I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 490 When the player becomes the old evil god, Li De who becomes the prey (nine thousand)

The three days before the Lord of Dawn came to the capital.

Green City.

During this time, Green City gained a rare calm, and the tension after the advent of the old days was swept away.

Because His Majesty Ilo, the great god of dawn, became their patron.

A powerful deity sits in the city, and this boosts the self-confidence of the residents immeasurably.

Coupled with the various policies newly introduced by the city hall to benefit the people, the support of Li De among the bottom-tier residents has reached a peak.

With a strong backer on the head and a stable policy in life, it is so simple to make a city stable.

Although those policies against nobles made many vested interests dissatisfied and even resented, in the face of the general trend, no matter how arrogant nobles were, they could only bow their heads obediently.

Power comes from the barrel of a gun, and the words of great men apply to any world.

However, although the general trend is irreversible, there are always some great nobles whose vested interests are damaged.

They are resentful, and they are unwilling to hand over their encroaching interests to others.

Dozens of nobles gathered quietly after the Lady of the Night overlooked the earth.

The place where they gathered was in the most prosperous area of ​​Nancheng - Nightingale Street.

This is the famous red light district of Green City. It is said that there are three thousand warblers working here after dark. These warblers are a group of skilled women.

Of course, there are also many handsome and white-faced men wearing very simple clothes with bare chests and belly, for the passing ladies to choose.

It is said that there are so many lost world adventurers who want to work in this industry that they have to obtain a work permit to do this work.

This has made many adventurers who have lost their planes indignant. This is definitely racial discrimination. We must fight against this unfair world, so that everyone can have the opportunity to work, and let the light of the right path shine on the avenue...

The gathering of these nobles in Nightingale Street did not attract much attention.

Nobles, if they gather in a remote area on a large scale, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the guarding army.

But if we go to the red light district for a party together, then even the vigilant spies will just complain with envy, multiplayer sports... these rotten nobles.

The most luxurious brothel on Nightingale Street was brightly lit after dark, and the largest house had already been rented by the nobles.

The first and third floors of this house are no different from other brothels, and a group of people are drinking floral wine with the opposite sex.

Only the second floor did not have the scene of fun-seeking as imagined, and the atmosphere in the house at this time was extraordinarily serious.

Dozens of nobles were sitting together, discussing something in a low voice with solemn expressions.

Outside is the scene where their subordinates are playing with the maids, and from time to time they can hear giggling sounds of coquettish anger.

Anyone with discernment who sees this scene can know that these nobles are using the brothel as a cover to discuss some secret things.

When it was confirmed that all the nobles were in attendance, the middle-aged noble, who was in his early fifties and in his early fifties, sat in the main seat of the room, stood up, glanced around the room with somewhat gloomy eyes, and spoke in a deep voice.

My Excellencies, you should know why I came to you today!!

The people around him immediately quieted down and looked at him directly.

After the middle-aged noble snorted coldly, he shouted in anger.

Archduke Okali betrayed us!!

Do you know what policy that damn town hall has in place today? Don't know? Then let me tell you...  

According to the latest regulations of the City Hall, from today, Green City will cancel the privileges of the nobles and use the points system. Everyone can enjoy the corresponding level of power with the amount of points.

And we nobles will no longer have privileges! !

These words made the nobles below breathe a little faster, and many people's eyes flashed resentment.

Isn't the reason why nobles are nobles because they enjoy superior power?

Now that power is taken away,

So how are they different from others? ?

Seeing the anger on the faces of the nobles below, the middle-aged nobles raised their voices a bit.

Once this damn policy is implemented, we will never be able to turn around!

The elegant and noble we will be the same as those low and dirty commoners in Green City! And as long as the other party gets more points than me, their power is even higher than ours! !

After that damn false god robbed our city, not only did he fail to protect our wealth, but he even continued to introduce various policies to exploit us!

This is absolutely inexcusable! !

We are nobles and the real masters of Green City, why should we be oppressed by a false god??

If this continues, it won't be long before our nobility becomes a joke.

Until then, that damn bastard will continue to bully us, rob us of our wealth, take over our manor, and even bring our women into the house! !

As soon as these words came out, the anger of the nobles in the house rose again.

Many nobles were filled with righteous indignation and wished to stab to death those who introduced this policy.

But there are also some nobles who are terrified and full of pessimism about the future.

