I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 315: Dialogue Across Time and Space

"Who are you looking for?"

The gentle man wearing glasses asked Peter as he stood at the door.

Peter frowned slightly as he looked at the somewhat familiar unusually young man.

Is this Richard Parker?

Peter Parker's original father?

Although I have never seen this cheap father in person, when I watched the video tape before, his original parents appeared in the video tape.

Richard looked at the stunned Peter and pushed up the frames of his glasses.

He suddenly felt that the young man in front of him looked familiar.

Although I have never met him, what is going on with this feeling that there seems to be some connection in the blood?

"Have we met before?"

Richard Parker took a deep breath and asked him.

"No, I probably haven't seen it."

Peter shook his head, "Sorry, I got the wrong person."

Glancing toward the room, he saw his mother, Mary, looking this way, and took a step back to leave.

Now is not the time to recognize each other.

Moreover, even if he said that he was the other person's future son, they would not believe it.


Seeing Peter about to leave, Richard stopped him.

"If you don't mind, you can come in and have a drink."

Although he didn't know why, he suddenly felt that he had a good impression of the young man who rang his doorbell.

Just as Peter was hesitating, Wanda came in holding Helen Grace's hand, "Thank you, we are a little thirsty."

In the living room, Richard's father, Uncle Ben and Aunt May warmly entertained the three Peters.

"So you came from far away?"

Mary Parker placed the pancake in front of Peter and asked curiously.

Mary, who had short red hair, didn't know that the Peter in front of her was her son. She just felt that Peter made her feel unusually kind.

"Yes, it's a very far place. It's so far that we would have to work hard to go back."

Speaking of this, Wanda suddenly became a little depressed.

Doctor Strange sent himself here, but he didn't tell himself the way back.

Do I, my master, and Gwen have to stay here forever?

Helen Grace tasted the delicious food, her eyes rolling.

She raised her head and compared Peter's appearance, then compared it with Richard and Mary, and suddenly had a guess in her mind that even she thought was ridiculous.

Is there any relationship between Peter and this couple?

"Perhaps you can ask Richard to take you back. He drives very quickly and very safely. The last time he drove me to Pennsylvania, it took less than two hours. As a passenger driver, he is very talented."

Mary said with a smile.

"No, we can handle it ourselves."

Peter politely declined to Richard.

After having lunch with his parents, the three of them left Uncle Ben's house.

"Teacher, don't you want to do something?"

Wanda asked Peter curiously: "These are your parents."

"What to do? Stop my parents from getting into a car accident like Strange did?"

Peter shook his head, "Death is death. No matter how we try, it cannot be changed."

Although he said that, he knew in his heart that the fundamental reason was that his feelings for his parents were not as deep as this.

If it were Gwen, I'm afraid she would be like Strange, constantly reversing time and trying to change the past, right?

Helen Grace didn't hear what Peter and Wanda said. She was now worried about taking out her things.

Now I'm living in a hotel, and a bunch of my stuff is still at home.

"Well, I have to leave for a while and go get something from home."

Helen Grace said she would leave for a while.

Half an hour later.

Helen Grace sneaked into her home secretly and took out the few things she had.

Just as she was quietly tidying up in her room, a deep voice came from the other side of the door, "Hey, Helen, is that you? Are you in there?"

The sound of knocking on the door reached her ears.

Now she understands why she shouldn't slap the aquarium glass.

She felt like a goldfish with an aneurysm that was moving as slowly as a glacier.

The stepfather knocking on the door was like someone knocking on the glass of a goldfish.

"Open the door, Helen, or I'll come in."

Helen Grace climbed out of bed like a clumsy drunk baby.

She lay on the ground, her head shaking, as if there was a drum beating continuously inside, and she quietly crawled towards the door.

The door opened and a beam of white light shone into the house.

"Helen, what are you doing?"

He asked in surprise when he saw his daughter lying on the ground.

"Ahem. I'm looking for something that fell under the bed."

She coughed and said, "What's the matter?"

"Helen, your mother is very worried about you. You should stay and stop running around."

As her eyes adjusted, the light outside the room became less harsh.

The stepfather standing in front is "Guido", a muscular man with a shiny and oily hair style like a Lego doll.

The hair seems to be able to be installed and removed as a whole.

Like Gwen, her thoughts began to wander, but she remained silent.

She hated her family and school, so she chose to leave because of this oppressive atmosphere.

For her, life without a future is the most painful, so she wants to go into self-exile.

It was like I was swimming against the current in a river, gradually being submerged by the water. I didn’t know who could pull me up.

"I'll be right back."

"Then do you still have money in your hand?" her stepfather asked her.

"Yes, I still have money."

She is lying.

In fact, she was actually very tight on money.

She has been outside for several days.

The room fee, food fee, phone bill, and the terrible novels she had been buying continuously (those tear-jerking romance novels suitable for women) had made her almost bankrupt.

"I have been through this period of your life, Helen. I know your confusion. I can help you, me and your mother."

Stepfather frowned and said to her.

"Sorry, I have to go, my friends are still waiting for me outside."

As she said this, she didn't dare to look into her stepfather's eyes and walked quickly outside.

After running out of the apartment, she took a deep breath.

Sitting on the steps of the flower bed, he lowered his head and rubbed his blond hair.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

A voice sounded unusually friendly to her.

Looking up, Helen Grace saw a blond girl standing in front of her.

"Um, if I say I'm a little hungry, can you give me something to eat?"

Helen Grace joked at her.

"Of course, when I'm hungry and salivating, it feels like my eyes are two mouths enjoying a delicious meal."

The girl with short blond hair said to her.

Helen Grace looked her up and down.

She always felt that the girl in front of her gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, "Have we met before?"

"Probably not."

