I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 308 Scarlet Witch? One shot down

"He wants to reverse the absolute point in time, and if he succeeds, the entire universe will face destruction."

Peter looked at the Supreme Mage, "You mean, he is trying to change the past?"

"Yes, he tried to go back in time and save Christine."

Master Gu Yi said with a serious face: "The time paradox caused by this will destroy the universe, leaving us little time."

The expression on Gwen's face gradually became serious as she listened to Master Ancient One's words.

It would be too bad if the world did end.

No, not just bad questions.

The world is going to end, that's a very bad situation.

She looked at Peter with worried eyes.

"You're the only one who can stop him, Peter."


Peter did not believe that he was the savior.

He did not believe in the Ancient One Master and could not stop Strange, who had only studied for less than half a year.

There should be a considerable gap between the two in terms of their attainments in spells and black magic.

"But, Master Gu Yi, I don't understand magic."

Peter shook his head and said, "Besides, I don't believe that a person like me can shoulder the responsibility of saving the world."

"Mage, if Strange reverses the time point you mentioned, you will no longer have the strength to defeat him. I believe I do not have such strength either."

"No, you can, you are the only one. Besides, Peter, although you don't know magic now, it doesn't mean you won't know it in the future."

"The future is too far away and no one can say for sure. Even if the world is destroyed in the future, it should have nothing to do with me."

Peter shrugged his shoulders and said in an indifferent tone.

Even if this world is destroyed, he can take Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Gwen, Helen, Black Cat and others to leave this world and go to other multiverses.

After all, Kahn controls the Web of Destiny. As long as he wants, he can open the portal and transport himself to other universes at any time.

"He is closely related to everyone in this world, and no one can escape from it."

The ancient mage looked at Peter. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and her face was getting blurry.

"If you change your mind, Peter, you can always come to this station and we will meet again."

As she spoke, her figure gradually faded until she completely disappeared.

Everything around the station returned to normal, and waiting people and buses began to enter the bus station one after another.

Gwen stretched out her hand and felt the feeling of rain on her skin.

Confirm that what you just experienced was not an illusion.

"Uh, is she really gone?"

Gwen asked in disbelief.


Peter walked out of the bus stop holding an umbrella and held out his hand to Gwen.

Gwen was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked up and took Peter's arm.

She hid under Peter's umbrella and the two walked home together.

"So you really don't care? Peter."

Gwen asked Peter hesitantly.

"This should be out of my control."

Peter shook his head and said to Gwen: "I'm not a magician."

"I'm not a magician either, although I am yearning for those cool magics."

Gwen thought of Strange, "I can't believe that Dr. Stephen could become the person to destroy the world. He is a gentle and confident man."

Gwen didn't quite believe that Doctor Strange would become a villain.

“There are times when we are all held back by heavy shackles.”

Peter understood.

"And if you try to break through this shackles, anyone may slip into the abyss."

Gwen nodded.

She puts herself into Dr. Strange's perspective.

Would you do this if you lost Peter?

Could it be that because he wanted to save Peter, he would do something like Dr. Strange and reverse time to change the outcome?

In the past, she felt that she might not be able to do such a thing.

But now she hesitated.

Even if the world is destroyed, do you still have to risk everything to save the one you love?

She looked up at Peter.

If it were Peter, he would do that for himself!

No, if he goes by what he knows about Peter, he will definitely do that.

Then, I also have a reason to do that.

"What are you thinking? Gwen."

Peter's words suddenly rang in her ears.

Coughing, Gwen shook the messy thoughts out of her mind, "I'm thinking, although you said you don't care about the destruction of the world, if that really happens, you will definitely stand up. I understand you, Peter."

"I don't even know myself, Gwen."

Peter lowered his head to Gwen and said, "I'm not a superhero who wants to save the world, Gwen."

"But heroes don't always have the goal of saving the world. You are a hero in my heart, Peter."


Peter didn't expect Gwen to say such a thing.

"Thanks, Gwen, that's probably the highest compliment I've ever received."

After taking Gwen home, Peter stayed in the room, staring at the ring transformed from the dark book in his hand.

Although he said that the destruction of the world had nothing to do with him, his body was still very honest, and he began to think about how to counterattack.

It seems that the Dark God Book is the only available tool at the moment.

Although once this thing backfires, the consequences will be serious.

Thinking of the Dark Book, he thought of the current container of the Dark Book - Wanda. I wonder what the other party is doing now?