After Li De occupied Green City, it was definitely a great thing for ordinary people, but for the nobles who occupied the largest share of interests, it was indeed an indescribably painful beginning.

Because all Li De's normal is towards ordinary people, they clearly know that the nobles have been abandoned.

Their privileges in the past were deprived one by one, and their interests were eroded bit by bit. They could bear it before. After all, they were still nobles, and they also possessed wealth and power unimaginable by commoners.

To this day, the points policy introduced by the city hall has completely overwhelmed them.

Because the first point of the points policy is that from now on, the nobles will no longer enjoy any privileges, and everyone will get the corresponding power according to the number of points.

This is absolutely intolerable for nobles!

Nobles are called nobles because they have various privileges to show their status.

With their privileges removed, what is the use of this noble title? Does it look good? ?

And tonight's party is their unwilling resistance!

A gray-haired old aristocrat stood up at this moment, his face was burning with anger, and he shouted loudly.

That's right! Marquis Ollie is right!!

We, the high-ranking nobles in Green City, can no longer bear it like this.

The glory of the nobility has dimmed, and we must oppose the oppression of the Dawnbreaker Sect, against evil and darkness! !

We need to bring the nobles back to the light again, we are the masters of the whole city!

The nobles who were still furious heard this, but they seemed to be strangled by the neck, the air quietly quieted down, and the room fell into a strange atmosphere.

They are unwilling and angry, and they really want to stand up and take back their power.

However, the four words of the Dawnbreak Sect mentioned by the old noble sent chills down their spines.

The god of nobility was killed by the crown of Ilo under the eyes of everyone, and the god of plague entrenched in the city of Lisl was also beheaded by the subordinates of the crown of Ilo.

His Majesty Ilo is too powerful, like an ancient dragon looking down on them in the sky.

No matter how much dissatisfaction and unwillingness there is in his heart, he can only shiver in front of Longwei.

Resist? What to resist? Do we have the strength to fight against that false god?!

A blushing young noble stood up and questioned loudly.

If you want to break the city hall's policy and regain control of Green City, the only way is to find a way to fight against the Crown Prince of Ilo, the current real ruler of Green City.

The cold-eyed Marquis in the main seat heard the words, glanced at the crowd, and showed a sinister smile.

What if, we have enough power to kill that goddamn false god?

Will you cooperate with us?

this? ?

The nobles in the house were all stunned, but when they saw the confident expression of the Marquis, their hearts moved.

If the other party is not sure, I am afraid that they will not be summoned for a meeting today.

So, is there really a way to retake Green City from that goddamn false god?

All of a sudden they were all excited.

Marquis Ollie, please tell us what means you have to kill that false god! I've had enough of everything now!!

If I can kill that false god and retake Green City, I am willing to cooperate with all your actions!

Lord Marquis, Green City belongs to our nobles! Not that damn false god!


There was an uproar.

The nobles who can be invited here are carefully selected, and most of these nobles have suffered huge losses due to the city hall policy.

For example, the aristocrats who monopolized grain, salt, and steel suffered the heaviest losses because all related industries were taken back to Green City, and outsiders were prohibited from operating.

These nobles have relied on monopolizing these industries for hundreds of years to survive, and a single decree from the city hall has deprived them of their wealth. How can this be tolerated?

Of course, there are also some nobles with calmer faces in the house. They don't believe that someone who the Marquis said can fight against the Crown Prince Ilo. How could that powerful Crown Prince be calculated by a group of mortals?

Although His Majesty Yiluo has caused great harm to them, the prestige brought by his slaughtering god cannot be consumed by shouting a few false gods.

But no matter what the mentality of these nobles, everyone is more or less dissatisfied with the existing system.

They want to restore the rule of the nobility, restore the authority of the past, restore the noble status.

Rather than being suppressed everywhere as it is now.

Seeing the indignation of the crowd below, the Marquis standing in the main seat was very satisfied. After waiting for a while, when everyone's emotions reached their peak, their tone was cold.

To kill false gods, only rely on real gods!

The crowd was stunned for a moment, but before they could react, yah~ the closed secret door opposite the main seat slammed open.

The sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention, and they turned their heads to look at the door without the slightest light.

It's like a dragon is opening its huge mouth waiting to devour its prey.

Footsteps came from the dark secret door, as if someone was walking in an empty cave.

