I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 507 Demigod Li De, waiting for the war to come

In the depths of the Bone Burial Ground, the five Destiny Slate fragments lined up in front of Li De.

He also took out the fragments of the Slate of Destiny that had been suppressed in the underground world.

Do the right thing in a hurry, although doing so will affect the cultivation of food in the underworld.

But after a few days, the core of Destiny Slate has not been obtained, so don't think about harvesting any food, you don't need to plant the land, just wait to die...

At a critical juncture, you can't take care of that much.

Those old evil gods who have turned their direction and attacked Green City are going to destroy the whole world. Although the mountains and mountains are wide, if the outside world is destroyed, how long can this place exist?

So Li De had no choice, either to live or to die.

What the Dawn City needs now is to concentrate all of its strength and make a last-ditch gamble.

Of the five Fate Slate fragments in front of him, he had absorbed the power of three of them, and the remaining two had not been swallowed.

At this time, Li De was guarding the five pieces of the Destiny Slate, and he felt that he had a feeling of immortality, which was very wonderful.

Even when he was absent from time to time, he could see some ancient fortunate secrets in a trance.

That is the reflection left in the river of destiny. The stronger the power of destiny in him, the closer the connection with the river of destiny is.

But because of this, he inadvertently saw the old ruler overlooking the River of Destiny. Those eyes with stars and rivers were full of despairing oppression.

But fortunately, this is the unconscious connection of the power of destiny, and it is gone in a flash, or I am afraid that it will be annihilated again like last time.

That ultimate dark boss is really terrifying.

Li De didn't hesitate any longer, and clenched the two fragments that had not been swallowed up by him, and his thoughts slowly fell into silence.

The power in the body began to operate, and a strong suction force began to be transmitted.

The fragments of the Slate of Destiny shook, and then radiated a chaotic light, and a special force swarmed in.

The silent force of fate in the body began to operate, and the powerful force slowly recovered.

The power of the bloodline of the body does not exclude the power of fate,

It is a magical blend of each other, complement each other, unusual harmony.

But then something unexpected happened. The force of destiny in the two pieces of Destiny Slate was too strong, even so strong that Li De's body felt like it was being stretched.

It made him very uncomfortable, and even the spiritual sea was shaken by it.

But after a while, it was a blessing in disguise, because the power of fate was too sufficient, forcing his bloodline to further transform.

The power of blood began to run wildly, trying to digest the energy brought by the power of destiny.

After the power of destiny reached a peak in his body, a faint silver-white light appeared, and Li De's blood began to change from normal red to silver...

And it's getting thicker and thicker.

It is like the ultimate existence of the legendary blood - the blood of mercury.

According to ancient legends, only the most powerful beings can condense the blood of mercury, because the blood of mercury contains ten times the power of ordinary blood.

One sunday hour, two sunday hours...

Time passed bit by bit, Li De did not notice the transformation of blood, and was still working hard to devour the power of destiny.

Before he swallowed the power of fate several times, he would involuntarily be absorbed into the river of fate for a swim.

But he felt danger, and subconsciously resisted going to the river of fate.

That old ruler who overlooks the plane of the heavens is absolutely a nightmare for all living beings.

It seems that because his will is too firm, he did not enter the river of fate this time, and the speed of absorbing the power of fate is much faster than the previous few times.

After a long time, a miraculous scene appeared.

After swallowing two pieces of Destiny Slate, Li De's breath did not become stronger, but became more and more blurred.

Even standing across from him and looking at him, he would subconsciously ignore this person.

It seems that he no longer exists in this world.

The force of destiny...

This is the most original and core power of glory. Whoever controls this original power will be eternally detached from the world.

No longer bound by longevity, can't even kill him with the power in glory.

The only death may be after the world has reached its end, followed by the world's annihilation.

Although Li De was far from reaching this level at this time, the power of destiny provided by the five Destiny Slate fragments had already reached a critical point.

At this moment, Li De can even erase the traces of his existence for a short time as long as he is willing, and this erasure is erased from the source of glory, and the whole world will forget his existence.

However, the consumption of this method is huge, and the duration is very short, there is not much need.

Time flies, February 28th.

The weather was overcast and cold.

Although the winter months are still three days away, the sudden turn of cold today seems to tell people that the warm recovery season seems to be coming for a long time.

But no matter whether it is cold or hot, nothing can stop the rotation of this huge city of Dawn.

At this time, the City of Dawn has become a city that never sleeps in the true sense. The lighting system of the whole city starts to work as soon as night falls, and the factories have never stopped for a moment.

