I have a big sailing game

Chapter 377 The Age of God Wars! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

[Since the day when countless powers were born, the scenery they looked up at was the clear distinction between day and night. ]

[At that time, the sky would bring the light and heat of the day, and also bring the silence and coldness of the night. ]

[But since the fall of Asiperos, the day gradually devoured the night and occupied the entire sky. ]

[The night that suppressed the high temperature of the day disappeared, and all that was left was the endless scorching sun! ]

[The earth was cracking, the ocean was evaporating, countless lives were wailing, and the scorching sun almost turned the whole world into a purgatory. ]

[Ogo, the power of the earth, was constantly cursing Olomtal in the sky, without stopping for a moment. ]

[Sennavia was constantly using the power of power to bring down heavy rain, allowing some lives to survive, but under the endless scorching sun, this was always just a drop in the bucket. Even He who controlled the power of the ocean was powerless to change the situation of the whole world. ]

[The only good news is that Olomtar seems to have fallen into silence. ]

[Since Olomtar declared Ogo as an enemy last time, He has not made any other moves. ]

[It seems that due to the fall of Asiperos, He is in the remaining part of the sky. ]

[You and Sennavia both think that this is a good time, and you must quickly win more power to your side to fight against Olomtar together. ]

[However, before you do this, Sennavia proposes to find an acquaintance, Henatoer. ]

[You are a little puzzled about this. ]

[Although Henatoer did not join Olomtar's camp, he did not keep up with you last time, just like Sharila. ]

[Speaking of this, you feel a little angry. You didn't expect that these two friends who have known each other for so long are not as trustworthy as Ryan, a friend who has just met. ]

[Sennavia shook his head at your confusion. ]

[He tells you that Henato may hold important secrets, and the authority He controls is not good at fighting, so it doesn't matter which camp He is in. ]

[As for Sharila... Sennavia tells you seriously that you must not have any opinions about Him because of what happened last time. He has more important things to do. ]

[Hearing this, you feel puzzled and confused. ]

[However, facing your questions, Sennavia just shook his head and didn't tell you the truth, leaving you confused. ]

[What important secrets may Henato hold? What does Inoto have to do? ]

[This is the first time Sennavia has kept you in suspense. ]

[You think He should have his own plans. Anyway, Sennavia will never hurt you. ]

[After suppressing your doubts, you accompanied Sennavia to find Henato's knowledge tower. ]

[This is a pure white tower, shrouded in clouds and mist, and you can't see how high it is. ]

[Around it, there is a city of books built around the tower. A group of apes holding bark are quietly building and expanding this place. Even though the scorching sun shining from the sky makes them sweat, they don't waver. ]

["It's the fools." Sennavia said. These apes are undoubtedly the apes of the tribe that Henatoer gathered. He gave them divine power and gave them the title of "Fools", which means the foolish people before knowledge. ]

["Wait for me here, I'll go find Him." Sennavia glanced at the top of the tower and said to you. ]

[You are a little puzzled. Why don't you two go together? You also want to ask Henatoer why this guy is so disloyal. ]

[Sennavia was a little helpless when he heard this and explained the reason to you. ]

[You came to the Tower of Knowledge, and Henatoer must have sensed it, but He didn't show up to receive you now, which means that He himself has concerns. ]

[So, Senavia decided to find Him himself. ]

[After hearing this, although you felt a little dissatisfied, you still followed Senavia's arrangement. ]

[After Senavia left, you couldn't help but set your sights on these apes called "Fools". ]

[They used tree bark as a carrier and hair as a pen and ink to record one piece of knowledge after another, diligently expanding the entire city of books and putting important knowledge into the knowledge tower. ]

[Henatoer didn't seem to have any strength to protect them from the scorching sky. ]

[The high temperature and the scorching sun made them sweat profusely, wet their hair, and exhausted. ]

[But even so, they didn't stop their actions. ]

[What makes you feel strange is that as a special population guarding the anchor point of the knowledge tower, they don't seem to have any special blood in their bodies. ]

