I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 489 The Lord of Dawn is also a club, a strong and iron-boned Li De, eating soft and not hard

Li De didn't expect such a big thing to happen after ten days of retreat.

Lord of the Dawn.

That is the creator of Freya.

This is a pain in the ass.

Before he retreated, he ordered Freya to guard him. She must have sensed the coming of the Lord of Dawn and thought that this terrifying god was a threat to him, so she took the initiative to block the opponent from the capital.

But didn't Freya reveal everything when she came out?

Although she has fallen into a Seraph of Death, her original master is the Lord of Dawn.

Damn, once the Lord of Dawn finds out that the seventh-ranked general under his seat has actually fallen into a seraph of death, this motherfucker can't be bombed.

Li De's face was full of pain, and he hurriedly asked Spark.

Teacher, what is the attitude of the Lord of Dawn now?

He didn't tell Sparkfreya's life experience, otherwise the old man would have to pack up and run away immediately.

Among the main gods of the light system, the Lord of Dawn is definitely one of the top five in combat power.

The ultimate boss.

To be an enemy of this kind of enemy, I feel chills down my spine just thinking about it.

Fortunately, the old days have come, the gods have been reduced to mortals, the gods have lost most of their power, and the Lord of Dawn has not yet recovered to the peak.

Otherwise, he can only run away.

At present, in the city of dawn, only Kaslina, a mixed-race mermaid who is against the sky, can overwhelm the other side. Even the main god of the ocean gods is also the younger brother in front of the lord of dawn. The fighting strength of the two sides is definitely different.

Spark noticed Li De's anxiety and said strangely.

The Lord of Dawn seems to be an old acquaintance with your subordinates and has always wanted to take her back.

However, your subordinates are loyal to you and ignore the words of the Lord of Dawn. Instead, they strongly threaten the Lord of Dawn and prohibit him from entering the capital of Nolan.

After speaking, he glanced at Li De suspiciously.

I heard what the Lord of Dawn said. Your subordinates were originally his people, but for some reason they fell into evil beings. Kachar, do you know this?

Li De's mouth twitched.

Can I not know?

This is what I did...

mmp, now that the bitter master has come to the door, it's a lot of fun.

After thinking about it, continue to ask.

Have the two sides fought? How is the combat power of the Lord of Dawn? Can you beat Freya?

Spark shook his head.

I couldn't detect their battle, but when they fought for several days, it seemed that neither side could do anything to the other.

This remark made Li De slightly relieved. Fortunately, the Lord of Dawn did not return to his peak state.

But how to resolve this matter?

Li De couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Freya is the biggest support in her hands, no matter who comes, he can't give up.

Why should I give her to you, who I have fallen for?

If you want to take Freya back, yes, you can grab it if you can...

The shameless Li De has a thick skin that is comparable to the city wall...

However, after thinking for a long time, he had no idea, so he didn't delay anymore.

Teacher, take me to the place where they fought.

Spark glanced at Li De, who had a tangled expression, and hesitated.

Kachar, that twelve-winged seraph, shouldn't you be the one who lured him into his fall?

Li De's figure froze, but I didn't expect you to see through...

But instead of being guilty, he was righteous.


Just kidding, what is seduction? Can I use such a low-level trick?

I was the blazing angel of death who convinces people with power and forcibly transformed her with the power of death.

Is there a fundamental difference between the two?

Spark saw that Li De was so confident that he dispelled his inner doubts and planned to run away.

After the two went downstairs, Spark stopped walking slowly in the carriage, and directly smashed some magic on him and started flying towards the palace.

They fought on the palace...

Li De was also unambiguous, and immediately caught up with Spark after casting the spell.

Two afterimages flashed across the sky, and after only a dozen breaths, the two came to the gate of the palace.

Princess Katie, who had been waiting here for a long time, relaxed instantly after seeing Li De, her eyes were shining, and then she hurriedly introduced the current situation to Li De while leading the two of them into the palace.

Your Majesty Li De, Lord Spark said that the twelve-winged seraph who is blocking the Lord of Dawn is your subordinate, and the two sides are fighting in the sky, and the winner has not yet been determined.

