I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 312: She seems to be the mother-in-law?

It was pitch black and freezing cold.

This is what Wanda felt now.

Soon she found herself in an underwater world.

It seemed that someone grabbed her with those terrifying hands, dragged her forward, and pulled her down.

She couldn't see, hear, or feel anything.

Bloody mud, bruised water.

Wanda suddenly realized a very serious problem-she couldn't swim at all.

The water was flowing fast, and she wanted to save herself, but found that it was like falling into space-unable to move forward, and getting out of here seemed to be an impossible task.

This is where you die, right here, Wanda, this is your final destination.

She seemed to hear this strange voice, ringing in her mind.

No, she won't die here.

But what should she do next?

How to escape the "embrace" of this river?

She felt the world upside down, the river rushed in, entered her nose, her eyes, stinging, and then swallowed in big gulps.

Then suddenly a big wave rushed forward--

Just when Wanda thought she was going to be swept to the bottom of the river, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed her.

The strong hands pulled her out of the water, and Wanda could see clearly that it was Peter who pulled her up.

Wanda climbed to the river bank, coughing all the time because she choked on too much water.

She gently placed two fingers on her neck-the pulse was very weak.

It was so weak that it felt like the eyeballs were spinning under the eyelids. Although it might not be noticeable, it was definitely there.

Then, Wanda looked around.

"Thank you, teacher."

While panting, she asked Peter: "We. Where are we?"

"I don't know."

Peter looked around the unfamiliar environment.

This is a wide river, and the surrounding environment can't let him tell where this place is.

Where did Strange teleport himself to?

And where is Gwen?

"Ahem. Why did that Doctor Strange send us away?"

Wanda asked in confusion.

"I don't know. I'm not a know-it-all, Wanda, who can know the truth of everything."

"I thought you knew all the truth, teacher."

Wanda was lying on her back, and she felt that the water in her stomach had not been completely vomited out.


Just as Wanda was facing up and thinking about how to vomit the water in her stomach, she suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air.

She looked up and found that Peter was holding a cloak in his hand.

"What is this?"

Wanda stood up and asked Peter in confusion: "Is this the cloak of the good Doctor Strange, and it is also the one that sent us here?"

Peter did not speak, holding the cloak belonging to Doctor Strange and slowly letting go.

The cloak hovered around Peter, as if trying to tell him something.

"Are you going to take us to find Gwen?"

Peter asked it tentatively.

The cloak nodded immediately.

"Very good, you lead the way for us."

The cloak nodded, flew directly behind Peter, and became his cloak.

Wanda watched in confusion until she saw the cloak take the initiative to recognize its master.

She admitted that she was a little jealous.

She wanted a cape like this too!

It could express emotions and take her flying.

When Peter stepped onto the bus, he quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the bus.

Because he was dressed in a cape, he looked a little bit like a normal person, although many people thought it was cool.

Peter sat at the back of the bus, and Wanda sat next to him.

He looked at this strange city, which was similar to New York in his previous life but different, and frowned.

He had learned from the newspaper what era Strange had sent him to - the 1990s, which was not far from now.

"Teacher, what do you think the bus looks like?"

Wanda suddenly asked Peter, and before Peter could reply, she said to herself:

"I think in any town, any city, the bus is like a dirty swimming pool filter: it retains dregs, vegetable leaves, and other garbage."

Peter knew what Wanda wanted to say.

To be honest, the hygiene of buses these days is really not very good.

Peter could even smell a mixture of urine and Doritos on the guy sitting in front of him.

He was wearing the latest wave of hobo style clothes, but Peter was not sure whether he was homeless or just a guy who chased fashion without restraint.

There was also a non-mainstream kid in the car, his face expressionless like metal.

He didn't just look petrified, he looked like he was standing under a drug bomb, a real bunker bomb, and the whole process of the explosion was facing his stunned, dumbfounded face.

Peter looked at the other person staring at his cape and shook his head.

Was it because his dress was more non-mainstream than this non-mainstream kid, so he attracted him to look at him frequently?

Behind the non-mainstream kid, there was a guy who must have bathed in black Dakar perfume and wore a truck driver hat with one side erected.

The other person's head shook violently up and down with the music, but no one could hear his music.

Opposite the truck driver was a morbidly obese woman, her gray hair squeezed under a shower cap, holding a brick-like phone and talking about something very loudly.

"Don't you like buses?"

Peter asked Wanda.

"No, I can't say whether I like it or not, but I don't like this one."

Wanda came up to Peter and asked, "So, teacher, did Cloak ask you to take the bus?"


Peter shook his head, "I just think taking the bus is easier than walking. If you can fly, Wanda, maybe we can travel without taking the bus."

Wanda immediately became frustrated, "Sorry, I haven't learned it yet."

Just as Wanda expressed her desire to learn how to fly, someone tried to sit next to her.

Before the bus even stopped, someone squeezed past.

The skinny woman was about forty years old, but she looked sixty years old. She had big earrings and a tie-dye dress, leaning toward Wanda.

Peter looked at the woman who wanted to sit over and threatened: "Don't sit here, if you want to cause trouble..."

The skinny woman hesitated and hesitated, but ultimately did not sit down.

Eventually she escaped and found another empty seat.

Wanda was a little shocked when she saw Peter driving the woman away almost brutally.

"Do you think I'm being rude and rude, Wanda?"

"Well, a little bit."

Wanda swallowed, she wanted to hear the teacher's explanation.

Peter stared out the window at the scenery of the 1990s and said, "Some people are not worthy of pity."

"I know a girl, and I've seen her at every stage of her life, from the time she was twenty to the end of her life at thirty."

Peter told her about the girl he knew in the alien world in his previous life.

"You want to know? Wanda."

"Of course, teacher."

