I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2168 Who doesn’t have a vest yet?

After Hou Xibai learned the martial arts of the Huajian Sect, he realized that he lacked understanding of the Huajian Sect. This sect is different from other sects of the Demon Sect. Although the martial arts of this sect comes from "Tian Mo Ce", it is ultimately about the political sect. The method does not depend on the number of people, so only one person is passed down from each generation, and the most important thing is knowledge and cultivation. The successors of each generation are amazingly talented, personable, elegant and knowledgeable, and are good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting.

Hou Xibai noticed the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism hidden in the inheritance of the Huajian Sect. No wonder Shi Zhixuan sneaked into Buddhism and stole the essence of Buddhism to improve his own martial arts realm. Only then did he create the "Seal of Immortality" Law".

Although the Huajian Sect is a demonic sect, its style of conduct is not extreme, it is elegant and gentle, and it has not been crazily suppressed by the righteousness like other demonic sects. It even has a good relationship with Buddhism. The Buddha statues in many Buddhist temples are from the Huajian Sect. Carved by a master! Of course, this was before Shi Zhixuan secretly learned Buddhist martial arts. Now the four great Buddhist monks are looking for the devil Shi Zhixuan all over the world.

Hou Xibai studied with Shi Zhixuan, not only in martial arts, but also in various arts such as painting, sculpture, chess, music, etc.

This is because Hou Xibai is naturally intelligent, has astonishing understanding, and can learn very easily. If it were anyone else, even the extremely talented Yang Xuyan would not be able to master all of these.

Hou Xibai's performance in front of Shi Zhixuan was still reserved, but even so, Shi Zhixuan was extremely surprised. Such qualifications were no less than his performance when he was a child.

What kind of qualifications does Shi Zhixuan have? The number one master of the Demon Sect today, who once entered the realm of a Grand Master, created the "Seal of Immortality" by himself. One person can monopolize the four holy monks of Buddhism, which is rare in a hundred years.

Time flies, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye. After all, Shi Zhixuan has several vests and needs to maintain these identities, so he often disappears. In the entire Youlin Xiaozhu, only Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan live here. Every once in a while, Shi Zhixuan will order people to send some supplies, but he will not let them starve to death.

On this day, Shi Zhixuan came back from nowhere, summoned Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan to him, looked indifferent and indifferent, and gave instructions.

"You two have mastered the martial arts of Butian Pavilion and Huajian Sect. You can leave here!"

Hou Xibai's eyes widened and he looked at Shi Zhixuan in disbelief. What did he mean by this? This master is so irresponsible. He is so young and doesn't care about food.

"Master, I don't want to leave you!"

Hou Xibai finally found a long-term meal ticket, but he was not willing to leave. Did he know that the world is now in chaos, the people are in dire straits, and life is difficult. He is only seven years old now, how can he survive? Let alone a child like him, he is an adult. There are many people who starve to death. Unlike Yang Xuyan, he is of royal blood and has some basic connections, so he has no worries about food and clothing. He is alone, where can he make a living.

Shi Zhixuan looked at Hou Xibai, who was sincere and with a bit of moisture in his eyes, unmoved. He had been in contact with Hou Xibai for a long time. Didn't Shi Zhixuan still understand the character of his disciple who was accepted halfway? His character was the most indifferent, definitely. The most suitable successor to the Huajian Sect.

Hou Xibai's tears were all due to his acting skills, without any emotional fluctuations, and he couldn't hide it from Shi Zhixuan at all.

Yang Xuyan's expression moved slightly, and there was a trace of fluctuation in his dead eyes. He disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared before. Yang Xuyan was different from Hou Xibai. He had great ambitions and blood feuds in his heart, and he had long been unwilling to be with him. After staying in this barren mountain and wild ridge, Shi Zhixuan was even a little happy in his heart now that he agreed to their departure.

"If you want to stay here, feel free to do so, but I won't let anyone send supplies again!"

Shi Zhixuan's words were extremely cold. He looked at Hou Xibai who had put away his tears with cold eyes. The corner of his mouth still couldn't help but twitch. Sure enough, it was all staged and all fake.

Hou Xibai smiled, a little disappointed, lowered his head, and had a headache. Without Shi Zhixuan's long-term meal ticket, he would have to find a way to survive in the future, which would be really troublesome.

Hou Xibai thought for a moment, but there was no good way. He suddenly looked at Yang Xuyan aside. This was a man who was not short of money, so why not give him a try by hugging his thigh.

"Senior Brother Yang, I wonder if you would be willing to take this little brother in for a while?"

