I have a big sailing game

Chapter 376: Fall Again (Two in One, please subscribe!)

[The Dreamer and the Bell of Mepros exist as your anchor points. ]

[Outside the dream world, one anchor point after another also rose from the ground and appeared in the world. ]

[In the blue sea, the Ocean Temple appeared majestically, and two sea monsters were given divine power by Him, named Hei and Kesatan, and the mermaids knelt devoutly. ]


Hei and Kesatan?

Seeing this, Rogge frowned, and finally found the reason.

If he guessed correctly, then this Hei and Kesatan are most likely the two ancient sea gods that Mira had mentioned to him, and they are also the origin of the name of his clone.

But... the problem is, according to Mira, Hei and Kesatan are in charge of mystery and fear respectively, and the two sea monsters seen here now are only given some divine power by Senavia, so where does the authority of mystery and fear come from?

Rogge thought, frowning less and less.

If it weren't a coincidence or a coincidence, then what happened next would probably be very interesting...

[In the vibrant forest, a towering green tree rose from the ground, exuding endless vitality, attracting life in the world and healing their pain. Some beautiful little lives with wings also lived on this giant tree of life. They were the new race created by Inoto - the elves. ]

[In the Death Realm of the Life Forbidden Zone, Sharila collected the soul residue and turned it into the Tree of Death, which will lead the cleansing and recasting of souls after death. ]

[At the same time, Sharila also joined forces with Inoto to create a special race of life - the Soul Collectors, who are between life and death, and have the characteristics of both, and guard the Tree of Death in the Death Realm forever...]

[Knowledge Authority Henato also built a tower as He said, enriching it with his own divine power and knowledge. A human tribe was attracted and voluntarily served in the Knowledge Tower, becoming His anchor point. ]

[The Disaster Authority, Rein, opened up a special zone in the landslide and tsunami, where storms and tsunamis surrounded, earthquakes and thunderstorms raged. He found a group of birds neatly and transformed them with divine power to serve them. ]

[In addition, there are naturally the sky and the earth and other secondary authorities. ]

[In the daytime, the Kingdom of the Sun stood up. Whenever life looked up, it could see the bright wings and the shadow of the Kingdom of God in the sunlight. That was the race given divine power by Olomtar, called the Messenger of Daylight. ]

[The night was equally unwilling to be outdone. Asipelos also created the Kingdom of Night and the Messenger of Night. ]

[In addition, there is the Giant God Peak of Ogo, the authority of the earth, and the giants living on it, and even Mena, the nightmare authority opposite to you...]

[Countless anchor points appeared one after another. ]

[And with the appearance of anchor points, you all felt that your power was enhanced, but it seemed... there was also an additional weakness. 】

Some races that Rogge was familiar with also appeared one after another, such as elves, giants...

But Rogge's attention was not on these races at this time.

"The anchor point... should be the same as the believers and churches today."

Rogge thought to himself.

The anchor point seemed to be born in accordance with the rules, intentionally putting a layer of shackles and weaknesses on these powerful gods.

"Since the anchor point has been established, then next..."

[After this, the whole world seemed to fall into silence for a period of time, and there was almost no conflict between any power manifestations. 】

[However, even if you are not so sensitive, you can perceive that the storm is coming, and such quietness and silence are just the calm before the storm...]

[All the power manifestations in the world are tightening the strings in their hearts. 】

[Those races that worship you respect you as the omnipotent "God". 】

[But only you know that facing such a situation, you also have fear and anxiety in your heart. ]

[You look at your dream, the bell of Mepros and the dreamer guarding it, and you feel confused again. You don't know what the future will be like, and whether you will fall like Hechiribia. ]

[And the war comes before the answer to this question. ]

[Olomtar led the Kingdom of the Sun to launch a war against the Kingdom of the Night. ]

[And on the day they started the war, the whole world heard the roar of Olomtar, who is almost the most powerful embodiment of power today. ]

["I, Olomtar, will hold the power of daylight, carry the will of the sun, burn hotly in the war, burn all enemies, and unify the sky!" ]

[The war of gods has begun. ]

[The power of daylight and night has collided fiercely as never before, and the Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of the Night compete to emit brilliance. ]

[It was as if it was raining in the sky, and meteors streaked across one after another. They were the fallen creatures of the Kingdom of God. 】

【In this war, they were the first to die...】

【Olomtar's words were so shocking. 】

【But you don't know why Olomtar insisted on this. Can't everyone just live in peace with each other? 】

【But now that things have come to this, almost no one can stop this war started by Olomtar. 】

【You think that you and others may not be able to sit and wait for death. 】

[You found Sennavia and asked him what he thought. ]

[Sennavia was silent about this, and he seemed to be hesitant as well. ]

[They had never been involved in such a thing before, and had no experience to draw on. ]

[Although Olomtar said that those who did not submit to him were his enemies, Sennavia was not sure whether he would be crazy enough to do so. ]

[After all, he had offended many authorities in the whole world. ]

[So, not only Sennavia, but also most of the authorities believed that Olomtar could not be as he said, and this war between day and night would also have no results. ]

[Under this idea. ]

[Everyone tacitly chose to remain silent and wait and see. ]

[And just when you were hesitant, someone came from the sky. ]

[It was the messenger of the Kingdom of Night. ]

[It found you, knelt on the ground, and conveyed the warning of Asiperos to you. 】

【According to it, Olomtar seems to have gained unusual power, and Asipelos hopes that you can lend a hand at this time. 】

【If you sit back and do nothing, the flames of war will surely spread to everyone. 】

【However, facing the warning of Asipelos's messenger, everyone remained silent again. 】

【It seems that no one of the power representatives dares to participate in Olomtar's war at this time. 】

【Seeing this, Asipelos's messenger laughed bitterly, confessed his sins to the moon in the sky, and turned into dust. 】

【You feel a little puzzled about this. 】

【Isn't the fall of Hechiribia enough to explain the problem? 】

【As the first existence who dared to wield a knife against other power representatives, you have no doubt that He will practice what he said. 】

【If you wait until Olomtar and Asipelos decide the winner before taking action... it will be too late. ]

[But, except for you, no one seems to have the intention to break up with Olomtar right now, and they are lucky to have survived. ]

[You are upset, but you can only wait patiently. ]

Seeing this, Rogge shook his head.