Helen asked: "Hmm, do you have money? Maybe you can treat me to a meal. Although I have just eaten, I don't mind having a meal with you."

"It should be."

The short-haired girl, Gwen, nodded.

Facing the young version of her mother in front of her, she tried her best to suppress her desire to cry.

This was the first time she saw her mother.

My deepest memory of my mother is that funeral.

In addition, the memory of my mother is her smiling mother in the photo frame.

Now seeing her mother standing in front of her, she suddenly had a strange feeling of understanding.

When given the opportunity to change her destiny, she also wanted to change the tragedy of the future.

Tell your mother to prevent her future death.

Just when Gwen was feeling sad, a guy with yellow hair slowly walked towards the two of them.

Helen Grace recognized that this was Jack's friend who was trying to sell her fan.

She thought this guy was eaten by the octopus last night, but she didn't expect that the guy was still alive!

Huang Mao's eyes instantly turned black when he saw Gwen.


Seeing the strange aura emanating from Huang Mao, Gwen immediately shouted to her mother, and then shot out spider silk to stop her.

While using the spider silk to entangle the opponent, she quickly moved in front of the opponent and threw a punch.

From Huangmao's nostrils, two traces of blood like mealworms flowed out.

"Let's go!"

As she spoke, she pushed Helen Grace forward.

After being stunned for a moment, Helen immediately ran forward.

I tried my best to run farther and farther, almost forgetting to breathe.


Soon she thought of more important things.

Those captured by the octopus's tentacles have been resurrected, and Peter may be in danger.

After all, the monster was defeated by Peter, and it might cause trouble for Peter.

Thinking of this, she immediately sped up and ran towards where Peter was.

On the other side, Richard stayed with his wife on the farm.

Ben bought a farm in the suburbs. When Richard had nothing to do, he would accompany his newly married wife and come over to relax.

"You should get more rest."

Seeing his wife coming out, Richard stepped forward to support him.

"I'm only two months pregnant, so I'm not in such a fragile state."

Mary smiled and clapped her hand, "Are you still thinking about the child just now?"

"Yeah, I always feel like I have some connection with him. It's a weird feeling, and I can't explain it clearly."

Richard frowned and said, "Maybe I've seen him before."

"Maybe you are too tired. Aren't you studying that kind of phage recently?"

Richard nodded.

"Yes, I'm sorry about being a little annoying before, just because... it was painful at that time, and I knew it would be easy for me to bring work into my life. Of course, most of the time we are very compatible, and other times I always make you angry..."

Mary stopped her husband and continued, "Your pace of life is much faster than mine, Richard. I'm just a slow bullfrog, and you're like a dragonfly flying around in the reeds, and--"

She suddenly stopped and sniffed, "Have you been drinking? Richard."

"I just drank a little, and I felt a little strange, so I tried some."

"Me too." Mary smiled and said, "Me too, I always feel that something wonderful happened today."

"Really? How is Vanessa?"

"She has to stay in the hospital for a few days. The doctor said she broke her leg."

The two talked about Mary's mother, Peter's grandmother.

Richard made a sound of surprise, "God, it looks like today is not a perfect day."


"I should give her a call."

"Don't! Don't do this. She just wants to use the evening to... rest. She said she wants to be quiet."

Richard sighed: "Yeah, maybe you're right."

"I'm always right."

"Is everything else okay at home?"

"It's all... trivial stuff, I don't even know what it means."

Richard wanted to say something more when he suddenly received a call from Ben.

"My truck broke down."

"Oh, that's too bad, you there, Ben?"

"I haven't delivered it yet, I'm at the barn on the outskirts of the farm, wait what is this? Oh my God!"

Ben seemed to see something terrifying and let out a cry of terror.

"Wait, I'll rush over right away!"

Richard immediately hung up the phone and rushed outside.

"Stay here, Mary. I'll be back later."

When Uncle Ben was in danger, Peter also felt something.

It happened that Helen Grace ran over panting and told Peter what she had just experienced.

Peter immediately guessed that the short-haired girl the other party encountered was Gwen.

Since the other party can find Helen Grace again and again, it means that the purpose of these tools of the Black Strange Sect is probably to harm Gwen's mother, or her own parents, Uncle Ben, and the others.

Thinking of this, his brows immediately wrinkled.

In the opposite direction to Gwen, the smell of the tentacle monster from last night also came.

The other party has probably already begun to attack the parents in this time and space.

And he suddenly remembered that Uncle Ben said that he had experienced supernatural events.

When he was young, he was attacked by an unknown monster on the farm.

This made him even more certain that Uncle Ben and the others were in danger now.

Who goes to rescue Gwen first, or the parents?

Gwen's combat effectiveness is not low, and she also has a bloodstone ring to protect her body, so there shouldn't be any big problems for the time being.

But Richard Parker and the others are just ordinary people, so I'm afraid they can't stop them.

Thinking of this, he immediately made a decision and took the two girls to the farm to rescue Uncle Ben.

"That's Gwen, right? Why don't we save Gwen first?"

Smart Wanda also guessed that the girl with short hair was Gwen.

"I believe her."

"Maybe Gwen will be upset because you didn't choose her."

Peter shook his head, "Our relationship will not be affected by this kind of thing."

"Oh my God!"

Ben made a shocked sound when he saw the guy in the red cloak with black eyes in mid-air turned into another young student.

Just when he thought he was going to be attacked by a monster today and completely finished, he suddenly heard a roar from behind.

Looking back, I saw Richard driving over in a car.

"Get in the car!"

Parking the car in front of Ben, Richard opened the door and shouted to him.

Ben didn't hesitate and immediately jumped into the car.

"Oh my God! What kind of monster is that?"

Ben asked Richard in horror.

"I don't know, but it should be for us."

While the two were talking, a monster with tentacles flying in the air rushed over.

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