The Lord of Dawn is here to protect the capital, can you ask your subordinates to let him enter the capital?

His voice trembled, and there was an undisguised shock on his face.

Although she watched here for a long time, her heart trembled when she thought that the incomparably powerful Lord of Dawn was fighting with the subordinates of the handsome young man in front of her.

The Lord of the Dawn does not need any extra words to describe, this divine name represents enough.

But such a powerful existence was actually blocked by a young man's subordinates.

This huge contrast made waves in her heart wave after wave...

Sure enough, he came for the capital, Li De nodded slightly.

Have you mentioned the Destiny Slate fragments to the Lord of Dawn?

Princess Kati shook her head, No, only the high-level nobles know about the fragments of the Fate Slate, and the Lord of Dawn has not yet come to the capital.

Li De frowned. Isn't it enough for a high-level noble to know?

Is this princess too naive? A secret cannot be guarded if only two people know it. A secret known to hundreds of people is still called a secret?

High-level nobles have followers of the Lord of Dawn, and then these believers use the temple to pass the news to him, which is not difficult to do...

Looking at Li De's strange eyes, Katie also noticed the problem in her words, her face turned pale, and she spoke quickly.

Your Majesty Li De, I'm sorry, this matter is out of my control.

Li De waved his hand, now is not the time to think about it, how to deal with the situation to be faced next is his headache.

Not long after, Princess Kati led Li De and Spark to a huge garden, and many nobles were looking up at the sky to watch the battle.

However, it is said to be watching the battle, but the entire void only has a thick cloud layer of energy escaping from time to time, and there is no human figure at all.

It can only be used as fireworks.


When Li De stepped into the garden, the world suddenly changed color.

I saw a blue sword shadow in the sky spanning the void, as long as ten thousand blades.

The breath of Jianying seems to be able to defy the sky, and a sword may be able to destroy the capital of ten million people.

Freya, the person who seduced you is really willing to pay, even raising your level from 34 to 36!

And you have been given three priesthoods, which really makes me very curious, who is your current master?

The sacred words full of holiness resounded in the sky, and those who heard the voice below only felt that they were full of reverence and yearning for the owner of the voice at this moment.

Holy Words...

Li De frowned.

Holy words have the power to deepen the faith of believers, and are similar to the abyss blasphemies that degenerate people into evil beings.

The only difference is that one makes a person a believer of the gods, one makes one fall into the arms of darkness, and in conclusion - neither is a good thing.

Li De didn't like this kind of action, because doing so was equivalent to casting spiritual magic on outsiders. If he was not brainwashed by sacred words for a long time, his faith would gradually fade away.

His preaching has always been disdainful of using this method. In contrast, solid preaching can make believers' beliefs more stable, and it is not easy to switch to others.

Although he was disdainful of the sacred words, the meaning of these words made Li De ponder.

It turned out that Freya's level was only level 34 before she fell, and she was raised to level 36 after she fell.

Does this count as blackening and becoming stronger? Or did the power of 1 billion death make her level up?

That's right, if the 36-level medium divine power is still ranked seventh under the Lord of Dawn, wouldn't the top five all go up from level 37?

No matter how powerful the Lord of Dawn is, it is impossible for him to have 7 medium-level divine powers as his subordinates.

Many racial gods of small races such as halflings have not reached the medium level of divine power. No matter how many human beings, no matter how strong the power of belief they can provide, they cannot achieve the level of medium-level divine power.

And listening to the meaning of the other party's words, Freya's priesthood was only realized after the fall, and it was not there before...

Isn't the Burial Ground not just as simple as transforming other beings into undead?

Can it also grant certain powers to the transformed object?

Looks like I'm going to try again...

As Li De pondered, the scene in the sky changed again.


Following the words of the Lord of Dawn, the huge sword with ten thousand blades, capable of slashing the world, swung violently and slashed across the front.

The space where the blade passes is annihilated, the rules are broken, and there is nothingness and chaos.

Obviously, the power of its explosion exceeds the limit that space can bear.


With an angry shout like an ancient dragon, the giant sword that cut through the void melted like ice and snow, and shattered in the blink of an eye.

