about Duke Rex's thoughts, thinking about how to minimize the crime.

"The person who assassinated me was Earl David and the fifth-ranked cursed angel Gwell of the Night Watch. This can be testified by Duke James, Duke Russell, and Earl Haisong. The identity of the cursed angel Gwell was also obtained by Saint Salde Your confirmation.”

The hall became quiet again. The nobles could not understand how David, who was pro-Magical Council, could get involved with the Night Watch for a while, but they soon realized that power and interest are the biggest poisons, which can corrupt people and make enemies cooperate with each other.

"The Night Watch dares to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen. The church is going too far."

"I think we must put an end to this kind of behavior among church people, otherwise we don't know when it will be our turn."

"put an end to?!"

"How many similar things have happened in the past. Every time the church expressed its apology, it forgot the lesson. Maybe our balancing strategy was a mistake!"

The nobles started talking angrily, which was pretty much the reaction Natasha expected. Originally, the church would never recognize Gwell's identity in this matter, but who made the cardinal of the Diocese of Holm Sard?

This cardinal was ready to form an alliance with the Magic Council, to betray the Pope, break away from the control of the Southern Church, and be crowned emperor. How could he save face for the Church of Truth? He readily admitted Gwell's identity.

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