I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2365 New vest submission to verify the periodic rules of elements

Any change in cognition needs to be subtle and gradual. Ivan Vincent's arcane research theory is too advanced and will subvert the current arcane system, causing all magicians to doubt themselves and their cognition, and fall into collapse. head shot. That consequence is what the church wants to see most, but it is not what Ivan Vincent wants.

At nine o'clock on Monday morning, a carriage slowly stopped in front of the headquarters of the Magic Council.

Ivan Vincent finally changed out of the knight uniform he had worn all year round. Ivan Vincent, who was wearing a white shirt, a brown vest, and a black double-breasted gown, had some changes in his appearance. This was a magical effect of the transformation magic. Ivan Vincent paid the carriage driver, put on his black top hat, and stepped onto the steps calmly.

Taling Prosper of Arlinge shouted feebly as he passed the gate.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the Magic Council. As long as you refine a female tower spirit, you will receive my warmest welcome."

Ivan Vincent ignored Prosper. This alchemist who looked forward to the female tower spirit every day said this to every magician who came here. Ivan Vincent inquired about it in the hall of the Magician Management Department. , after knowing that the "Arcane" journal headquarters was on the tenth floor, he took the elevator in the magic tower hall to go there.

In the yellow-green light shield, the silver-gray disk slowly rose. Ivan Vincent tried his best to calmly and expectantly watch the figures of the magicians and apprentices coming and going in the hall getting smaller and smaller.

When the elevator passed the ninth floor, Ivan Vincent pressed his right hand into the yellow-green light. It bloomed with tiny rays of light and fell into the silver-gray disk. After absorbing the fine awns, the silver-gray disk merged with the third floor. When the hole in the center of the fourth floor was connected, it suddenly vibrated slightly and stopped. At the same time, the yellow-green light shield slowly opened a door-like opening. Stepping out of the elevator, Ivan Vincent easily found the hall with the silver word "Arcane" written on it and walked in.

The hall is paved with shiny floor tiles, creating a grand, bright, quiet and elegant atmosphere, making people feel comfortable.

Ivan Vincent walked to the man and woman in charge of reception and stood in front of them. He took off the black top hat on his head in a very gentlemanly manner, bowed to them as a courtesy, and asked in a low but magnetic voice.

"Hello, I would like to know which gentleman I should contact if I submit a manuscript to the Arcane journal?"

The man who was having a pleasant conversation with the beautiful lady took a closer look at Ivan Vincent and his smile disappeared, and asked seriously.

"Excuse me sir, is this your own arcane paper you are submitting, or your teacher's or friend's arcane paper?"

The man and woman both wore arcane badges with two silver stars on a black background, as well as nameplates with arcane words and their names written on them. However, there was no magic badge. It seemed that everything here was dominated by arcana.

"Mr. Gavin, it is my own paper that I want to submit to the "Arcane" journal."

Ivan Vincent glanced at the man's nameplate. It was a relatively popular name. Among the one hundred people in the Holm Kingdom, at least seven or eight people had this name.

Gavin, the second-level arcanist, looked very serious and seemed a bit inhumane, and said businesslikely.

"I'm sorry, sir, the "Arcane" journal only accepts submissions from magicians above the mid-level arcanist. I hope you know this!"

"The Arcane Journal is the highest academic journal of the Magic Council, and the quality of each arcane paper needs to be strictly controlled!"

"Really? Why can't I find this article in the rules of the Arcane Journal?"

How could Ivan Vincent be told to quit with just one word? He brought up the stated rules seriously. This time, he changed his identity and put on a layer of vest in order to use his identity as a headshot maniac. In fact, if the manuscript is rejected directly, wouldn't it mean that he would die before he started the battle, which would make the hero burst into tears.

Mr. Gavin was obviously a little angry at Ivan Vincent's ignorance. Did the magician really not know, or was he pretending not to know? This is an unwritten but true rule. How can your paper be compared to those of high-level arcanists, or even great arcanists? You actually overestimate your capabilities and submit your paper to the "Arcana" journal. You really have no discernment.