Yang Xuyan was stunned when he heard this, and for the first time there was a surprised expression on Dead Fish's face. Hou Xibai didn't know what his relationship was like with Hou Xibai. After a year, they only exchanged a few words. How could he be so embarrassed? Shamelessly begging to be taken in!

Before Yang Xuyan could speak, Shi Zhixuan broke Hou Xibai's expectations with a wave of his hand and said coldly.

"Xu Yan, I have other plans and I can't take you in!"

As soon as these words came out, Hou Xibai's whole face collapsed, and he sighed helplessly, his mood was very low, and he seemed to be very disappointed.

Yang Xuyan's expression moved slightly, but he didn't say a word. His eyes were full of deathly silence, dim and gray, hiding endless evil energy, like evil ghosts under the Nine Netherworld.

Hou Xibai was sitting in the wooden house, watching the leaving figures of Shi Zhixuan and Yang Xuyan, with complex colors in his eyes. Compared to Yang Xuyan, he was lucky.

Shi Zhixuan accepted him as his disciple, just for a moment, to let him inherit the Taoism of the Huajian Sect. He had no other plans. Although there was not much friendship between the master and the disciple, it was considered a kindness.

Yang Xuyan was different. He had a special status. Shi Zhixuan accepted him as his disciple. He had his own plans and could not help himself. He was just a puppet chess piece. He was not as free as Hou Xibai. Although he needed to be self-reliant, he had no constraints.

Hou Xibai did not leave Youlin Xiaozhu immediately after Shi Zhixuan left. There was still some food here, which was enough for him to live for two months, so why go out to make a living.

In the next two months, Hou Xibai's life was uneventful, just like in the past, cooking by himself, practicing martial arts, and learning various skills, passing by in a hurry.

On this day, Hou Xibai had to leave. There was no other way. There was not enough food in the Youlin small house. If he stayed any longer, he would definitely starve to death.

Chengdu City is a land of abundance. People are coming and going in the city. The cries of vendors are constantly ringing. Various shops are lined up. It is a prosperous scene. There must be no clues of the impending troubled times.

Hou Xibai was dressed in linen clothes, with a gray face, covering his pink and handsome face. He only had a pair of big, clear eyes, spinning around, and he was smart and alert. He was only a seven-year-old child. If he didn't hide his appearance, , it is very likely to attract some kidnappers and cause unnecessary trouble to yourself.

As Hou Xibai walked in the bustling city of Chengdu, he sighed and drooped his head. Where should he go? At the age of seven, he could not do anything. Even if he went to work as a busboy in a restaurant, he would not be used. He was a complete burden and could not be used by others. How does he live?

Although Hou Xibai knew that there was little hope, he still visited every store and asked. In some stores, he was yelled at before he even entered. Some stores were not willing to accept children like him to work even if they were not scolded. At the end of the day, , the tired Hou Xibai was panting and his back was sore.

Hou Xibai leaned against the wall, took out his last rice ball, and ate it in big mouthfuls. After a while, it went into his stomach. He barely ate half full. He scratched his head in distress and thought about his way out. He couldn't rely on it. You can use your own skills to sneak and abduct. This is too inconsistent with the status of a descendant of the Huajian Sect.

Hou Xibai sighed here and looked at the opposite side with dull eyes. Suddenly, a bald monk walked into the opposite shop, clasped his hands and recited a Buddhist chant.

"Amitabha, the great seal of the poor monk Dashi Temple, has met the donor. The poor monk followed the abbot's decree and came to chant sutras and pray for the donor!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly walked out from behind the counter, bowed respectfully, and said enthusiastically.

"Master Dayin, you are here. I have been having bad luck these days, so I hope the Master can chant sutras for me to ward off misfortunes!"

After saying this, the two entered the back of the store and disappeared from Hou Xibai's sight.

Hou Xibai's eyes sparkled, he was still doing well as a monk these days. As long as he chanted sutras and prayed for people, he could get a lot of alms. With a thought in his mind, he murmured to himself.

"These days, everyone in the Demon Sect is very particular about their vests. My cheap master is still wearing the vest of the eminent monk of Wuluo Temple!"

"In this case, I can be considered as a half-Buddhist, so why not mix into Buddhism and make a living, then I can be considered as having no worries about food and clothing!"

The more Hou Xibai thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was reliable. He quickly got up and walked towards the outside of Chengdu. The Dashi Temple was on the mountain outside the city. It was very famous and belonged to the Zen sect.

