I have a big sailing game

Chapter 246 Sera, you are not pious (two-in-one subscription required!)

After thinking about it, Rogge decided to put the matter aside for a while.

"I'll have to see what the other options are before I talk about it."

Roger rubbed his hands.

He planned to take a closer look at the selection of the fortress line first.

After saving the file that unlocked the "Island of Filth", Rogge returned to the point where Ya Ling and Yina begged for mercy.

[Kill this beast, but death is okay/Don’t kill him, just let me go]

Then, he chose the latter and began to wait for the results with relish.

[You realize that you are about to die, and the desire to survive suddenly bursts out. The original fearlessness and bravery when jumping off the cliff are not worth mentioning in the face of death. 】

[You cry out loudly for mercy and ask Weena to release the tooth spirit, otherwise you will be dead. 】

[When I heard your cry, Iina fell silent. 】

[He doesn’t understand where your initial courage went and why you became as timid as a mouse at this time. 】

[At the same time, you began to struggle, the fusion between Weina and you began to crack, and his power also weakened rapidly. 】

[While Yi Na was hesitating and dazed, a fierce look flashed in Ya Ling's eyes, and he took the opportunity to sneak attack Yi Na, causing him to fall to the ground seriously injured. 】

[It seems that because you have lost your fearlessness and bravery, Wei Na cannot merge with you, and turns into light to reveal his true body. 】

[The weak Wen Na fell to the ground unwillingly, dying. 】

[The tooth spirit did not devour Yina immediately, but came to you. 】

[You begged loudly for mercy, licking the Yaling's instep like a puppy wagging its tail, expressing your piety and loyalty. 】

[But Ya Ling sneered at Yi Na. 】

["Yina, your taste is as bad as ever."]

[Then, He looked at you, grabbed your throat without hesitation, and slowly pierced your heart with his sharp claws. 】

["Look at you, tsk tsk, like a struggling and desperate little rabbit..."]

["To be honest, I was also shocked by your despicableness. First you betrayed me, and then you betrayed Yina..."]

["Let me see your timid heart..."]

[The tooth spirit cut open your chest, took a look at the living heart, and threw it to the ground with disdain. You died in despair and fear...]

[Before you died, you saw the tooth spirit lying behind Weena and beginning to devour him. 】

[But what happens next has nothing to do with you, a coward who ran away at the last moment...]

[Exploration degree: 90%]

[Achieve the ending: Pathetic Coward. 】


Seeing this, Rogge quit.

This ending was not what he expected.

Serra, who begins to fear death at the last minute, ends up being a pathetic coward.

Not only did it kill Yi Na, who had fused with her because of trust, but it also ushered in the saddest ending.

The key is that this ending does not unlock the scene, and Rogge will feel uncomfortable watching it.

What makes Rogg funny in this ending is that after cutting out Sera's heart, Tooth Spirit threw it away with disdain.

To be despised by the stinky hyena, Tooth Spirit, is indeed worthy of the adjective "pathetic".

"Try the previous twist."

Rogge tried another twist.

That was Sera's choice after reading the book and learning the truth.

[Take the Weena Stone/Do Nothing]

[Facing the approaching Tooth Spirit Knights and believers, you hesitated. 】

[In your opinion, living sacrifice is still too evil. No matter what the reason is, it is not the reason for its appearance. 】

[In the end, you put down your hands and decided to do nothing. 】

[After all, Yaling’s teachings convince you that it will be a bright future and there will never be a living sacrifice. 】

[Giving the Stone of Weina to them may bring a better future to Weina Island. 】

[However, after the Yaling people arrived, one of the knights' body suddenly mutated. 】

[He grew dark brown hair, his body grew rapidly, and his back slowly became hunched. 】

[In the end, you are shocked to find that the totem that is exactly the same as the Yaling statue appears vividly in front of you at this moment. 】


Seeing this, Rogge couldn't help but be shocked.

It seems that Ya Ling is always paying attention to the progress of every place.

If Sera hadn't run away, this guy would be here too.

But it makes sense.

After all, the Tooth Spirit's goal from the beginning should have been the Weeping Stone.

