I have a big sailing game

Chapter 378 The Final Battle! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

"The Age of God Wars... I'm afraid the next era will be the mysterious Abyss Sea Era..."

Seeing this scene, Rogge couldn't help but think in his heart, and then sighed.

Judging from the current trend of things, the Age of God Wars may not end in a good way...

[The war between the manifestations of power has been protracted. ]

[Endless disputes and conspiracies have emerged during this period, and the entire continent has fallen into chaos and panic. ]

[Even your dreams have been coveted by some evil-minded people. ]

[However, due to your strength and the cooperation of your friends, the war has not spread to this area. ]

[And the initiator of the current situation, Olomtar, has always sat on the Kingdom of the Sun, and has not taken action for a very long time after the original declaration. ]

[Perhaps he has not yet completed his digestion of the Kingdom of the Moon, or perhaps he is waiting for something...]

[And in this chaotic era full of war and death, new manifestations of power are also born. 】

【Such as the War Authority·Maurice and the Conspiracy Authority·Hilget, etc.... They all came into being during this period. 】

【However, these newly born authorities seem to be naturally more inclined to Olomtal, the ruler of the Sun God Kingdom, and they also have huge ambitions and constantly try to merge other authorities. 】

【As time goes by, the number of fallen authorities also increases. 】

【This is a life-and-death battle between gods. 】

【It is well known throughout the continent that annexing other people's authority can make you stronger. 】

【This is like an increasingly fierce storm, sweeping all the gods in, actively or passively...】

【Even though the gods clearly know that annexing authority has the risk of falling, the war between gods will only intensify, with no intention of stopping at all...】

Scene after scene of the gods fighting each other appeared in front of Rogge.

Seeing this, his eyes sank slightly.

There is a risk of falling in the merger of power, but it is only a risk. If it succeeds, it will become more powerful.

This will be a catalyst for ambitious gods to start a war.

Similarly, even gods without ambitions will most likely be forced to enter this dispute for self-preservation, because they have no choice.

Gods who sit back and do not help will only be regarded as prey.

Under such a premise, the war will intensify like a storm until it sweeps all the gods on the continent.

Sure enough, the development of things is just as Rogge expected...

[Originally, you didn't want to get involved, and even wanted to find a way to stop this dispute. ]

[But the wanton burning of war is no longer something that anyone can easily extinguish. ]

[In the end, it also spread to you. ]

[In the Disaster City of Disaster Authority Ryan, the new authority who holds the power and authority launched a war against Him, but fell at Ryan's hands. ]

[War Authority·Maurice, however, overestimated his own power and set his sights on Death Authority·Salila. He was also shattered by the anchor point and became another fallen god...]

[What happened to Life Authority·Inoto was even more unexpected, which made you and Senavia feel unbelievable...]

[In the Forest of Life of Inoto, a group of intelligent people suddenly broke into the giant tree of life, trying to use the anchor point as a threat to steal Inoto's power as the embodiment of authority! ]

[It stands to reason that resistance from intelligent life is not uncommon, especially in this era of frequent wars between gods and chaos in the world. ]

[Only oppression will bring resistance. It is not surprising that those tyrannical gods who regard intelligent life as grass will be resisted. ]

[But Inoto, as the controller of the power of life, has always been kind and benevolent to intelligent life and has never oppressed it. ]

[But it is precisely such a kind and benevolent god that has been threatened in this way. 】

【…The threat of this group of intelligent beings holding sticks and sharp stones is naturally no threat to the authority of Inoto. 】

【But this incident was a big blow to Inoto. 】

【You asked the leading life why they rebelled, but got a weird answer-"The God of Life is kind and benevolent, and only He can be coerced."】

【This made you and Sennavia fall into silence. 】

Here it comes.

Classic scene-good people have to be pointed at with guns?

Rogge shook his head helplessly.

What the rebel leader said was not wrong.

If they were under the command of other gods, there would be a high probability that the rebellion would be killed by the gods indifferently before the signs of rebellion emerged, and strangled in the cradle.

The possibility of success in rebelling against other gods is extremely low.

Only Inoto, who is kind and benevolent to intelligent life, has the opportunity to rebel and the possibility of success.

This is the ugly truth.

[Just when you were all shocked by this, another shocking news came. ]

[The Conspiracy Authority, Hiljet, was betrayed by his own Gifters and the Anchor Point Clan, and his divine power and authority were stolen, and he fell...]

[Although this newly born conspiracy authority is not good at war, he has planned many conspiracies, causing the war to become more raging. When the God of War fell, he took the opportunity to embezzle a lot of authority. He is very scheming and lives up to his authority. ]

[However, as the embodiment of authority that controls authority, and the existence called "God" by intelligent life, although Hiljet has many precautions against other embodiments of authority and is very shrewd, he has never regarded his intelligent life as an enemy or even purely despised it. ]

[Therefore, his intelligent life planned a conspiracy against him, trying to overthrow his authority. ]

[It's funny that as the god of authority that controls conspiracy, he can even clearly see the breath of "conspiracy" from his followers. ]

[But he did not think that the conspiracy was masterminded by his followers and capable subordinates. Instead, he suspected other gods and wanted to play tricks on them and fight wits and courage with the air. ]

[The result is obvious...Hiljet, the power of conspiracy, fell in a conspiracy of his own men. ]

[This shocked you. ]

[It is the first time in the history of the world that intelligent life has successfully stolen the power of God! ]

[Moreover, the fallen god is actually the cunning, sinister and ruthless God of Conspiracy Hiljet. ]

[It has to be said that it is really magical. ]

The God of Conspiracy fell in conspiracy...

