I have a big sailing game

Chapter 248 Pollution Totem, Disaster Thunderstorm! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

Such a scene is very rare even though Rogge has seen many strange places.

Just when Rogge was looking for the place where the tooth spirit was.

He frowned, his eyes were fixed, and he looked at one place.

On the abscess-like hill in front of him, a group of flying monsters with wings and flies suddenly emerged, screaming and attacking him.

Rogge took a look, and then urged the power of the captain of disaster in his body, summoned a thunderstorm, and killed all these monsters called [filthy birds].

The message came with a prompt again, but Rogge didn't care. These low-level monsters couldn't provide much combat experience. He still scanned the bottom.

Not long after, he found the place where the tooth spirit and the crying were fighting based on the information in the dying cup and the current information.

Under the cliff behind the fortress.

"This is the big pit left by them when they fought, and the sea water entered to form a small lake."

Rogge looked at one place.

The dark and dirty oil completely covered the lake, and bubbles were bubbling on it, with mosquitoes, worms, flies, and everything else.


A sound of flesh and blood squeezing suddenly came.

Rogge looked for it and saw a familiar figure.


Qina was naturally dead at this time, but after most of his body was devoured by the tooth spirit, the remaining body seemed to have been polluted by filth.

[Contaminated tooth spirit remnants]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Level: 60]

[Rank: Agent]

[Description: The tooth spirit devoured his body, but left a part of the remnants. The filth of the filthy island also infected it, turning it into a horrible walking corpse. ]

Qina didn't have a single piece of intact flesh and blood on his body at this time. His upper body was filled with rotten flesh and blood, and his lower body was formed by black oil. It was impossible to see his original appearance at all.

Maggots were burrowing in the flesh, flies were flying around it, buzzing.

The stench was overwhelming.

Seeing his appearance, Rogge couldn't help but stare.

It seemed that his guess was right.

The remnants swallowed by the tooth spirit had such strength. It must be that the tooth spirit has been promoted to the angel level at this time, or at least close to this level.


While Rogge was thinking, the tooth spirit remnant on the opposite side had roared and attacked him.

As a monster of the agent level, although its intelligence is not good, its own strength should not be ignored.

Rogge, who had no time to react, only felt a shock on his back, followed by a pain like his body being corroded.

[You have been attacked by the contaminated tooth spirit remnants, and your body has suffered a dirty infection. ]

In fact, even without this prompt, Rogge could clearly feel the damage to his body.

But he was not in a hurry.


The ghost-like cloak of the captain of the disaster suddenly unfolded.

Rogge's face was gradually replaced by hollow bones, and the power of disaster and fear flashed in his eye sockets.

[The dirty infection has stagnated. ]

This may be a form unique to the extraordinary life of the agent level.

It can be immune to the erosion of enemy capabilities under certain conditions.

"The remains of a fearless warrior should not end up like this even after death..."

"I'll send you off."

Rogge stretched out his palm, lightning flashed between his palms, storms surged around his body, and the miasma in the sky was replaced by dark clouds at this time.


The thunderstorm roared.


The tooth spirit remnant was not to be outdone, and opened its big mouth crazily and roared at Rogge.

Countless black oil tentacles appeared around its body, and dirty giant worms appeared on the ground. Behind it, countless densely packed filthy blood corpses and some monsters that Rogge had never seen crawled out.

The battle is about to start!

The battle of the agent life is completely different from the battle of the extraordinary.

If the battle of the extraordinary is still based on various abilities and supplemented by the body, then from the stage of the agent, there is almost no need for the body during the battle.

Of course, if it is a warrior who mainly practices physical combat skills, there should be corresponding coping methods.


The storm swept and the thunderstorm penetrated.

Countless monsters were swept up by the hurricane, and then annihilated by the thunder summoned by Rogge.

This is just him clearing monsters casually.

More energy was put on the tooth spirit remnant in front of him.

The ability of the tooth spirit remnant is a bit strange. It seems that it can control the monsters in this area to help itself, and it can also affect the surrounding terrain to call black oil tentacles and release dirty miasma.

However, its intelligence is not very high, which is a flaw.

After Rogge was promoted to the captain of the disaster, he had the ability to clear monsters on a large scale.

