Wanda stared blankly at the guy lying on the ground. Did this guy get his lunch box so quickly?


Before she could make a sound and ask who Peter was, all the accomplices who heard the sound gathered around.

After seeing the man lying on the ground, this group of extremely vicious gangsters all rushed over.

"Uh, that's a little bad!"

Wanda felt that things were a bit big.

With so many people beating him up, the seemingly powerful guy in front of him was a little overwhelmed.

Just as Wanda was questioning whether Peter could take the guys down, Peter turned to face each other.

When the guy at the front saw Peter standing in front of him, he immediately stood up and pounced on him like a beast.

The guy, who seemed to have extraordinary speed and reflexes, swung out his claws, but Peter raised his hand to block him.

The moment he touched Peter, he felt a terrifying force like an explosion, as if a firecracker exploded on his arm!

Just flick his hands away.

Then Peter's arm shook, suddenly exerted force, and his fist directly touched the opponent's chest.

The opponent who didn't react in time made a muffled sound like a sandbag being hit.

Then he felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body flew away like a cannonball.


The boxes placed in the factory were smashed to pieces by him, and sawdust and scattered trivial items filled the air like smoke and dust.


This does not seem to be a normal human home, with blood flowing from the corners of the mouth, dripping down in lines like saliva.

Coughing slightly, he half-hunched his body and stared at Peter.

After using his eyes to carry out a hostile attack for a moment, he continued to charge forward and attack.

Rush forward, and then your body rises into the air.

As a result, Peter caught him the next second and threw him directly to the ground.

Since Peter didn't hold back this time, the guy who hit the ground spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

After taking care of the guys who seemed to be mutants or superhumans, Peter faced other guys who rushed up.

Facing the gangster holding the electric bull machine, Peter shook his head slightly, stepped back slightly on his toes, used his right foot as support, and kicked out with a spin.

In Wanda's horrified eyes, Peter's left leg whipped towards the other person's chest like lightning.

A strong wind blew towards his face, and the guy he attacked subconsciously stretched out his arms to block it.

Yet he still underestimated the full power of Peter.

After being hit in the heart by a kick, the thug retreated suddenly, his whole body was in unbearable pain, and he seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment.

He staggered back, his heart felt a stabbing pain, his body became unstable, and he fell to the ground after a burst of nothingness, completely losing his vitality.

The same goes for several other thugs. Before they even got close to Peter, they were all killed cleanly.

Looking down at the body on the ground, Peter walked towards Wanda who fell on the ground.

"How are you?"

"Uh I'm fine, how did you do that?"

Wanda looked at the corpses everywhere, swallowed and asked him.

"This is a complicated question and it may take a long time to explain. You are Wanda, right?"

"You know my name?"

Wanda looked at him carefully, admiring and fearful of Peter's strength.

I don’t know if Peter is a bad person who is hostile to me.

"Yes, I know your name."

Regarding Wanda's life experience, he had previously asked Helen to send someone to investigate.

Wanda was born to Natalia, a gypsy. Because she comes from a family of wizards for generations, Wanda has been gifted with magic since she was a child.

When he was a baby, he and his twin brother Quicksilver (who was born 30 seconds after Scarlet Witch, so he is the younger brother) were kidnapped by the Supreme Evolution and used as experimental subjects.

"I am here to give you the gift of magic. You can call me Master Parker."

Peter talked nonsense to her casually: "You are destined to become my disciple, so at this point in time, I appear here."

"Mage Parker? Are you kidding me?"

Wanda thought all this was incredible. Although she was young, she would not be deceived by the other party all at once.

"Of course not. You also feel the familiar aura on my body, don't you? That's because we have the same magic origin."

Peter had no mental burden at all about seducing a little girl.

He used his thinking watch to simulate a cool magic, which immediately stunned Wanda.

So Wanda quickly accepted that Peter was a great mage who came to save her.

Midnight, hospital.

The harsh light and the smell of preservatives.

Wanda smelled clean and fresh, but somehow also smelled dirty.

Although she didn't know why she felt this way.

She sat on a blue medical waste container while the attending physician examined her.

"There is a slight concussion problem, but there is no cerebral hemorrhage. In this case, it only leaves such a little trauma, which is pretty good."

The attending doctor really thought that Wanda was injured due to a car accident.

"Do I need to extract a tooth? I don't think my tooth looks good in the back of my mouth."

Wanda made her own little request.

She thought one of her teeth was ugly and she looked like some kind of whistling country girl in breeches.

"It shouldn't be possible. I'm not a dentist. Also, teeth can't be extracted casually."

The attending doctor smiled and said to her: "You have no fractures. The good news is that you don't need stitches."

