I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 506 God-level burial place, the earth mutates again

Burial place.

Li De looked at the hot plane that was doing it, and his expression was quite happy.

Because at this time, the Bone Burial Ground has finally accumulated enough plane power to upgrade the level.

The last upgrade was from extraordinary to legendary, this time from legendary to god-level.

If you use the power of death, it will take a full 10 billion to upgrade the legend to the god level...

And now there isn't that much death power to level up.

The hero of all this is the Divine Kingdom of the God of Plague. At this time, this unowned Divine Kingdom has been swallowed up by the Bone Burial Ground and almost collapsed...

Every time Li De thinks of the God of Plague, he will be particularly moved. It can be said that the City of Dawn has risen on the corpse of the God of Plague.

When he was alive, he contributed priesthood, divinity, and artifact to him, and when he died, he left a divine kingdom for him to devour and grow.

So moving.

Ding~ Do you want to upgrade the Boneyard? This upgrade will take 5 days.

After the thought of upgrading the Bone Burial Ground arose, Li De heard the system prompt.

Quick selection to confirm.

5 days is enough.

After he confirmed it, the plane stone hidden in the depths of the Bone Burial Ground instantly burst out with strong plane power.

Then, under Li De's gaze, the Bone Burial Ground began to rapidly expand around, and the ground also became thicker.

After confirming that the original location of the Bone Burial Ground was not disturbed by the upgrade, Li De didn't stay too long and turned to leave.

The construction of the magic alchemy cannon is managed by someone, so he doesn't need to take too much trouble.

Now he still has two pieces of Destiny Slate in his hand that have not been swallowed, and he has to find a quiet place to improve himself.

This can be directly related to the ownership of the Slate of Destiny's core.

But before that, he had to go to Kaslina's place first.

Next, how to deal with the old faction and how to snatch the core of the Slate of Destiny are big problems.

He needed to talk to Kaslina, the amazing half-blood mermaid.

It's about the fate of Dawn City...

In the busy Magic Industry Research Institute, Li De's figure disappeared in a flash, and he did not disturb these busy staff.

Kaslina seemed to have long known that Li De was coming. At this time, she rarely stood by the window and looked into the distance, but sat at the wooden table with two cups of hot tea.

When Li De arrived, he saw Kaslina wearing a light long dress, bare feet, holding a white cat in her hand, leaning slightly on the stool.

Seeing this peaceful scene, he almost couldn't bear to destroy it.

Take a few steps forward and say hello softly.

Good day, Ms. Kaslina.

After Kaslina motioned him to sit down, Li De was not polite, and sat comfortably opposite the half-blooded mermaid. He picked up the delicate teacup and took a sip of warm black tea.

After putting down the teacup, he pondered for a moment, as if he had made an important decision.

Right hand stretched out, ka~ka~ka~

The three pieces of Destiny Tablet were lined up and placed on the table.

Ms. Kaslina, these are the shards of Destiny Slate I got outside this time, two of which I haven't swallowed the power of destiny.

After speaking, she looked at Kaslina with burning eyes, and then slightly pushed out the two pieces of Destiny Slate that had not swallowed the power of destiny.

Seeing Li De's actions, Kaslina's indifferent eyes showed a little bit of untraceable relief, and then slowly shook her head.

No, Kachar, I don't need the power of destiny.

I even spent tens of millions of years to get rid of the entanglement of the force of fate, which has no value to me...

Get rid of the power of fate? Li De's face showed a bit of surprise.

Speaking of this issue, Kaslina took a deep breath, her chest undulating violently and the tulle bulged.

The face that had been calm and unwavering also changed at this moment, and the tone was heavy.

Yes, the power of destiny may be a rare power for you, but for me, it is the imprisonment of thousands of years...

After saying this, those sea blue eyes fell into contemplation.

Innumerable years ago, I was the goddess of fate of other multidimensional planes.

When the lifespan of the multi-dimensional plane was about to come to an end and the era was coming to an end, I couldn't bear the clan to follow the destruction, so I stole the power of destiny of the multi-dimensional plane, and put that power into my body. This bless the clan.

