I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 488 Your subordinate Freya stopped the Lord of Dawn (8,200 words)

My God of Dawn, your brilliance is enough to dim the sun! Can I ask you how you managed to control the fragments of the Slate of Destiny?

The king interrupted the discussion of the surrounding crowd and took the initiative to ask Li De.

The reincarnation of the God of Creation is of course nonsense, but Li De's ability to control the fragments of the Slate of Destiny is beyond his expectations.

In my heart, the high evaluation of Li Deji rose again.

Li De glared angrily at Spark, who I had already seen the truth, then turned to look at the more respectful king, and said lightly.

As long as you can carry the power of destiny, you can control the fragments of the Destiny Slate...

Then how to carry the power of destiny? The king asked with wide eyes and full of expectation.

Li De's eyes moved, and he subconsciously remembered the spell of destiny, but at this time he realized that the spell that Kasrina taught him seemed to be restricted and could no longer be taught to others.

He shook his head now.

I am the force of destiny carried with the help of an elder with infinite power and cannot help you.

Your Majesty, if you don't have enough power, don't try.

The power of destiny is the source of glory, even if it is touched by a powerful god, it is difficult to escape, and there is a high probability of being lost in the river of destiny and sinking into it forever...

The king was surprised and frustrated when he heard this. He was surprised that Li De's background was so deep, and he was frustrated that he might not be able to control this powerful force.

The surrounding crowd fell into silence when they heard this, and looked at Li De with a somewhat complicated meaning.

Spark was also quiet at this time, but the expression on his face that he had seen everything.

After a long time, the king took a deep breath and spoke again.

Your Majesty the God of Dawn, can I ask you to bless the capital, we are willing to spread your faith and let every inhabitant be shrouded in your brilliance.

Although the king's words are nice, the essence of this sentence is - trade, you bless me, and I help you spread the faith.

As the lord of a country, the news he controls is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Know how valuable believers are to the gods.

Li De raised his brows and glanced at the king with interest. This guy is good and knows what he needs.

He is naturally interested in the tens of millions of people, but these tens of millions of people have already spread across various sects, and I don't know how many times they have been baptized by missionaries - the king of an empire is valued by various sects. Naturally, it is not Greene. The city can compare.

It will take a long time to find a pan-believer among these tens of millions of people, so if it is just a simple mission, when it is so far away from the City of Dawn and the capital, I am afraid that the effect will not be as good as that.

Therefore, this condition of the king is not very attractive to him.

But after such a mention, the tens of millions of people seem extremely attractive.

Is there any way to get the best of both worlds?

After thinking about it, Li De suddenly found himself in a blind spot of thinking, ignoring an important point.

It is true that simply dispatching magic bats cannot transfer the population in the capital, but there are other ways to do it.

For example - plane.

The ocean gods can find the water element plane and transfer the sea clan into it, so can you find a plane that can carry humans?

The power he has now cannot be inferred from common sense. Even the entire pantheon has taken refuge in him, and it is not too difficult to find a plane.

At that time, it is completely possible to bring these people to a pot.

As long as he is close to the City of Dawn, he can send the administrative officer of the city hall. I believe that it will not be long before the Dawn sect will become the mainstream belief in the capital.

With his thoughts turned to this point, Li De's interest in the Royal Capital immediately increased several times.

Population is the cornerstone of a power, and the more the population, the greater the chance of the birth of a strong man.

Although the Dawning God System has not yet cultivated the gods of the eight classics, it will inevitably be born in the future. Now that the population is reserved in advance is equivalent to mentioning that it has paved the way for the conferred gods of its own subordinates.

This is totally worth doing.

If he didn't swallow the capital, he would have to face a powerful potential competitor - the Angel League.

Although the Alliance of Angels has just been newly established, once the other party is on the right track, it will definitely absorb a large number of people, and it is not easy to support a large number of gods.

If it was delayed until that time, the fat piece of Nolan's capital might not be his turn.

After pondering for a while, Li De said slowly.

Your Majesty, although I have the ability to protect the safety of the capital, you are too far away from Green City.

