"My name is Helen Grace."

A girl who looked exactly like Gwen greeted Wanda, "Maybe you got the wrong person."

She said as she looked towards Peter.

After seeing the cloak draped behind Peter and his dress that was not in line with the trend of the era, his eyebrows moved and he immediately became very interested in him.

Helen Grace, who has always been curious, wondered if Peter was a middle-aged man who liked to dress up as a mage or some kind of wizard.

"But if you don't mind, I can buy you a drink."

She said generously to Peter and Wanda.


Wanda turned her eyes to Peter for help. She didn't know what to do.

Since the girl in front of me is not Gwen, why do they look so similar?

After Peter compared the other person's appearance with Gwen again, he asked her: "Do you know George Stacey?"

"George? You said George, of course, he is my classmate, a somewhat old-fashioned and serious classmate, so are you George's friend?"

"No, we're not."

Peter was now certain that the woman in front of him was his future mother-in-law--Helen Stacy.

He thought the cloak could help him find Gwen, but he didn't expect that the other party actually made a mistake and helped him find Gwen's mother.

Even though we are all Stacey, we are still a family.

Peter shook his head and glanced at the cloak behind him.

As if sensing Peter's contempt, the cloak shrank back.

"We are looking for a girl named Gwen Stacey. Sorry, we made a mistake because you two look very similar."

Peter explained the reason to her.

"Do we look alike?"

Helen Grace pointed at herself in surprise.

"Yeah, you're like twins."

Wanda interjected from the side.

"Perhaps if there is a chance, we can meet."

Helen Grace picked up the wine glass, "Can I ask?"

She pointed at Peter's dress and asked, "Where are you from?"

Before Peter could answer, Wanda said: "A very far place, far away from you anyway."

She looked at the environment of the bar and found an old record player in the bar.

Wanda, who had never seen such a thing before, immediately became interested in it and started to circle around the record player.

"Wanda, we have to go."

Peter shouted to Wanda: "We have wasted a lot of time."

"But we just came here and we are not familiar with anything. Maybe we can find a place to get familiar with it first."

Hearing Wanda say that she was not familiar with this place, Helen Grace immediately stepped forward and said, "Maybe I can help you. I am more familiar with this place."

She felt that Peter's appearance might really be an alien from some alien planet.

She has been interested in these alien and mysterious cultures since she was a child, and has already begun to consider Peter and Wanda in the direction of aliens.

Peter thought for a while and felt that he might be able to find Gwen with his prospective mother-in-law, so he agreed to the other party's proposal.

If Gwen realizes she's traveled back in time, there's a good chance she'll come visit her family.

Helen Grace took Peter and Wanda out of the bar, and it started to rain lightly outside.

"Sorry, I have to make a phone call."

She smiled at Peter and walked quickly to the phone booth.

Raindrops fell on the phone booth.

Helen Grace put the phone receiver to her ear, feeling something cool on her chin.

Then there is the endless waiting for the sound.

Although the call was made, she did not expect anyone to answer the phone.

"Quick forward to the answering machine."

Helen Grace seemed to be praying and chanting a mantra.

"Go to the answering machine, go to the answering machine, go to the answering machine."

The words echoed in the empty space above her head.



Helen Grace's mother's voice sounded.

"It's me, Helen, mother."

"I know, I know."


"Where are you?"

"I may not go back today. I met a friend. Maybe I will sleep at her house for two days."

Helen Grace said with a raw throat.

Every part of her body felt like a tooth cracked in half, nerve endings exposed.

It didn't feel good to lie, but she didn't want to go home.

She didn't like her stepfather who always had a straight face.

"Are you sure? Helen, don't lie to me!"

"Of course, I won't lie to you like that man."

"Don't say that. Come home quickly and go back to your mother."

"I have some problems now and am a little busy."

Helen Grace felt like she had lost her mind.

"Just tell me where you are and I'll come over, Helen."

"I'm leaving."

"Come on, Helen, you're a good boy."

"Believe me, Mom, I'll be fine, wait until I get back..."

She wanted to tell her mother that she was just a bitter pill, a mean little rodent, but she couldn't form words.

She wanted to rant and complain that her mother shouldn't have married that man, but she felt like she was being too childish.

She hung up the phone and leaned against the wall inside the phone booth.

Looking at Peter and Wanda in the distance, she gathered her emotions and rushed towards them.

"I can take you to find a place to stay. My friend is traveling. You can stay there temporarily. I think she won't mind, as long as you pay a little money."

Helen Grace said that she had already found a place for the two of them.

"Thank you, but we should have enough money to find a hotel."

Peter declined the other party's idea of ​​helping him find a place to live.

"Hmm, that's okay, but most of the hotels here are not very clean. I have to recommend one of you with a high reputation."

Helen Grace said to the two of them: "But before that, I have to go back to school to get something. You don't mind, right?"

Through insinuations, she had already learned about that record player from Wanda's mouth, a more beautiful and compact player.

There are many more things that have never been seen before.

So she became even more convinced that Peter and Wanda had extraordinary origins.

Soon Helen Grace brought the two of them to the school.

Each spike on the top of the school's iron gate is decorated with fleur-de-lis, like a hungry black dog opening its mouth to reveal its metal canines.

Several people entered the school, and the winding road extended into a forest at the corner.

Behind the woods is a row of iron gates, guard posts, and brass plaques on the pale brick walls forming a special landscape.

The plaque read Caldecote School in dizzying, convoluted calligraphy.