The sun is shining brightly and warmly. A group of young monks are walking along the path in the temple. Their heads are bare. The sun shines on them, making them shine like a light bulb. It is dazzling. Among these young monks, there is one who has a handsome face. , pink and jade, much more conspicuous than the others. It is Hou Xibai who has successfully mixed into Buddhism. It can be said that like a teacher, there must be a disciple.

However, there is some difference in that Shi Zhixuan sneaked into Buddhism to steal the essence of Buddhist martial arts, perfect his own martial arts, and create the Immortal Seal, while Hou Xibai simply wanted to fill his stomach. In comparison, Hou Xibai is really small. .

However, Hou Xibai himself didn't care. The world is huge and filling his stomach is the most important thing. As long as he worships in the Dashi Temple, he can have no worries about food and clothing every day. Where can he find such a good thing?

Hou Xibai followed a group of young monks and entered the Mahavira Hall. He stood among the young monks with a solemn expression, a solemn appearance, a pure body, a pure and wonderful appearance, and full of spiritual energy.

An elderly monk, Master Daoxian, is sitting cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue. He is the younger brother of Master Daoxin, the Buddhist holy monk, and the abbot of Dashi Temple. Behind him, there are about two hundred monks, old, middle-aged and young, standing neatly in the hall. One day, they were chanting the Heart Sutra in unison, that is, the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, and they were buzzing with Zen chanting for a while.

According to the usual practice, morning classes are to recite the Shurangama Mantra, the Great Compassion Mantra, and the Heart Sutra once each, and then disperse to have a fast meal.

Hou Xibai chanted sutras devoutly, stood solemnly, and his mind was silent. A clear pool appeared in his heart. The green lotus swayed and the dewdrops slowly dripped down and fell into the clear surface of the pool, creating ripples in circles. .

Hou Xibai felt the fluctuations of mental power in the hall, and couldn't help but secretly nodded. The Buddhist martial arts in this world were indeed unique. They were good at mental power and had a different state of mind during cultivation, which made him very curious.

Zen Buddhism is the product of the localization of Buddhism, also known as Buddha Heart Buddhism, and is a branch of Buddhism outside the Buddhism. At that time, the second ancestor Huike went to see the Patriarch Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma passed down a heart seal, that is, the heart-to-heart seal, without saying a word, relies entirely on self-enlightenment.

Master Huike said goodbye to Bodhidharma and went back, so he freely expressed himself. He was an out-and-out Chinese native, and he had been studying Confucianism and Lao Zhuang Yi Xue before he was forty years old. It was impossible for him to create something out of nothing with free expression, so he could only learn from Confucianism and Learn a lot from Lao Zhuang and Zhuang Yi! Anyway, no matter what Buddhist teachings you have realized, you should never forget to rely on Bodhidharma.

When Master Huike taught the Dharma to his disciples, he passed on the Dharma principles that he had freely realized. Then, relying on the connection between hearts and minds, the disciples also freely used their own ideas and continuously integrated them into the local philosophy of the Central Plains. After hundreds of years of free use, they gradually After perfection, various Zen practice methods and theories have been formed.

Without establishing words, teaching outsiders; directly pointing to the human heart, seeing one's nature and becoming a Buddha. This has become the main theoretical idea of ​​Zen. Therefore, it is easy to bring in private goods and express them freely. It is deeply loved by believers. After all, who doesn't want to become a Buddha!

Hou Xibai waited for the morning class to end and sat on the bench in the dining hall, holding a bowl, drinking porridge and eating pickles. He was very satisfied. These days, such thick rice porridge is not something ordinary people can afford. , not to mention the pickles, which is already very luxurious.

These days, ordinary people can't afford salt or rice porridge. They just eat some wild vegetables mixed with grains and cook it in a big pot. The clear soup is not watery and can't fill their stomachs at all. This is already a good life. , at least they can still live. Many people can't even drink porridge with wild vegetables and whole grains. They gnaw tree bark, swallow Guanyin soil, and countless people starve to death.

After Hou Xibai finished his breakfast, he was not idle. As a new disciple, he needed to be responsible for some sundries. Perhaps because of his lack of literacy, he was assigned to the Sutra Pavilion, where he was responsible for cleaning and organizing Buddhist scriptures. Compared with Other young monks clean the temple, chop wood and dive into the water, which can be regarded as a relaxing job.

"Disciple Fahai has met Master Uncle Dayin!"

When Hou Xibai paid homage to Dashi Temple, he happened to be photographed by Fa Hai, whose name was Fa Hai, but he had the same name as a monk with a bad temper who was always ready to display his mighty dragon.