Maybe I should go and see this container.

"The rent is due, but it has not been paid yet! It's terrible!"

If I don't pay back the money, this shabby little room that Wanda calls an apartment may no longer be hers.

Those guys had come to the door this morning, when the sun had just risen.

They pounded on her door violently and left a red IOU - not the pink one left last time, or the yellow one left the day before last - under the room she lives in now.

Evicted, homeless!

In her mind, there was the scolding voice of the nuns, a scolding from an invisible existence: You will never be a qualified nun, even as a baby, you never wanted to hold your bottle.

This is what the nuns on Mount Wanda like to say the most.

When you were a baby... you didn't even want to hold the bottle.

You spoke too late, unlike your brother.

You didn't learn how to use a potty until all the other girls knew how to use one.

You don't pray to the Lord every day like a good nun.

They never called her stupid, never said such harsh words.

But insults were everywhere, and the hidden meanings behind the words were like monsters under the bed.

And these people in Mount Wanda often studied their bodies in the name of helping them check their bodies.

Wanda is not even ten years old this year, but her body is growing very fast.

Now when she walks outside, she will definitely be regarded as a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

This is also the reason why she was able to rent this room after escaping.

However, she is now unemployed.

After she was fired from Wendy's, she was fired from a fast food restaurant again - a guy who looked like a Mexican accused her of embezzling money from him, which sounded like a strange way of saying she was stealing.

She had no idea about this and didn't understand why the other party said she was embezzling.

Well, maybe the Mexican guy with a funny way of speaking was wrong.

Marjorie, the sheep-like old cranky woman in a fuzzy wig, fired herself without reason.

What now?

Annoyed, annoyed, annoyed!

Calm down Wanda!

You won't be kicked out until the weekend.

It's all right, you just need to find the crux of the problem.

She opened a Wal-Mart shopping bag, reached into the plastic bag, and took out a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, and a frosted glass, charcoal-black soot-stained burnt-out light bulb.

She was a little excited last night, and the light bulb exploded inexplicably.

The glass shards pierced her palm, causing her to use tweezers to pick out each shard with her shaking hands.

The small pieces that were accidentally left in her palm were finally squeezed out by the flesh next to her.

She has become quite professional now.

She carefully removed the base of the bulb with pliers, and then used a screwdriver to poke out the rest of the bulb's inner core - the center coil and all those tiny connections.

Wanda reached into the bag again and grabbed a can of air duster, a box of drinking straws, and a roll of black electrical tape.

After installing the bulb, she sat down on the sofa, "Maybe I should rescue my brother. We can do odd jobs here. It's better than living in the mountains anyway."

As she spoke, she "rescued" a small wooden box from under her sofa cushions.

This used to be used to store the tarot cards given to her by the nun, but these things are actually worthless.

Because these tarot cards never tell the future, she always has to use the little book to figure out how to arrange the cards.

Exhaling a breath, she put the tarot cards aside.

Reaching out her hand, she stared at this pair of unique hands.

She was very aware of her uniqueness, as if she had an extraordinary talent and could release magic like a magician.

"You are different from others! Wanda!"

This sentence rang in her mind like a bell, making a continuous sound.

Every time she heard this voice in her mind, she was calm and excited at the same time.

She knew why those people studied her, because she could feel that they expected to get something from her...

Just as she was thinking about her superpowers, the phone in the room suddenly rang.

She should confirm who called before answering the phone, but Wanda answered the phone without thinking.

The moment she heard the irritable voice from the other side, she felt that everything was too late.

"Hey, Anna, you should pay the rent!"

(Anna: Wanda's pseudonym)

"I will, but I need some time, I will give you money."

"Really? Lying is not a good thing, Anna."

"Yes, I swear, I will get some money soon."

After Wanda hung up the phone, she immediately remembered a sneaky guy she had contacted before.

The other party once told her that her figure and temperament were very suitable for a job in his hands.

If you need money, you can contact him.

Well, although some are not reliable, you can give it a try now.

So she rummaged through the trash can, found a business card inside, and dialed the other party's number.

"Hello, we have contacted before. I want your job, but I need some money now."

Wanda said straight to the point as soon as she came up.

"I can give it to you when we meet."

"Where? When?"

"The bus stop in Luohe Park, by the Archer statue."

Wanda thought for a while and remembered that there was such a place in the park not far away.

"That's it, see you in an hour."

