I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 505: Everything, for the dawn

The collapse of the Angel League directly led to the deterioration of the glory situation to an almost irreversible level.

After the old evil gods destroyed the ancient forest, they spread out in a circle with this as the center, and started a terrifying sweep.

Exterminate everything.

These abominations swept across the Plane in a manner far more terrifying than the flood.

Wherever we pass, the grass turns into yellow sand, the houses turn into ruins, the rivers dry up...

Those cities that had survived by chance, but also the sweepers without dead ends, encountered the destruction of the old monsters.

In addition, there are still more than 200 old evil gods still alive in the world at this moment, and a catastrophe that destroys the world has begun.

If no one resists the sweeping of these old evil gods, then although the main plane of glory is large, there will no longer be a half-inch habitat for normal life.

Even players with special status in the past were greatly affected by this change. Because of the destruction of the city and the fragmentation of the Temple of Life, their resurrection points disappeared one by one.

In the chaos, players are constantly chased by expulsion, spreading from the center of the main plane of glory to the periphery.

Many people have realized that in this battle alone, there is no way to fight the old evil spirits with ordinary power alone.

Before, the Angel League was still strong and proud, and did not completely press the treasure on the core of Green City's Slate of Destiny. They believed that they had enough strength to fight the old invasion.

But the slap of the old evil god made them realize how cruel the bloody truth was.

The tragic situation forced them to start going to Green City, looking for the last ray of life and hope.

The only way now is to reunite the Slate of Destiny, perhaps the only way to suppress the old days.

Also because of the defeat of the Angel Alliance, the core of the Slate of Destiny, which had already attracted much attention, became the focus of everyone, and Green City was also observed under a microscope.

Fortunately, Green City is far away from the central area of ​​the mainland, and the old life cannot be swept away in a short time.

But this fluke was ruthlessly broken not long after, and everyone got a piece of desperate news.

After a large number of the remaining gods of the Angel League sneaked into the southern province of the Nolan Empire,

Those old evil gods also seemed to have received orders and began to turn their direction towards the Nolan Empire's rapid march, aiming directly at Green City.

At the terrifying speed of these ancient evil gods, in just a few days, endless monsters of the old days will be slaughtered.

After the news spread, just after a fiasco, the gods of the light system, who were like bereaved dogs, were even more uneasy, and for a while they were full of pessimism about the future.

There were even many gods who simply gave up their resistance, found a broken plane to hide, and became the first wave of cowards to retreat.

Fortunately, most of the gods still have courage and responsibility, and have not lost their fighting spirit.

February 25th.

City of Dawn.

The bitter winter has slowly passed, and in a few days, it will enter the season of sowing.

For the residents of Dawn City, the disturbances of the outside world did not affect them, and Dawn City has become a paradise isolated from the outside world.

Residents are completely free from the pessimism of the outside world that they can't see the future.

Everyone is busy with their work, because His Majesty the great Kachar personally ordered the residents of the city to act and cooperate with the city hall to build a magic alchemy cannon...

Although they didn't quite understand what kind of weapon the magic alchemy cannon was, since it was an order from Mian Kachar, they naturally obeyed unconditionally.

Li De's reputation in Dawn City was already full, and he didn't even need too much mobilization. As long as the city hall issued a decree in his name, the whole city would turn around immediately.

At this time, after the construction of hundreds of thousands of residents of the City of Dawn for nearly a month on the 24th, plus the cooperation of the marine gods, and finally the convenience of the space gate of the Burial Ground.

This time, the magic alchemy cannons built by the goblins were quietly built without anyone knowing from the outside world.

Li De, who had just returned from the ancient forest battle after grabbing two fragments of the Slate of Destiny, was ecstatic when he heard the news.

You mean, each attack of these twenty magic alchemy cannons is equivalent to a full blow from a weak level 32 divine power?

In the city hall office, the 36-level twelve-winged death seraph Freya stood on his left, and after returning from the bottomless abyss, the level went up one more step, and the 35-level Asleigar station was standing. on his right.

The Mermaid Lord God, whose level has been restored to level 35, is floating in the air with a trident in hand.

The blazing angel in the left hand, the god in the right hand, and the mermaid god below is listening.

This scene is awesome.

At this moment, Li De also only has a bit of the card face of the main god of the dawn god system.