A terrifying turbulence swayed directly in the surrounding space, and a huge wave of air rushed towards the surroundings.

Even if they were far apart, the residents of the capital felt their skin hurt by the violent energy.

Just as Freya was about to continue her shot, she suddenly sensed Li De's breath, and the twelve death-winged seraphs disappeared into the air without any hesitation.

The task she was given was to keep Li De safe. At this time, Li De had already left the customs, and there was no order for him to continue fighting.

The Lord of Dawn frowned when he noticed Freya's departure, and turned his gaze to Li De on the ground at the height of thousands of blades.

The look is a little subtle.

Brush ~ step out and disappear into the air.

In the next second, the space in front of Li De distorted, and then walked out of a figure in a white robe, wearing a sacred crown intertwined with the sun and the moon, and carrying a short gray wooden staff.

This person's face is in his early forties, as if bathing in holy light, and behind him is always exuding a comfortable pale white light.

Lord of the Dawn.

The surrounding nobles also noticed this extraordinary existence, their eyes widened, and their faces were both excited to see the myth in the world, but also panic, and they even knelt on the ground and bowed to this with the most devout attitude. a god.

The moment Li De saw the Lord of Dawn, his eyes suddenly froze.

Every cell in the body is reminding him that it is dangerous! Extremely dangerous!

This quiet and peaceful figure, shrouded in holy light, seemed to be standing in front of him as a desolate giant dragon, hiding the power to shatter the galaxy.

The faces of Spark and Princess Kati, who were wearing chicken coop heads, were not much better. Although the Lord of Dawn had already restrained his divine might, the breath that was inadvertently revealed still made their hearts tremble.

This is a life several levels higher than them.

Li De forcibly suppressed the turbulent turmoil in his heart, his face remained calm, his dark and deep eyes did not evade at all, and he just looked directly at the Lord of Dawn.

The divine power of the Lord of Dawn was leaking slightly at this moment, and it was not fully activated, but it was this ray of divine power that made the originally indifferent Lord of Dawn take a sigh of relief, and his face instantly became solemn.

Looking at Li De with burning eyes, there is no contempt at all.

The majesty of the Lord God, this is an existence of the same level as him.

Strange Lord God, are you Freya's new master?

The sacred words filled the Lord of Dawn with holiness and light, and the surrounding crowd immediately had a strong sense of surrender when they heard these words, and even a few guards changed their beliefs on the spot and became believers of the other party.

Li De's soul is so tenacious, naturally it will not be affected, he looks at each other indifferently, and his tone is calm.

Yes, fate made Freya choose me.

After the words fell, the body also exuded a holy breath, and the whole person exuded a faint brilliance.

Although there is no blessing from the sacred words, it is no worse than the Lord of Dawn just looking at the appearance.

Perceiving the pure power of light on Li De, the Lord of Dawn frowned.

Such a holy power cannot make Freya degenerate. Isn't the culprit not a strange god in front of him?

Who lured her down?

Li De raised his brows and stared at the Lord of Dawn indifferently.

Are you questioning me?

Everyone is the main god, what qualifications do you have, the Lord of Dawn, to chirp in front of me?

Hearing these merciless words, the Lord of Dawn was a little upset, but after thinking about it, he was still not angry.

He couldn't perceive Li De's specific strength, and Li De's coercion contained the breath of many gods after death. Obviously, this strange Lord God in front of him is not a good stubble.

Before he regained his peak combat power, he couldn't force Li De.

Not to mention that Li De still has a subordinate whose combat power is almost the same as his.

Strength is the basis for the equal conversation between the two sides. After recognizing Li De's strength, the expression of the Lord of Dawn also softened a bit.

No, strange god, I just want to seek the truth.

Freya was originally a warrior under my seat, and I used a lot of source power to make her a twelve-winged seraph.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the monarch of the Undead Plane fought with me, Freya led the army of angels to attack and was trapped, and has been missing for hundreds of thousands of years...

Li De heard this mercilessly interrupting the words of the Lord of Dawn.

Hundreds of thousands of years? Lord of the dawn, unless you can swim the river of destiny, no one will know what happened during this time.

I became the master of Freya only after the old days came, and Freya had already become the Seraph of Death.