But the tooth spirit remnant seemed to be unaware of this at all, and kept summoning monsters and attacking with tentacles.

This gave Rogge time to attack its body continuously.

In this case, even if it is the same agent as Rogge and has a higher rank, it is definitely not Rogge's opponent. It is only a matter of time before it loses.


With another thunderstorm falling, the body of the tooth spirit remnant began to collapse.

It wailed, and after losing its restraints, its body, which was originally pieced together, exploded with a bang, and filth was everywhere.

[You killed the "contaminated tooth spirit remnant", gained combat experience, and your level increased! ]

Rogge retracted his hand and was about to pick up the fallen items.

But his heart suddenly sounded alarm bells. He stopped and looked up at the cliff.

He saw a huge dark brown figure falling from the sky at a high speed.

It was Yaling!


The earth shook, and the dirty air waves spread out. The festering flesh and blood kept rolling on the ground and finally fell at Rogge's feet.

Rogge stood still, squinting at the figure.

[Filthy Totem - Yaling]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Domination]

[Level: 70]

[Rank: Angel (Pseudo)]

[Description: There was an ancient secret record that those who eat filth will eventually be eaten by filth. Yaling is the best evidence of this record. He who likes to eat filth has been swallowed by unknown forces without knowing it, and has become the... filthy totem in this area. ]


What rank is this?

Rogge frowned slightly.

He was not panicked by the huge danger in front of him.

One of the purposes of this trip was to see how far Ya Ling had improved.

But now Ya Ling's rank made him feel a little confused.

Gurgle Gurgle...

After falling off the cliff, Ya Ling did not attack Rogge immediately, but leaned over and began to gnaw on Ya Ling's leftover corpse, making a disgusting sound.

Flies and maggots were also eating all over his body.

It seemed that Rogge was not taken seriously at all.

"Uweyemuze, help me."

Rogge waved without hesitation.

The Ya Ling in front of him was emitting a strong rank suppression force. He felt that he was a little difficult to move, and the use of power became difficult.

"What's the help..." Uweyemuzer, who was taken out of Rogge's backpack, was a little confused, but then he sensed the tooth spirit in front of him, and his voice became a little solemn: "What the hell did you run to again, kid? How did you meet such a guy?"

When the illusory black stone was put into Rogge's backpack, Uweyemuzer, the black-bellied dragon, could not see Rogge's situation.

Of course, it knew this, but it seemed to know that it was not fair to "peek" at the screen, and never expressed any opinions.

So Uweyemuzer did not know Rogge's first-hand information in the cave.

"I'll explain it to you later." Rogge didn't have time to chat with it at this moment: "The guy in front of him is a pseudo-angel. You, a genuine angel, should have a way to deal with him, right?"

"I'm not blind." Wuweiyemuze replied unhappily, and then said solemnly: "It's hard to say. I'm not in my prime now, and I can't use much power. And this guy seems to be the spirit of faith..."

"My suggestion is to run away. There's no need to fight him to death."

Rogge: "..."

No, the guy in front of him is just a pseudo-angel. Are you, a genuine angel, afraid of him?

"The spirit of faith?"

"I'll explain it to you later. You'd better run away first. It's absolutely no problem to escape with my power." Wuweiyemuze also said to Rogge that he would explain it later.

"No." Rogge refused: "Help me, I want to kill him."

For the tooth spirit, Rogge wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

If Wuweiyemuze helped, he would definitely have the strength to fight.

As for danger... Would his save file warrior be afraid of this? Just kidding.

"..." Now it was Uweyemuzer's turn to be speechless, but he didn't say much. After all, he just didn't want to fight, not that he didn't dare to fight.

"Okay, if you can't beat him, run away."

After that, the illusory black stone slowly floated into the air, and the power contained in it began to spread gradually.


At this time, the tooth spirit also swallowed the last bite of the leftovers into his stomach, with a mouth full of blood and minced meat, an evil face, and a sinister and crazy look slowly moved to Rogue.

[The illusory black stone provides you with rank suppression. ]

[The strength of the tooth spirit is suppressed. ]


The illusory black stone suspended in the sky suddenly burst out an invisible force, spreading in all directions.