The goblin patriarch Moore, who was watching from a few people, turned his proud look into trembling.

In front of such a terrifying god, it's no wonder that he can still be proud.

Yes, Master, twenty alchemy magic cannons have been built, and it's much more than that.

As long as the adjacent 4 blocks are connected, the damage of the level 35 medium god can still be burst.

And if twenty alchemy magic cannons are connected together, a powerful level 40 attack can be released!

Hearing Moore's words, Li De was overjoyed.

This is equivalent to adding a powerful boost out of thin air.

As expected of the alchemy that once made the gods fearful, it was indeed terrifying.

Immediately, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly said.

What is the cost of using the magic alchemy cannon, and how many cannons can our inventory support?

Whether the construction is completed or not the final node, and enough energy consumption must be provided, it is truly completed.

Gatling without bullets is just a fire stick.

But Moore's words made him slightly relieved.

Master, we previously discovered several new magic crystal ore veins in the abyss. After using hundreds of thousands of demons to violently mine, those discovered magic crystals have been transported to the Bone Burial Ground.

The current reserve is expected to fire 10 shots per alchemy magic cannon.

All connected together?

Again, the current reserves are linked together enough for ten launches.

Li De nodded and used 20 cannons together, which is equivalent to 10 shots from a 40-level powerful god, or 50 shots from a 35-level medium god...

It can only be regarded as barely passing, but it is not enough, I need more magic spar, this time our enemy will be stronger than ever.

Asregar found a lot of magic spar ore veins in the bottom plane of the abyss. I will send him to lead the demon army to mine those ore veins. You should prepare accordingly. This time, we will do whatever it takes! !

Although Asleigar spent his time in the slaughter at the bottom of the abyss, he also knew Li De's desire for magic spar, so he paid special attention to this aspect.

The reason why the bottom plane of the abyss is inhabited by the most powerful demon rulers is because the bottom plane is rich in resources, and the rare magic crystal veins in the outside world are not lacking in the bottom plane.

As you wish, I will have someone cooperate with Lord Asregard to dig out enough magic spar. Moore was overjoyed and nodded again and again.

Li De nodded slightly and changed the subject.

I brought more than 40 remains of gods from outside. How long does it take to make all the remains of gods into a hunting crossbow?? These are all things that he let Shenxie use his super space control ability to steal chickens and steal them. of.

When it comes to this topic, Moore gets excited again.

Your Majesty, most of the remains of the gods still have godheads, do you need to choose?

Time is running out.

Li De waved his hand, if he normally left some good godheads to help his subordinates improve their strength.

But the next big battle that can decide whether the glory is destroyed or not is coming, and he has no time for his subordinates to slowly absorb those godheads.

The next step is to improve combat effectiveness.

Yes, then I'll use it all... Although Moore's words seemed embarrassing, anyone could see the excitement in his eyes.

According to your previous instructions, all the materials for making the God-hunting Crossbow have been prepared in the early stage, and only the remains of the gods can be made.

According to the current production rate, within three days, all the remains of these gods can be made into hunting crossbows.

Li De breathed a sigh of relief.

Three days is too late.

Hurry up and report any difficulties immediately.

This time, you will determine the future of our Dawn City, Moore, the hero who will save the world if the war is won.

I assure you, the name Moore Graymist will be passed down in the mouths of the bards, admired by all, and you will become a legend among the goblins, and the goblins will be proud of you! !

The goblin, who was already in high spirits, immediately had his blood rushing up when he heard these words, and was so fooled that he screamed and wanted to go to work immediately.

After seeing the other party's high morale, Li De told the other party to retire and leave without talking nonsense.

Moore, the disfigured goblin, has entered a state of excitement, and directly tore the space and returned to the Magic Industry Research Institute, and began to lead the forging of the God-hunting crossbow.

And the goddess Asrega didn't stay too long, he left behind Moore, and he also led the demon army to the bottom abyss to mine magic crystal ore.

After the two of them left, the room became quiet.

Ten days ago, after Li De left the border with the power of the Slate of Destiny who devoured the fragments of the Slate of Destiny in the City-State of Silver Moon, he learned that a war broke out in the Alliance of Angels, and he immediately went with Freya.

Isa was sent back to the City of Dawn by Castro, and the threat of the long-tailed trolls in the city-state of the Silver Moon was also easily resolved by Freya.