The City of Dawn is like a huge machine that keeps turning day and night, and the residents are the screws in this machine, affecting all aspects.

Alchemy magic cannons were built, and god-hunting crossbows were pushed out of the manufacturing workshop...

But at this time, Li De had no time to pay attention to the situation outside, because the swallowing was about to be completed.

When the last ray of destiny force poured into his body from two pieces of destiny slate.

There was a long-lost system prompt sound in my ear.

Ding~ Your level has been raised to level 30, and you have entered a special state - a demigod. In a demigod state, your level will not be able to be raised any further.

Ding~ It is detected that you already have clergy, divine power and believers, the special status of demigods is eliminated, and you only need to ignite the divine fire to become a deity of level 31 weak deities.

Or you can give up the conferred gods and continue to upgrade your level, and then you will become a divine being above level 30.

Li De opened his eyes, and after checking the system prompt several times, he let out a long breath.

Although he has not yet become a god, he has finally reached the key node of level 30.

Taking the next step will become a life in another dimension.

And because he has a rare priesthood and divine power, if he is unwilling to become a god, he can continue to raise his level and become a divine being, which can be said to be very human.

Of course, Li De would not be stupid enough to give up becoming a god and choose to become a divine being.

After confirming that there were no other prompts, Li De slowly stood up and stretched his waist.

Kacha Kacha~ After the sound of the bones of the body sounded, he only felt an indescribable terrifying force coming from his body.

He even felt that he could blast the space in front of him with one punch, which was extremely terrifying.

After a little induction, Li De's eyes showed a bit of surprise, and his strength increased by at least 80%.

It's just a level up.

The difference between a demigod and level 29 is really scary.

After a while, he found the blood flowing in his body...

Silver-white blood?!!

Li De's eyes widened, full of surprise.

Silver-white blood that was thick like mercury was flowing in the blood vessels, and the scarlet blood only accounted for less than 10% at this time.

And these silver blood flowed directly to him with indescribable terrifying power.

Most of his strength improvement this time is in blood.

After taking a few deep breaths, he regained his senses. After pondering for a while, he was thoughtful.

According to this progress, if all the blood evolves into silver blood, then it should be the time when my level is raised to level 31 and becomes a god.

It's a pity... just give me two more months, no, one month, and I can become a god.

But time waits for no one...

A bit of a wry smile appeared on his face.

A few days later will be the critical time for the birth of the core of the Slate of Destiny, and now there is no time for him to grow slowly.

At that time there will be an unprecedented war of terror.

It is very likely that the Alliance of Angels will go all out, because this is the last hope.

The two major forces of the Abyss Demon and the Undead Plane will also be unwilling to be controlled by others, and will also fight to the death.

What's even more terrifying is the culprit of all this - the old camp.

Those old evil gods with wisdom must know the importance of the core of Destiny Slate, and I am afraid that the other party will gather all the strength and eat all the factions in one go!

This is destined to be a more cruel and dangerous war than the fall of the Angel League.

Because everyone knows that in the Angel League, they still have a way out and can escape, but in Green City, there is no way out.

Either scramble for the core of the Slate of Destiny, reunite the Slate of Destiny, and suppress the old days.

Then they were slaughtered by the old camp, the Slate of Destiny was snatched by the old evil god, and then everyone waited eagerly for the old evil god to destroy the world.

There is no third way to go.

Even hiding in the dimensional plane as a tortoise is useless. After the defeat, the world will be cleaned up, the cracks in the sky will burst open, and everything in glory will be turned into nothingness.

Now watch what was once a lush ancient forest turned into a dead place full of poisonous slime to see what kind of future they face.

Li De shook his head and didn't think any more, and turned his attention to the attribute panel.

Why haven't my skills changed much? Although the attributes have been improved, it is obviously not suitable for my current level 30 status...

Although I can feel that my strength has improved by a grade, there is no obvious display on the attribute panel.

This made Li a little bit pained, but after researching for a while, he couldn't figure out why, and he didn't bother to bother anymore.

After collecting the five Destiny Slate fragments on the ground, he stepped out and disappeared into the Bone Burial Ground.




A day later, the city hall.

The summoned goblin patriarch Moore and the dwarf forge master Varun looked at Li De sitting behind the desk with excitement, and seemed to have encountered something worthy of excitement.

The first to speak was Varun, the bearded dwarf who was particularly excited.

Your Majesty, the God-hunting crossbow you ordered for the dwarves to forge has been forged!!

The goblin patriarch Moore next to him exploded when he heard this, glaring at Valen and yelling.