[After the tooth spirit appeared, his attendants automatically retreated and finally came to you, staring directly at you with cold eyes. 】

["Sela...I remember you, the noble daughter of the Weena Island. In order to spread the teachings of the Tooth Spirit, you returned to the fortress of the Weena Island regardless of the danger. Even if you were imprisoned, you still had to show your determination..."]

[You feel inexplicably honored and flattered, and you kneel down on the ground devoutly, making the prayer gestures of the tooth spirit, and offer praise to Him. 】

[Subsequently, you told the origin of the Weina Stone and the difficulties of the tribe, and firmly believed that the Yaling will definitely bring peace and prosperity to Weina Island. 】

[The living sacrifice will never appear again. 】

[However, something unexpected happens. 】

["But you are not religious, Sera..."]

[While the cold and hoarse voice echoed in your ears, the sharp claws also cut your throat. ]

[You are dead. ]


“It seems that this guy, Yaling, is really insidious and petty.”

Rogge tutted, but he also understood why Yaling killed Sera.

First of all, his goal is the Stone of Weeping, which is very important. It is best not to have anyone disturb what he is going to do next.

Secondly, from his perspective, Sera is very suspicious.

If you are really pious, why did you come here?

So, it is normal for Yaling to kill Sera at this time.

Anyway, he himself is not a totem with noble character, as can be seen from the previous conversation with Weeping.

These believers are just tools to him, so he kills them.

“Then this line should be explored almost completely.”

Rogge pinched his chin and thought.

After not entering the tunnel and drilling out of the crack, there must be only these turning points.

"Then let's try the follow-up of drilling into the tunnel first."

Rogge was very excited and started a new round of attempts again.


[Under the persuasion of the bishop, you participated in the secret sacrifice. Although you didn't know the reason, you agreed without hesitation. ]

[At the secret sacrifice, you were shocked to see all the people of the Qina tribe, but before you could say anything, a knife behind you ended your life. ]

[You gradually lost your life and fell in front of the Qina tribe. ]

[Before dying, you heard the bishop's mockery. ]

["Sera, you are not pious..." ]

[You died. ]

[Ending: humble believer. ]


This time, Rogge chose to drill the tunnel.

After reuniting with Daomai.

The two began to wait for the victory of the Yaling.

The final result was not unexpected. The Yaling forces occupied Qina Island and imprisoned all the people of Qina Island.

At first, Rogge thought that Sera would gain the trust of the Yaling in this line.

But he was wrong.

It was mentioned in the conversation between Qina and Yaling that Yaling had the habit of devouring the corpses of living beings.

And these Qina people of Sera became food after being imprisoned.

And Sera became one of them.

This line is also the least explored and almost useless.

"Well, it seems that I have to go all the way."

Rogge shrugged.

Then, he saved a file and touched the Death Lamp to start a new round of exploration.

This exploration is the second exploration of the previous ending "Island of Filth".

But because other routes have been explored by Rogge, if he wants to get a new ending, there is only one choice.

At the beginning, he has been squatting in the small dark room.

[Walk out of the rift/stay where you are]

[After you looked at the rift, you retracted your gaze and your heart was calm. ]

[You are a devout believer of Yaling, and you will never give up halfway because of some danger. ]

[You are determined to continue sitting here to prove your determination and prove that your choice is correct. ]

[Whether this confinement room is broken or not, you will continue to sit, unless the confinement room that symbolizes the prejudice of the Qi Na people is truly broken. ]

[As time goes by. ]

[The roar and shouting gradually disappeared, and the war came to an end. ]

[When the Yaling Church was cleaning the battlefield, they were surprised to find that you were sitting calmly in the broken confinement room, motionless. ]

[They all knew about you. ]

[At this moment, many Yaling believers were also moved by your piety and were convinced. ]

[At this moment, you have truly become an indispensable part of the Yaling Church. ]

"At this time, Yaling should have obtained the Qi Na Stone, right?"

"What direction will it go next?"

Rogge thought.