Fortunately, Hou Xibai doesn't mind having the same name. After all, the name Fa Hai has an excellent meaning, with boundless power and wisdom like the sea. Hou Xibai thinks he can still bear this title.

Monk Dayin was the monk Hou Xibai saw that day. It was he who inspired Hou Xibai's vest plan, infiltrated into the Dashi Temple, and became a glorious Buddhist disciple, who would also become a famous and upright sect in the future.

Monk Dayin opened his eyes, calm and calm, and the aura around him was warm and Zen-like. When he saw Hou Xibai, he said with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Fahai is here, go and do your own work!"

Monk Dayin had a very good impression of this young monk who was carved with jade and made of jade. He was smart and humble. He was humble, studious, and wise. He was a good man and his achievements in the future would definitely be higher than his.

Monk Dayin is a disciple of Master Daoxian, whose cultivation has reached the innate realm and can be regarded as a first-class master. Don't underestimate the first-class master, he is enough to dominate a place and dominate.

Hou Xibai clasped his hands together, nodded, moved his steps, and started working with dexterous hands and feet. There was actually nothing to clean in the Sutra Pavilion. He just needed to put the Buddhist sutras returned by other monks back to their original positions. There was nothing else to do.

Hou Xibai arranged the Buddhist scriptures, sat in the Sutra Pavilion, and picked up a copy of the "Lotus Sutra". This is the main classic of the Tiantai Sect, also known as the "Miaofa Lotus Sutra". The "Miaofa" refers to the subtle and delicate nature of this sutra. The inconceivable and profound meaning of the Dharma may be called "the first and most victorious Dharma"; the lotus flower is the most common metaphor and image in Buddhism. It has the merit of "subtle, fragrant and clean", and its "subtle" merit represents wisdom. "Xiangjie" represents the virtue of compassion, and is a metaphor for the wisdom and compassion of the Mahayana Bodhisattva. He makes great wishes to be compassionate to all living beings, and performs unbearable actions to save sentient beings in the evil world of the five turbidities, but is not stained by the five turbidities. The lotus flower grows in the mud but is not stained, hence its name.

The core idea of ​​the "Lotus Sutra" is to "open up the power to reveal reality, and unite the three to one." It advocates that the Shravakayana, Pratyekabuddha, and Bodhisattva vehicles all merge into one Buddha vehicle, and advocates that all living beings have Buddha nature. This is very similar to Zen Buddhism's idea of ​​becoming a Buddha by seeing one's true nature.

Hou Xibai's face is calm, his eyes are warm, with the Zen spirit of Buddha nature, and his treasure appearance is solemn. He holds a Buddhist scripture in his hand and is bathed in golden light. He is sacred and solemn, making people ecstasy.

"Little monk, which master of Dashi Temple are you a disciple of? Why haven't I seen you?"

A sweet voice like a lark in the mountains woke up Hou Xibai who was addicted to Buddhist scriptures. He couldn't help but look up. A girl who was as pure and natural as an orchid in an empty valley smiled sweetly. Under the bright sunshine, she looked lively. Looking at him, his starry eyes are like water, sparkling and lively, making people forget about the world.

This girl seems to have gathered the beauty of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, like a free elf in the mountains. She is quirky and charming. She has her hands behind her back, bending over, and curiously looking at Hou Xibai who is sitting cross-legged.

"The young monk's name is Fahai. He has just entered Dashi Temple and has not yet become a disciple. He is responsible for cleaning the Sutra Pavilion!"

Hou Xibai put down the Buddhist scripture in his hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, clasped his hands together, lowered his head and replied.

The girl nodded thoughtfully. She had lived in Dashi Temple for a long time and knew all the monks in the temple. This was the first time she saw Hou Xibai.

"It turns out he is a new disciple, no wonder he looks strange!"

"Let's get to know each other, my name is Shi Qingxuan!"

Hou Xibai was stunned, Shi Qingxuan, what a coincidence. Isn't this the daughter of his psychotic master? Why is she here? Shouldn't she be in Cihang Jingzhai?

Hou Xibai did not expect to meet Shi Qingxuan in Dashi Temple. In his impression, Shi Qingxuan was Bi Xiuxin's daughter. Bi Xiuxin was dead and Shi Zhixuan was crazy. Shouldn't she seek refuge with Cihang Jingzhai? How could she be in Dashi Temple.

In fact, Cihang Jingzhai did want to take Shi Qingxuan back, but Shi Qingxuan did not agree and has been living in Dashi Temple. As the leader of the righteous path in Buddhism, Cihang Jingzhai is aligned with Zen, so the monks of Dashi Temple will naturally Take good care of Shi Qingxuan.

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