And after the power of destiny was plundered by me, the city of lack of power in multiple planes collapsed hundreds of years earlier...

On the eve of the collapse of the world, the Will of the Plane communicated to all living beings that I had stolen the power of destiny.

Speaking of this, there was an unconcealed fear and self-blame in those indifferent eyes.

Hundreds of millions of lives think I betrayed the multiple planes, their crazy curses, crazy abuse.

Finally, at the moment when the multiple planes collapsed, the souls of all life condensed into an eternal curse - as long as I still bear the power of destiny, the soul will never be at peace.

Li De's face changed when he heard this, and he was cursed by a multi-dimensional life. I'm afraid that even the God of Creation will be hit hard, right?

Kaslina raised her head slightly, then slowly closed her eyes.

I've been cursed by billions of lives in my soul for millions of years, never stopped, I never even slept for a day.

Can you imagine a multi-dimensional life screaming, crying, whining, cursing, abusing, and resentment in your mind?

Li De's face darkened.

Not to mention a multi-dimensional plane, that is, a person who kept cursing him on the 24th day, not even sleeping, I am afraid that it will become a neurotic in a few days.

No wonder Kaslina doesn't want the power of fate. It's a miracle that she hasn't collapsed after suffering this sin for tens of millions of years.

After pondering the wording, and finally said carefully.

Ms. Kaslina, if I carry all the power of destiny, will I also...

Kaslina opened her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled into an arc.

If this curse is passed on to you, will you inherit the power of destiny to fight the invasion of the old days?

Li De's face froze, and after thinking for a long time, he took a deep breath.

She looked at Kaslina without flinching.

To break the dawn!

The slogan is sonorous and powerful, with an unshakable firmness.

Kaslina showed some appreciation in her eyes after sensing that Li De didn't lie.

You are a lot braver than I thought.

Li De shook his head slowly.

No, I'm not brave, I'm just taking the responsibility of being the Master of Dawn.

I still have relatives, my subordinates, and the City of Dawn to protect.

Kaslina fell silent, and finally sighed slightly.

If I were young, I might also be attracted to you, Master of the Daybreak...

At the end, he suddenly blinked at him.

Li De smiled and did not continue.

Ms Kaslina, does the curse really transfer?

Whether there is a curse or not, you are already prepared, so why ask?

Li De was dumbfounded, and finally he returned to the shards of the Slate of Destiny.

Since you don't need these two pieces of Destiny Slate, then I will devour the power in them.

To snatch the core of the Slate of Destiny, we have to rely on them...

Kaslina's face has returned to calm, as if what she just said was not what she said.

There are 30 Shards of Destiny. Although you got 5 pieces, it's not enough. I'll go and get 2 more pieces for you...

Li De's eyes lit up.

Is it in the hands of the undead monarch?

Kaslina neither denied nor confirmed, Go, don't waste time.

Li De said no more, nodded, got up and left.

After Li De's back disappeared, Kaslina touched the cat in her arms with a somewhat strange tone.

Can you finally unload this burden?...






An extremely terrifying thing happened.

The rift in the sky widened again after the Angel League was captured by the old camp.

The smell of the past began to pour in like a fountain.

The whole world is in an unprecedented crisis, and people are panicking.

And this time the impact was bigger than the previous ones combined.

After the power of the old days was strong, the first thing that appeared were those distorted, rotten, old-time monsters with the idea of ​​destroying the world.

Some fragile human beings were directly swallowed and infected by the rich old power.

And when those human beings turned into monsters of the past and bloodthirsty and slaughtered in the city, it immediately caused a crisis for the whole society.

Armies of various countries began to appear in the streets with tanks, and the whole world fell into a huge panic overnight.

In a country like China with strong centripetal force and cohesion, it is okay. Once a catastrophe occurs, they will immediately solve the problem as one, and the official is also extraordinarily powerful.

But in Europe and the United States where guns are rampant, the so-called free countries are different.

These countries were immediately hit hard as never before.

The government ordered that travel and gatherings are not allowed, otherwise it will cause huge risks, but the people are resolutely disobedient, they want freedom, and then hold signs to protest in the streets...