That's right, Freya became Freya's master after she transformed into Seraph of Death. Before she was transformed, he was suppressed by him in the Burial Ground...

Seeing Li De's frank and undisguised expression, the Lord of Dawn fell silent.

There was a lot going on in that war, and it's been way too long.

Even if Freya fell, he was not sure that it was the person in front of him.

But no matter who did Freya's fall, he couldn't just give up this Seraph who belonged to him in vain.

Strange Lord God, I think you should know that Freya is my subordinate, and I need to regain her control.

Li De smiled, Your subordinate? Sorry, Freya is the Seraph of Death I conquered, and it has nothing to do with you.

The Lord of Dawn narrowed his eyes slightly.

What if I have to?

You can try.

Li De's eyes instantly became indifferent, and the moment the voice fell, all the titles and skills on his body were activated at the same time, and the pressure of the Lord God of Dawn broke out unscrupulously.

The slightly thin figure is like a wild ancient beast reviving at this moment, and half of the city is shrouded in endless coercion.

Even the determined warriors had their legs weakened under this terrifying pressure, trembling and afraid to speak.

Li De did not give in at all, and faced the Lord of Dawn with an absolutely domineering attitude.

He is now a dignified Lord God on the bright side, and it is impossible for him to admit counsel.

Pretend to pretend that I am very jealous, don't mess with me... This is a zero-sum game. You advance and I retreat, and you are gambling in your heart.

Aware of that mighty aura, the Lord of Dawn frowned, especially the vague murderous intent in the empty space beside Li De, which made him vigilant.

He came here today to monopolize the capital of Nolan and make this city with a population of 10 million become his own successor independent of the Angel League, so he did not lead other gods to come.

And the most important thing is that his current level has only returned to level 34, and he has just been attacking with all his strength, and he has only maintained an undefeated battle with Freya.

In the case that his combat power is not strong enough, Li De is so strong, but it makes him hesitant.

A single Freya can block him, plus this mysterious and strange Lord God, his odds of winning are too low.

Even if it is a victory, I am afraid that it will have to pay a very heavy price. At this juncture, it is not a cost-effective thing to have a conflict with Li De.

At this moment, Li De was also keenly aware of the changes in the Lord of Dawn, and his heart instantly stabilized.

Fortunately, the Lord of Dawn is the main god of the light system. If it is the demon lord of the chaotic evil camp, he is afraid that he has already done it with the opponent at this moment.

After a little thought, Li De spoke again.

Lord of the Dawn, we are not enemies. Although I have a way to win or even kill you in battle with you, I will also suffer a lot of trauma...

The Lord of Dawn frowned, and the vigilance in his heart rose again. The effect of saying these words from a mortal mouth is naturally impossible to say from a Lord God.

How can the main god who can conquer Freya be easy to follow?

Li De observed the other party's expression and kept talking.

After Freya surrendered to me, I spent countless resources to raise her level to medium divine power.

You should know that it is impossible for me to give up her at such a price.

After expressing his position, the conversation changed.

I heard that the Angel League was first established, and there are many external forces hostile to you.

I don't think you are willing to set up a powerful enemy for no reason at this point in time.

It's better to expose this matter for the time being. The evil gods of the old days are still eyeing to destroy the entire world. The more likely we are fighting each other at this time, is that the evil gods of the old days are cheaper.

The fall of every Lord God is the loss of the light faction.

Why don't we talk about it after we clear the cataclysm of the old days...

Li De first made a tough threat, then found an excuse not to fight with you, and finally gave the Lord of Dawn a step down. This combination of punches instantly dispelled the Lord of Dawn's desire to forcibly fight.

After all, no matter from which point of view, it is not worthwhile to have a conflict with him now.

Sure enough, although the hostility in the eyes of the Dawn Lord did not diminish, the fighting stance slowed down by half.

Unfamiliar Lord God, I have never heard of your existence, can you tell me your name?

Hearing that the other party did not continue to entangle with Freya, Li De showed a slight smile on his face.

I am the god of dawn and dusk, and the god of dawn is the main god.

Lord of the Dawn, we still have a common enemy. If the invasion was successful in the old days, our current conflict would only be ridiculous and the world would be destroyed. What is the point of such a fight?