After a while, two strong figures slowly stepped forward and appeared in front of all the nobles.

After waiting for the light to shine, after seeing the person coming, some nobles subconsciously exclaimed.

Viscount Bernard!!

Wow~ It caused a heated discussion in an instant.

Viscount Bernard, the last president of the Covenant of Darkness!!

The one behind him is... the eight-armed snake demon Roy?!

How could it be them?? Didn't they steal Locke's artifact a few years ago and escape??

It seems that after Viscount Bernard stole the artifact and left Green City, the covenant of darkness occupied by the Crown of Ilo...

Are they the trump cards used by the Marquis to fight against the crown of Ilo?

As the founder of the Dark Covenant, Viscount Bernard had lived in Green City for decades, and he did not know how many nobles had cooperated with him.

So even if it disappeared for a few years, it was instantly recognized by people.

The Covenant of Darkness is an inescapable point on Li De's rise. It can even be said that the City of Dawn only rose after it annexed the Covenant of Darkness.

Withered bones of the bone dragon, Grote, the son of the North, and Stanley, a former believer of the evil god, these three generals who made great contributions to the City of Dawn are all members of the Covenant of Darkness.

No, in addition to this, there is also a blasphemous Amy. These four top-level combat powers that supported the City of Dawn in the early stage were all from the Covenant of Darkness.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Viscount Bernard, who stole an artifact—one of the twelve magic scrolls, appeared again.

Wearing a black tuxedo, Viscount Bernard, like an elegant gentleman, heard the crowd's discussion, with a standard aristocratic smile on his face.

He spoke softly, as if saying hello to a friend.

Everyone, long time no see.

I heard that someone stole my dark covenant, so I came here to help you this time and hang the thief...

Hearing this, many nobles shook their heads, somewhat disappointed.

Although Viscount Bernard has a lot of background, how powerful is Yiluo?

Just one Viscount Bernard wants to rebel against each other? Isn't this a dream?

Seemingly seeing the distrust of these nobles, Viscount Bernard showed a gentle smile on his face, and said in a hurry.

My master, the ruler of the first layer of hell, the 35th-level devil lord - Perol, let me say hello to you, friends of Green City...

When the voice fell, Viscount Bernard filled with an indescribable evil aura.

The evil aura condensed into a ghost shadow with wings on its back and a whip in hand after a few blinks.

Its terrifying majesty is surging in everyone's mouth.

Viscount Bernard is my messenger, and his words represent my will.

Humble human nobles, follow my orders, and you will receive endless benefits.

After he finished speaking, his blood-red eyes glanced around the room, and Shenwei climbed again.

It wasn't until no one dared to raise his head that the demon phantom nodded in satisfaction, and the wave dissipated.

After the devil's phantom is broken,

There was an instant uproar in the house.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The ruler of the first layer of hell? ?

Level 35 Demon Lord? ?

They actually saw such a terrifying existence.

When the nobles in the house looked at the graceful Viscount Bernard again, they only felt a chill down their spines.

In their opinion, a 31-level weak divine power level god is already a great figure.

A level 35 devil lord, how powerful is this!

Level 31 weak gods, 32~34 weak gods, 35~39 medium gods, 40 and above powerful gods.

The gap between each level is so large that it is impossible to describe it simply.

Therefore, to the nobles in the house, the 35-level middle-level demon lord is definitely a god-like figure.

Everyone dares to conclude that no matter how strong Ilo is, he can't be stronger than the devil lord of hell!

That is the devil lord in myth and legend.

Many nobles showed ecstasy on their faces.

If they can really get the help of the first tier of hell lords, they can definitely kill the false god who deprived them of their power and restore the glory of the nobles! !

As for whether to cooperate with the devil? Hehe, His Majesty Yiluo has already sent them all to the guillotine, is there still a choice?

And wouldn't it be safer to let the more powerful devil lord bless Green City?

They don't want to lose their superior privileges and have equal status with those disgusting, dirty, inferior pariahs.

They are the masters of this city! !

That goddamn Iluo is a thief, a robber, a thief, and he stole their authority, this is absolutely intolerable! !

Praise you, Viscount Bernard!! You are the savior of our nobles!!!

If you can let the great hell lord kill that false god, I am willing to cooperate with your actions...

False gods should not occupy a high position. We nobles are the rulers of this city, Viscount Bernard. If we can retake Green City, we are willing to respect you as the city lord!