My kingdom of God has been anchored in the southern province, and it is impossible to protect you from thousands of miles away.

Hearing this, the king couldn't help but look disappointed, but Li De's next sentence gave him a little hope.

But although I can't come to the capital, it doesn't mean you can't go to the southern province...

Please make it clear, Your Majesty. The king quickly asked.

Li De smiled, and did not directly express his inner thoughts, but mentioned another thing.

Have you ever heard of the ocean gods?

Ocean gods?

The surrounding nobles were all stunned. As the upper-ranking people in the capital, they were naturally not ignorant people, but what puzzled them was what Li De meant.

Naturally, I have heard of it. Does this have anything to do with the ocean gods?

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the king, Li De said indifferently.

Of course, in order to seek my blessing half a month ago, the seven sea gods found a water element plane suitable for the survival of the sea, and transferred the sea to it.

Now, the spatial coordinates of those Elemental Planes of Water are anchored in the southern provinces...

The seven gods of the entire ocean god system are under my jurisdiction at this time.

These words shocked everyone in the hall.

In order to seek Li De's help, the Ocean God Department did not hesitate to leave the sea, and transferred the Sea Clan to other planes to find shelter, and this was even when there were 7 gods in the Ocean God Department...

This explosive news really made the heart lake of the nobles and kings in the house feel a lot of waves.

If this news is true, how powerful is this Spark's disciple? !

Is it a god of great power? Or even further? ?

Next to him, Spark, who had just calmed down his emotions, took a deep breath at this moment. Looking at Li De, who had skillfully revealed this shocking news, he only felt that his chest was stuffy and his eyes were dizzy.

How can it be? A pantheon should seek his asylum? ?

And don't hesitate to abandon the ocean on which they live! !


This sloppy old man with a chicken coop head is frustrated to find that now he can't find any other words except the reincarnation of the creator god to describe Li De...

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person reach level 29 legend in a few years? !

Moreover, he also has a subordinate with a level 36 medium divine power, and can also attract a pantheon with 7 gods to take refuge! !

This dreamlike scene just blinded his dog's eyes.

I'm stupid, I'm so stupid, I just know that this bastard is doing something unusual, why should I compare him?

Spark, who felt that he had lived on a dog for decades, looked at Li De with grief and indignation, as if he was aggrieved by the red envelope money he had saved for ten years and was taken away by his mother...

Princess Kati was also stunned by the news at the moment, and it took a long time to react. Those beautiful eyes looked at Li De with radiant light, and her tone was a bit of fanatical worship that she could not detect.

Your Majesty Li De, what do you mean - if we want to seek your shelter, we can only use the plane to move the entire king's capital in, and then go to the southern province...

Li De nodded approvingly.

Naturally, although the city walls of Nolan King City are strong and the army is strong, when facing the old evil spirits, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.

I believe you also know that the Angel Alliance has been formed, and the future glory will enter a large-scale war of gods.

This is a battle of gods that is more terrifying than Ragnarok, and the loser will only perish.

Glancing around, his tone increased a bit.

Nolan's capital is located in the lower part of the main plane of glory, not the central area, and has no strategic significance.

Once targeted by the old evil gods, the Angel Alliance may not send gods to bless them, and it is very likely to sit back and watch.

So the fate of the capital of Nolan is already doomed, what you have to do now is to break free from your fate...

As for how to break free of fate, of course, it is to return to the City of Dawn with me.

The words are not finished, but all smart people understand the meaning of Li De's words.

The hall fell silent for a while.

Those nobles had different thoughts.

Idiots are not qualified to participate in this meeting of the life and death of the entire royal capital, so most people have to admit that Li De's words are very reasonable.

If they continue like this, and they don't make changes, his predictions will most likely be fulfilled today.

In the battle of gods that is related to life and death, it doesn't matter whether a human city is destroyed or not.

The king's complexion changed again and again, and finally he let out a long sigh of relief.

There are tens of millions of people in the capital, and the gods will not give up on us...

The capital has a large population, and there are more gods that believe in it. At least hundreds of gods have churches in the capital.

Humans are the most intelligent race in the main plane of glory, and therefore, the number of human gods far exceeds the number of gods of other races.

