I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2169: A monk who broke the precepts, the master and the disciple fight

Hou Xibai clasped his hands together and lowered his head. Under the sunlight, his shiny head was shining with gold and very dazzling. He was wearing a gray monk's robe, which could not hide his handsome appearance at all. He had a bit of Zen and solemnity. If It's not that he is still young, I'm afraid he will be regarded as a great monk.

Shi Qingxuan looked at the little monk in front of her, her big bright eyes narrowed slightly, and she smiled brightly and brightly. She didn't talk to Hou Xibai anymore, and walked into the Sutra Pavilion with light steps. After a while, she took away a group of people. This "Ksitigarbha's Original Vow Sutra" records the story of Sakyamuni Buddha preaching sermons to his mother, Lady Maya, in the Trayastika Palace, and introduces the deeds of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's practice before attaining Buddhahood. Promote the grand vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: "Unless hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha. Only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi." The sutra also describes the conditions in hell and explains various methods of repenting for karma and rescuing the suffering of relatives and dependents. Reading and reciting this sutra can obtain incredible benefits and eliminate countless sins.

Hou Xibai is proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism classics. He raised his eyes and glanced at the scripture in the girl's hand. He suddenly understood that Shi Qingxuan chose this scripture for the sake of his mother, his cheap master Bi Xiuxin.

Shi Qingxuan stood in front of Hou Xibai again and greeted him playfully. Hou Xibai closed his eyes and ignored it. Shi Qingxuan didn't mind Hou Xibai's indifference and left the Sutra Pavilion without noticing the young monk behind him who had opened his eyes. , a strange light in his eyes.

As a new disciple of Dashi Temple, Hou Xibai was naturally unable to learn the most profound Kung Fu of Zen Buddhism in the early stage. He was only taught some superficial Buddhist Kung Fu. Hou Xibai didn't care. He had amazing talent, superb understanding, and a profound realm that was beyond reach. Speaking of it, even in the most superficial Buddhist Kung Fu, he has cultivated magical effects and integrated it with the martial arts of the Huajian sect, making his own martial arts a bit more strange. With the elegance and freedom of the sect, and the uprightness, solemn compassion of Buddhism, he initially created the "Pure and Wonderful Lotus Sutra". This method is definitely the right way. It is dignified and majestic. If you practice it to a profound state, you can achieve great things. The pure and wonderful appearance, the body is like a lotus, the mind is like a mirror, emerging from the mud but not stained, it is the most holy and solemn.

It can be said that Hou Xibai, a disciple of the Huajian Sect of the Demon Sect, has gone further and further on the path of the scum of the Demon Sect, never to return.

Hou Xibai usually played and joked with the young monks and did not show off. Only when he was in the Sutra Pavilion did he show some grace and intelligence, which made Monk Dayin appreciate him and wanted to accept him as a disciple.

Hou Xibai looked at the solemn face of Monk Dayin, and sighed in his heart. He was so outstanding that he would attract attention no matter where he was. Even though he had tried his best to restrain his sharpness and be low-key and humble, he still stood out from the crowd and was outshone by Monk Dayin. Fancy it.

"Fa Hai, are you willing to worship me as your teacher and inherit my mantle!"

Monk Dayin looked at the young monk who had a somewhat pure and wonderful appearance in front of him. There was a look of expectation on his solemn cheeks, and a look of love in his compassionate eyes. He really had a love for talents and loved him. Hou Xibai liked him very much and wanted to take him under his sect and regard him as his successor in the future.

Hou Xibai's mind was sharp and he was able to detect the sincerity of the great monk in front of him. He had no resentment or resistance in his heart. He nodded, bent down, clasped his hands, and answered respectfully.

"Disciple Fahai, pay homage to Master!"

"Okay, okay! From now on, you will be my disciple, Monk Dayin! Today I will report to Master and take the ordination for you!"

Monk Dayin is a direct disciple of Monk Daoxian, the host of Dashi Temple. He is a first-rate master in the innate realm and a top figure in Dashi Temple. He is very likely to inherit the position of abbot of Dashi Temple in the future, so it is a big deal for him to accept a disciple. It is necessary for the master, Master Daoxian, to ordain the disciples.

In the Main Hall, Master Daoxian is wearing a yellow monk's robe and a red cassock. He is thin and old, with sunken cheeks. His expression is solemn and he stands tall.

He is a brother-in-law with Master Daoxin, the fourth ancestor of Zen Buddhism. He is now over seventy years old and has never stepped into the realm of a master. His vitality and blood have declined, and he has reached the twilight of his life. However, Master Daoxin, who is one of the four great saints of Buddhism, Although he is older than Master Daoxian, his skills are pure and his realm is advanced. He is still very strong and will not have any problems for another twenty years.

