I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 504: The Fall of 0 Divine Spirits

The old evil gods hunted the angel alliance, this is an unprecedented battle of the era.

No one can imagine what a unique scene will occur when hundreds of gods fight.

On February 5th, the old evil god appeared on the periphery of the ancient forest, and the old life of the entire main plane began to gather here.

On February 7th, the number of old evil gods in the periphery of the ancient forest exceeded 200, and hundreds of millions of old lives rushed from the dimension plane like a tide, advancing towards the ancient forest.

On February 8, the old evil spirits attacked the ancient forest under the command of a mysterious being shrouded in shadows.

On this day, the ancient forest that existed for millions of years suffered a devastating blow.

Trees are withered, grass is browned, soil is turned to yellow sand, and the clean stream oozes poisonous mucus.

The only meaning of this group of existence is to destroy the old life of the entire world, and an unimaginable terrifying destructive force erupted.

War broke out.

The Angel Alliance, which has already noticed the actions of the old evil gods, did not rigidly stick to the holy city in the depths of the ancient forest to fight the opponent to the death, but dispatched a large number of troops, and even the gods personally went out to use the ancient forest to kill the old days. life.

But the old camp is too strong, and the gods of light are retreating...

At a critical moment, trees that have grown for millions of years were awakened by the twelve elves at a critical moment, and the ancient trees were given new life by natural magic.

They stood up.

Tens of millions of old trees have transformed into ancient war trees, becoming the first line of defense against the invasion of the past.

The ancient war trees with a height of more than ten blades or even dozens of blades are like sturdy giants. Every time they wave the trunk or vines, they can cause huge damage to the old life that is covered with the ground and the air, like locusts.

The flesh was smashed into flesh by the trunk, and the bones were absorbed by the roots...

Every inch of the ancient life that stepped into the land of the ancient gods had to pay countless deaths as a price.

For a time, the terrifying ancient tree of war slowed down the momentum of the old evil god's attack.

February 10,

Seeing that the battle was unfavorable, the old commander who was hiding in the rear immediately gathered all his strength and launched an attack.

The old evil god is gone.

Some of these extremely terrifying beings have the body of a thousand-blade octopus, some are like mud formed by rotting corpses, and some are indescribable things made up of countless corpses.

The line of defense that was originally firmly guarded by the ancient tree of war was immediately torn out of the gap.

No life can survive an attack more terrifying than a natural disaster, which is the most extreme evil in the world.

But the madness of the old evil gods did not last long, and the light-based gods hidden among the ancient trees also began to move.

They are like hunters in the shadows, or in groups of three or five, or attacking alone, or using various traps, and began to snipe the old evil gods one after another.

The two sides immediately fell into anxiety after the collision, and even exaggerated to the extent that dozens of gods fell every day, and dozens of gods were traumatized.

Tens of millions of lives were reduced to flesh in the aftermath of the battle between the gods.

On February 11, the war that attracted worldwide attention began to take on a different color.

The player appears.

These guys who are not afraid of death suddenly discovered one day that they had gained 10 times more experience in hunting the old evil spirits in the ancient forest than in other places...

The exaggerated benefits have made countless players excited.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to level up.

The players near the ancient forest all flocked, and at least 30 million players participated in the battle.

The player is like a dog skin plaster, such as the bone marrow of the tarsus, even if it is killed, it will still reappear alive the next day.

And the player who detonated the enthusiasm of the players was the player who obtained the body of the evil god - I love Ichiki.

This guy became the traitor of the old days camp. He carried three gods and killed three old evil gods, and two of these three old evil gods were replaced by players... ..

Those two players stepped directly into the extraordinary with the terrifying experience points obtained by hunting gods.

Players also suddenly discovered because of this incident that if I love a piece of wood, it is completely possible to do big things.

At the moment, a large number of players poured in again to steal chickens behind.

I love Yi Yi Chai and I don’t care that players eat and drink with him. It has reached the peak of his level. Killing those monsters has no experience at all, and he has long disliked those ordinary things.

In the chaotic situation, he fished in troubled waters and obtained two clones of the octopus evil god again. At this time, he alone controlled the bodies of five old evil gods.

It's an exaggeration. .

Such a big player did not affect the progress of the war. Even if a lot of old lives were killed, the advancement of these terrifying lives to the ancient forest still did not slow down.