She quickly reached out her thumb and pressed the button to end the call.

After hanging up the phone, Wanda hurried down from her hotel on the hill.

Although it was raining outside, she didn't realize it.

The rain wasn't very heavy, just a drizzle, as if God's spit had fallen on her hair.

Some children wearing hoodies played on a closed tennis court, leaning against a chain-link fence.

Wanda quickly walked across the tennis court, stepping on the wet ground to reach her destination.

She tried to keep herself from slipping, a danger posed by wet asphalt and poor-quality sneakers.

At the bus stop around the corner, Wanda waited to cross the street.

Walking into the drizzle, she quickly arrived under the statue.

There are no cars parked, no people waiting here.

Is that guy late?

A few minutes later she heard shuffling behind her.

Someone is moving this way, their shoes stepping on the torn pages of the forgotten print.

She was about to turn around.


Something heavy hit her on the back of the head, and the whole world fell into a black hole.

For a moment, Wanda blinked and found herself on her hands and knees, a yellowed leaf crawling like a crab in front of her, a brief, sudden gust of wind blowing it away in an instant.

On a newspaper near her, the wind blew to reveal an article titled "Alert! There are many missing girls in the local area! 》report.

Detailed details of the girl's disappearance were reported in the newspapers.

"Eighteen-year-old Anne Padrick witnessed being dragged into a black SUV by a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Witnesses said they saw blood on the girl's head."

There is a picture below the published story.

It looked like a cell phone snapshot downloaded from Facebook. The girl had long, straight black hair, an ordinary face, and the other person looked drunk in the photo.

The other person was holding a plastic cup with a drink in it, Beer or Coors or some other light beer mixed with water.


A gust of wind came and blew the newspaper away.

I don’t know how long it took, but Wanda woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he felt dizzy.

Looking at the unfamiliar factory-like environment around her, Wanda felt like she was on a collapsed bridge or a river swept by a storm.

There were some subtle sounds not far away.

"This girl is good, she should be able to satisfy the hobbies of those big shots."

"The news has been a bit tight recently. Many girls have disappeared. The police have already focused on us."

"Calm down, we also have people in the police station. You have forgotten one thing. This world is a world of power. We provide young girls for those big shots to have fun. They don't want anything to go wrong!"

When Wanda heard this, she immediately understood what was going on!

It was these bastards who kidnapped him.

And these people not only kidnapped themselves, but also kidnapped many girls before.

Her body trembled slightly with anger.

The eyes are glowing red, almost overflowing with light!

"Click! Click!"

At the same time, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and someone came towards her.

In her angry sight, a man walked towards her.

The man was holding an old wooden baton with a leather cord wrapped around his wrist. There were two metal detectors at the end of the baton.

Sparkling and snapping.

This is an electric cattle prod from the last century.

Although Wanda didn't know what it was, she knew it must be the weapon used by the other party.

Watching the other party walking towards her, the red energy covering Wanda's body almost condensed into substance.

In the vast factory building, the bare light bulbs overhead suddenly went supernova.

The entire space was instantly suffocating and suffocating, with blazing red light, as if the place was completely trapped in a bolt of lightning.

Wanda, filled with powerful coercion, slowly rose from the ground, like a descending demon.

The next second!

Wanda fell to the floor, her limbs twitching and her fingers and toes curling inward.

After knocking Wanda down with one shot, the man was about to beat the girl who had frightened him.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, "I don't think you would do that."


The man with the electric cattle prod whipped around, only to see Peter standing behind him.

This time, Peter did not appear in Spider-Man costume, but appeared here in his real body.

This is not the United States, and there is no need for him to hide his identity.

Wanda, who was a little uncomfortable with the shock, raised her head and looked at Peter who suddenly appeared.

Staring at Peter, she always felt that there was a familiar aura about him.

Who is this man?

"Who the hell are you?"

The man stared at Peter with an unkind look, fully intending to take action immediately if the other person answered incorrectly.

"I'm Peter Parker, but you probably haven't heard of this name."

Peter reached out, grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him into the air.


The man, whose throat was pinched and making a sound of agony, used all his strength to throw the electric cattle prod at Peter.

Seeing that Peter didn't dodge, Wanda couldn't help shouting: "Be careful!"

However, contrary to Wanda and the man's expectations, Peter was shot but had no reaction.

The electric current hit him, and he couldn't even move his brows.


Under Wanda's shocked gaze, Peter broke the other person's neck.

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