But the biggest problem is also that there are too many human gods. These gods are divided into good, neutral, evil, etc. camps, and there is no single sect that dominates.

Therefore, the distribution of beliefs on the main plane of glory is mostly the same as that of King Nolan - believers are divided among dozens or hundreds of sects.

Therefore, the king did not believe that those gods would abandon the fat of the tens of millions of people in the capital.

Li De smiled and hit him mercilessly.

If the circumstances permit, the gods will naturally not give up the capital, but what time is it now?

The Alliance of Angels has just been established, the Holy City is still under construction, and hundreds of millions of people around the ancient forest are still waiting for the gods to resettle. Who cares about you?

In other words, King Nolan wants to be watched by the gods, at least until the construction of the holy city is completed, the surrounding believers are settled, and there is no additional population in the area near the holy city.

But until then, how many times will Wangdu encounter such a crisis as today?

Today you are blessed by the goddess of luck, and I saved you.

But what about next time? Next time after I leave, there will be a more powerful old evil god, can you resist?

The cold language was like a sharp blade, mercilessly tore off the king's last fig leaf.

Yes, the gods are busy building a holy city to deal with the old evil gods who have already united. Who cares about a city located in a non-core area?

When the gods think of them, I am afraid that they have already been destroyed countless times.

The king is like an eggplant beaten by frost.

In the end, it was extremely bitter.

Your Majesty the God of Dawn, I beseech you to guide us on what to do?

Li De nodded with satisfaction, flickering himself... uh... his ability to persuade people has been steadily improving.

Since I am willing to talk to you about the marine god system, I believe you already have the answer in your heart.

It's just that you are unwilling to face it, unable to make up your mind, and difficult to give up the situation that seems stable but is actually crises...

The king opened his mouth to say something, but finally sighed and did not speak again.

The safety of a country depends on it, how can it be so simple to bear the pressure?

But the problem is that he is really at a loss at this time. The future is full of crises. How to survive in a war of gods that is more terrifying than Ragnarok, this choice is too difficult and too difficult.

Without power, one's own destiny is out of control.

The surrounding nobles were greatly touched when they heard the conversation between the two, and finally looked at each other and fell into silence.

No one spoke again.

Only the king can make a decision. This matter is too important, and it is impossible for anyone to make a statement on the spot.

Li De looked around and saw that the nobles had different expressions and didn't say much, just leave it to them to think for themselves.

The premise of his assumption is that the corresponding plane can be found. If he can't find it, all this is empty talk.

It's not just planes, so far, apart from the god of plague, I haven't seen gods use the kingdom of gods.

The Kingdom of God is so powerful that if it can be used, those gods will never be left unused.

There must be something wrong with this.

I'll check with the gods of the sea clan when I go back, if I can use the kingdom of God, it's not a big problem to empty King Nolan...

With his thoughts here, Li De didn't linger any longer. He clenched the shard of Destiny Slate and gestured to Spark.

Teacher, I need a little time to control the shards of Destiny Tablet...

It was only at this time that Spark reluctantly adjusted his mentality, and he just got out of the grief and anger that he felt lost, both Shengyu and He Shengliang.

Hearing this, your expression is a little relieved, it turns out that you are not invincible...

The sloppy old man regained some confidence, nodded, turned around and took Li De out of the hall.

Seeing that Li De was so open and aboveboard, and took the Destiny Slate with him without any scruples, the surrounding nobles were still silent, and no one dared to say anything more.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared for a long time that there was a sound of discussion in the house.

Hey, I didn't expect my capital to face such a terrifying crisis. How can this be good? Do you really want to move your family away from the capital as Spark's disciple said?

I didn't expect that even the ocean god system needs the blessing of Li De's majesty, it's really too powerful!

Slaying the God with a sword... It seems that it is not difficult to accept such a strong man.

I don't know if Li De's majesty ever had a concubine. Maybe Princess Kati can be married, which will also increase the weight of the king's capital in Li De's majesty...

Just as these nobles were discussing, there was a burst of exclamations from outside the door, and then a general entered the hall to report loudly.

