I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2167 The evil king erected a monument and a small building in the forest

Shi Zhixuan looked at the tomb that was like a small earthen bag, and held Yang Xuyan in his arms. He took two steps forward, stretched out his hand and patted the simple tombstone into sawdust. The cold wind at night blew and flew all over the sky. , spilled and fell on the ground.

Hou Xibai's feet did not move, and he looked at Shi Zhixuan who was suddenly like this calmly. He was not angry. There were only faint ripples in his clear and clear eyes, like an indifferent stone man.

Shi Zhixuan nodded secretly. The Huajian School's kung fu has extremely high requirements on the mind. It requires being in love and being out of love. Finally, it reaches the state of being too supreme to forget about love. It forgets about love and is fair. When it is true, it forgets about love. It needs to be unmoved by emotions and not affected by emotions. disturbed. Heaven is supremely private, and its use is supremely public. The control of fate lies in Qi. The dead are the root of life, and the living are the root of death. Grace is born from harm, harm is born from grace. The Tao of the Book of Changes says: "Everything is reborn."

The supreme forgetfulness is not ruthless. Forgetfulness is a person who is silent and emotionless, as if he has forgotten. The speaker was so proud that he forgot to say a word.

Shi Zhixuan deliberately destroyed his father's tombstone in front of Hou Xibai, just to test Hou Xibai's character and see if it met the martial arts requirements of the Huajian Sect. However, he was somewhat insane. Who in a normal person would destroy it? The tombstone of the disciple's father is used to test one's character.

Fortunately, at this time, Shi Zhixuan had just entered the ranks of neurosis, and his condition was not as serious as it would be in the future. There was a bit of sparkle in his melancholy eyes, and his eyes were bright, like cold stars, walking to a rocky place. In front of him, he used his palm as a knife. It was as sharp as a hot knife cutting through butter. He easily cut out a stone tablet in just a few strokes.

Shi Zhixuan patted the stone tablet lightly, and the stone tablet suddenly sank halfway into the ground. He stretched out his fingers and drew on the stone tablet. Dragons and phoenixes danced, and the lime rustled down. In just a moment, a new stone tombstone was ready.

Hou Xibai looked at it and saw the same seven characters, but the handwriting was different, bohemian, sparse and unrestrained, strong muscles and bones, silver hooks and iron paintings, flying dragons and snakes, revealing the unruly look of a scribe. It was definitely a good calligraphy, even better than Hou Xibai's before. The calligraphy is even more wonderful, it is definitely a masterpiece.

This is not because Shi Zhixuan's calligraphy skills are higher than Hou Xibai's, but because Hou Xibai was young and weak at this time, and his strength was weak, so his calligraphy skills could not be fully brought into play, and he lacked a bit of penetrating power.

Hou Xibai bowed and expressed his gratitude to Shi Zhixuan for what he did. As a son of man, this is what he must do.

Shi Zhixuan didn't have any other expression, he just said lightly.

"Your father's tombstone has been completed, it's time for you to leave with me!"

Hou Xibai nodded silently, knelt down on the ground, knocked on his father's grave three times, then got up and walked to Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan grabbed Hou Xibai, held Yang Xuyan in his arms, and unfolded his magic body. In this mass grave, accompanied by the harsh cries of crows, it was like a ghost, leaving behind afterimages and disappearing in place. , leaving only a short earth bag and stone tombstone.

Phoenix Mountain is located in the west of Duofu Plain in the northeast of Chengdu. The main peak is more than a hundred meters high. The mountain is majestic and beautiful, winding for dozens of miles, surrounded by cascading mountains and mountains. The main peak rises high above the mountains and looks like a phoenix spreading its wings, so it is nicknamed "Phoenix Mountain".

Going south through Fenghuang Mountain, the mountains are covered with ancient trees and withered weeds. A river winds from the northwest and flows to the southeast. Both sides of the river are covered with maple trees. At the peak of autumn, some of the maple leaves turn red, red and yellow. Green complements each other, creating rich color levels and a very beautiful scenery.

Hou Xibai was caught by Shi Zhixuan, and basking in the warm morning sun, he crossed the river and flew at full speed along the south branch of Fenghuang Mountain.

Passing through the maple forest and passing through the mountain gorge, the scenery suddenly changes, and you can see deep luxuriant trees, pools and pools that follow the mountains and are connected with rushing rapids. The terrain of the ravine is like steps, with high and low waterfalls overflowing. Where there is no road, there is a cave. There are many hidden willows and bright flowers. It is a wonder to find the secrets and explore the secrets.