Looking at the change in the attitude of the nobles in the house, the graceful Viscount Bernard smiled, and his demeanor was still elegant, full of noble qualities.

My friends, hearing your complaints, I already know that the false god has done unacceptable things to the city.

Her Majesty Perrol would be happy to nail that false god to the walls of Green City.

Believe me, a pseudo-god, even if he steals the power of the gods, he is only level 31 at most. Even if he reaches the weakest power, he can only shiver under the coercion of Perol.

At this moment, a fat nobleman with a big belly stood up, his face was cautious, and he asked with a bit of hesitation.

Respected Viscount Bernard, I want to know what price we need to pay to kill the false god and take back Green City?

The heated discussion in the house suddenly fell silent, and all eyes turned to Viscount Bernard.

There is a price to pay for cooperating with the devil, and this price cannot be described by common sense.

But all the nobles here are far more accepting of these things than the commoners, so no one disputes this.

Viscount Bernard smiled gracefully.

The price? I need... a million fresh souls.


Everyone in the room took a deep breath.

A million fresh souls? ? That means millions of people are going to die.

Before the old days came, Green City had only a population of more than one million.

What's the difference between this and the massacre? ?

But there are some nobles who don't care about it at all.

Those filthy civilians are filling Green City now, we don't need to feed so many...

Yes, those lowly beggars don't deserve to live with me.

Hmph, I wish I could kill two million!

When Viscount Bernard heard this, his smile grew stronger.

Millions of fresh souls, what a mighty power, his master will be pleased...  

And as long as the crown of Yiluo is killed, one million souls are just the beginning.

At that time, even if it is two million, three million, will these nobles dare to refuse?

Dealing with the devil... Hehehe, how naive, or are these greedy nobles already at no cost for their own authority?

At that time, as long as he sacrifices these fresh souls, he will definitely be rewarded by his master...

In fact, he sneaked into Green City to form the Dark Covenant to hunt for fresh souls, but the old days had not come, and Green City also had extraordinary powers, so he couldn't make big moves.

Perol is the master of the first layer of hell, in addition, there are 9 powerful devil lords in hell.

There are nine levels of hell, and each level of hell has a master. The further down you go, the stronger the power. The most powerful existence in hell is the Lord of the Nine Hells - Asmodeus.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons is the ultimate dark boss after the Goddess of Life and the God of Death.

Its combat power looks at the entire glory, except for the goddess of life and death, no one can beat it.

It is the existence closest to the ceiling of this world's combat power, and it is famous among the gods.

Even the goddess of the sun, the god of war, the god of power and justice, such as the gods with powerful divine powers, are bleak in front of the Lord of the Nine Prisons.

Although the master of Viscount Bernard is not the master of the Nine Hells, Perol, the devil lord of the first hell, is also powerful enough.

At least in the eyes of the nobles and Viscount Bernard in the house, there is no problem in conquering Green City and hunting down the crown of Ilo, who had never heard of the name before.

Killing His Majesty Ilo and occupying Green City is only the first step in Hell's invasion of the main plane.

After he conquers the city, he will directly sacrifice millions of people in blood. His master Perol promises that as long as he can complete the blood sacrifice, he will help him break through the boundaries of demigods and become a weak level 31 divine power!

In this regard, Viscount Bernard is confident.

The future is in his hands!

Your Majesty Ilo, are you ready to enjoy the taste of death?




Underworld, silt swamp.

Infinite dragon power surged out from the depths of the swamp, ravaging the world like an eighteenth-level storm.


In a huge mud pit, a black dragon with a full body and a wingspan of 30 blades flew out with sharp long horns and barbs, and the mud splashed all over the sky.

A giant dragon soars in the sky.

The terrifying Longwei made the lives in Baili tremble as if they were facing a natural disaster. Longwei was crushed by higher-level beings, and no life could be exempted at this moment.

What is even more shocking is that every dragon scale on this black dragon has a distorted hell symbol, and the aura emanating from its body has already stepped into the realm of the gods.

Raising the angle of view, you can see that above the black dragon's head, a magic scroll exuding an evil aura seems to have grown from the black dragon, tightly embedded in his flesh and dragon scales.

Artifact - Twelve Magic Scrolls.

There are twelve magic scrolls in total, but no one knows what the power of each of these scrolls is.