Without experience to learn from, most of the power representatives believe that Olomtar will not continue to expand the war.

But Rogge knows very well that Olomtar is obviously not the kind of guy who only talks.

He may be the cause of the huge changes in the whole world!

[This war is destined not to be as ordinary as usual... ]

[The dispute between the sun and the moon has a long history. In the past, Olomtar was at most suppressing Asiperos. ]

[However, now is different from the past. ]

[Olomtar seems to have gained some extraordinary power. ]

[After establishing the anchor point of the Kingdom of the Sun, He became stronger and now has firmly suppressed the entire Kingdom of the Night. ]

[It seems that the Kingdom of Night can't hold out for much longer. ]

[Acipelos once again called for help, but was met with silence. ]

[It was not until Senavia looked up at the sky that He made a decision. ]

["We can't just sit there and watch. Olomtar has gone mad. We must stop Him." ]

[But before you could react, the world changed dramatically. ]

[With a wail in the sky, Ascipelos' Kingdom of Night was shattered. ]

[Olomtar tore apart Ascipelos's anchor point, and the entire night fell into endless turmoil! ]

[The day began to quickly devour the entire sky. At this moment, the dazzling and hot sunlight shone on each of you! ]

[Olomtar actually unified the entire sky without hesitation! ]

[The Authority of Night, Ascipelos... has fallen! 】

Instantly, Rogge saw that everything in front of him became dazzling.

He shook his head.

Hesitation leads to defeat, this sentence is very suitable to describe this group of people.

Because of their indecision, Asipelos, the most powerful opponent of Olomtar, fell directly, and the world was burned by the dazzling sun.

The fall of Asipelos made the whole world completely lose balance.

After losing the night, there was only day in the sky.

The scorching sun burned the whole world crazily.

The earth began to dry up, the plants turned yellow, the ocean began to rise, and life also withered...

[The sudden change shocked you and caught you off guard. ]

[I didn't expect Olomtar to actually kill another embodiment of power. ]

[Now, no one dared to doubt what Olomtar had said before. ]

[War is about to sweep the whole world! 】

【Before you could discuss countermeasures, Olomtar's voice spread throughout the world again, with majesty and oppression in his voice. 】

【"The sky is in my hands. Next, my enemy is Ogo, the power of the earth." 】

【"The gods who control power will be spared from war if they obey my will." 】

【"But if anyone dares to block the brilliance of the sun, I will burn him to ashes!" 】

【Olomtar's voice spread throughout the world. 】

【His words instantly divided the world's power representatives into two opposing camps. 】

【Many weak power representatives wanted to avoid war and joined Olomtar's army. 】

【But you, led by Senavia, were extremely angry. 】

【"After unifying the sky, it is the earth, but the earth is by no means His end. I will stop Olomtar's crazy ambition!"】

【Senavia made a vow. 】

【But He did not ask others to act with Him, but prepared to find Ogo, the authority of the earth, alone. 】

【Seeing this, you followed without hesitation. 】

【Inoto and Ryan followed closely behind. 】

【Only Henato left silently. 】

【After talking with Inoto, he quickly returned to the dead world. 】

Seeing this, Rogge was thoughtful.

He could understand Henato's departure, but why did Inoto leave too?

【Senavia quickly found Ogo, hoping to fight Olomtar together with Him. ]

[However, the irritable Ogo directly rejected Senavia's help and said that he could handle Olomtar himself. ]

[His attitude was firm, and he even had the urge to fight with him if Senavia meddled in his business again. ]

[You couldn't understand it at all. ]

[At this moment, you felt that Ogo was not irritable, but simply had a problem with his brain. ]

[It seems that when Hechiribia fell, not a single bit of wisdom fell to the earth. ]

[You and Senavia and others returned empty-handed. ]

[On the way out, Senavia said that if Olomtar and Ogo went to war, he would directly intervene. ]

[At the same time, you also learned an important piece of information from Senavia. ]

[Ogo seems to have a serious flaw. ]

[As a relatively important part of the three powers of sky, sea and earth, Ogo's strength and wisdom are not comparable to his authority. ]

[And Senavia also noticed this in his many frictions with Him. ]

[Therefore, after observing for a long time, Senavia came to a conclusion. ]

[The Earth Authority, Ogo, seems to be incomplete since its birth, which leads to the defects of His strength and wisdom...]

[Compared with it, the power of the sky is too strong. ]

[Even with the two powerful beings of Olomtal and Asipelos, their individual strength is at the top of the world. ]

[As the authority of the sea, Senavia is slightly weaker than them. ]

[No one knows the reason for this. ]

[Senavia soon said goodbye to you, he had to prepare for the next war. ]

[You also returned to the dream. ]

[After hesitating for a moment, you pushed open the boundary of the dream, and over there was a weird and bizarre nightmare...]

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