I have a big sailing game

Chapter 247: Holy Skin, Filthy Island (Two in One, please subscribe!)

Seeing this, Rogge fell into deep thought.

In fact, there are not only two roads in front of him now, but also another one.

That is to ignore this hidden road and choose to go directly to the altar.

But in that case, Sera will go to the altar without knowing the truth.

"Let's see what the difference is between these three."

Rogge thought.

Then, he made a choice.

After learning the truth, he went to the altar.

[You thought of the pain of being deceived along the way, and also thought of the tribesmen and rice and wheat who were deceived by the Yaling and died. ]

[Whether it is out of guilt for the tribesmen and grandfather, or hatred for the evil totem of the Yaling, you must never let Him devour Qi Na and achieve his goal! ]

[Thinking of this, you threw away the manuscript in your hand without hesitation, took a deep breath, and walked towards the altar with firm steps. ]

[After arriving at the altar. ]

[You really saw the Yaling who looked like a statue, but He now looked so hateful in your eyes. 】

【"My devout believer Sera, I need you to touch the evil Weeping Stone..."】

【The voice of the Tooth Spirit, pretending to be majestic and mysterious, reached your ears. 】

【You suppressed the anger in your heart, bowed to Him devoutly, and then walked forward with your heart pounding and His gaze on you, and touched the Weeping Stone. 】

【The Weeping Stone glowed, and your body gradually merged with the Weeping Stone. 】

【Your courage was recognized by the Weeping Stone! 】

【The Tooth Spirit beside him also showed his fangs, and a hideous smile appeared on his face. 】

【"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"】

【The Tooth Spirit suddenly looked hideous at this moment, opened his big mouth with a fishy mouth, and saliva like black oil flowed in it, swallowing you and the Weeping Stone in one gulp. 】


【After you and the Weeping Stone were swallowed. 】

【You struggled with the power of Weeping, vowing to die with Him. ]

[But Ya Ling seemed to have expected this. ]

[Your struggle was in vain. ]

[The power of Ya Ling, you, and the Stone of Weeping Stone strangely began to merge at this moment. ]

["My devout believer, you are courageous..." ]

[Ya Ling laughed happily and evilly. ]

["But from now on, you will be an indispensable part of me." ]

["I will use you and Weeping to spread the faith, and I will wait in the dark, devour flesh and blood, and become a hidden filth!" ]

[After saying this, Ya Ling's body gradually crawled and lay down on all fours. ]

[His face buried deeply, almost embedded in his shoulder blades. ]

[And Weeping's face appeared on His original forehead, and a layer of soft and bright hair grew on his body. ]

[He has become the same as Weeping at this time, but His pupils are gray and lifeless, and black oil keeps coming out of his jaw. ]

[You merged with Qina but did not disappear. You also know the origin and grievances between him and Qina. ]

[You and him are one, knowing each other, but it is he who controls the body. ]

[You are firmly controlled by the Yaling, watching all this in despair in his spiritual body, and collapsed and screamed...]

[But no one can hear your roar. ]

[The worst ending has appeared. ]

[The Yaling awakened and completely devoured the power of Qina with the help of your spirit. From now on, he will use the appearance of you and Qina to spread faith and attract believers. ]

[And he still hides in the dark, holds secret sacrifices, and devours flesh and filth. ]

[You will watch yourself become an accomplice of the Yaling in endless time...]

[Exploration degree: 100%]

[Ending achieved: Holy Skin. ]

[Unlocked scene: Qina, the holy land of the Yaling. 】

【The exploration degree has reached 100% this time, all scenes have been opened, the Death Cup will disappear soon, and you will automatically exit the Death Cup. 】

【The gift will be issued soon. 】

Looking at this scene.

Rogge frowned deeply.

The scene unlocking is completed, which means that there are no other scenes to unlock in the Death Cup.

One is forced to become the accomplice of the Tooth Spirit, and the other is to fight with the Tooth Spirit to death and finally make it the source of filth, polluting the entire Weeping Island.

It seems that no matter what, Sera and Weeping Island will not have a good ending.

"Forget it, let's see the remaining two endings first."

Rogge decided to read all the results of the choices first.

After a while.