"Fahai, today I am taking the precepts for you. I hope you will take refuge in Buddha nature, follow the righteous Dharma, and respect your teachers and friends in the future. These are the three refuges!"

Master Daoxian had a serious face and his old eyes were full of light. He stared at Hou Xibai who was kneeling on the futon. The Sanskrit sound sounded and the sound shook the hall.

"The first commandment is to abstain from killing living things, regardless of size. Do not dump boiling water on the ground to avoid throwing away the lives of insects. Can you uphold it?"

"Disciple can hold it!"

Hou Xibai replied crisply, neatly, without any hesitation, and with a solemn expression.

"The second commandment is to accept the truth and never steal. Doing harm to others to benefit yourself is the same as stealing. Can you keep it?"

"The third commandment is to abstain from lustful thoughts. Do not be greedy for beauty. It will consume your soul and hurt your soul. You will never escape from hell. Can you keep it?"

"The fourth commandment is to abstain from lying, to be honest in words, to be sincere in deeds, to be honest and sincere. Can you uphold it?"

"The fifth commandment is to abstain from alcohol and meat. The heavy taste will be eliminated. Alcohol will disturb the nature and cause ignorance and irritability. It is better to quit poisons that penetrate the intestines as soon as possible. Don't swallow the flesh of living beings. It is difficult to eliminate the evil sin. He still thinks that after eating four taels, half a kilogram is returned. Young man. Kill one life, get another life in return, be ruthless and be spared. He is a man of spiritual cultivation, clothed in coarse cloth, well-fed with vegetarian food, with a pure taste, and his air is free and easy. Can you hold on?"

The shouts of questions go straight to the bottom of the heart. This is the Sanskrit sound of asking the heart. If you are hesitant in your heart, you will definitely look embarrassed, and the ordination ceremony will not be able to continue.

Hou Xibai is different. He has a very high state of mind and a perseverance. In fact, Master Daoxian can shake him. Faced with such questions, Hou Xibai responded one after another.

"Disciple can hold it!"

Hou Xibai had also been a disciple of Shaolin Zen in the late Yuan Dynasty, so he was familiar with this practice. No matter how Master Daoxian asked, he always agreed first. In the future, whether he should abide by the Three Returns and Five Precepts of Buddhism would be discussed later.

From then on, Hou Xibai became an ordained disciple of Dashi Temple and became a disciple of Monk Dayin. He diligently practiced Buddhism and martial arts, went deep and simple, and lived a comfortable and relaxed life.

Time is like a white horse passing by, parting in a hurry. The sun is in full bloom today, the sunshine is fierce and bright, making people sweat profusely. Hou Xibai has already entered the age of twelve or thirteen years old. He is as tall as an adult and has a tall and straight figure. The treasures are solemn, the pure and wonderful appearance, the lotus purifies the body, the glass mirror clears the heart, all dharmas are clear, and all dharmas are not touched.

Master Daoxian has passed away, and the current abbot of Dashi Temple is Monk Dayin. Hou Xibai has become the direct disciple of the abbot, and has also changed into a yellow monk's robe, and is respected in Dashi Temple.

At this time, Hou Xibai did not have the solemnity of presiding over the disciples. The monk's robes on his body were covered with black ash. There was a bonfire in front of him, and a hare was roasting on top. It was sizzling and oily, with golden skin and flesh, and a fragrant aroma.

There were a bunch of bottles and jars in front of Hou Xibai. From time to time, he picked up a porcelain bottle and sprinkled some powder on the rabbit where the oil was constantly leaking out. The smell of the meat became stronger. Hou Xibai's eyes shone, and saliva seemed to flow out of the corner of his mouth. , crystal clear, his tongue licking his lips from time to time, drooling.

Sitting next to her was a girl in green with bright eyes, like an orchid in an empty valley, a mountain elf, free and refined, sitting on the ground with her chin in her hands, looking straight at the roast rabbit on the shelf with her big eyes. , bright and hot, pure and refined little face, with a bit of anxiety, asked in a sweet voice.

"Fahai, is it okay?"

Hou Xibai turned around and glared at the little girl, a little impatiently, frowned lightly, and said.

"What's the rush? If you push me again, you'll bake it yourself next time!"

Shi Qingxuan immediately shut up. She was surprised when she saw Hou Xibai stealing barbecue in the back mountain a few years ago. She wanted to report it to Monk Dayin, but was bribed by Hou Xibai with the delicious barbecue. Since then, she has become accomplice.