Seeing this, Rogge couldn't help but shook his head.

It is really ironic that he looked down on intelligent life because of his inner pride.

I guess in the next time, no one will despise these intelligent lives anymore.

In addition to their powerful strength, their wisdom is basically the same as that of the so-called gods.

All of this is thanks to the first fallen Hechiribia.

Speaking of which... Rogge suddenly felt that it was very likely that this might be what he did on purpose.

[Time passed gradually. ]

[Due to the long-lasting war between gods, this continent has long been devastated. Everywhere you look, you can see ruins and dried blood. ]

[Because of the special dream, you have not been coveted by too many gods, so your life is relatively peaceful. ]

[But you can always feel some lingering haze above your head, and your heart is heavy. ]

[And such worries undoubtedly come from the scorching day in the sky. ]

[Your worries are right. ]

[After this long era of war between gods, Olomtar... reappeared. ]

["All gods should bow to me, or fall!" ]

[Accompanied by the majestic and grand oath sound that rang from the sky to the whole world. ]

[Olomtar finally woke up in a long silence. ]

[At this time, He has become the complete master of the sky, controlling the power of day and night, with the sun and the moon added to himself, and the sun and the moon rotate in his conversation. 】

【Your face changed drastically when you noticed this, and you hurriedly left the dream and went to find Senavia. 】

【But at this time, this epic battle has already begun! 】


The sun and the moon rotate, and the divine power shakes.

The ocean churns and overturns, the earth cracks, and countless mountains collapse.

The creatures are wailing, and the gods are also terrified.

Rogge subconsciously narrowed his eyes to resist the dazzling light.

The war between Olomtar and Ogo has already begun!

And Senavia has long noticed this and joined the war in advance, and together with Ogo, he resisted the extremely powerful Olomtar!

Olomtar, who swallowed the night and contained the authority of the entire sky, is already powerful beyond description!

Every attack and action of His carries the power of the sky, with the sun and the moon, the stars and the light shining, and the white clouds gathering.

This huge power almost reaches the upper limit of the entire world!

Sky, ocean, land...

The outcome of the war between these three is bound to determine the direction of the world!

It can even be said that whether the world is destroyed or continues to exist depends on the thoughts of these three!

[Sky, ocean, earth...]

[These three powers, which were born at the beginning of the continent, have already possessed powerful strength in the long years of precipitation. ]

[And Olomtar has encroached on the power of the night and controlled the entire sky. ]

[The day and night envoys in the sky fell like raindrops, aiming directly at the anchor points of Senavia and Ogo!

[The mermaid family of the Ocean Temple fought desperately with the two giants, and the giants on the Earth God Peak also roared desperately! ]

[The already powerful Olomtar can now almost completely suppress Senavia and Ogo by himself. ]

[His attitude towards this war has almost reached a crazy attitude. 】

【"I will become the world's unique god of gods..."】

【"No one in the world can stop me!" Olomtar's roar resounded throughout the world. 】


Another dazzling light came, and Rogge cursed inwardly and blocked his eyes.

Olomtar's power is too strong!

Even if he is only looking at the things that happened long ago through Mopros's dream, a small part of his power can still affect Rogge today.

It can almost be called a glory fixed in the long river of history!


【Just when you were anxious, Sennavia's voice entered your mind. 】

【You quickly remembered some of the things Sennavia had said to you, which were instructions that He had intentionally buried in your memory. 】

【Destroy Olomtal's anchor point! This is your only chance of winning! 】

【After coming to your senses, you left the battlefield without hesitation and quickly headed for a place. 】

【After leaving the center of the battlefield, you saw the terrible appearance of the world today...】

【The sky oppressed the entire world, and the ocean and the earth seemed to be trembling uneasy, churning and cracking all the time. 】

【Countless gods were horrified and could only use their authority to protect themselves from disasters. 】

【And more creatures were forced to abandon their lives in this terrible disaster. 】

【Countless souls went in one direction. 】

【You came to the forest of Inoto and found Inoto. 】

【At this moment, He is using His authority to protect the giant tree of life and a large area of ​​intelligent life around it from the turmoil of this world disaster. 】

【Countless lives are terrified, looking at the chaotic sky and the fissioning ocean and land, and can only cling to the giant tree of life. 】

【"Mopros, take this, go find Sharila, and help her stay sane!" 】

【While struggling to hold on, Inoto gave you a branch of the giant tree of life and an extremely pure life force, and at the same time instantly told you why He couldn't leave. 】

【As the embodiment of the authority of life, it is extremely important to keep life in this world, and the importance of this matter is even no less than resisting Olomtal. 】

【Knowing this, you don't even have time to stop, and you rush towards the world of death without stopping. 】

【You enter the world of death, and your heart is shocked. 】

【Countless souls are crowded and struggling at the gate of the world of death, almost filling the entire world of death. ]

[Outside the world of the dead, some extremely powerful souls even began to devour and kill each other. ]

[You even saw the souls of Asiperos and the god of war Moris in it! ]

[This shocked you, and you instantly understood why Sharila had no energy to help Senavia! ]

[As Sharila controls the power of death, all souls after death will be dealt with by Him, and the same is true for the souls of these dead gods. ]

[And the souls nurtured by the power of authority are obviously not as easy to deal with as ordinary souls. They have become a burden to Sharila and even the entire world of the dead! ]

[Sure enough, when you cast your eyes on the tree of death, you can see that the power on it is flowing wildly, trying its best to absorb the souls of the world of the dead, but it still seems to be a drop in the bucket...]

[In the war of gods, there are too many fallen gods and lives...]

[Not to mention the suffering caused by the war of the three gods at this time...]

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