Once the black dragon grabbed a magic scroll from the goblin, Li Dehuai also wore two pieces of the artifact.

The City of Dawn spent a lot to find this black dragon, but it has never been able to find its trace.

At this time, the black dragon hiding in the highly poisonous mud was born out of nowhere.

But no one knows what the terrifying life that stepped into the realm of the gods got from the artifact...

But at this moment, judging from the breath it exudes, this black dragon is only afraid of extreme terror.

I am death...

I am destruction...

I am killing...

The ancient dragon language rolled down with endless coercion, and the trembling beings around were more and more frightened at this moment.

My Lord has given me strength!

Killing, death, blood...

To destroy this rotten world, only the Nine Hells will be eternal!!


The terrifying black dragon spread its black wings and flew out of the swamp. The direction there was the former Dark Iron Fort and now the city of darkness.




Kill, kill, kill, kill!

Everyone is going to die! !

Destroy everything! ! !

I love a chai full of these chaotic thoughts at the moment.

As a top player, his favorite thing to do is to explore all kinds of strange places in Glory.

And he got news some time ago that someone found a plane exuding the decay of the old days in the barren wasteland, which made him have an endless desire to explore.

According to the information on the forum, I love Yiichi Chai and know that this place must be a place where the evil god is sealed.

Although the old evil god was extremely terrifying, it aroused his interest. As a player who can be reborn and resurrected, his courage is too big to use common sense to infer.

After making some preparations, he entered the barren wasteland alone...

In order to explore adventures, I Aiichi Chai specially changed to the thief profession, and I was fortunate to obtain a legendary skill that can completely hide the figure and breath in a ruin, and at the same time, I got a pair of flying skills in other adventures. of enchanted wings.

This complete set of expedition equipment and skills gave him confidence.

But that all changed after stepping into that weird plane.

I love Yiichi Chai was shocked.

In that plane, the dense old monsters covered the whole earth like locusts.

Moreover, these old monsters are all kneeling in one direction at this moment, as if praying to some unspyable terrifying existence.

Those whitish and swollen, soft and rotting old monster bodies made his scalp numb, and the nausea almost made him recede.

But in the end, his inner curiosity still made him hold back his physical and inner discomfort, and began to explore the depths of this sealed plane.

One day, two days... Finally, on the fifth day, after he encountered countless death crises, he was extremely lucky to reach the depths of the plane.

However, he did not find the treasure he wanted in the depths of the sealing plane, but instead saw a terrifying and terrifying mysterious existence.

It was an evil life sleeping in a deep pit, and it looked like an octopus magnified millions of times.

It has a mountain-like body, tentacles with thousands of blades, and each tentacle has countless large and small eyes.

It was so evil and weird that words couldn't describe it, and even a veteran soldier who had been through war would be stunned and go mad when he saw this scene.

The breath it exudes seems to be the most extreme evil in this world, rotten and dark, and extremely infiltrating.

After seeing this sleeping evil life for the first time, and seeing the closed eyes on the tentacles, I lost my love for a piece of wood.

The evil curse of countless lives resounded in his ears, as if hundreds of thousands of people were chanting some forbidden heresy.

His body was walking forward uncontrollably, stepping into the abyss step by step...

In a trance, he saw a stone tablet, an ancient stone tablet that seemed to seal something abominable. Under the tombstone were all dense ancient inscriptions.

He didn't know where he got the strength, and he knocked down the sealing stone tablet in a trance...

At the moment when the stone tablet fell, he only felt a burst of chaotic light rising into the sky.

The evil life in the deep pit suddenly opened the countless eyes above the tentacles.

When he saw the life that did not belong to the world, he fainted directly.

When he woke up again, his consciousness was controlled by various thoughts of destruction and chaos, and he seemed to want to turn him into a life of disorder and chaos...

He could only resist the pull with willpower.

To kill, I want to kill.

No, I don't want, I want Mr. Ozawa...

Death, I long for death.

No, I haven't finished watching my D-disk movie, definitely can't fall down here...

Destruction, I will destroy everything.

No, Miss Sister's black stockings were still in my house last night. If they break, I have to wait for her to put them on...

Relying on LSP's strong desire to survive, I Ai Yi Chai kept reluctantly sober in the chaotic thoughts.

For a while, Mr. Ozawa's figure on the plane, in the car, and in the classroom appeared in his mind, and for a while, he punched the opponent's head, and his brain was splashed.