The main mermaid god looked at Li De with some hesitation at the moment.

Lord Kachar, how many Fate Tablet fragments did you get after the Angel League was breached?

The Mermaid Lord God did not participate in the Ragnarok-like battle, and she received an order from Li De to guard Green City.

And the situation at that time was too chaotic, no one except himself knew how many pieces of Destiny Slate were taken away by who.

Li De smiled slightly.

Your Majesty Virginia, I got one piece from the Silvermoon Clan, and two pieces from the Devil... In addition to the original, I now have a total of 5 pieces of Destiny Slate in my hand.


Although I guessed that Li De had a lot of harvest this time, I didn't expect that he would have gathered 5 pieces of Destiny Slate unknowingly...

At this moment, the mermaid goddess has a sense of honor that he has chosen to form an alliance with Li De.

Such a character is really strong.

Now the whole world is peeping at the Shard of Destiny.

More importantly, Li De used his own power to do these things from the beginning to the end, and the ocean gods just helped him to look after his home.

At first, the mermaid goddess had concerns, fearing that Li De would treat them as cannon fodder, but now it seems that she is really narrow-minded.

Li De knows the idea of ​​the mermaid goddess, I'm afraid he will laugh and cry, I also want to use you as knives, but the situation does not allow it.

Lord Kachar, what should we do next?

Although the fragments of the Slate of Destiny were obtained, the Mermaid Lord God was even more at a loss.

The outside world is too terrifying, and even the main gods of the light system can't bear it. What should they do, what should they do?

Li De looked at the other party's somewhat disoriented eyes and sighed softly.

At this time, I am afraid that the entire life of the glory plane has the feeling of being at a loss as the mermaid god.

The Angel Alliance is a banner to resist the invasion of the old days, and it is a force that has the combat power of the sun goddess and several main gods in person.

Say no more now.

Can they really resist the invasion of the old days?

Are those abominations really something they can handle?

No one knows the answer, they can only hold the last slim hope and pin everything on the core of the Slate of Destiny.

Li De understands the other party's mentality, but the mermaid god can be confused, but he can't.

He is the master of dawn and the spiritual leader of all. He needs to stand on the highest peak and show the way forward for all.

He is the eternal beacon.

Once he can't find his way, then the City of Dawn is really hopeless.

Your Excellency Virginia, you don't need to worry, even if faced with a chaotic situation, the final battle must be that we can win!

This is an unprecedented war and a triumph that will be recorded in the epic.

You only need to return to Green City now, hide, carefully observe the gods who have sneaked into Green City, and find their hiding place.

The rest, leave it to me.

In this most critical war, I will fight side by side with you.

At this time, it is only a few days before the birth of the core of the Slate of Destiny. It is too late for the Mermaid Lord God to do something. Just calm down and wait for the final decisive battle.

Sure enough, upon hearing Li De's words, the dazed expression on the face of the mermaid goddess disappeared, and he returned to his former demeanor.

Look at Li De seriously.

The Lord God of Kachar, becoming an ally with you is the proudest choice of the Sea Gods, and I look forward to fighting with you together!

After speaking, he bowed deeply to Li De, the Lord God was expressing his inner beliefs in the most sincere way.

Li De's face softened, and then he shouted out the words that were regarded as beliefs by countless dawn residents.

Your Majesty Virginia, everything, for the dawn!

After the mermaid straightened up, looked directly into Li De's eyes, took two deep breaths, and called out this slogan full of faith for the first time.

Everything, for the dawn!

At this moment, the two sides have become true allies.

After the mermaid left the office, Li De's expression was no longer in the grip of Zhizhu just now.

He got up, walked to the window, looked at the cracks in the distant sky, and took a deep breath.

Freya, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com You said, can we win?

Freya was silent for a moment, and finally looked at his back and said very firmly.

Master, whether you win or not, I will accompany you until eternity.

Li De turned his head, looked at Freya's unshakable gaze, sighed slightly, and then quickly adjusted his mind.

After a few breaths, the Master of Dawn reappeared.

He smoothed the folds of his clothes and continued to look out the window.

At this moment, there seem to be familiar faces in the sky, Isa, Weina, Betty, Andy Bella, Nicole Nello, Harrison, Amy, Frey, Stanley, withered bones...

The fate of these people has long been closely linked to him.

He is not fighting alone.

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