I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 314 Please take me away! Aliens

Seeing the tentacles suddenly emerge from the night, Helen Grace covered her mouth in fear, not letting herself make any sound.

At this moment, she was trembling all over, and her heart was completely filled with fear.

There was a deathly silence all around.

She didn't know how long she had waited, and thought that the tentacles had disappeared, so she staggered to her feet.

She looked left and right, and wanted to escape from this ghost place quickly.

But she didn't expect that just as she walked out of the building, a tentacle wrapped around her waist.

Suddenly she felt that her body was out of control.

Then she was pulled to the ground and dragged into the darkness.


Helen Grace, who was dragged on the ground, screamed in despair.

At the critical moment, a cloak flew over.


Then a black spider liquid flew over, corroding and breaking a tentacle that was wrapped around Helen Grace.

The cloak quickly wrapped around Helen's body and pulled her into the sky.

She was so shocked that she looked at the cloak wrapped around her body, and then at Peter, who was standing in the air and covered with a black exoskeleton, and her mouth opened wide.

Although Peter's exoskeleton blocked his face, she could still recognize through the cloak that the mysterious and powerful mysterious man in front of her was Peter Parker!

Helen Grace, who was in a state of turmoil, never thought that Peter, whom she had met once, would have such extraordinary power.

After Peter saw the cloak save Helen Grace, he waved forward, and the cloak let go of Helen and wrapped around him.

Looking at the monster standing in the dark night, his brows furrowed.


No, not Strange.

The monster in front of him had the appearance of Strange, but his arms had turned into tentacles, and the whole person was wrapped in a layer of black mist that could not be seen clearly.

It was impossible for Black Strange to track him here.

He had more important things to do - saving Christine.

It was very likely that he sent a magical creature to hunt him down.

Peter took a step forward and shot out the spider silk from his wrist.

But the monster transformed by Black Strange was faster and disappeared instantly.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, Peter frowned immediately. The super dynamic vision that captured one ten-thousandth of a second had been firmly locked on the "Black Strange" who was attacking around him quickly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In order to save energy, Peter did not fly into the air, but took a ground battle.

Every time his feet hit the ground, the mud and rocks on the ground would fly!

He leaned forward and rushed forward almost sticking to the ground.

The surrounding air was rolled into a gust of wind, cutting the space wantonly.


A tentacle stirred the air and rushed towards Peter.

But Peter's speed could no longer be captured by the naked eye, and the tentacles that needed to be activated beforehand could not attack him at all.


The air cut a hole, and Peter moved in front of the tentacles again in an instant.

"Black Strange" stretched out his tentacles to block Peter's attack.


The air was rippled with a loud explosion, as if a group of condensed energy was blown up.

Peter turned into a sharp cone and inserted it straight into Strange, who had a tentacle monster.

The body turned into the sharp tip of the cone and attacked the other party fiercely.

It was as if two mutually ignited bombs collided and exploded with each other. The place where Peter and the other party came into contact made a low explosion that could shatter the eardrums of people.

The air formed an expanding ripple like water, extending outward continuously.

It was as if all the air around turned into glass and broke in an instant.

"Black Strange" was blown away by the strong explosion.

"This is."

Helen Grace moved her slightly trembling hands away and looked at the smoke and dust around her with shocked eyes.

Is Peter Parker really an alien? !

Can people really make such an attack?

She felt a little dizzy and felt that everything tonight was like a dream.

Looking at Peter intently, Helen Grace suddenly saw that the tentacle monster that was originally knocked down disappeared.


She couldn't help but remind Peter.

Peter noticed it the moment the other party rushed into his body.

His figure was faster, like a sudden thunder, and he intercepted the attack of "Black Strange" in an instant.

His fist tore through the air, making a bursting sound, and blasted "Black Strange" out.


Accompanied by the sound of sonic boom, everything around was involved.

In Helen Grace's eyes, it seemed that the whole world was turned upside down, and everything on the ground rose into the air and floated.


In the deafening sound, "Black Strange" drew a black straight line, and his body flew vertically upwards.

Along the direction of the flagpole of the teaching building, it rushed parallel to the sky.

Following closely, Peter chased after the other party.

The cloak fluttered behind him.

The two men flew upwards along the direction of the flagpole, and the attack roared together. The surrounding glass and building materials that were affected fell down like a rainstorm.

The huge flagpole was broken into two halves, and fell downwards with a bang in the air, and then was broken into two halves by the shock wave created by the two men.

"Okay, now I'm finally free. I don't have to go to school tomorrow."

Helen Grace couldn't help but complain.


Peter moved faster and quickly rushed in front of "Black Strange".

Whether it was strength or speed, Peter was much faster than the pirated "Black Strange" in front of him.

After initially adapting to the opponent's attack method, he was already able to do it with ease.

With one punch, Peter's pure physical strength shattered the two tentacles coming towards him.

At the same time, corrosive spider silk was shot towards "Black Strange".


A corner of the school building was attacked by tentacles.

The principal's office building collapsed.

Carrying the material and the roar, it smashed downwards.

The air trembled with a deafening sound.

Peter is right underneath the falling building!

He kept dodging these building materials.

As a result, "Black Strange" saw the opportunity and knocked it to the ground with one tentacle.

With a boom, he used his tentacles to smash Peter to the ground along with countless building materials.

Helen Grace watched Peter being buried under the building, dumbfounded.

Why did the situation on the battlefield reverse so quickly? !

She watched in shock as the tentacle monster walked out of the buried building.

However, before he could get closer, there was a sound of breaking through the air from behind the tentacle monster.

It was an attack that carried a dangerous aura.

The black rainstorm hit directly behind the tentacle monster.