Wild trees are intertwined according to the mountain topography of Chitan, and moss and green grass are flowing green. The flowing water either rushes down, or falls in stages, and the water hits the stubborn rocks, forming a moving scene of countless swirling and splashing water.

Shi Zhixuan led two disciples and jumped up to the huge rock at the top of a waterfall. Suddenly, his eyes opened up. In front of him was the endless primitive ancient forest. On the left was the end of the Phoenix Mountains, ending with several surrounding mountains. On the right was the horizon. wilderness forest sea.

Climb down the slippery rocks and enter the forest. Huge ancient trees stand in the sky, and spiritual beasts and strange birds jump and fly among the forest leaves, which is full of life and interest.

Shi Zhixuan was walking quickly among the trees, and suddenly the space opened up, revealing a small stone house. There was a gravel road extending forward next to the house. It bent left and right until it disappeared deep into the forest, and the entrance to the small valley could not be seen. Youlin Xiaozhu finally appeared in front of you.

Youlin Xiaozhu was not actually built by Shi Zhixuan. It was the place where a master of swordsmanship, the "master of swordsmanship", stayed in Yueshan until his death.

Back then, Ba Dao Yueshan was an extremely talented swordsman. He could be said to be the best swordsman in the world. He was very majestic. However, he was so talented that he met an unparalleled genius swordsman, the fledgling Heavenly Sword Song Que. Song Que Although this person's name has the meaning of imperfection, he is indeed an extremely perfect person.

Song Que was born in the Song Dynasty, with a noble family background, handsome appearance, unparalleled style, perseverance, extraordinary aptitude, and amazing swordsmanship. Such a perfect person, even if he was just starting out, was still sharp and unstoppable, defeating the famous people at that time. The master of swordsmanship dominates Daoyue Mountain and successfully reaches the top of the world's best swordsman.

But later on, Song Que's life was not all smooth sailing. He met Fan Qinghui, a former disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, fell in love with her at first sight, and fell in love.

The practice of disciples of Cihang Jingzhai is somewhat similar to that of the Huajian sect. They fall in love and fall out of love, and finally embark on the path of forgetting love. Only then can they practice "Cihang Sword Code", one of the four great wonders, to a high level.

Song Que later came to his senses, cut off the relationship with his sword, returned to the Song Dynasty, married an extremely ugly wife, had children, practiced swordsmanship, and pursued martial arts to the highest level. He also worked hard to manage the Song Dynasty and wanted to restore the Han Dynasty. It is a pity that he met Yang Jian again, a hero. He could not succeed, so he could only surrender and live in Lingnan, hiding his power and biding his time.

There are several wooden houses in the small house in the forest, which are already covered with dust, as if no one has lived in them for a long time.

Shi Zhixuan put Hou Xibai down and looked at the scene in front of him with a sigh and emotion. He looked at things and missed people, with a sad expression and melancholy eyes. He became a literati who was sad for spring and autumn, and slowly walked towards the small house.

On that day, Bi Xiuxin wanted to break the seal of immortality, but her skills backfired and her efforts were exhausted. Knowing that she didn't have much time left, she took her daughter Shi Qingxuan to live in Dashi Temple. After her death, her body was cremated and her ashes were sent to Cihang Jingzhai. Fan Qinghui originally wanted to take Shi Qingxuan to Jingzhai to raise him, but he refused and stayed in Dashi Temple.

Therefore, no one has lived in Youlin Xiaozhu for a long time, and Shi Zhixuan has come back for the first time. He sneaked into Dashi Temple secretly before, and secretly saw his daughter Shi Qingxuan, but whether it was guilt or fear of facing it, Shi Zhixuan did not have the courage to take Shi Qingxuan back. .

Shi Zhixuan suffered from mental illness after seeing things and missing people. He just sat blankly in the wooden house and ignored Hou Xibai and the two people outside. Time gradually passed and the sun set in the west. The orange-red light dyed the mountains red, which was particularly gorgeous.

Hou Xibai looked at Yang Xuyan lying on the ground. He was still asleep. He sighed helplessly, touched his empty belly with his little hand, shook his head, and walked to a wooden house on the left. There were all tables and chairs, and even There are also tools commonly used in daily life, such as cooking utensils.

Hou Xibai searched in the wooden house and found a rice vat. There was some old rice in it, which was edible, so don't smile.

Holding the iron pot and other cooking utensils in his arms, Hou Xibai walked out of the wooden house and came to the stream. He washed and scrubbed. After a while, he was clean. He filled a small bucket of clean mountain stream water and returned to the wooden house.