"There are indeed papers among mid-level and low-level arcanists that have been published in our journals, but they were all directly commissioned by us after they were judged to be of great significance during the review. No low-level arcanist has ever submitted a paper to us on his own. And the examples that were included.”

The lady named Heidi next to her was worried that Ivan Vincent was the kind of stubborn and rigid magician who would take things seriously, so she explained a little politely.

However, her worries were soon confirmed. Ivan Vincent took out a few papers, photographed them directly in front of the two of them, and said very arrogantly.

"There has been no precedent in the past, which does not mean that there is no one now or in the future. As long as it does not violate the regulations, why can't I accept my submission? If the submission is rejected by the reviewer Mr. Arcanist, it only means that the reviewer's level is not good enough. , otherwise you will definitely see the weight of these papers of mine!”

"Mr. Magician, you can give me your arcane paper first, and I will send it to the Arcane Master's Office for review. Today is the fourth day of this month, except for the one that was confirmed to be published in the next issue last month. There are not many new papers outside of these papers, and I think the review results will be out soon.”

Gavin's eyes flashed with disdain, and he was a little dissatisfied with Ivan Vincent's arrogance. He spoke very quickly, and his annoyance was obvious. He seemed to want to get rid of this madman-like magician who could not communicate as soon as possible, so that he could continue to communicate with the beautiful woman around him. The magicians were chatting and laughing.

Ivan Vincent saw the other party's intention at a glance, shook his head helplessly, handed the paper in his hand to Mr. Gavin, returned to his humble and polite appearance, and said.

"Then please, Mr. Gavin."

Ivan Vincent handed Gavin his carefully selected arcane papers and turned to leave. Suddenly he seemed to think of something again and gave him a kind reminder.

"Mr. Gavin, you'd better hand this paper to a high-level arcanist for review, otherwise I'm worried that the mid-level arcanist won't be able to understand the content. After all, my paper is still somewhat esoteric and difficult!"

"Finally, I wish you a wonderful morning and capture this beautiful lady next to you as soon as possible!"

Ivan Vincent looked at Ms. Wendy aside, obviously seeing the ambiguous relationship between the two.

A trace of panic suddenly appeared on Gavin's face, his eyes wandered, and he didn't dare to look at the beauty beside him. He was obviously a novice in love and couldn't stand Ivan Vincent's teasing.

After Gavin got Ivan Vincent's paper, his original idea was to determine the value of the paper first. If he didn't think it was valuable, then there was no need to send it to the office of the arcanists for evaluation. In order to avoid being scolded, I feel a little embarrassed now that Ivan Vincent is teasing him like this. For the sake of Ivan Vincent's assist, I decided to help him. At worst, I will be scolded a few times.

"Thesis in the field of elements? Forward to Mr. Laventier, Mr. Gaston."

Alchemy Life mechanically distributes papers based on the fields they cover and keeps backup copies.

In the committee member's exclusive lounge, a brown elemental body picked up the paper. This is a magical life and a right-hand assistant that many elemental magicians like.

"Level 4 Arcanist? Are you going to review it for Mr. Gaston? Well, Mr. Gaston and his disciples are at the Rose Manor of Swan Lake in Rentat, and the arcane masters who are reviewing the "Arcane" journal are also here. There, you can only send the paper over first, and Mr. Gaston will decide who will review it.”

The brown elemental body waited for a long time, and it was not until four o'clock in the afternoon that he called Matthew the owl, packed up all the papers accumulated today, hung them around its neck, and sent them to Gaston. In another lounge, It's a similar situation.

Swan Lake, Rose Manor.

The day-long annual conference on elements and alchemical magic is approaching the second half. Each speaker received applause, and after they finished presenting their papers, there was also time for discussion and comments from some high-level magicians. Help them further improve their research results, and also inspire other arcanists.