The tooth spirit's eyes became colder, and at this time, he also felt the threat in front of him, and let out a low threatening roar.

"What? Did your brain get eaten as filth?"

Rogge narrowed his eyes, alerting Him while raising his hand to call for thunderstorms and black clouds.


At the edge of the Filthy Island, a huge tsunami has begun to surge, gradually forming huge waves of tens of meters, constantly hitting the Filthy Island.

He certainly didn't say this to show off his eloquence.

He was trying to test whether the tooth spirit in front of him still had wisdom.

In this line of [Filthy Island], Rogge had doubts about the reason for the resurrection of the tooth spirit.

But when he saw the description on the tooth spirit's information, he realized that the resurrection of the tooth spirit was likely to come from an external force.

So, after the tooth spirit came back from the dead, is it still alive with the original consciousness, or is it just a body carrying an unknown force?


The tooth spirit had already given the answer when it was extremely crazy at this moment.

He completely lost his mind and became a body that accommodated filth!

Instantly, the filthy earth was in a state of turmoil, the tops of distant mountains were gushing out, muddy blood plasma was spreading, and countless filthy creatures appeared.

The disgusting and terrifying dark red smelly miasma attacked from all directions!

[You have been polluted by the filthy tooth spirit, your health has dropped significantly, and your body has begun to rot! ]

One wave has not yet subsided, another wave has risen, and the terrifying power of the tooth spirit is wildly released and demonstrated at this moment.

Although He has been suppressed by the rank power of the illusory black stone, He is still a dangerous opponent for Rogge.


The tooth spirit stretched out his festering arms and suddenly stabbed into the ground.

Rogge's heart tightened, and he felt the danger coming. He didn't even care to see his movements clearly, so he bent his knees without hesitation and flew into the air with the help of dragon wings.

With a bang, several huge festering claws broke out from the island and grabbed Rogge directly.

Countless dirty monsters also flowed with bloody liquid, and rushed towards Rogge one after another.

[You used the decontamination bone bottle to remove the dirty pollution in your body. ]

Rogge picked up the decontamination bone bottle and drank it, and at the same time raised his hand to call on the power of disaster...

Call on the power of disaster!


A tsunami that covered the sky and the sun came from the sea outside the Filthy Island, overlooking the entire Filthy Island!

Thunderstorms and hurricanes accompanied it!

Captain Disaster's tsunami is not just a powerful impact.

The aura of disaster contained in it also has a powerful destructive force.


"Feel... dirty!!!"

The face of the tooth spirit that was so rotten that it could not bear to look directly was full of madness, and the hysterical roar made people feel cold all over.

Countless festering claws quickly entangled under his control, forming a dirty flesh and blood giant mouth, biting towards Rogge's disaster tsunami frantically.


The two collided in an instant, and the strong and terrifying airflow spread out.

The overflowing lightning and hurricane were mixed with stench and rotten flesh of insect corpses, and the entire Filthy Island was shaken by this blow!

"It seems that there is still a trace of self-awareness."

Rogge sneered, and the tooth spirit could still speak, indicating that he was not completely swallowed by the unknown power.

With this attack, he had already tested the strength of Ya Ling.

Under the suppression of the illusory black stone, his rank power not only could not suppress Rogge, but his own ability was significantly weakened.

However, Rogge became stronger under the effect of the illusory black stone, and was able to use the illusory and real power of Uweyemuzze.

As one increased while the other decreased, the gap between Rogge in rank and level had been eliminated.

In this way, Ya Ling would completely lose the power to compete with him.

But Rogge also had shortcomings.

"The mental power consumption is too great..."

Rogge said silently in his heart.

After all, he had just entered the agent rank, and such a battle was very consuming for him.

In this case, let's fight quickly!

Rogge's eyes condensed, and he slowly opened his arms, with the light of disaster flashing in his eyes, and dragon scales appeared on his arms.

He wanted to use the power of the dragon to enhance the power of disaster and destroy Ya Ling with one blow!



In the dark thunderstorm clouds in the sky, a deafening dragon roar appeared faintly.

The flashing lightning in the dark thunderstorm clouds gradually attached a trace of violent scarlet...

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