The powerful corrosive rainstorm that makes the bearer feel uncomfortable directly impacts the body of the tentacle monster.

"Black Strange" was in a state of surprise and forgot to dodge for a short time.

In the end, he relied on his instinctive reaction to avoid most of the corrosive barrages.

But his shoulder was hit by a corrosive barrage, making a loud bang, and he stumbled back a few steps.

The body was hit by the highly corrosive spider silk launched by Peter, and blood spurted out in a sudden burst.

"Black Strange" looked over his shoulder with disbelief.

He probably didn't expect that his body with the Weishan Emperor's protective spell would be injured by a mere corrosive barrage.

The next second, Peter slowly walked out from behind him.

The body that was smashed into the building just now was just a shadow projected by his thinking watch.

"You are not Doctor Strange, you are just a tool sent by him, right?"

Peter asked him.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to answer, Peter stopped talking nonsense to him and fired countless torrential rains from the spine behind him again.

"Black Strange" just dodged, but Peter flew in front of him, grabbed his body and threw him out.

He tried to stand up, but Peter, who was approaching, extended his kick again and kicked him back.


He fell hard to the ground.

"Black Strange" crawled forward slowly with its limbs down.

His fingers were curled up tightly, as if they were grasping for something on the ground pointlessly.

Peter quickly lost his patience, and the alienated sharp knife-like tail grew from behind, piercing the opponent's throat with a "swish".

After directly stabbing the opponent to death, Peter withdrew his tail calmly.

Not only did he directly kill the other party, he also absorbed the other party's DNA information.

Feeling the subtle changes in his body, he stared at the creature in front of him and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Strange said that he was no match for Black Strange, so he sent himself to this era.

Could it be that this time, like Doctor Strange in the MCU universe, he read the script in advance and knew which choice would lead to final victory.

So he sent himself to his own era, hoping to achieve a victorious ending.

And if you want to increase your strength,

He clenched his fists and stretched his brows.

He can also absorb life and energy like Dr. Black Strange.

It's just that I don't use magic to absorb it, but the powerful DNA fusion ability of the Alien Queen.

Absorbing the genes of other creatures and then screening them is equivalent to injecting alien embryos into the bodies of other creatures, and then giving birth to aliens that are fused according to the other creature's genes.

It's just that his own tail omits the process of parasitism and directly plunders the opponent's genes.

A plan immediately formed in his mind.

As long as he continues to absorb the genes of various creatures, especially various dark creatures, he can continue to evolve and become stronger, and finally have the power to directly rival Dr. Black Strange.

The source of dark creatures depends on the bloodstone ring in Gwen's hand.

When he was thinking about how to find Gwen as quickly as possible, Gwen's mother, Helen Grace, who was just a rebellious girl at this time, walked carefully near Peter.

She glanced at the body of the tentacle monster on the ground, then looked at Peter, and opened her mouth, not knowing what she should say.

"Let's go."

Peter decided to send her back.

After all, she was Gwen's mother. If something happened to prevent Gwen from being born in the future, she would be completely blind.

"Okay, okay."

Helen Grace followed Peter obediently.

After taking two steps, she still couldn't hold it back and asked Peter, "You are Peter, right?"

Peter stopped and turned, startling her.

"Yes, I am Peter. Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Perhaps I should cover my cloak in my daily life. This cloak is so eye-catching that people can tell my identity at a glance.

"You are really Peter!"

Helen Grace watched the exoskeleton mask on Peter's face slowly recede, and took a step back in surprise.

She asked in shock: "Are you really an alien?"

"It can be simply understood this way."

Hearing Peter admit that he was an alien, Helen Grace was not afraid, but asked him excitedly: "Then can you take me away?"

"Take you away?"

"Yes, to an alien planet, or to the bottom of the sea or something, anyway, just leave here."

Listening to Helen Grace's words, Peter felt a little overwhelmed.

Are all the women in Stacy's family so bold?

At first, Gwen also wanted to take her away by herself, leaving the family and going anywhere.

Now Gwen's mother, Helen Grace, who is in a rebellious period, also wants to take her away by herself.

Is their adolescence so different?

"No, I can't take you away, because you still have a very important journey to go in the future."

What will Gwen do if I kidnap you?

"Okay, I know."

She let out a helpless breath, quickly calmed down her emotions, and continued to ask Peter: "Can you tell me why you have extraordinary power? And why does the cloak behind you fly?"

Helen Grace, who was originally very curious, immediately asked a lot of questions.

Peter felt a little overwhelmed instantly.

Maybe he shouldn't provoke her first.

After dealing with the other party casually for a few words, Peter asked her: "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

"No, no."

She was a little embarrassed by Peter's question.

"Then let's go to the hotel."

Peter let the cloak wrap around her without saying anything.

Then in her panic, the cloak took her into the sky.


The cloak took her to the hotel.

At first, Helen Grace's heart was filled with fear, but after adapting to the feeling of flying in the air, she was no longer afraid.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the whistling wind in her ears, she looked at Peter flying beside her.

Perhaps this experience is not bad.

Although she was frightened at the beginning of today, it should be the day she is least likely to forget.

She said to herself in her heart.

The next day, early in the morning.

Peter followed the method in the Spider-Ogre universe and went to the newspaper to post a missing person notice for Gwen.

Then he took Wanda and Helen Grace to Uncle Ben's house in Forest Hills.

He wanted to see what Uncle Ben and Aunt May looked like in this era.

But just as he walked to a familiar house, he heard a burst of laughter from inside.

It seems that there are guests at Uncle Ben's house?

Standing in front of the door, he tried to press the doorbell.


The door was pushed open, and the familiar yet unfamiliar face inside made him stunned.

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