[The Yaling Church took over the entire Qi Na Island and imprisoned all the Qi Na people. ]

[The bishop invites you to spread the doctrine to the people of the Qina tribe, which is exactly what you want. You firmly believe that the doctrine of the tooth spirit will impress them. ]

[But you are wrong. ]

[Most of the Qina tribe hold a mocking attitude towards you and hate you very much. ]

["Traitor! You don't deserve to be called a Qina tribe member!" "The damn tooth spirit is just an invader in a hypocritical cloak!" ]

[You feel a little confused and angry. ]

[You loudly question them, is it right to sacrifice people? This cruel sacrifice is obviously leading the Qina tribe to the abyss! ]

[Some tribesmen are speechless. ]

[But one of your acquaintances, Xiang, walked out of the crowd. ]

["Senna, you are wrong. Everything we do is for the survival of the Qina tribe..." ]

[He looks tired, but his eyes are sincere and sad. ]

[Before you ask, the bishop takes you away from here. ]

[Xiang's words left a question in your heart. 】

【You ask the bishop to see the Weeping Stone and find out the truth about the sacrifice, but the bishop tells you that the evil Weeping Stone is being purified by the Tooth Spirit. 】

【Several days have passed. 】

【You haven't heard from your tribesmen. Daomai tells you that they were sent to an unknown place by the Tooth Spirit Knights for transformation. 】

【You are very confused. 】

【After waiting for several days, you went to look for Daomai again, but found that she was gone. After asking around, you found out that she seemed to have left. 】

【Although you were puzzled by her leaving without saying goodbye, it made sense. After all, Daomai was a believer from the outer island, and maybe she went home. 】

【But, there was no one to talk to. The doubts and confusion in your heart became even worse...】

【That day, you were found by the bishop again and came to his residence. 】

【He told you something. 】

【"Sera, you are a brave and devout believer. Now, Lord Yaling needs you." 】

【He told you that you need to go to a secret altar alone and gave you a bunch of keys. 】

【You still have doubts, but as a devout Yaling believer, you still go to the secret altar alone. 】

【You use the key to open the door to the secret altar. 】

【But, just as you are about to step in, you find a hidden path, which seems to lead to a separate room. 】

【Ignore/Enter the Road】

"An important turning point has come."

Rogge naturally realized this and quickly saved a file.

Then he chose to enter the room.

【You walked into the road and came to the end. This is a secret room with a locked door. 】

【After you used the bishop's key, you were surprised to find that the door could be opened. 】

【You easily entered the room. 】

【In the room, there are several books in the style of Weeping, and there is also a manuscript on the table, which seems to be left by the bishop. 】

【You read the books with doubts and confusion. 】

【Then, you learned a truth that shocked you...】

There is no doubt that these books are the books in the room where the Weeping Stone was located in the fortress.

After flipping through them, Sera naturally learned the truth.

【After learning the truth, you felt dizzy and almost lost all your strength and fell to the ground, with your eyes dull. 】

【You held your head in pain and choked in a low voice. 】

【At this moment, you understood the meaning of what Xiang had said before. ]

[The whole room was filled with sadness. ]

[After a long time, you finally recovered some strength from the pain. ]

[You cheered up and read the bishop's manuscript, but the information in it made you feel like you were struck by lightning and stood there. ]

[The people of the Qi Na tribe were not taken away for transformation, and the rice and wheat did not leave without saying goodbye. ]

[The truth is that they all died in the secret sacrifice and became the nourishment of the tooth spirit! ]

[The tooth spirit is not as great and selfless as you imagined, but a dirty existence that does whatever it takes! ]

[Knowing this, you feel that everything is so ironic. ]

[Your former piety has become a joke at this moment, like a fool who is played with and deceived at will. ]

[Following this, the raging anger in your heart. ]

[There is also an important message on the manuscript left by the bishop. ]

[The tooth spirit is at a critical stage of merging with the stone of Qi Na. ]

[Although the consciousness of the totem Qi Na in the Qi Na Stone has long been erased by Him, the Qi Na Stone itself does not recognize the Ya Ling and resists His fusion. ]

[At this critical stage, if a spirit that matches the Qi Na Totem spirit and is recognized by it intervenes, the devouring of the Ya Ling will be interrupted! ]

[And the spirit of the Qi Na Totem has always been fearless! ]

[In other words, whether you have the courage to be recognized by Qi Na will be the key to stopping the Ya Ling! ]

[But if you are not recognized, it is likely that you will die in vain. ]

[You hold the manuscript tightly in your hand...]

[Go to the altar/return the original route]

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