In the end, with the help of dozens of teachers, I Aiichi Chai just woke up.

But after waking up from that chaotic thought, he sadly found that he could no longer control his body...

He seemed to be tied up with a rope, and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled.

In the end, with the tenacious willpower that could not let the teacher in the hard disk be alone, I Ai Yi Chai once again pulled away from his own consciousness and became independent.

It was only after his consciousness became independent that he suddenly discovered that a strange soul composed of countless entangled conscious bodies appeared in his spiritual sea.

This consciousness is the source of the chaos.

He is now a bystander in his body.

But it was only then that he was horrified to discover.

He's not in his body now...

Now, he has become part of that evil being with an octopus-like body...

I love Yoichi Chai in extreme panic.

Just after he was bewitched to release the seal, the octopus-like heretic devoured him, but after his body died, his consciousness did not resurrect for some reason, but instead became part of this heresy.

After concentrating, I love Yiichi Chai began to slowly sense the surroundings through the eyes all over the body.

After a while, the pictures came one after another, and I Aiichi Chai fell into extreme shock.

Under his induction, he saw an abomination with a height of a thousand knives and tentacles of thousands of knives raging on the ground.

Where this old evil god passed, the earth collapsed and shattered, mountain peaks collapsed, and plants were crushed into rock layers...

The terrifying scene is like the end of the day.

This abomination is him...he became the old god of evil! !

I am your uncle...I have become the old evil god?? No, become a part of the old evil god??

I love a piece of chai to death.

My elf, my catgirl, my succubus...I don't want to live anymore, I've turned into a tentacle...

Huh, tentacle monster? Hmm... that seems to be interesting too, based on the movies I've watched.

Bah, I am not such a person, I just look at the evil and darkness of this world with a critical eye.

After a while, I fell in love with a piece of firewood and wanted to cry but had no tears. If I became a tentacle monster, then I would not have to worry about opening the harem.

But the problem is that he only has one thought left, even if Diaochan is on his waist... He can't control this terrifying divine body at all.

And as long as he gets close to the main consciousness energy body composed of countless consciousnesses, he will be eroded by disorder and chaos.

If he insists, he is more likely to be unable to control his body and become part of those chaotic bodies.


In my perception of loving a piece of chai, this old evil god is madly raging around, destroying everything.

The tentacles with thousands of blades slammed into the ground like chains, and the entire wilderness exploded directly, leaving dozens of blades, or even hundreds of blade-deep cracks.

No one can know how terrifying the destructive power of a thousand-blade old evil god.

I love Yiichichai looking at the scenes outside and his heart swayed.

Even if he loses his main body, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to have such power... Unfortunately, he can't control this powerful divine body.

Thinking of this makes me feel resentful again.

After a while, I loved Yi Yi Chai Yi Ji Ling, and he found that there were also four old evil gods slightly smaller than him in the distance.

But what made him a little proud was that he was the eldest among these tentacled octopus monsters, and he was bigger than everyone else.

The old evil god he possessed began to roar after seeing other abominations. Those extremely evil words were full of resentment and corruption, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

I Aiichi Chai couldn't understand these words, but he could roughly sense its meaning with the chaotic consciousness around him.

These old evil gods seem to have sensed the existence of something, and they are going to find...

It is a pity that the consciousness of the old evil god is an aggregate composed of countless chaotic consciousnesses. It is too chaotic to express accurate consciousness, so I love Yi Yi Chai and cannot detect more information.

After the discussion, a total of five old evil gods began to move in one direction.

One old evil god is already terrifying enough, and the combination of five old evil gods is simply ruining the world.

No matter where you go, even towering mountains will be razed to the ground.

This is not the life that can be born on the main plane, this is the gods and demons that destroy the world.

I love Yi Yichai in the spiritual sea and can only sigh with emotion and shock, perfectly playing the role of melon eater.

After destroying hundreds of kilometers of land, I love a piece of chai saw a valley surrounded by clouds, no, from the perspective of the old evil god, this valley is more like a small pit...

What surprised him was that the city walls here were still guarded, and even in the face of the old evil god's attack, they did not break up, but dared to fight back.

It seems that this is the purpose of these old evil gods. After coming here, the terrifying octopus body stopped, and the tentacles of the octopus with thousands of blades began to dance, attacking the valley...

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