"The days are getting shorter and shorter, the mornings are getting darker and darker, and the night always comes quietly outside your window like a stalker. I don't like school in the winter."

Helen Grace said as she brought the two people in.

What she didn't tell them was that she had been skipping school for two days.

She has always been a good girl, and now she wants to try being a bad girl.

For example, Jack, the bastard who had been harassing her before but was ignored by her, is now being talked to by her.

Jack also said that he had something exciting for her to experience.

She was now more and more curious about what it was.

After picking up some things from school, she took Peter and Wanda to the best hotel nearby.

Although she has never been to a hotel, she is quite familiar with this area.

"Teacher, you said she is Gwen's mother?!"

In the hotel, Wanda asked Peter in shock.

"Yes, we are back in New York in the 1990s. At this time, Gwen's mother was not yet married to George Stacy."

Peter said calmly: "So she won't even know who Gwen is."

Wanda stuck out her tongue, "I actually met Gwen's mother! It's amazing!"

Peter didn't speak. He looked out the window at the dark night, with a black exoskeleton covering his body.

Doctor Strange's cloak seemed to be frightened by this change, and flew directly from behind Peter and flew in front of him.

"I'm going to the city to have a look, Wanda, don't go out, wait for me when I come back."

After giving instructions to Wanda, Peter grabbed his cloak, turned around and jumped out of the hotel building.

at the same time.

Helen Grace encountered a lot of trouble.

The door closed behind her with a mechanical whine.

"This is not good!"

Helen Grace, who punched Jack, escaped as quickly as possible.

She didn't expect that the exciting thing the other party wanted to show her turned out to be drugs!

She never touches that kind of thing, and she hates such harmful things the most.

She stretched out her hand to stop a taxi and asked the driver to move forward quickly.

"Where else are you going? There's only one road here, and it can only lead to one place, maybe you can say one location."

The driver said to her helplessly.

Seeing the driver driving the car to a deserted and remote place, Helen Grace could only get out of the car quickly.

The road is neatly paved, with no potholes, and is as smooth and flat as the back of a beetle.

There are tall trees standing on both sides of the road. These trees are not like the jack pines somewhere in the city. The tall remaining oak trees are wrapped in dark and moist bark. Each one is like a silent and solemn sentinel, or a judgment. vanguard.

Soon she heard the gurgling sound of the river.

The river appeared in front of Helen Grace soon after.

Five minutes later, the towering trees disappeared and were replaced by a grassy, ​​rugged river bank.

Above it, the Susquehanna River sometimes rolls and sometimes subsides, its water gurgling and rushing forward.

"Oh my God! How did I end up in such a remote ghost place!"

She couldn't help but complain.

This is close to the girls' school where I go.

Glancing back, she had no choice but to continue running forward in order to avoid Jack's group.

The center of the school is an old-looking manor, three stories high, with solemn Gothic windows and gaudy trimmings.

Each roof is red, like a child's buggy.

Compared with the red color of the house, the walls are a bit gray and green, covered with clay and spots, and are bland.

While complaining that her girls' school was like a prison, Helen Grace ran into the school.

Caldecote's crest—eagle, book, knight's helmet, and other gaudy things—made up a banner that fluttered in the night wind.

The flagpole rose from a pile of anthracite the size of a Volkswagen Beetle placed in the circular driveway.

The school at night looked silent and lifeless. There was no movement, no students, no teachers, and she didn't even notice a pair of ugly pigeons.

Helen looked back and found a car rushing towards this side.

She knew it was Jack's car, so she continued to run forward.

In the dark night, it seemed that at any moment, a large tentacle might burst out from the front door, wrap around her, and drag her into the abyss.

"I must be a fool. I am so unlucky in my first attempt to be a bad girl. If I had known, I would have begged Peter and Wanda to let them take me in."

As she ran forward, she accelerated.

Jack's car also stopped outside, and then she saw several people rushing into the school.

She didn't have time to escape and hid outside the principal's office.

Her heart was beating "bang bang".

Next to the principal's office is a toilet.

Helen Grace thought of her experience in the bathroom during the day.

Many female classmates like to dye their hair in this bathroom.

And there is a bathroom in the bathroom.

When she was in the bathroom during the day, several older girls who came into the bathroom shared a few cigarettes with each other.

One of the girls was a red-haired girl with freckles on her nose. She smugly hugged her arms across her chest in a tight-fitting navy jacket.

The girl's cigarette smell was faintly smelt, and the brand of cigarettes smoked by other girls was different.

She had a deep impression of this girl because she had quarreled with her.

She said that the leaves she drew looked like a dog's butt.

That's about it.

So she told her that there are many things in the world that look like a dog's butt, but that doesn't mean you should go around spreading it.

But she said that this is how she treats life.

She hated this red-haired girl and hated high school life here.

Everything looked terrible!

Taking a deep breath, Helen Grace threw the things of the day out of her mind and turned her thoughts to the present.

The most important thing now is to prevent Jack and his gang of bastards from finding out.

After all, I almost kicked that guy's life!

Outside the principal's office, there is a wall with wooden wainscots.

Normally, she felt that this wall was very monotonous and boring.

But now she hoped that this wall would help her and block those guys outside for her.

Just when she was uneasy, she suddenly saw a shocking scene.

Just as Jack and others walked into the campus cursing, countless tentacles suddenly stretched out in the night and swept them away in an instant.

The tentacles of the monster that emerged from the night swept up the screaming people and dragged them directly into the dark and unknown night.

The screams echoed in the campus, which was extremely creepy!

Helen Grace covered her mouth in fear.

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