Hou Xibai lit a fire, built a simple stand, put the iron pot on it, added water and rice, and started to have enough food and clothing.

The flame was beating, bright and warm, blocking the cold wind in the mountains. There was a gurgling sound in the pot, and a strong aroma overflowed. Hou Xibai took a deep breath, and it was so fragrant. Hou Xibai had not eaten rice for a long time, and his stomach was full. There was a cooing sound.

Hou Xibai ignored Shi Zhixuan and Yang Xuyan. He filled a bowl of rice porridge in a small ceramic bowl. He didn't care about boiling it. He drank in circles along the bowl, sticking out his tongue from time to time. The sound of exhalation continued.

The sky gradually dimmed. When Hou Xibai saw that Shi Zhixuan still hadn't come out, he ignored Yang Xuyan and didn't want to be cold outside. He entered the small wooden house on the left by himself, cleaned it briefly, and found something from the cabinet. He climbed onto the bed, closed his eyes, and fell into sleep.

Shi Zhixuan's eyes were shining brightly in the dark house, like wild beasts, mysterious and dangerous. After waking up from his memories, he stood up with a complicated face. Then he walked out of the wooden house and looked at Yang Xuyan lying on the ground. Hou Xibai disappeared, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Shi Zhixuan's eyes moved accordingly, looking at the ashes left on the ground and the iron pot that had not been cleaned next to him. He ignored Yang Xuyan, the poor child. He raised his mind and heard a faint sound in his ears. He breathed loudly, moved his steps, and walked into the wooden house on the left. Looking at Hou Xibai who was sleeping soundly, the corners of his eyes twitched, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes. This boy would not harm himself.

Shi Zhixuan turned around and left the wooden house, and began to settle Yang Xuyan who was lying outside.

In the early morning, the sky is white with fish belly, and the dim light breaks the darkness. The mountain wind with a bit of chill blows by, bringing refreshing fresh air mixed with the fragrance of vegetation.

Hou Xibai's eyes were sleepy, his red mouth pouted slightly, he let out a long yawn, straightened his arms, slowly got up, rubbed his eyes that were unwilling to open, with a bit of laziness after a rest. Lazy, walked out of the wooden house, stood in the open space, took a deep breath, the cool air entered his lungs, and he suddenly woke up.

Hou Xibai glanced around and didn't see Yang Xuyan's unlucky child, and he wasn't surprised. It seemed that his insane master had returned to normal.

Just when Hou Xibai was secretly complaining, Shi Zhixuan walked out of the wooden house in the middle. He was dressed in a scholar's blue robe. His face was like warm jade, delicate and smooth, his eyebrows were like sword blades, slanting into the sky, his eyes were like cold stars, bright and clear, the bridge of his nose was high, and his lips were straight. Like cicada wings, with a bit of melancholy and sadness, full of mature uncle style, in modern society, he is definitely the charming uncle pursued by countless girls, crying and shouting to have children for him.

However, even in this era, it is remarkable. Shi Zhixuan has been a relationship liar. He defrauded Zhu Yuyan of sex and money. He was so miserable that he turned his back and refused to recognize anyone when he lifted his pants. He was a complete scumbag.

Now, Zhu Yuyan is searching for Shi Zhixuan all over the world. She hates him so much, but she can't forget him. She wants to die with him, and she will pay any price for it.


Hou Xibai shouted. They were crispy, pink and jade, and looked very cute.

Shi Zhixuan didn't think so. Hou Xibai was smart and mature, far better than his peers, so he nodded.


There was a sound on the wooden door, and Yang Xuyan, the unlucky boy, finally woke up. Wearing a black silk brocade suit with a cold expression, he walked out of the wooden house on the right. His eyes were black and white, but without any anger. He was extremely cold. It doesn't have any ordinary human warmth.

Hou Xibai turned his eyes and looked at Yang Xuyan, who was as cold as ice, and frowned secretly. This boy looked frustrated, as if everyone in the world owed him a lot, and it was difficult for people to get close to him. He was too resentful and gave him a cold feeling. It feels like a cold-blooded snake, dangerous and vicious.


Yang Xuyan walked up to Shi Zhixuan, bowed respectfully, and shouted respectfully, with a trace of fear and jealousy flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Hou Xibai thought thoughtfully. It seems that his cheap fellow disciple is also a precocious person. He is worthy of being a member of the royal family. At such a young age, he is deep-minded and bears the burden. He is not a good person. He will treat him in the future. Just be more careful.

Shi Zhixuan was very satisfied with Yang Xuyan's respect. He didn't care at all about the fear and jealousy in Yang Xuyan's eyes. The Demon Sect respects the strong, and the relationship between master and disciple is very weak. The matter of master and disciple killing each other is also It happens all the time, it's all trivial things not worth mentioning.