Since there were many arcanists who needed to talk about their research results, the meeting was arranged very tightly. Otherwise, five days would not be able to satisfy the enthusiasm of the arcanists. Therefore, even though it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, there were still many arcanists waiting in line. Sir, today's meeting is far from over.

Ulysses, who had fair hair, ordinary appearance but a strong body, stepped onto the podium. He first activated the magic circle that displayed the scene, and then began to share his research results during this period with other arcanists: in trying to use the five-ring magic The critical temperature of the gas discovered when Gaston's highly toxic mist was improved into the form of a water arrow, that is, if the temperature exceeds it, the gas cannot be liquefied no matter how much the pressure is increased.

This discovery is quite novel and can effectively guide the improvement of magic structure. Basically all arcanists are interested and listen very carefully.

At this time, a tawny owl flew in, landed on the table in front of Gaston, and gently pecked the back of Gaston's hand, who was listening intently to Ulysses' speech. Matthew is a well-known postman of the will of the elements. The magicians and knights guarding the gate all know that he is the magic pet of the Gaston family, so they did not stop him.

Gaston pulled out his hand in a funny way, touched the feathers on Matthew's back, then took down several papers hanging on it and put them aside, preparing to arrange for review after today's meeting is over.

Following Matthew was a budgerigar, which proudly hovered above Laventi for two weeks before landing, with several papers also hanging on its chest.

At the same time, several other birds also flew in, landed in front of the other three members of the Arcane Review Committee, and brought the papers assigned to them. However, they are not in a hurry. Not to mention that assigning or reviewing now is disrespectful to Ulysses who gave the speech above. Some papers that require complex experimental demonstrations may take a month or two to review. There is no need for them to be reviewed at all. Need to be anxious. Big men like them never let review work interfere with their research, magic practice, and life. Of course, there are exceptions, and that is when papers with major discoveries and subversives appear, they will stop everything they are doing without hesitation. Research the latest arcane theory, but this possibility is too small. Generally, such papers can only be written by great arcanists and nine-ring arcanists. They do not need to be reviewed at all and can be published directly.

As Ulysses explained in depth, the other arcanists became more and more focused. Only the ninth-level arcanist and the nine-ring magician Laventi was a little leisurely, because he was Ulysses' teacher. This paper passed through him After careful review, the content is already fully understood.

After listening for a while like nothing, Laventi picked up several papers in front of his pet, flipped through them, and read the paper titles one by one.

Suddenly, an eye-catching title jumped into his eyes: "On the periodic relationship between the properties of elements and atomic weights and the prediction of some new elements."

Laventi took out the paper and looked down at it carefully. As he looked, his expression suddenly changed. The loud voice of Ulysses coming from the amplification magic circle on the podium seemed to be in his ears. Completely disappear.

"This is how the idea of ​​​​making a similar arrangement originally came about. I was new to the redefined elemental magic, so I spent a lot of time and money researching the properties of the elements. While purifying the elements, I verified each of them according to the design of the paper. While writing down the different properties of the same element, including the properties of their oxides, on a playing card, I then arranged the cards starting from the element with the smallest atomic weight to facilitate my memory, understanding and application."

"In this arrangement, I strangely found that the properties of the elements repeated periodically, and even the atomic valence state presented an incredible but equally wonderful arithmetic sequence, and all of this seemed to be related to the increase in atomic weight from small to small. It is related to the large arrangement. So I immediately made a bold hypothesis, are the properties of elements an external manifestation of atomic weight? Can a logical element system be established based on the atomic weight of elements, so that we can search and discover new elements and create new ones? The elemental magic provided me with rules that I could learn from, and then I conducted many experiments on this system.”

The paper in his hand was turned to the last page, but Laventi's eyes did not move away for a long time. Then he used his strong self-control to keep himself calm, and turned to signal Rebecca, who was in charge of entertaining, to come over.