There are too many lives in the old days. Every evil god in the old days brought tens of millions of servants. Even though the number of casualties exceeded one billion after the fighting in the past few days, the number still did not decrease.

Thousands of kilometers of ancient forests have become battlefields.

Death is the only theme at the moment.

Then over time, the war further deteriorated.

Those old evil gods scattered in every corner of the main plane of glory have gathered, and their number even exceeded 600 at one point according to player statistics...

This is a force capable of destroying the world, which is appalling.

Of course, although the number of gods of the light department is not that many, after a large number of gods came to support, the total number has exceeded 200.

Although they were defeated and retreated in the battle, with their tenacious fighting spirit and cooperation, the light gods did not fail.

On February 16, when half of the ancient forest fell, the situation changed again.

Players, the old evil god, and the bright camp, the three-way forces that were originally entangled have ushered in a turning point again.

The dead have entered the war.

The Undead Plane opened thousands of space gates as wide as a hundred blades directly outside the ancient forest.

Countless bone skeletons swarmed out of the space gate.

These undead beings who are not afraid of death immediately stabbed the old camp on the flank.

What is even more surprising is that on the same day, hundreds of demon masters in the bottomless abyss opened the opening of the main plane of China Unicom at the same time, and the chaotic and murderous demons rushed like a tide.

In the same way, he entered the camp of the old evil gods with a strong attitude.

However, unlike the light-based life, the undead and demons are irrelevant. They will attack any life they encounter, and they do not say that they will attack the old evil god alone.

Step by step, the situation fell into indescribable chaos.

But objectively speaking, nearly a hundred Demon Lords with a level of 30 and above and ten undead monarchs joined the battlefield, effectively curbing the crazy offensive of the old evil gods.

The situation became more anxious.

In this unprecedented melee between the planes, not only did I love Yi Yi Chai such a wonderful creature that could control the body of the Heretic God, but also some terrifying beings quietly revealed their true bodies.

A head with two horns, a row of ferocious barbs on his back, fingers as sharp as razors, and the abominations with blasphemous runes engraved on their bodies shuttled through the area where spatial turbulence had formed, wanton hunting and killing those tall people. Level life.

If Li De was here, he would definitely exclaim immediately - Asleigar!

The evil spirit that was lost in the abyss finally returned to the main plane.

But at the moment Asrega is no longer that legendary existence.

The breath on his body has already reached level 34...

No one can imagine what this goddess has done during this period of time to grow to such a terrifying height.

In this chaotic battle, Asleigar, who can manipulate space, emerges as a big winner.

On this battlefield where undead, demons, humans, elves, old life, players, etc. are fighting each other, a large number of high-level beings that were hard to find in the past are now killing each other.

And these lives are his prey.

Devour, grow.

The gods turned into dry corpses in his hands, and the godheads became the energy in his body.

A wicked life, born and grown in blood and corpses.

The evil that existed millions of years ago returned bloodthirsty again after the flower of death.

February 20.

The area around the ancient forest has become a dead place.

Black smoke billowed from the scorched earth, withered trees lost their leaves, branches were showing their teeth and claws like devils, and there was no trace of greenery in sight.

After half a month of the battle of the gods, it also came to an end on this day.

The ancient forest was finally trampled down.

The number of lives in the old camp is beyond everyone's imagination.

Moreover, in terms of high-end combat power, the combined number of undead, demons and gods of light is not more than half that of the old evil gods.

Moreover, the undead and demons and the gods of light are not partners. After seeing each other, they would like to kill each other directly, just like the old life. There is no concept of joining forces to fight the enemy.

Even the purpose of the undead and demons seems to be the same as the old camp, wanting to capture the holy city built by the gods of light.

And their target is nothing but the shards of the Slate of Destiny.

Before the core of Destiny Slate is about to be born, controlling more Destiny Slate fragments will undoubtedly bring greater benefits to the next battle.

Against such a background, the defeat of the Alliance of Angels is not surprising.

In the evening of this day, the old evil spirits slaughtered below the holy city.

The entire sky was enveloped in a black, old-fashioned aura.

The gods of the light system, who have lost nearly a hundred gods, have not retreated, and they have launched an epic battle with the old evil gods.