"So you're going to treat me with this multi-stick thing?"

Wanda looked at the tools in the doctor's hands curiously.

"This is not a multi-stick, this is leather glue."

The attending doctor explained this.

Then, yellow-brown iodine was applied to the red and swollen areas of her hands, feet and face.

This reminded Wanda of catching a grasshopper as a child, and the insect would spit out a brown sticky substance, which was like some kind of defense mechanism.

Peter waited for the doctor to treat Wanda and remained silent.

After the doctor finished treating her, he took Wanda out of the hospital.

"I kind of don't like this place."

There was a huskiness to her voice.

"This is normal. Children don't like hospitals."

"What about you, teacher?"

At this time, Wanda had truly believed that Peter was the Supreme Mage and was ready to accept her as a disciple.

"I don't like hospitals either because I used to go to them a lot."

He has had many interactions with Presbyterian Hospital, whether it was Dr. Lane, Strange or Christine.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to the police?"

Peter asked Wanda: "The guys who are not dead inside have been arrested by the police. If you want to talk to the police, you can get them punished faster."

Wanda had called the police when she got here - but she was using anonymity.

"But if you explain yourself to the police, teacher, you will be exposed, right?"

Although Wanda has lived in the mountains for a long time, she also knows that the law does not allow killing.

"It doesn't matter because I'm a foreigner."

Peter stated that he was a foreigner and therefore not subject to local laws.

Wanda nodded. Although she thought the logic of this statement was a bit strange, she still did not ask her doubts in the end.

"So teacher, do I want to go to a foreign country with you?"

"Of course, we're going to America."

Peter wants to bring Wanda to America.

Not only because she is the container of the Dark God Book at this time, but if she can borrow the power of the Dark God Book, Wanda can release the power of the Dark God Book.

Even more because Wanda is also a powerful chaos magician.

Although the magic power is not strong enough now, it is still a top-notch combat power that has not yet been fully awakened.

Wanda was full of yearning for Peter's power and mystery, so when she heard that Peter was going to the United States, she agreed immediately without much hesitation.

As for her brother who was still on the mountain, she had temporarily forgotten it.

at the same time.

Camustro Bookstore.

Strange looked at Auburn, who was aging and had entered the countdown to his life.

The owner of the library, with gray hair, lay in bed coughing.

Strange sat down and took his hand.

Decades have passed, and this old friend who accompanied him is about to pass away, and he feels extremely heavy.

Holding Auburn's hand, Strange wanted to say something

Auburn spoke first: "We say goodbye, Master Armani."

"Now is not the time."

Strange said and made a gesture to open the Eye of Agamotto again, reverse time and save his old friend.

"No! Don't do this!"

Auburn stopped him, "Master Armani, you used magic to keep yourself frozen for decades, but I choose to grow old naturally."

"I can turn back time and you can live longer, forever."

"No, stop it, I won't accept this."

Auburn then coughed again.

"You're going to die, you're going to disappear here, Auburn."

Oban shook his head and said: "Death is part of your plan, but not to me. You have your persistence, and I have mine, my persistence..." His voice was drawn out.

Strange understands what Auburn did, and although he knows what he did was wrong, he can't go back.

He has been devouring dark creatures for decades in the book city, and now he feels that his magical power has become extremely powerful.

Now, he is even somewhat addicted to absorbing the magic power and vitality of dark creatures.

Indulgence, maybe, but there's something wonderful about that feeling of indulgence.

But Christine's death has always been a psychological burden on him like an anchor.

"I will put everything on the right track," Strange said, "as long as I continue to exist."

Oban coughed violently again, "Don't you understand yet? Master Armani, you are not complete."


"Half of your life is broken. You are incomplete now. You are not even the only Doctor Strange in this universe."

Strange looked at him in shock, "You mean, the other me also appeared?"

"Yes, someone should have moved the timeline, and another you appears. He may not make the same choice as you, but he will make the right choice."

"Master Ancient One."

Strange immediately realized that it was a small move made by the Ancient One Master.

A thoughtful look shot out of his eyes.

Time turns back to the night when Strange talked with Wang Bingzhu.

This time, he did not choose to use the Eye of Agamotto to travel back in time to save Christine. Instead, he chose to spend this different night drinking tea with Wang.

So two Doctor Strange appeared at different times.

One is in the Camustro Book City in the long river of time, constantly devouring dark creatures.

The other is Doctor Strange in the normal timeline, continuing to learn magic from Master Ancient One.

The latter has no idea that the other one who has split off is gradually eroding the real world.

New York.

Gwen is tracking a thief.

The other party has stolen from many well-known jewelry stores, and has become more and more unscrupulous recently.