He saw the results of the remaining two routes.

The first is "return to the original route" after entering the hidden passage. After choosing this option, you will return to the entrance of the hidden passage.

At this time, in addition to going to the altar, there will be an additional option of [escape].

However, the ending of this option is very bad.

After choosing this option, Sera met the "bishop" mentioned many times before she went out.

She would be forcibly taken to the altar by the bishop.

This also confirmed Rogge's guess.

The hidden passage was indeed deliberately created by the bishop.

The purpose was to let her have enough courage to awaken the Weeping Stone after seeing the truth.

Unfortunately, Sera, who chose the [Escape] option, was not qualified to awaken the Weeping Stone at all.

This made Yaling and the bishop furious, and they crushed Sera to ashes without hesitation...

Then there is the last route, which is to go directly to the altar without entering the hidden passage.

This route is the grassiest.

Unlike Sera, who went there after understanding the truth.

Serra on this route is nothing short of fanatical.

She still has the qualifications to awaken the Weeping Stone, and she was also devoured by the Tooth Spirit and became an accomplice.

However, being imprisoned in Yaling's body, she still chose to remain pious to Yaling even if she learned the truth from Yaling's memory.

She even believed that everything Ya Ling did had its own reason, and she believed in it unconditionally.

The unlocked ending is also called [Pious Believer].

Subsequently, Rogge also made many attempts to find the "hidden ending" or something.

But it turns out that there is no hidden ending to choose from. In the final analysis, the endings of Sera and Iona Island are bleak and without any hope...

Depressed, Rogge had no choice but to choose the previous ending again, ending his exploration of the Lamp of Death.

While the blessings were being distributed, Rogge couldn't help but think of something.

From the mermaid Naya in the cave before, we can see that the [cave] in the game Mystic Sea is related to reality.

Logically speaking, then, Yina Island should also exist somewhere in the mysterious sea, or should have appeared before.

Rogge took two paths in the Lamp of Dying, so which path did the real Weina Island in this world go?

Maybe you should look for it if you have the chance.

[Gifts have been distributed]

[You have obtained: Weeping Bone Whistle × 1. 】

[The door leading to the scene - the holy skin has been opened. 】

After exiting the Lamp of Dying, another door opened.

There is only one gift this time.

Rogge picked it up and looked at it for a moment. It was a whistle made of bone, and it looked very ordinary in appearance.

[Weeping Bone Whistle]

[Type: special props]

[Special effect: Blow a familiar whistle to freeze a specific target. 】

[Explanation: The whistle made from the Weeping Bone seems to contain some special power in the whistle blown from it. 】

It should be used to deal with the tooth spirit that swallowed up Weena and Sera.

Rogge has not forgotten that in the ending of [Holy Skin], Sera was controlled by the Tooth Spirit.

"Special attack prop..."

"It seems that the tooth spirits in these two scenes should be very powerful."

Rogge was thoughtful, otherwise the Lamp of Dying would not have prepared two props for him that seemed to have specific uses.

【The lamp of death has disappeared. 】

After Rogge took away the Weeping Bone Whistle, the lamp in front of him also turned into mottled light spots and gradually disappeared.

He stood up and looked at the two gates, preparing to go to the [Island of Filth] first.

However, at this time, the sound-transmitting conch in Rogge's inventory vibrated.

It was Lina who was leaving a message for him.

It seems that something happened while the Green was sailing.

Seeing this situation, Rogge temporarily gave up exploring these two doors, took out the cave key, and left.

"naval battle?"

Rogge put down the observation glass in his hand.

In the distance of the Green, two fleets were engaged in a war, with fire and black smoke everywhere.

As a crew member, Lina naturally wanted to inform Rogge of this situation.

But for Rogge, this was of course just fun, and there was no need for him to get involved.

"There seem to be believers on board these two fleets."

Nomi said from the side.

"...The man jumped over holding explosives!"

Nomi couldn't help but be surprised.

After taking the stalker potion and being promoted, her eyesight became sharper. She could clearly see the flags hanging on the fleet from a distance, and even some details of the war could be clearly seen.

Rogge took out the navigation chart and then found the approximate location of the Green on it.

After seeing the two islands next to him, Rogge also instantly understood.