The two cooperated seamlessly and had a tacit understanding. Shi Qingxuan was in charge of hunting, while Hou Xibai took a technical stake and was responsible for roasting. For a time, the small animals in the mountains behind Dashi Temple suffered one after another and became the prey of the two. Today's rabbits were provided by Shi Qingxuan. In order to hunt for them in the past few years, Shi Qingxuan's lightness skills have improved greatly. It can be said that he has become a complete foodie.


Hou Xibai sprinkled the last bit of spices, his nose twitched slightly, smelling the aroma, and quickly took the rabbit off the fire, took the dagger handed over by Shi Qingxuan, cut it gently, and divided it into two.

Hou Xibai and Shi Qingxuan are half of each other, and there is no need to cut them into pieces. There is no need to pay so much attention to the wilderness.

Shi Qingxuan had been waiting impatiently for a long time. She didn't care about the hot barbecue. She opened her mouth and bit into it hard. The outside was crispy and the inside was tender. The aroma of oil filled her mouth. It was so delicious that Shi Qingxuan's big eyes narrowed. It became a crack, shining, with a happy smile on his face. There was no longer the dusty atmosphere before, he was just like a snack food, with a bulging mouth and kept biting.

Hou Xibai was not in a hurry to eat, but frowned slightly, put the rabbit meat on the washed lotus leaves aside, said something to Shi Qingxuan who was enjoying the food, got up and walked into the dense forest.

"I'm going to go for a convenience and I'll be back in a minute!"

Shi Qingxuan just nodded hastily, immersed in fighting with the barbecue in her hand, and didn't pay attention to what Hou Xibai said. She was completely drunk and dizzy.

Hou Xibai stepped into the dense forest, and colorful lights and shadows danced on the ground. Hou Xibai stood under the tree, looked at a big tree in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency was just snooping in the dark, for what purpose?"

Hou Xibai's mental perception was extremely sharp. He just felt a trace of Qi, so he found an excuse to go into the woods to find out.

A middle-aged scribe in his forties or fifties, with a melancholy look on his face, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, mature and handsome, wearing a large scribe's robe, with piercing eyes, looking at Hou Xibai, a strong momentum rose from his body, and he pressed towards Hou Xibai .

Hou Xibai's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the person coming. He suddenly smiled and said exaggeratedly with a bit of cynicism.

"Ah, Master, I didn't expect you to be here. I miss you so much!"

Although Hou Xibai's words were affectionate and exaggerated, his eyes were cold, without any excitement. He didn't even move his steps. A breath rose up from his body, like a green lotus, swaying in the wind, not stained. Mu easily removed Shi Zhixuan's powerful aura.

Shi Zhixuan's eyes were slightly moved, and his eyes were bright. Looking at this disciple whom he had not seen for many years, thousands of thoughts flashed through his heart. There was no joy of reunion between master and disciple after a long separation, and there was even a bit of chill. He stared at Hou Xibai with cold eyes, with murderous intent flashing through him.

"Why did you appear at Dashi Temple?"

Shi Zhixuan guessed that Hou Xibai's purpose in Dashi Temple was for the "Seal of Immortality" in Qingxuan's hands?

When Shi Zhixuan thought of this, the cold light in his eyes became fierce, murderous intent filled his heart, his face was full of evil aura, his footsteps moved like ghosts, and afterimages spread all over the dense forest. He reached forward with his left hand and drew nearly ten consecutive drawings on his chest with swift and unparalleled techniques. The circles are of different sizes and angles, extremely weird and weird, and full of energy.

The fingers of his right hand formed into a knife, and following a mysterious route, the spirit snake slithered through the core of each of the more than ten aura rings just drawn, and the force was so incredible that it was unbelievable. This move was mysterious, with dozens of lethal energy rings hanging on Shi Zhixuan's wrists, and the finger knife stabbed Hou Xibai's chest and heart quickly.

When Shi Zhixuan makes a move, it is a killing move. This is the method of exchanging virtuality for reality in the Immortal Seal, taking the meaning rather than focusing on the reality, and it is ever-changing. He didn't show mercy at all and didn't give Hou Xibai a chance to explain. This was the evil king's style. As soon as he became suspicious, he would kill decisively without any hesitation.

Hou Xibai didn't seem to feel Shi Zhixuan's terrifying murderous intent. With a smile on his face, he held a flower with one finger, with a solemn look. He pinched a fallen leaf in his right hand and flicked his fingers. His fingers were both strong and soft, as docile as the wind, like A sharp blade cut through the air rings.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

More than a dozen aura rings were cut open by fallen leaves, and explosions were heard. Shi Zhixuan's expression changed, his feet moved, his body retreated violently, and he slashed hard at the overbearing and sharp fallen leaves with his finger knife, boom! The fallen leaves turned into powder, making a popping sound, and the strong wind blew the fallen leaves flying all over the ground.

