"Left! Left!"

Young Ben shouted at Richard, grabbed the steering wheel and turned it hard to the left.

The car narrowly brushed past the monster.

But the monster with tentacles rushed in front of the car in an instant.


Richard, who stepped on the brakes, immediately turned the steering wheel hard, trying to avoid the monster's attack, but was still attacked all at once.


The front compartment of the car was deformed by the attack, and Richard was also shocked at this time.

Ben's head only hit once, but it still hurt him to gasp.


Ben cursed, opened the car door and pulled himself and Richard out.


The two soon found a place to hide - a nearby restaurant.

Ben pulled Richard into the restaurant, quickly turned to the right, squeezed out the guests who were eating, and rushed into a room full of people.

This is not an ordinary restaurant, it looks like it is specially prepared for nearby students.

There is a school near the farm Ben bought.

The dining table in the restaurant is not a long steel table, but a round wooden table.

Under the diners' feet was a dusty old red carpet.

There were no buzzing fluorescent lights above their heads, but a chandelier with a warm golden light.

At the far end were food stations, drink machines, and a cafeteria.

A guy wearing an incredible white chef's hat, cutting beef ribs, looked like a waiter in the White House.

The smells suddenly hit Ben.

He immediately recognized what the food was, gravy, pizza, and some kind of sweet food, something containing apples and cinnamon.

He shook his head and threw this strange idea out of his mind.

Now he was being chased, and the most important thing was to escape.

He looked back and saw that the monster chasing the two was following closely behind.

As everyone in the restaurant stared at the two who suddenly broke in, Ben and Richard quickly interspersed between the tables.

A younger girl with twin ponytails stood in front of the two with a tray, stopped, and stared at him in shock, like a deer in headlights.

Ben moved to the right, nimbly jumping onto a table and leaping over, quickly avoiding the other person.

One of his feet stepped into a girl's plate, and he almost lost his balance and nearly broke his head.

However, his arms turned and his legs followed his body tightly.

Richard grabbed him and let him maintain his balance.

The two jumped down and landed on the ground, passing a girl who stood there like a fool, and then passed a girl who was putting a book into her schoolbag.


The glass of the restaurant shattered, and then the tentacle monster rushed into the restaurant amid the screams of everyone's fear.


Richard shouted to the crowd as he ran.

The crowd screamed, and the sound of plates falling to the ground rang out one after another.

Screams and screams echoed in the restaurant.

Richard grabbed Ben who was almost unable to run, "Ben, the time you spent lying on the sofa watching TV before must have damaged your "running controller".

Faced with his brother's complaints, Ben smiled bitterly.

He looked back.

That monster-like guy was like a bull rampaging in a porcelain shop.

Any girl who touched him was knocked to the left and right by his body, the table was bumped, and the drinks spilled.

The girls screamed and ran away, and many of them hid behind the counter or under the table.

The tentacles of the monster's arms looked It was very thick and exuded a terrifying aura.

Ben grabbed a handful of food from a plate and threw it at the other's head.

A chicken leg hit him hard between the eyes and then fell to the floor with a "bang".

While the monster was confused, Ben threw the plate at the other.

The enraged monster rushed towards him.

Just as he approached Ben, Richard kicked a chair in front of the other.

With a "bang", the chair was smashed to pieces.

"We need to leave here immediately, we need an exit."

Anxious Richard said to Ben.

"It's behind us! "

Ben threw the last plate at the other party and ran back quickly.

There was an exit behind the two of them, a red glowing sign - emergency exit.

Right there!

Richard also turned around quickly, ran to the door and bolted it.

Then he pulled over a rack full of plates, which were covered with leftovers and blocked behind him.

With a "clang", the plates collapsed to the ground with the impact of the metal door.

Then the door was knocked open, and the monster, shaped like a sturdy and aggressive gazelle, jumped directly in front of the two.

The two watched the monster approach step by step in shock.

The students hiding in the restaurant at this time were so nervous that they dared not breathe.

Ben and Richard slowly retreated.


Just as the two were about to make a move, they didn't expect the monster with tentacles on its hands to move faster, grab Ben's hair and throw him heavily to the ground.

Seeing Ben being attacked, Richard immediately picked up a nearby crowbar and prepared to fight the monster.

The tentacle monster threw out its tentacles directly, trying to kill Richard.

As a result, a sound of breaking through the air was heard the next second.

In Richard's astonished eyes, the tentacles that grabbed him were directly cut off by the black spider-like object that rushed over.


A crisp sound rang out, and the monster's tentacles were directly cut off.

Seeing the monster's tentacles being cut off, Richard raised his head in astonishment and looked into the distance.

In the direction of the restaurant entrance, a mysterious and profound guy covered with a black exoskeleton slowly walked over.

"What is this?!"

Looking at a familiar figure, Richard was stunned.

Why did the other party give him a familiar and friendly feeling? !


Just as Ben and Richard looked at each other dullly, Peter instantly moved to the monster, grabbed the other's neck, and slammed it to the ground heavily.


The ground made a deafening sound.

The hard floor was instantly shattered, and dust quickly spread along the ground into the restaurant.

The girls hiding in the restaurant covered their mouths and noses with their hands, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

What kind of monster is this? !

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Richard cast his eyes on Peter, who was covered in black.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Peter grabbed the tentacle that the tentacle monster threw at him.


The monster was thrown out again by him and hit the wall heavily.


Ben, who was next to him, looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but burst out with swear words.


Looking at Peter who was cleaning up the monster on the spot, Richard shouted at Ben, not knowing whether Peter was an enemy or a friend.

Ben subconsciously followed him out.