At this moment, the building is dark, full of lines and shadows, but the little thief knows how to go.

Because Peter suddenly said that he was going to find a helper and was not in New York now.

So Gwen pulled the little thief over to act as her assistant.

Although the little thief's combat power may not be very strong, she is also a top student and knows a lot about computer hacking technology.

The information that the little thief provided to her was that the other party would come here to steal things at night.

When she was standing on the rooftop of the building, a beam of light suddenly appeared on it.

Gwen immediately hid in the shadow.

The light became stronger and stronger, and the shadow came to the balcony, and then began to walk down the stairs to the lobby.

When the beam hit the ground, it bounced back.

Then, it drifted back and forth, searching, searching, like a beam of light from a lighthouse.

The intercom creaked, and then the shadow spoke.

"I swear, I heard something, yes, I'm in the hall."

There was a chattering voice from the other end of the intercom, but Gwen couldn't tell whose voice it was.

"Yeah." The first voice said, pausing, "No, I didn't see anything, well, I'm going to go back and finish my patrol, you'd better stop eating my buns."

According to Gwen's previous personality - her worst habit, when faced with two men talking about the embarrassing story of eating each other's buns, she would probably laugh without thinking.

But this time, Gwen's reason won over herself.

She felt a little bit of a surge of pride. Well, I'm much more mature this time.

As a superhero, I must be professional enough when I work, and such trivial things can't affect myself.

Gwen retreated back to the stairs with random thoughts in her mind.

The little rascal who was in contact with her on the other end of the communicator breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't know if we should do this, Gwen."

"We have to do this. Something dangerous is happening. We have to stop the danger from spreading and catch the thief!"

Gwen said as she returned to the door.

Using the remote control of the little rascal, the metal door slowly opened.

Inside was a stairwell, all dark wood and dusty ochre carpet.

The little rascal whispered, "This upstairs is the guard area. They sometimes come down to patrol. You can lurk here and wait for the thief."


Gwen nodded.

When she was about to say something, she suddenly heard a "thump" sound from outside, as if someone had fallen down.

After hearing the sound, Gwen immediately walked along the carpeted steps and reached the third floor as quickly as possible.

She pushed open the door, and there was no one. There were only two unconscious guards lying on the ground.

In front of her was a wide hall, and in the distance was the corridor with a red door.

More cherry wood furnishings, more likely from Victorian carpets, laid in this room full of jewels.


A pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her into the darkness.

Gwen was about to fight back, but she didn't expect the black cat to suddenly appear in front of her.

The black cat made a silencing gesture to her.


"Felicia? Why are you here?"

The black cat gently loosened its hand covering Gwen's mouth, "'What are you doing here' is a better question, it's about two o'clock in the morning, Gwen."

Gwen looked at the black cat in confusion. Could it be that the thief she was chasing was the black cat?

She continued to ask the black cat: "Okay, then my question is, what are you doing here, Felicia."

"I practiced karate moves until midnight, then went out for a walk, and finally I heard someone coming here, so I followed."

Gwen didn't believe the black cat's words, after all, the other party was a thief.

She seriously suspected that the black cat was the thief who was going to steal things tonight.

Just as Gwen was about to continue asking, a naughty voice suddenly came from the headset; "Gwen, a guard is rushing over."

The moment Gwen stood up suddenly, all the lights lit up.

Bright and brilliant, the gorgeous lights above his head tore the darkness of the room apart, making Gwen feel as if he was looking directly at the sun.

This made Gwen even feel dizzy for a moment, and felt like he was blind after looking at the sun for a long time.

Squinting his eyes, this strange feeling disappeared instantly.

Then Gwen saw a guard rush into the room like a special police.

The other party was holding a Taser, and seemed to be ready to go.

Gwen looked at the vicinity where the guard was, and suddenly there was a black substance.

The black viscous substance appeared in the air and kept squeezing the surrounding existence, surging outward like a black tide.

The guard also saw this sudden appearance.

He held the gun and walked over carefully.

Looking at the strange black viscous substance that kept squirming, approaching him.

The guard couldn't help his curiosity and reached out to touch the black viscous substance.

As a result, he immediately felt a suction force pulling him towards the black viscous substance.

In a flash, the black substance swallowed half of his body.


Gwen jumped out immediately after seeing the guard in danger.

At the same time, spider silk shot out from her wrist to grab the other's arm, so that the other was not completely swallowed.

After seeing the danger the guard encountered, the black cat immediately launched a rescue.

She moved to the guard as quickly as possible and grabbed the other's arm.

Although the two worked together to save him, the guard's body was still swallowed up bit by bit by the black existence.

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