Foreign enemies are the best way to resolve internal conflicts. The intention of this statement is obvious, which is to strengthen psychological hints.

The Lord of Dawn was indeed led astray by Li De.

After listening to it could not help but be silent.

In the context of the old invasion, it doesn't make much sense for both sides to fight to the death.

But he understands the reason, but Freya still made him feel extremely unhappy when he took refuge in the other party. That was the twelve-winged seraph he cultivated for countless years.

But he also knew that there was no way to get the game back today, and Freya alone could block him and play a ball.

Changed the subject now.

Dawn Lord God, I'm here today for the royal capital of Nolan and the fragments of the Slate of Destiny.

King Nolan has been chosen by me and will soon become my chosen country.

The Goddess of the Sun sensed the aura of the fragments of the Destiny Slate in the direction of Nolan's capital. I asked my followers, the Destiny Slate fragments are in your hands...

We can discuss about Freya later, but the shards of the Destiny Slate are related to the fate of the entire glory. Please return it to me for the sake of the overall situation.

Yo, you can, young man, learn now and sell now, and know how to use righteousness to oppress me.

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly.

Isn't this time the enemies don't get together?

But do you want Nolan Capital and the Shard of Destiny? Sorry, you are late.

Lord of the Dawn, King Nolan is under my protection at the moment, you don't need to worry about it, there are so many cities waiting for protection on the main plane, I believe you will not lack this one.

As for the Shard of Destiny, it is already in my control and cannot be returned to you...

The Lord of Dawn raised his brows when he heard the words, showing a bit of dissatisfaction on his face.

Dawn Lord God, the Destiny Slate is the condensation of the entire glorious destiny, with the most original power.

If you want to control the Slate of Destiny, you must be recognized by the multiple planes of glory, and at the same time carry the power of destiny.

In the entire angel alliance, only the sun goddess carries the power of destiny, and the other main gods cannot control it.

You say you control the Shards of Destiny? What are you kidding! ?

If you destroy the overall situation, you are fighting against the entire angel alliance and all the gods of the gods!

Dawn Lord God, you should be able to imagine the consequences of doing so.

The power of destiny is the most original power. Among their so many powerful main gods, only the sun goddess with the most powerful divine power carries it, and others are not even qualified to touch it.

Now someone suddenly appeared and said that he controlled the shards of Destiny Slate. Isn't this nonsense?

Could it be that there are so many main gods in the Angel League that even a strange god who has never heard of a name can’t compare?

But just as the Lord of Dawn was about to continue mocking Li Dewei for forcing him to hand over the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, his expression froze.

Because at this time, Li De's hands suddenly appeared with fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and they were directly held by him.

What is even more exaggerated is that the power of destiny, the most original source of glory, escaped from Li De at this moment. He stood in front of the Lord of Dawn, and the Lord of Dawn couldn't feel his breath.

Everything about Li De was covered up by the force of fate.

The Lord of Dawn was shocked when he saw this picture, his eyes widened in disbelief.

How is it possible, how did you control the Destiny Slate fragments without the help of the Creation Artifact?

How can you carry the force of destiny? !

Impossible, absolutely impossible! !

That is the exclusive power of the God of Creation, how can you master it? ! !

The voice was a bit sharp, which scared the chins of the nobles who were secretly observing.

What happened to shock this mythical stalwart so much? ?

It is conceivable that Li De, carrying the power of destiny, had an impact on the Lord of Dawn when he was able to sit high on the altar and overlook the heavens.

The shocking expression of the Dawn Lord made Li De fall into contemplation.

With the assistance of Kaslina and the system, he encountered danger when carrying the power of destiny, but he survived safely.

Therefore, I have never understood how difficult it is to carry the power of destiny. I only know that the mermaid main god with a powerful level of divine power has failed.

At this time, the gaffe of the Lord of Dawn made him ponder, and it seems that people who can carry the power of destiny are extremely rare.

So much so that the first reaction of a master god at the level of the Lord of Dawn when seeing someone who carries the power of destiny is to not believe it.

It seems that the power of destiny is more important than I thought, Kaslina didn't remind me...