"Is this the so-called 'Church Jihad'?"

Rogge thought.

I have heard this term in the Five Seas, but in comparison, the scale of the church wars in the Five Seas is far smaller than what happened in the front.

In the war ahead, there are many believers on both sides. Countless prayers are shining brightly, and the surrounding marine life is constantly fleeing.

In this sea area, there are large island city-states, with many affiliated islands surrounding them, and a large number of people.

However, the beliefs of the two island city-states are completely different.

Disputes and wars often broke out between the two.

Rogge and the others happened to meet him.

"Adjust the steering direction to avoid them."

Rogge would not interfere with the situation when he was full and had nothing to do.

He still remembered what the Tree of Life told him about the current situation of the Sea of ​​Penance.

In a war full of believers, if their ship of extraordinary beings went over to watch the fun, they might be hated by both sides, and then the gods would kill the witches and demons...

After Rogge's order was issued, Bone Spirit and the crew took action, preparing to make a detour.

However, Sean on the boat seemed very interested in this.

He couldn't see it, but after asking everyone about the reason behind them, he suddenly spoke to Rogge.

"Captain Roger, could you disembark me somewhere near this island?"

When Rogge heard this, he was a little surprised: "Why, you don't plan to go to Magorella Island?"

Sean shook his head: "I want to confirm some questions in my heart."

It seems that he is interested in the war of faith between the two islands.

Rogge thought about it for a moment and agreed to his request.

It doesn't matter where you get off the ship, and Sean's choice is none of his business.

Not long after, the Green bypassed the previous naval battlefield and came to the vicinity of one of the islands.

Although it was only a temporary stop, Rogge still disguised the Green and the people.

The people near the dock did not see any clues.

"You want to know why they believe in God and are so enthusiastic about it and even sacrifice their lives, right?"

Before leaving, Rogge said to him.

"Your insight is amazing."

Sean did not deny it, but just smiled.

"I wish you a smooth journey, Captain Rogge."

He said nothing more, said goodbye, put on the blindfold given by Rogge, and slowly walked into the island.

After Rogge glanced at his back, he turned around and ordered to continue sailing.


After a small episode, Rogge returned to the cave.

He was going to go to the Filthy Island first.

After entering the gate without any hindrance.

A strong smell of stinking sewer mixed with the stench of rotting flesh and blood began to tear Rogge's sense of smell crazily.

Rogge frowned and checked the surrounding environment.

In the dark and gloomy sky, black and red miasma was floating, and the ground was extremely filthy and dirty. Black and brown hair was scattered everywhere, and some unknown corpses were hanging on it, which had rotted to the extreme.

[Island of Filth]

The place name popped up.


Rogge just exerted a little force on his feet, and the seemingly solid black ground was torn into a large piece of scarlet like a scab wound under the action of force.

Dark yellow transparent pus slowly overflowed...

Rogge: "..."

Looking at the road in front that looked like a boil, he had to admit that it might be the best piece...

It was really disgusting.


Rogge had not had time to sigh.

A muffled sound suddenly came from the front.

After scanning the area, Rogge finally saw what it was.

A blood tumor as huge as a pimple on the roadside suddenly exploded at this moment.

Several rotten corpses that were originally crowded inside lost their wrapping and fell to the ground in an instant, emitting rancid juices all over the ground.

[Filthy Blood Corpse]


A small monster at the apostle level, and it seems that the IQ is not high.

Rogge didn't want to take a second look at it, and directly clenched his hands, and several blood flowers suddenly exploded.

[You killed...]

These information were also omitted by Rogge.

After observing the road, Rogge spread his dragon wings.

If he had wings but didn't use them, would he still have to roll in this disgusting environment?

He planned to go directly to find Yaling.

After taking off, Rogge's position quickly climbed to a place where he could completely overlook the entire island.


After being in the air.

Rogge could fully see what the original Qina Island had become now.

Let's put it this way.

The text information that appeared in the automatic exploration was not exaggerated at all.

The mountain became a giant abscess, spewing miasma, and the ground was covered with dark brown hair, condensing into lumps. The entire Qina Island was no longer recognizable as it once was, and had completely become a filthy place.

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