[Even your dream keeper has a special bloodline... Could it be that he is reluctant to give up that little bit of power? Henatoer is too stingy. 】

【You are curious and stop a fool and ask him what Henatoer has given them. 】

【The fool is very polite to your question and responds to you calmly, "The God of Knowledge has only given us one thing... the desire for truth." 】

【After that, the fool leaves. 】

【You feel confused. 】

[To be honest, you didn’t understand a bit. This ignorant person just now actually gave you a feeling similar to that of Sennavia and the former Heqilibia. This is really weird. 】

[Things related to wisdom are all nonsense... you think of it this way. 】

[After a boring wandering, you saw Senevia leaving the Tower of Knowledge. 】

[But his mood seems to be very heavy. You have never seen Senavia look so serious. 】

[You ask what happened in Senevia. 】

[But Senevia did not answer your question directly, but said something very solemnly. 】

["Olomtar's ambition must be stopped...at all costs!"]

[You don’t know exactly what secret Senavia learned from Henator. You are very curious and want Senavia to tell you. 】

[However, Senevia just looked at you with a complicated expression, and finally stopped talking and shook her head. 】

[You suddenly feel a little angry. Does Senavia not trust you? Why should I hide it from you? 】

[In this regard, Senavia could only remain silent for a moment, saying that he would tell you at a suitable time, but he cannot now. 】

[Then, He took you away. 】

[You also need to look for more vacillating or neutral expressions of authority to draw them into your camp to increase your chances of winning. 】

[At the same time, Senavia also said that he would go to Inoto, Salila and Ren to find an opportunity to see their anchor points. 】

[Speaking of this, you are keenly aware of Senavia's faint worry. 】

[You are surprised, what is Senevia worried about? 】

Rogge was also very surprised.

What is Senavia worried about?

Judging from the hints given before, it seems that Senevia is worried about his friends?

This is wrong. Both Inoto and Renne have made their positions clear. Why does Senavia still want to go to them?

What on earth did this guy Henator tell Senevia?

Rogge fell into thought.

He had a hunch that Heqilibia should have told Henator some very important things before his death.

And now, Senavia has learned from him, so he is worried...

[You and Senevia came to the territory of Inoto, the authority of life, and found Inoto. 】

[The giant tree of life towers into the clouds, and the emerald green breath of life overflows. Countless races kneel below, bathing in the power emanating from the giant tree of life, slowly recovering from the wounds on their bodies. 】

[Little elves live on the giant tree of life and help the giant tree spread its blessings. 】

[Shortly afterwards, Senavia left the place where Inoto was, and he seemed relieved. 】

[Next, you start heading towards the anchor point of the disaster authority Ren. 】

[However, before you saw Ren, you encountered an accident outside his location. 】

[A manifestation of authority loyal to Olomutar rules his own race and launches a war against a new manifestation of authority. 】

[This is an extremely tragic war. 】

[Both sides used all their means to express their authority, their powers collided, and divine blood spilled on the earth. 】

[The manifestation of authority loyal to Olomutar has the upper hand and seems to be about to defeat the new manifestation of authority. 】

[At this juncture, Senavia took action. 】

[As one of the earliest manifestations of authority, Senavia’s strength is at the top level in the entire world, and the manifestation of authority loyal to Olomutar is naturally not his opponent. 】

[However, just when He was about to fail, something unexpected happened. 】

[As his own anchor point shattered, the favored race wailed and died, and a power that did not belong to him filled his body. The originally noble and majestic power of authority became weird and dirty, and he also lost his mind and became crazy. 】

[On the incomplete anchor point behind Him, a breath that does not belong to this world is overflowing. 】

[However, he is still no match for Senavia, not to mention that you are also assisting him. 】

[This manifestation of authority soon fell. 】

[Senavia looked at the incomplete anchor point in silence. 】

[And you were shocked and asked Senavia. 】

[In this regard, Senavia shook his head and warned you seriously, never be curious about the power just now. 】


Seeing this, Rogge frowned slightly.