The goddess of the sun held the fragments of the Slate of Destiny and summoned the shadow of the sun, shining in all directions.

Under the brilliance of the sun, the combat power of all the gods of the bright camp has soared.

The God of War, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, entered the camp of the old evil gods, no one could stop him, and his divine might was unparalleled.

The main elf god holds a long bow, and every arrow shot will hit a great enemy.

The God of Strength and Justice and the Lord of Dawn also rushed out.

It seems to be the effect of the fragments of the Slate of Destiny. These main gods have recovered most of their strength at this moment, and their combat power is overbearing and strong.

The ten monarchs in the undead camp are also particularly bright in this battle. Every time they cast undead magic, they will leave a piece of corpse. The horses are the old evil gods with tenacious vitality and the body of an octopus. They will also be deprived of life.

The Demon Lords fought on their own, but the strength of the single unit allowed them to fight alone, but the damage to the old camp was still not small.

This unprecedented city-defense battle lasted for three days and three nights.

No one can describe the tragic scene. The entire sky can no longer use space magic, because the energy that erupts after the collision of the gods is too terrifying, and the space turbulence is almost more violent than the storm.

The earth crumbles, the mountains crumble.

It all became a doomsday scene.

February 23.

The holy city is broken.

The shadow of the sun summoned by the sun goddess was swallowed by an old evil god hidden in the thick fog, the shield of the god of war was broken, the spear was broken, and there were no more arrows in the hands of the elf master god...

The gods of the light department are in an unprecedented predicament, and their demise is just a moment away.

But at the most critical moment, the god of justice and strength sacrificed himself, at the cost of burning life and soul, and broke out unparalleled fighting power.

The level was temporarily raised to an unprecedented level of 45. Although it only lasted for one minute, it opened a way for the gods of light to survive.

After seeing the blood of the God of Strength and Justice, the hundreds of millions of residents in the holy city wailed and cried.

The defeated gods of the light system can no longer protect the fragments of the Destiny Slate. Only the two fragments that were absorbed by the sun goddess of fate were taken away, and the remaining six were all lost on the chaotic battlefield.

In the end, ten undead monarchs joined forces to snatch one piece from the middle, and hundreds of old evil gods stole two pieces.

Of the three remaining pieces, one of them was snatched away by the hell devil who was hidden in the shadows and suddenly rushed out at the last minute.

The last two pieces were unexpected. They were originally obtained by demons, but at the last moment, a fallen angel with twelve black wings was born.

The mysterious fallen angel seemed to have used some kind of terrifying magic technique. His level soared to level 40 in a short period of time. He killed a level 36 demon master with lightning strikes and grabbed the remaining two fragments.

But the other party also suffered the crazy attack of the devil. At the moment of his death, a god with two horns appeared out of nowhere, and took the other party away from the turbulent space.

At the same time, dozens of corpses of gods on the battlefield disappeared...

The demon roared wildly, but there was nothing he could do.

The Battle of the Holy City is over.

The end result was unexpected, but also reasonable.

The Angel League has suffered unprecedented heavy losses. More than a hundred gods have fallen in this war, and the number of remaining gods is less than one hundred...

Hundreds of millions of human inhabitants perished at the hands of the old evil gods after the Holy City was breached.

The undead and demons also suffered heavy losses.

As one of the participants, players have gained a lot of benefits from it, not only the level of some players has been greatly improved, but the number of players who have reached extraordinary levels has soared to double digits.

Of course, the consequence of the players' camp is that one-third of the people's level has dropped by three or four levels.

As the old days camp that launched the main attack, the number of evil gods that fell from UU reading www.uukanshu.com exceeded 400, and the number of dead lives in the old days could not be counted...

It was an indescribably brutal war.

The ancient forests that have survived since the beginning of the world have become completely scorched, and the elves are almost wiped out.

This battle also shattered the greatest hope of the main plane of glory, and the situation of fighting the old invasion became extremely bad.

There seems to be no more power to stand up against the invasion of the past.

Many people have set their sights on the last hope for a comeback - the core of the Slate of Destiny.

Only by re-condensing the Fate Slate can the old days be suppressed, and the core of the Fate Slate is the most crucial thing to condense the Fate Slate.

At this time, it seems that there are only a few days before the birth of the core of Green City's Destiny Slate...

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