Yang Xuyan straightened up and looked at Hou Xibai aside with a cold gaze. There was a flash of curiosity in his eyes, which he showed deliberately.

Shi Zhixuan took in everything, pointed at Hou Xibai, and introduced casually.

"This is my teacher, the new disciple I accepted yesterday, Hou Xibai, he will inherit the inheritance of my teacher Huajian Sect in the future!"

Yang Xuyan said nothing, his heart moved slightly, and his eyes became colder, like ice, extremely cold.

Hou Xibai rolled his eyes. This was his first time joining the Demon Sect. In the past, the masters were all famous and upright sects who emphasized harmony, friendship and respect for teachers. However, it was nothing like the Demon Sect. Masters and disciples were constantly fighting each other, and they wanted to poke more. A few stabs, fearing that the other party would not die.

Shi Zhixuan is definitely not a gentle and kind master, but he is indeed a famous master. He is the top magic master in the world. Before he became mentally ill, he had even entered the realm of a grand master. Now he has a defective state of mind and a split personality. He is the most powerful master master. Even the great master cannot kill him. He is invincible and dominates the world.

Many masters of the righteous and demonic ways tremble and fear deeply when they hear the name of Evil King Shi Zhixuan.

Even Shi Zhixuan's most loyal younger brother, the leader of the Tianlian Sect, An Long, was in awe of Shi Zhixuan. Every time he saw him, he was cautious and did not dare to breathe.

The Tianlian Sect is also one of the two sects of the Demon Sect. Its disciples have been doing business since ancient times. They are the pocketbook of the Demon Sect and are very wealthy. However, in an agricultural society, agriculture is emphasized over business, which has led to businessmen being excluded by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and they have become heretics. Became a demon sect.

The Tianlian Sect's mental method focuses on the heart orifice, which is also unusual among the holy sects. The secret book of Tianlian Sect is a variant of Xiantian Qi. The secret is to focus on the heart. It is believed that the heart is the official of the monarch, and the gods come from it. The heart is like a pointed circle, shaped like a lotus pistil, with strange orifices in it, and only superior wisdom. There are people who have it, and the name "Heavenly Heart Lotus Ring" comes from this. Equipped with more than ten kinds of fingering techniques such as moving, shaking, advancing, retreating, rubbing, panning, flicking, twisting, looping, touching, photographing, pressing, clawing, and cutting, etc., through the Taiyin, Yangming, Shaoyang, Taiyang, Jueyin's meridians release hot true energy like lotus stamens, which can burn the opponent's meridians to the ground, causing extremely yin damage. It is the only one in the magic path, and there is no other.

An Long is as fat as a pig, but he is not stupid. He is cunning and cunning. He has cultivated the Tianxin Lotus Ring to a very high level. Now he is also a master. He is one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect, ranking fifth. , is extremely prestigious and should not be underestimated.

In the following days, Shi Zhixuan began to teach Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan martial arts. He started with the most basic meridians and acupuncture points, mixed with some classics of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Demons. Yang Xuyan, a boy with a deep blood feud, was blinded by hatred. He was only interested in martial arts and mental methods, but not interested in those classics with trivial meanings. He studied hard every day and practiced hard, with murderous intent as cold as ice.

Shi Zhixuan not only did not wake up to this, but actually added fuel to the flames. He obviously had a plan for it. Hou Xibai was naturally not troublesome. He behaved well on weekdays and never stood out, so he was fine.

As time went by, Shi Zhixuan finished teaching the most basic martial arts knowledge. Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan rarely learned martial arts together. Although they were both disciples of Shi Zhixuan, they inherited the martial arts inheritance of each school, so naturally they could not teach them together. Martial arts.

Shi Zhixuan usually tutors Yang Xuyan's Butian Pavilion's martial arts on a single day, and Hou Xibai's Huajian School's kung fu on two days, which is considered fair.

Butian Pavilion inherits the assassin's way, which is extremely murderous. Yang Xuyan was originally cold. After practicing the martial arts of Butian Pavilion, he became even more taciturn and always had an evil aura on his body. He did not communicate with Hou Xibai on weekdays. The two of them looked at each other. They seem to be fellow disciples, but their relationship is not as close as that of strangers.

Shi Zhixuan was even more happy to see this happen. He didn't have much affection for the two disciples, but he just didn't want the inheritance of the two sects to be cut off, so he accepted the two disciples. As for what happens to them in the future, he doesn't care at all. .

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