"Master, you kill me as soon as we meet. This is really chilling to my disciples!"

Hou Xibai's eyes were calm, a green lotus was swaying, empty and unstrengthed, pure and holy, he stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Shi Zhixuan who had returned to his original position again, and said softly.

"Master, you kicked the disciple out of Youlin Xiaozhu back then and didn't leave any money for the disciple. How could the disciple survive in this troubled world?"

"In order to fill his stomach, the disciple had no choice but to worship at Dashi Temple!"

Shi Zhixuan frowned when he heard this, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He hadn't seen this disciple for several years, and he still hadn't changed. He was still full of nonsense, and he didn't know whether it was true or not. Could it be that a disciple of the dignified Huajian sect couldn't afford to eat, so in order to fill his stomach, he worshiped Buddhism? , this is simply ridiculous.

"Who would believe what you say? You must have worked hard to worship the Dashi Temple because of the Immortal Seal on Qingxuan!"

Shi Zhixuan gradually went crazy, revealing an astonishing murderous intention. His eyes narrowed to a slit, and a sharp cold light shot out. He didn't want to believe Hou Xibai's lies at all. He stepped forward, like a ghost, with afterimages, An Ping's true and false, left and right. Shaking, he charged towards Hou Xibai again. He raised his right hand and pointed out continuously. Countless finger shadows spread across the void, sealing the space around Hou Xibai.

The energy around Shi Zhixuan's body is uncertain. He is there, but also seems not to be there. He is going in and out between existence and non-existence. There is stillness in the movement, and vividness in the stillness. It is impossible to grasp his next move. This is Shi Zhixuan's martial arts from Buddhism. The profound and profound truths realized in this book are not on this shore, not on the other shore, or in the middle.

Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal has subtle moves and mysterious principles. Even masters at the level of the four great holy monks of Buddhism must be careful and guard against any carelessness.

Hou Xibai let go of his mind and entered the clear and pure space. He could not stop thinking. His body followed the induction in the underworld and stepped out one after another. The dust and fallen leaves on the ground exploded one after another, and lotuses bloomed. Hou Xibai's magical body moved, tamely like lightning, avoiding Shi Zhixuan's finger shadows in the sky, like a fish swimming in the undercurrent, following the trend. No matter how fast the undercurrent is, it cannot harm the fish in the water.

Shi Zhixuan showed a look of surprise, and the shadows of his fingers in the sky disappeared suddenly, and he focused his attack. Each finger struck like a ten-thousand-jin hammer, and he turned his fingers into a palm and slashed towards Hou Xibai's head. The sword was so powerful and sharp that it made him A small bump arose on Hou Xibai's neck, which was red.

Hou Xibai's lips showed a smile that came from the depths of his heart. It was so bright and bright, and his eyes were shining brightly. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward. He stepped forward, put his hands together in a lotus shape, and then his fingers shook like waves, as if they were alive. The new lotus blooms, releasing some mysterious truth. It is pure and holy, perfect, full of strength, round and unforced, flawless, pure and wonderful lotus.

Shi Zhixuan's sword slashed on the lotus. The force was pulled by a twisting and deflecting force and slashed towards the earth. A dark crack was more than a foot long. The force overflowed and scattered countless fallen leaves on the ground. It was shattered into powder, and as the mountain wind blew, it spread all over the sky.

The steps of Shi Zhixuan's feet were extremely strange. He was obviously stepping forward, but there seemed to be an invisible rope pulling him behind him. Like an arrow from a string, he shot backwards, and he was three feet away from Hou Xibai again, facing the enemy. He stood with his hands up, his brows furrowed, but he didn't take action again.

"What a pure and wonderful lotus, with round strength, perfect harmony, perfect and flawless. It can't even borrow any death energy from my Immortal Seal!"

Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal is an unparalleled skill. He can use the principle of yin and yang to produce each other and the extremes of things must reverse each other. He can use energy to turn energy into energy, convert the death energy attacked by others into vitality, restore his own energy and blood, and maintain his own internal energy. At the peak of endless life and never-failing.

Back then, Shi Zhixuan failed to infiltrate the Buddhist sect and was hunted down by the four holy monks. He used this unique skill to transform his energy into energy, and he was able to withstand the siege of the four holy monks, leaving the Buddhist sect helpless to retreat. .

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