While Rebecca listened carefully to Ulysses's speech, she always paid attention to the situation of the arcanists. As soon as her eyes came into contact with Laventi's dark gray eyes, Rebecca straightened her back as if struck by lightning, and then walked towards Laventi uneasily, "What do you want, Mr. Vice President?" ?

Rebecca walked closer and looked at an arcane paper placed in front of Laventi. She could not clearly see the main content of the paper, but she was surprised to find that Mr. Laventi's face became extremely solemn. It made her panic and scared. Could something big be happening about to happen?

"If you don't consider the atomic weights of several elements for which no experimental data have been given..."

Laventi muttered to himself, then quickly turned to give instructions to Rebecca.

"Prepare and purify these elements for me immediately!"

These are several elements that are not found in Laventi's alchemy cabin. He needs to verify it based on the content of Ivan Vinson's paper. If the research of this paper can really be confirmed, it will be a disruptive discovery. It will have a huge impact on the development of elemental magic, and even the real structure of the world's substances will undergo huge changes.

Laventi looked solemn, spoke seriously and quickly, and gave instructions to Harry, the budgerigar on the side.

"Go to Odonko and buy a few pieces of amphibole mine, which is the grandson of the grizzly bear, and come back in the shortest possible time. Harry, you must not be lazy, this matter is very important!"

"Do I look like a lazy gentleman?"

Harry muttered something dissatisfied. The budgerigar's voice was clear and melodious. After complaining for a while, he spread his wings and flew away.

Although Rebecca did not understand Laventi's request, she had to abide by His Excellency the Vice-President's instructions. After telling other low-level magicians to pay attention to the situation at the venue, she hurried to the second floor of the main building of the manor.

The other arcanists were listening intently to Ulysses's speech and did not notice what was going on here, because things like asking the low-level magicians next to them to get some white paper or a cup of black tea appeared from time to time.

Ulysses ended his speech and then had an in-depth discussion with the arcanists who asked questions. When he left the podium, warm applause rang out without exception. Most of the arcanists felt that they had gained a lot just now. . The applause slowly subsided, and Ulysses bowed again,

The host of the meeting, Leander, looked around at the arcanist sitting below, preparing to invite the next speaker, when he suddenly saw Laventi standing up without warning and walking up to the half-height metal platform with a slightly hurried pace. All the arcanists' surprised eyes were cast on Laventi. They didn't know why he did this. Could it be that something big had happened?

Laventi is a nine-ring magician with many prominent identities. How could the host have the courage to stop his actions and obediently handed over the stage to this great magician.

Laventi stood behind the podium, opened the scene magic circle, took out his alchemy hut from the space storage bag, and enlarged it into a sophisticated and complete magic laboratory.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to disrupt the arrangements of the venue. I found an epoch-making arcane research paper here. I will read the content here to you first, and then verify it with experiments. If the content of the paper is verified, then this will be the greatest arcane research theory in the past century, and it will play an indescribable role in promoting the development of arcana!"

There is no doubt that the periodic table of elements plays an important role in the history of geochemistry, and it also occupies an important position in the entire history of scientific development. It symbolizes the end of mankind's scattered exploration of elements in nature, summed up the laws of elements, and used the laws to guide its own subsequent research. And what's hidden beneath its cyclical appearance is another realm that's hard to imagine. In-depth research in this field has completely shattered the past understanding of Earth's physics, and may also overturn most of the Magic Council's current theories.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to compare the periodic table of elements to the cornerstone and throne of the field of elements. However, even such an important research result was scorned by many people after Mendeleev proposed it. Even his teacher thought that It was meaningless and a waste of life. Even at the beginning of the 20th century when its importance was generally recognized, it failed to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry because of one vote.

Laventi tried to make his voice less excited and irritable. After all, he would need to do his own experiments later to verify the correctness of Ivan Vinson's thesis.

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