Your Majesty, the body of the old evil god has been delivered, please check.

These words made everyone in the house interested. The body of the gods, what kind of precious treasure is this?

Slaughtering the gods is a shocking event at any time. Before the old days came, how many years had no gods fallen?

At the moment, the nobles got up and followed the king to check everything.

After a while, at the entrance of the main hall hall, the nobles who came out stared wide-eyed and their faces were full of shock.

At this moment, the head was as strong as a hill, with barbs on the back, four eyes on the head, and two bloody corpses were placed on the ground.

If you get close, you can see that the muscles of this terrifying life are still twitching, obviously it was killed soon.

And although it is only a corpse, the breath it exudes also makes everyone feel horrified.

Divine power is like a prison, infiltrating the soul, even the legendary powerhouse cannot exempt from this majesty.

This is the god, who was domineering and unparalleled in his lifetime, and his prestige still exists after his death.

At this time, the king took a few steps forward and approached the body of God, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

No amount of verbal description can replace the intuitive impact of the picture.

There was a huge wave in his heart, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Princess Kati's eyes were glowing at the moment, she thought of the shocking sword she saw on the city wall, and the handsome figure in her mind made her heart beat faster.

The surrounding nobles had different expressions, but all of them were shocked that could not be concealed.

Is this the real strength of Li De's majesty?

Perhaps, it is our honor to be sheltered by His Majesty Li De...

It's amazing...

After seeing the body of this evil god, many nobles quietly changed their minds.




Li De was unaware of the scene in front of the main hall. At this time, he was sitting in Spark's carriage, feeling the fragments of the Destiny Slate.

The force of destiny in the body became more active because of the fragments of the tablet of destiny.

However, because the power of destiny contained in the shard has not been swallowed, the system has not been able to detect its properties for the time being, and cannot determine the serial number of this shard.

Inside the carriage, Spark looked at Li De, who was half-squinting, with a strange look. After pondering for a long time, he said solemnly.

Kachar, tell me the truth, are you the reincarnation of the God of Creation...

Li De looked up at the old man with the head of the chicken coop with a black line on his face, this guy can't come out?

Bad breath.

The God of Creation? Yes, I am the God of Creation in other worlds, and I have traveled here...

Spark's eyes lit up and he laughed.

I guessed right!!

Li De: ......

It's not over, isn't it, your apprentice is more handsome than you, taller than you, richer than you, stronger than you, what's that? Aside from these, isn't the rest just as unremarkable?

As for being hit so hard?

Spark felt the rare blushing in Li De's eyes like a fool, and quickly changed the subject.

What secrets does the Slate of Destiny contain?

The Sun Goddess only conveyed to the outside world the oracle that Destiny Slate fragments can resist the erosion of the old days, but did not reveal too much news about Destiny Slate fragments.

So most people only know that this thing is good, but they don't know how good it is.

Li De did not hide it, he told the origin of the Destiny Slate again, and finally said with emotion.

If you want to fight the invasion of the old days, you must gather the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, which is not an easy task.

It was fine at the beginning. As time goes by, the fragments of the Slate of Destiny will inevitably become more and more concentrated, and each time they gather more, they will face a fierce battle.

The fragments of the Slate of Destiny will definitely be gradually concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and those who can grab the fragments naturally need not say more about their strength.

If you want to get it back from them, you can know how difficult it is if you think about it. It is impossible without a life-and-death battle.

In the same way, this will be a knockout match, and the Shard of Destiny is the ticket to the knockout match.

If you want to survive, you must grab tickets, otherwise you don't need others to attack, and those who don't get tickets will be automatically eliminated.

It is impossible not to fight.

Spark frowned upon hearing this, and immediately sensed the risk.

Maybe there is no need to fight for life and death. You can form an alliance later, you can become partners, and fight the enemy together...

Li De nodded his head in admiration. Apart from his second grade, his cheap teacher was not bad in other aspects.

That's why I will protect the ocean gods.

Talking about this, Spark was depressed again, his disciple was too powerful, and his genius teacher really couldn't stand up in front of the other party.

Just as he was talking, the carriage slowly stopped.