He saw at a glance the strength in the broken anchor of the manifestation of authority.

If you guessed it correctly, that is the "unknown source" that Knop once called the Tree of Life.

If you touch its life, you will gain powerful power, but you will also be polluted accordingly.

This thing actually appeared in such a long time ago? !

Is this what Senavia is worried about?

If this is the case, then his worries are really justified, and it can naturally explain why he concealed this matter from Mopulos.

It's not that he can't trust Mopulos, it's just that the fewer people know about this matter, the better.

The more people know about it, the greater the risk of accidents.

[This war also alarmed Ren in the City of Disaster. 】

[Seeing Senavia's visit, Ren said nothing and just led you into the City of Disaster, as if he had anticipated your arrival. 】

【After Senavia glanced at the Disaster City below, he looked at Ryan with disappointment in his eyes. 】

【You seem to understand something about this. 】

【Ryan seems to have touched the unknown power. 】

【Senavia sighed and asked you to leave first. He wanted to talk to Ryan. 】

【You didn't ask much, but came to Ryan's Disaster City and quietly observed His anchor point. 】

【The outer periphery of Ryan's Disaster City is surrounded by the sea, storms and tsunamis are raging, and the inner continent is full of thunderstorms and earthquakes. 】

【Logically speaking, such a place is not suitable for any life to survive. 】

【However, you were surprised to find that in the Disaster City, a bird race called Stormbeak and a race called Earthquake Bugs in the earth live peacefully here, and the Thunder Cloud Spirit and a whale-like race also live in their respective areas. ]

[Moreover, the Stormbeaks seem to be the natural enemies of the earthquake bugs, but strangely, there is no dispute. They feed on the power of disasters in their respective regions and live in peace. ]

[After listening to Ryan's words, you thought that his City of Disasters would be a very violent place, with endless wars and disasters sweeping across. ]

[But now you find that in this place full of violent disasters, it is so peaceful, and there is no trace of any dispute. ]

[This scene is so strange. ]

[...Sennavia talked with Ryan for a long time this time. ]

[After leaving the City of Disasters, his mood seemed a little low. ]

[After leaving the City of Disasters, you began to visit other manifestations of power one by one. ]

[However, just as you saw when you came. ]

[The war between the manifestations of power... the war of gods, began to spread. ]

[Although Olomtal has not yet freed his hands, his actions do not seem to have stopped, and have begun to affect the future direction of the entire world. 】

【Countless manifestations of authority who were loyal to Him began to wage war against other manifestations of authority. 】

【And, it was even more terrifying...】

【If the initial war between gods was just because of Olomtar's speech. 】

【Then the direction of things that followed had gradually begun to exceed everyone's expectations. 】

【Because, after defeating the opponent, some manifestations of authority had embezzled their authority. 】

【Then they found that their own power had become even stronger because of this! 】

【This discovery undoubtedly added fuel to the already burning flames of war. The war in the whole world became even more crazy, and their war purpose also changed from external reasons at the beginning to internal reasons. 】

【No wonder Olomtar would hold on to Asiperos... This is probably the real reason! 】

【No one doesn't want to master a more powerful power! 】

【If they have enough power, do they still need to fear Olomtar's threats? ]

[Therefore, the war became even more crazy, and the flames of war gradually spread to most of the world...]

[But not all powers can devour each other. There are also powers whose anchors collapse, their wills collapse, and they fall into the invisible.]

[But even so, the war between the gods of power quickly spread to the whole world at a terrifying speed...]

[The war between gods made the life races in the world cry out in pain and wail everywhere. They were silently annihilated in the aftermath of the war between gods. A population was destroyed when the gods raised their hands, and no one cared about their pain...]

[There are also wise men among them who have wisdom and know that the cause of pain comes from the disputes between gods.]

[They also gave birth to rebels who tried to defy the will of gods and seek a night of peace.]

[But gods can't hear the roar of ants.]

[Life struggled helplessly in endless pain...]

[And this long era is the era of the war of gods after the first continent...]

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