The door was knocked open, and the two walked up the stairs and stumbled onto a concrete platform.

The pigeons on the platform spread their wings and left.

If it weren't for the green metal railing blocking them, they would continue to move forward and fall into the parking lot ten feet below.

The metal railing caught them like a net.

The two climbed over the railing, and Richard felt like he had just drunk a pot of turbulent "rocket fuel" broth with adrenaline and vomit.

However, a scene that made the two feel desperate appeared - another monster with tentacles in the sky rushed towards the two.

"Shit! I can't run anymore."

Ben was almost exhausted and collapsed to the ground.

Richard looked at the monster in the sky and was thinking about how to fight back when the monster rushed over.

Frightened, Ben turned around and tried to escape, but he hit a sign directly.

With a "bang", Ben fell directly to the ground after being hit on the head.

Seeing Ben unconscious, Richard felt his head was even bigger.

When he was anxiously thinking about how to fight back, he suddenly heard a sound like an explosion.

The monster was directly hit to the ground and rolled out along the ground.

Then Wanda and Helen appeared at the scene.

"You guys!"

Richard looked at the two women in shock.

He didn't expect that the guests he had entertained at home before would rescue him in this way at the critical moment.

"Hi, Mr. Richard."

Wanda waved and greeted the other party.

Peter, who rushed to the scene, originally wanted to hide his identity, but seeing Wanda's exposure, he could only helplessly take off the mask covering his face.

Even if he didn't take it off, he believed that this cheap father could guess that he was the one who had dinner with them just now.

Richard watched the mask on Peter's face slowly fall off, his mouth wide open, his eyes dull.

He is a rational scientist, but everything that happened today challenged his scientific cognition.

At first, it was the monster that suddenly appeared and chased, and then Peter and his group appeared.

"Who are you?!"

It took him a long time to ask this question.

"These monsters should be related to us."

Peter did not answer directly, but said to him: "Mr. Richard, I'm sorry to have implicated you."

Richard looked at Ben lying on the ground, and then looked at Peter.

"Are you aliens? Or people from the future?"

Richard calmed down and asked Peter and his group.

Although this inference is absurd, it is the most reasonable explanation he thinks at present.

"Almost. For your safety, Mr. Richard, you and Ms. Mary had better stay with us."

Peter suggested to him.

Gwen dealt with the tentacle monster, and then she quickly found her mother according to the spider mark left on her mother before.

After seeing Peter, she jumped up and hugged him excitedly.

"Great, Peter, you're okay."

Gwen said excitedly, "I thought I would never find you."

In a strange era, Gwen was inexplicably teleported here by Doctor Strange, and she even thought she might never see Peter again.

"I'm fine, Gwen."

Peter patted her head gently.

He glanced at Helen next to him, and his future mother-in-law was still standing here.

Such a passionate action is really a bit unaccustomed.

At night.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May were arranged in the villa, and Mary and Richard Parker were also arranged in.

However, Ben, Aunt May, and Mary did not know that they were temporarily protected, and thought that Peter and his group invited them to the villa as guests.

Richard knew the inside story, but for the sake of his pregnant wife's emotions, he could only remain silent.

He already had some doubts about Peter's relationship with him.

Peter admitted that he was an alien or a person from the future, and based on the other person's appearance and inexplicably familiar temperament, Richard even had a conjecture in his mind that he thought was impossible.

Standing up, he rummaged through the pile of books he had brought, and finally found a book called "Conjectures and Impossibility of Quantum Physics".

Meanwhile, Gwen is in Helen's room.

She now cherishes every second spent with her mother.

Although my mother now looks like a rebellious girl.

The villa Peter just rented has a lot of books.

Helen moved along the bookshelf like a busy hummingbird.

Gwen asked the other party curiously: "Did you find anything interesting?"

"No, I just want to find out if there are any romance novels like that here."

Gwen was speechless.

It turns out that my mother liked to read romance novels when she was young.

I got to know my mother a little better.

"Well." Helen blinked, "If I secretly take a book, the owner here will personally drag me to the detention center, right?"

"Detention center?"

"It's a word that refers to prison."

"I know what it means."

"What? You don't like to be wordy? I do."

Gwen didn't know how to talk to her mother. She felt that her mother was thinking outside the box at this time, so she coughed and said, "Very good, have you been to the police station?"

"Probably not. I was a good student until a week ago."

Helen said that she became a bad student just a week ago.

"Can I ask?"

She sat next to Gwen, "Are you and Peter really aliens?"

"Hmm, we came with a certain purpose."

"It must be kept secret, I guessed it, but this sense of mystery has always attracted me, which is not bad. To be honest, I am even a little obsessed with Peter."


Gwen suddenly felt bad when she heard her mother's words.

What is this, a Back to the Future plot?

(Back to the future: The protagonist returns to when his parents were young, and accidentally attracts the young mother)

Gwen, who felt that the matter was a bit dangerous, said: "It's a very dangerous thing. You can't have too much contact with Peter."


"Reason? If I tell you, you won't believe it."

"Let's give it a try."

"I can tell you, but not now, you have to wait."

"Hmm, okay, I have enough patience, but sometimes I can't control the exposure to this kind of thing."

Helen smiled slyly.

Gwen: "."

She was silent for a while and then asked Helen hesitantly: "Can I ask you a question?"


"Suppose. I see a person lying down on the road. She will die soon. If I go to save him, it may lead to the destruction of the world. If you were me, what would you do?"

Gwen said sadly: "I have tried to intervene to change some things, but it was always bad because I made it worse. I know it, but you may not believe me. I could have saved it." That person, or could have left, I could have done nothing, but I couldn't always control myself."

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