Peter nodded, feeling that if he didn't teach something as a teacher, he would be somewhat unworthy of his reputation.

He recalled for a moment and said slowly: "Her name was Diana Valentine. When she was eighteen, a year before she graduated from Caldecott, one of her boyfriends made her obsessed with him. poison."

"At the age of nineteen, Diana found out that she was pregnant. The father of the child may be one of those men. This pregnancy was quite troublesome because she did not quit or even reduce her drug addiction."

Peter said calmly: "When the baby was born ten weeks early, the child suffered from a low fetal heart rate and had to be hospitalized - but in the end, the heart rate of the child named Alicia by Diana was stabilized and finally Can go home with her mother."

Wanda listened to Peter's story and was immersed in it. She clung to Peter's body like a little girl listening to her parents telling stories.

"At the age of twenty, Diana decided to find a man to live with her. She chose a weak man who was ten years older than herself, a man who desperately needed love and was willing to do anything for love. He was not addicted to methamphetamine. But sometimes he was a drunkard."

"His name was Scott, and he believed like so many bad relationships - that he could fix Diana, that he could save her from her worst vices, and six months later, Scott Addicted to methamphetamine."

When Peter reached this point, he paused.

Wanda also felt that the story was a bit heavy and sat up straight.

"At the age of twenty-one, Diana and Scott were having fun in a local hotel. Alicia, who was not yet two years old, was at home alone. The little girl had not yet learned to walk because of her slow development. However, She can definitely crawl."

"She crawled into the cupboard under the sink and found a bottle of pipe cleaner. She opened it, drank it, and died in agony on the kitchen floor. Diana and Steko stayed away all day. Look for her because they simply forgot to go home to see her."


When she heard this, Wanda made a surprised sound.

She didn't expect that an innocent baby would die.

"What two unforgivable villains!"

She said through gritted teeth.

Peter continued to tell the story with an expressionless face.

"At the age of twenty-two - in fact, it was her twenty-second birthday - Diana was in hospital and Steko, now off meth but addicted to alcohol, became violent towards her, He broke her nose and part of her eye socket, and she left him."

"At the age of twenty-three, Diana gave up drugs and alcohol."

"At the age of twenty-five, Diana relapsed and was once again possessed by this thing."

After hearing this, Wanda already guessed why Peter told her this story.

She cast a pitiful look at the thin woman just now.

The teacher is reminding himself that some things cannot be touched, right? !

"What happened next?"

Wanda continued to ask curiously.

"At the age of twenty-six, Diana mistakenly believed that she had been deceived by her dealer, a woman named Scarlett. Because of being entangled in this irresistible thing, Diana's brain tissue could no longer The spontaneous, pleasant chemicals and all the feelings are gone.”

"She thought her dealer had stolen her money and didn't give her the drugs, but the truth was that she had received the poison and had finished it, but the delusion still existed, so she broke the mirror hanging on Scarlett's sofa, and she used a piece of the mirror to cut the woman's throat, so Diana suffered a long time in prison."

Peter was silent for a while, and continued:

"At the age of 28, Diana beat another prisoner to death with a lunch tray."

"At the age of 29, she became addicted to a new drug that invaded American life-something called "lizard" that was just beginning to become popular in prisons. It was a derivative of morphine. Many prisoners in prison called it "lizard" because it would damage the skin of the user and make the skin appear scaly."

Wanda's heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this.

She knew that this woman named Diana still had one year.

"When she was thirty, Diana developed gangrene due to using the Lizard. They had to amputate her left leg below the knee. Complications arose during the operation, and Diana died in prison with great pain, leaving only her mother's thoughts."

After Peter finished speaking, he fell silent.

The woman he was talking about was his sister in the alien world in his previous life.

Although he had no pity for the death of such people, he felt extremely complicated when he thought of these.

"I know, teacher, thank you for telling me this story, I will never touch such things in the future."

Wanda hugged his arm and said.

"No, you are wrong, Wanda, the desire that Diana indulges in is drugs, but this drug is different in the eyes of different people."

Peter said with a serious expression: "In the eyes of Black Doctor Strange, this drug is his obsession with Christine. Even if he knows it is poisonous, he will not give up."

"So, Wanda, what is your drug?"

Peter asked, staring into her eyes.

In his previous life, he knew about the war between Wanda and Doctor Strange.

For two children who never existed in reality, for the obsession of so-called "maternal love", she brazenly launched a war against Doctor Strange.

Even if she knew it was a "drug", she probably wouldn't give up at that time.


Wanda didn't expect Peter to ask her, she thought for a while, "I don't know, but I definitely won't indulge in it and get entangled by it."

"I hope so."

Peter shook his head and turned his eyes to the scenery outside the car again.


The bus stopped, and Peter got off the bus under the guidance of the cloak and stood in front of a bar.

Gwen will be here?

With doubts, he took Wanda into the bar.

Maybe because it was daytime, there were not many people in the bar.

Wanda saw Gwen sitting at the bar at a glance.

She immediately walked up and grabbed her arm.

"Gwen? We finally found you!"


Seeing someone holding her arm, "Gwen" turned around in surprise, "What did you call me just now?"


Wanda looked at the "Gwen" in front of her in confusion, and took a step back uncertainly.

The girl in front of her did look like Gwen, but her temperament was completely different.

She was wearing a Bohemian dress and had blonde hair. She looked sweet, which was slightly different from Gwen's slightly heroic temperament.

"I think you may have recognized the wrong person."

The girl smiled at Wanda, "My name is not Gwen, my name is Helen."

Peter next to her looked at the face of the other person who was extremely similar to Gwen.

She looked almost the same as Gwen, and her name was Helen.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed through his mind.

Helen Stacy?

Could this be my mother-in-law?

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