Spark was still pondering, and he didn't ask Li De any more. Li De was also happy and leisurely, without much nonsense.

The two got off the carriage and entered the Royal Academy of Magic.

Inside the academy, in the office dedicated to Spark, Li De sat comfortably on the sofa, holding the Destiny Slate fragment tightly in his hand.

Teacher, it may take a while for me to obtain the power in the fragments of Destiny Slate next.

I'll help you protect...

Teacher, you only need to order that outsiders are not allowed to break in.

Spark just wanted to refute, but then he thought that the other party's subordinate was a god of medium power, and he was immediately disinterested.

Disappointed, he turned and left.

What kind of thing is this? As a teacher, even the opponent's subordinates can't compare, which is too much a blow to confidence.

He misses the girls from Jasmine Street, but they are more gentle and considerate, with majestic and warm hearts...

After Li De waited for Spark to leave, he stretched out his hand and waved, and the twelve-winged death seraph who had been hiding in the dark to protect him immediately appeared behind him.

Freya, you are responsible for keeping me safe, no one is allowed to enter the room...

If Teacher Spark comes to look for me with urgent matters, you can assist him as appropriate, and obey his orders when necessary.

Freya nodded respectfully.

Master, obey your orders.

Li De's order is the direction in which she is going, and naturally she will not object to this, even if she is ordered to obey a small legend.

After instructing him, Li De no longer hesitated, concentrated his breath, and directly mobilized the power of destiny in his body to start crossing into the fragments of the Destiny Slate.

In an instant, a burst of cheers came from within the fragment.

The sleeping power in the shards of Destiny Slate began to slowly recover, exuding closeness to him, as if seeing his parents.

Just a moment later, the silent power in the debris began to surge into Li De's body like a reservoir releasing floodwater.

The body that was originally transformed by the power of fate began to absorb the original power again.

Time passed little by little.

I don't know how long it took, it was like a breath, it was like a century.

Li De was in a trance for a while, and a ray of spiritual power was once again involved in the long river of fate by the force of fate, and the ancient fortunate secret that once happened in the glory unfolded before his eyes again.

In the second battle of the gods, the gods of the light gods entered the abyss 600 layers...

A lost plane collided with the main plane, causing hundreds of millions of people to die and more than a dozen gods to fall...


Those pasts that had been buried by time were once again spied upon by him.

The unrecorded history reappears again...

When Li De was swimming in the River of Destiny, the power of destiny in him became more and more condensed, and the power output from the fragments of the Destiny Slate began to slowly decrease. Obviously, this devouring has come to an end.

When the shards of Destiny Slate had no power output, the power of destiny contained in Li De's body reached a new height, but because his spirit still spied on the secrets of the past, some ancient rules were touched inexplicably.

Suddenly, Li De, who was still sleeping, felt a chill on his back, and only felt a deadly breath like a dagger against his throat.

The originally dark thoughts were suddenly awakened.

The spiritual power that was still swimming in the river of destiny turned into a human form. At this moment, he felt something, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

A shocking picture suddenly appeared in front of him that he could not describe.

In the chaotic void left by the ancient times, in the initial place of confusion and disorder, a pair of icy eyes that print out the heavens and the world are overlooking the multiple planes.

There are galaxies flowing in those eyes, and thousands of worlds are collapsing.

The breath it exudes is indescribable, indescribable, and untouchable.

This is the most extreme picture in the world.

No one could imagine how terrifying the owner of those eyes would be.

Li De's heart was beating wildly at this moment.

He could feel that the pair of cold eyes overlooking the river of destiny saw him, yes, his inconspicuous spiritual power attracted the attention of the other party.

The existence that transcended the rules of the world was watching him.

At this moment, Li De felt like a transparent person, and all the secrets could not be hidden.

He smelled the breath of death at this moment, extremely dangerous, extremely deadly, extremely terrifying...

He wanted to escape from here, but even his soul was frozen, and he couldn't even mobilize his own power.

There is great terror between life and death.


The pair of icy eyes overlooking the heavens stared at him for just a few blinks of an eye, and a force that could shatter the galaxy was wiped out.