In his thoughts, Li De put away the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and another fragment was suppressed in the City of Dawn, and he did not carry it with him.

The Dawn Lord waited for Li De to collect the fragments of the Destiny Slate before returning to his senses, but his gaze towards Li De changed again, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.


He is the dignified Lord of the Dawn, and he can rank among the top five characters in the light gods, but he cannot carry the power of destiny.

How can a strange Lord God be able to carry it?

God is not a life without desires, they are just a group of powerful beings, and they also have their own desires, and it is the instinct of all life to desire more powerful power.

The power of destiny is the most fundamental power, and all gods who know its benefits are eager to control it.

Therefore, the Lord of Dawn is not reconciled.

He almost fell and failed to carry the power of destiny. This strange Lord God who suddenly jumped out not only robbed his subordinates, but also controlled the power of destiny that he could not control.

This violent impact made the Dawn Lord directly break the defense.

Unwilling emotions filled his chest.

Dawn Lord God, how did you control the Destiny Slate fragments?

Li De raised his brows and smiled.



The Lord of Dawn was suffocating in his chest, unable to spit it out.

What is talent, it means that my talent is very poor? ?

My motherfucker is a powerful god! ! Not some kind of garbage god of cats and dogs! !

After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the tumultuous emotions in his heart, and looked at Li De with a burning desire in his eyes.

Dawn Lord God, there are still three pieces of Destiny Slate in the Angel League, which will definitely be useful to you.

We can make a deal, you tell me how to control the shards of Destiny Slate, and I can let you touch those shards of Destiny Slate...

So red fruit?

The real version that joins if you can't beat it?

After pondering for a moment, Li De shook his head decisively.

What a joke, he said that he couldn't teach others the curse of fate, and even if he could, he wouldn't be able to do such an idiot deal.

The shards of the Slate of Destiny are so important, how could the Lord of Dawn give as much as he says, this is just a big picture.

Lord of the Dawn, I control the power of destiny is luck under the coincidence of chance, just like magic talent, talent is talent, no talent, no matter how I teach you, you can't learn.

The Lord of Dawn's face was a bit ugly again, and finally the flame in his eyes went out, and he gave Li De a cold look, and he was no longer entangled.

I hope you can do it yourself, Freya, I will come back and get it...

After speaking, he turned his head and stared at the empty space beside him for a moment, then turned to tear the space and disappeared in front of the palace.

After a moment.

Master, he left...

Hearing Freya's voice transmission, Li De shook his head with a look of helplessness.

The Lord of Dawn is also a club. If you say that you are talented, you still don’t believe it. Do you have no points for what you are?

I have a system and you have it too? ?

Okay, this idiot has a pink eye.

It's getting old, is it so hard to admit that I'm a scumbag?

The Alliance of Angels will inevitably know that the Lord of Dawn has control over the power of destiny, and there is a high probability that something will happen to this in the future...

Alas, the origin of all this is that you do not believe in the existence of talent.

This time it's purely a matter of the Lord of the Dawn, it has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything...

After secretly complaining a few words, Li De quickly adjusted his mentality.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared before that. As long as he did not give up collecting the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, the two sides would conflict sooner or later.

What about the League of Angels? If you want him to give up the shards of Destiny Slate, unless you send the sun goddess to use the beauty trick on him, or the goddess of the night, the goddess of love and beauty can also be... or don't even think about it.

Tough and iron-boned Li De, eat soft and not hard...

The Lord of Dawn had left, but Spark and Princess Katie, who witnessed Li De and the Lord of Dawn collide head-on, were still in a state of confusion.

Lord of the Dawn, what a terrifying figure, one of the most powerful gods in ancient legends.

Now, such people are actually looking forward to Li Deping.

Moreover, Li De dared to threaten the other party, and what is even more exaggerated is that the Lord of Dawn also recognized this threat.

This ludicrous scene was so dreamy that they couldn't believe it was real.

Although they knew Li Deqiang, they did not expect to be so strong.

How exaggerated is it to be able to fight head-on with the gods in myths and legends?

Spark's eyes widened for a long time, unable to regain his senses. The impact on this old man was particularly severe. He had been working hard to adjust his mentality in the past ten days. Broken again.