This directly led to the appearance of many people being eroded by the old forces because of protests...

After turning into monsters of the past, these eroded people directly began to kill those around them...

What's more terrifying, after being hit by the monsters of the old days, if they don't die, they will be more easily eroded by the power of the old days.

This effect is similar to the infection of zombie virus...

For a time, a disaster close to a zombie crisis broke out in European and American countries.

After the army was dispatched to forcibly suppress several large-scale infection accidents, there are still people who want to be free.

The wind and rain began to shake.

And the news about the invasion of the old days on the Internet is also very lively, and the rumors all over the sky make the official rumors unable to be refuted.

The most interesting is the official website forum of Glory.

At this moment, this mysterious forum has become the focus of the whole world, as long as people who can still access the Internet are paying attention to it.

Always touch the heart of the whole world.

However, most people are not talking about the expansion of the sky traces at this time, but are talking about the top players who control the bodies of the five evil gods - I love Ichiki.

Because I love Yichai, after the Angel League was broken, I deeply felt that I had a great responsibility and took the initiative to join the Huaxia official.

The Huaxia government is different from those foreign elected governments that are controlled by capital. In the face of such a major disaster, the reliability of the Huaxia government is absolutely and naturally trusted.

In dealing with major crises, China is the only one in the world, and other countries should start to count from the second tier.

And players have different opinions on my love for a piece of chai.

Huaxia's players deeply appreciated this, and shouted that this is definitely the most admirable move.

Players from other countries are sour to death, they angrily scolded I love a chai, and should never become a servant of the government, and they want to teach him a lesson by taking the example of their own country.

But it turned out that the Chinese players turned on the group ridicule mode, found all kinds of black materials to spray those foreign players with shame and anger, and even wanted to cut off relations with their own countries and immigrated on the spot.

There has also been an explosive increase in posts on forums.

Come on, I love a piece of chai has moved to the southern province of the Nolan Empire, this time he intends to participate in the snatch of the Destiny Slate fragments, everyone, go and help! ! 》

I was moved by you, Lao Tie, as expected to be able to take out a person with an open-hearted, bright and just name like I Ai Yi Chai, worthy of the admiration of my fairy love club

It is said that after I Ai Yichai became an official, he directly enjoyed ministerial treatment, and even the son of his cousin's niece was given a good job

You haven't seen it, I love the scene where Yi Yichai was taken by the official and taken to the military camp for protection, that guy Kaka, the whole city is blocked

I love a piece of chai, which is equivalent to 5 god-level combat power, and the Chinese official will naturally not be stingy.

directly to the minister.

I love Yichai and I am very satisfied with my treatment. I used to be just a fat mansion. I don’t know that I will become an important person who will be on guard whenever I go to the toilet...

Everyday life is beautiful.

However, the players' comments on this matter were quickly attracted by a military mobilization order issued by Huaxia officials.

The main content of the mobilization order is that, according to the judgment of the Chinese intelligence department, the shards of Destiny Slate to be born in Green City will determine the future situation of the entire main plane of glory.

Therefore, I hope that high-level Chinese players will go to Green City to help I love a chai and help him obtain the fragments of the Slate of Destiny...

The announcement immediately caused a huge response.

It has been so long since the old days came, and it is the first time that players have received an official announcement from the official.

It boiled in an instant.

A sense of honor to fight for the country quickly rose. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Countless posts flooded the forum in an instant.

In reality, I can't do anything for the country, can't I do it in glory? 》

A thousand days of supporters, use it at this time! Guys, let me go first! 》

Yangyang China's One Billion Soldiers, How Can You Miss Me? 》

Sorry, I'm a waste. As an internal beta player, my level is only level 16. Although I can't help much, this time I'm already planning to die back to level 0

I have already stood on the city wall of Green City, waiting for the arrival of the princes, this battle, let them see the blood of the descendants of Yanhuang

Only to die! ! 》

If we want to fight, we will fight, the blood of Chinese children has never cooled, why have we ever stepped back half a step

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