The river of fate he was in exploded directly, and that ray of spiritual power instantly turned into nothingness.

In the next instant, Li De suddenly opened his eyes, like a drowning man rising to the surface, panting frantically.


His forehead was covered with drops of sweat, and his hands were shaking unnaturally.

Too strong.

Just being looked at, he and the surrounding space couldn't bear the pressure and annihilated directly.


Fortunately, only a ray of spiritual power was dragged into the river of fate by the force of fate, or else he would have died completely at this moment. In front of that unknown terrifying soul, all resistance was as small as ants.

A name suddenly popped into Li De's mind.

The ruler of the old days, the end of all the power of the old days - Azathoth.

Yes, definitely the one that was never recorded.

He actually saw the terrifying creature in the river of fate that was not at his level. It was the old ruler who could compete with the God of Creation.

For the first time, Li De intuitively felt the horror of life at the level of the God of Creation.

That residual prestige still made his heart tremble.

Compared with the aura that overlooks the stars and rivers of the sky, the pressure of the Dawn Lord God is as insignificant as a child.

He saw me...

After a long time, Li De stabilized his mind, let out a long breath, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

I can feel that he is spying on me, and the power of annihilating the void just now is the other party's shot.

Overlooking the River of Destiny, what does the Old Ones want to do?

The more power of destiny you carry, the more you will be watched by the old evil god... Kaslina, I finally understand what this sentence means.

He had obviously caught the attention of the Old Ones who had been observing the River of Destiny just now because of the strong power of destiny on his body, and then the other party directly annihilated the entire area.

If he has a weak destiny like last time, I am afraid that the other party may not give him another look.

The River of Destiny is the manifestation of the original rules of glory. Legend has it that the River of Destiny can see the fate of all glorious beings, and prying into the River of Destiny is equivalent to prying into the future of glory.

But rather than saying that the other party has been peeping at the river of fate, it is better to say that the other party has been peeping at the source of glory.

If the river of destiny is swallowed or even controlled by it, then the glory will definitely fall into the hands of the other party.

Li De couldn't help but fell into contemplation, and the scene in the river of fate just appeared in his mind.

No wonder I just sensed the breath of the old days in the river of fate, and I think it was also left by the rulers of the old days.

Is the rift in the sky of the main plane also getting wider and wider because the river of destiny has been polluted by the old ruler?

All kinds of speculation made Li De's mood fluctuate

This time, he was guided to the River of Destiny by the power of destiny. Although he accidentally encountered the old ruler, he also speculated to a deeper secret with extremely limited information.

He also has a certain grasp of the future development of the situation.

Although this wave was frightened, it was not a loss...

Li De took a deep breath, and his expression slowly returned to calm.

No matter what the situation is, what should be faced is still to be faced.

The Old Ones have noticed me, and I'm afraid it won't be so smooth sailing in the future.

Thinking of this, the pressure in his heart rose in vain.

The feeling of being targeted by the enemy's ultimate boss is not very good.

And according to Kaslina's news, the more power of destiny he carries, the more attention he will be paid to by the old evil god, and there is no way to escape.

Therefore, since he has carried the power of destiny, he has no way out, and he is destined to fight the old evil spirits.

No, since the invasion of the old days, I have no way out, either by turning over those old monsters and making them bark, or by being pressed up and down on the ground and rubbing back and forth... …”

After a little pondering, Li De regained his composure.

But just when he was about to take out the Fate Tablet in his hand to take a look at its properties.

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and UU was reading www. uukanshu.com Spark entered the house anxiously.

The bastard of the Kachar family, after thirteen days, you finally woke up!!

Hurry up, come out with me, the Angel League is here!

Li De's eyes narrowed, Angel League? !

I didn't expect these guys to notice the capital of Nolan so soon. It seems that the population of tens of millions is indeed attractive.

Just as he was about to ask, Spark's next sentence changed his expression.

The leader of the team is the Lord of Dawn, and your subordinate blocked the other party...

The powerful god of dawn? ! Freya's previous owner? ?

Freya is blocking him now? ?

Li De's scalp felt numb when he heard this.

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