I'll never be a teacher of shitty geniuses again.

This is so shocking.

That is the Lord of the Dawn, so he was scared away by the living! !

My motherfucker is still learning some fart magic, I will eat it and wait to die in the future, anyway, no matter how powerful it is...

Princess Katie's eyes were dripping with water, and her inner adoration for Li De was already full at this moment.

Handsome to the suffocating appearance, elegant and outstanding temperament, powerful enough to enchant people, isn't such a man the prince charming that she has longed for?

Goddess above, you finally heard my prayer, praise you...  

The expressions of the surrounding nobles also became extremely wonderful at this time.

Li De was so shocked that he couldn't even speak one by one.

The Lord of Dawn...the Lord of Dawn must have equal fellowship with His Majesty Li Demian, am I dreaming!

We should follow such a strong man!

No way, I must give my daughter to Li De to be crowned. Even if such a person maintains a normal relationship with us, our family can still stand...

The king, who was surrounded by nobles in the center, also recovered his senses at this time. He pushed aside the excited nobles and came to Li De with an excited expression. His tone was countless times more respectful than before.

Your brilliance is comparable to the bright moon and the scorching sun, under the crown of the god of dawn.

The people of the royal capital need your guidance, please give your order.

After the Lord of Dawn was driven away by Li De, King Nolan could only rely on Li De next.

As a king, he is very smart. They have no choice but to vote for the winner. If Li De is killed by the Lord of Dawn, he will do the same.

Li De took a deep look at the king.

Get ready to move out of the capital, don't have any illusions.

The Lord of Dawn has appeared, which is not good news.

It is foreseeable that the battle of gods will soon spread to the capital in the future, and at that time you may face the siege of dozens of old evil gods.

The king froze in his heart, and immediately understood the meaning of Li De's words. The arrival of the Lord of Dawn means that the initial formation of the Angel Alliance has been completed, and the next moment is to collide with the old evil spirits.

In such a terrifying battle of gods, Wang Du was not even a fart.

Please, Your Majesty, save the thousands of civilians in the capital...

Li De glanced around, looked at the expectations in the eyes of the people around him, and nodded slightly.

I will find a safe plane for you to live in.

This tens of millions of people, if they don't eat it, it really makes him feel bad.

These are all believers of Bai Huahua.


When Li De was talking to the king, a pure white falcon in the sky swooped down from a high altitude towards Spark on the ground, like a sharp arrow, with a fast speed.

Spark woke up suddenly when he noticed the familiar breath, and quickly reached out and let the falcon land on his arm. UU reading www. uukanshu. com


The handsome falcon attracted the curiosity of many nobles. Spark did not hesitate, and took out a secret letter from the belly of the falcon in front of everyone. After looking at it a few times, his face changed, and he turned directly to Li De.

Kachar, this is your letter...

The king and the surrounding nobles stared at the two of them with burning eyes, and their expressions were quite subtle.

Li De's face didn't change, he took the letter and read it.

After a while, his aura suddenly skyrocketed, he turned his head to look at the king, and his tone was cold.

Your Majesty, the plane that seals the old evil god is broken. I want to return to the southern province...

There were several important and very urgent messages on the secret letter.

The first is that the plane of the old evil god sealed in front of the dwarf valley was broken, and several old evil gods emerged from it. At this time, they were wreaking havoc on the barren wasteland.

Moreover, the old evil god seems to have sensed the aura of the fragments of the Destiny Slate these days, and is heading towards the City of Dawn.

The gods of the ocean gods can't help the old evil gods, and the other party's background seems to be quite terrifying.

The second piece of news is that the red-eyed family has come from the Storm Sea. The purpose is Isa, and they claim that Isa is their golden descendant. They want to take her back to the City-State of Silver Moon, but Wei Na stopped her Need him to go back and fix it.

The last one is about the underworld.

The long-hidden black dragon was born three days ago, and its strength has reached the level of a god, and the other party has an extremely powerful artifact, causing huge riots in the underground world.

Because of the old evil gods, the ocean gods could not dispatch gods to encircle and suppress them, and could only send two gods to hold each other down.

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