Damn dwarves!! God-hunting crossbows were forged by goblins under the orders of the great master!!

You dwarves are just forging steel for the goblins! A worker at best! The real hero is us!

Warren refused to accept it and glared at Moore fiercely.

Hmph, if there are no dwarves, you can't even lift the hammer!

Without the goblins, you dwarves will only carry hammers!!

No dwarves, you...

Li De watched the two shorties arguing in front of the desk without any scruples, and his face suddenly became black.

His right hand knocked on the table and said with a cold face.

If you dare to talk nonsense again, cancel your one-year material quota and distribute it to the farm to raise pigs!

The two didn't dare to fry when facing Li De, and they immediately calmed down, but they still stared at each other, and no one was convinced.

Forging the God-hunting crossbow is a monstrous credit. Whoever does it well may be praised by the bards of the entire Glory Master Plane, and even recorded in the annals of history for the admiration of future generations.

Such a glorious glory was an irresistible temptation for the two dwarfs.

Walun, first introduce the power of the God-hunting Crossbow.

Warren, who was named, rose up in an instant, glared at Moore arrogantly, and almost didn't anger the other party to death.

Your Majesty, the God-hunting Crossbow has been short of materials before, so there is no finished product, and we can only estimate its power to kill the gods at first.

After you provide enough material, we start the forging immediately.

After the blessing of the dwarf secret technique, the power of the forged God-hunting crossbow has been greatly increased.

After experimenting, it is now certain that each attack has the power to kill a weak level 32 god.

And in order to deal with more powerful gods, according to the negotiation of our dwarf-based forging group, in addition, we must forge a strong crossbow that can hunt down level 40 powerful gods.

And after Ms. Kaslina's many instructions, we spent a full twenty corpses and godheads of gods, and after Ms. Kaslina personally shot the enchantment.

Finally forged an unprecedented strong crossbow that can kill the Lord God!

Ms. Kaslina named it the main god hunter.

Li De's eyes lit up when he heard this.

A bow and crossbow specially forged to hunt down level 40 main gods - the main god hunter...isn't this too awesome? ?

Lord God Hunter? Yes, you are doing well.

In addition, how many ordinary hunting crossbows have been forged?

Moore, who watched Warren completely exclude the goblins, was trembling with anxiety, and hurriedly interjected when he heard this.

Master, 20 ordinary hunting crossbows have been forged, and there are thousands of crossbow arrows. They were forged by me using a lost alchemy technique, and have nothing to do with dwarves!

And when forging the God-hunting crossbow, the dwarves are helping to strike iron, which is useless at all...

Warren's eyes were about to pop out, and he could not wait to drag this bastard down and beat him immediately.

Li De was too lazy to pay attention to these two second-hand goods.

When it is forged, transport all the weapons to the Boneyard.

Did you build the platform where the Godhunter crossbow was placed earlier?

It has been built, and it can be put into use immediately as long as you order it. Moore nodded quickly, and then added as if he had remembered something.

In addition, we have built 5 more alchemy magic cannons because of the support of the ocean gods at all costs, and now there are 25 in total!

Li De couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

There are still two days before the Bone Burial Ground can be upgraded, but it is foreseeable that once the upgrade is completed, the door of space that the Bone Burial Ground can open will definitely cover Green City.

At that time, he can open the door of space and go out to fight.

The alchemy magic cannon and the god-hunting crossbow, these two big killers become mobile super weapons.

As long as he opens the door of space, he can shoot directly at the gods outside, and he can also change a place with one shot.

And if the enemy wants to destroy the hunting crossbow and the alchemy magic cannon, his burial place is the best shield.

Anyone who dares to come in will be suppressed by his mobilization of the power of the plane. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When that time comes, I will arrange Freya or the mermaid god to ambush in the Boneyard, and whoever comes in will suffer a big loss.

With 25 alchemy magic cannons, plus 20 God Hunting Crossbows and a Master God Hunter, the power in his hands became abundant at once.

This round of salvos is only afraid that the scene will become extremely exciting.

However, forging these materials also completely emptied the resources he had accumulated in his expeditions from the south and the north, and even the god Asrega led the demon army to sack dozens of planes in the abyss to barely collect so many materials.

Of course, the crux of all this is actually Kaslina, there is an ancient god in the family who can forge these big killers, otherwise he will not be able to use these materials.

Li De was finally relaxed at this time, and now he only needs to wait for the upgrade of the Burial Ground to be completed, and then wait for the core of Destiny Slate to be born.

Waiting for the battle that decides the glory of life and death to come.

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