I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 307 Gwen and Gu Yi at the station


Take a deep breath, Strange reached out and touched his chest.

He found that except for the torn clothes on his chest, his skin was not hurt.

"It seems that my luck is not bad."

He patted his chest and stood up to look at the surrounding environment.

It was quiet all around, as if he was in a quiet and deserted place.

"Well, I have to continue my restarted life, but before that"

Strange whispered to himself, stood up and walked out.

But when he turned around, he saw a figure standing in front of him.

The other party wore a bamboo hat and held a strangely shaped wizard's staff in his hand.

"Uh, hello, I'm going to find the Lost Book City of Camustro, sir, do you know?"

The Camustro he mentioned is a famous wizard.

And the Book of Camustro is a forbidden book that records various magics.

It also includes many black magics, such as summoning Dormammu and the Eye Demon.

Its author, Camustro, is not a person of this century.

He is a magician born in the 31st century. He traveled through time to the beginning of Genesis, absorbed and learned all the magic, and finally became a god, becoming "Genesis".

In addition, he is also the first wizard to discover the Eye of Agamotto.

The Eye of Agamotto is a sacred artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Supreme Sorcerer. It was created by Agamotto, the son of Ossette, the mother of white magic.

Being the first to discover the Eye of Agamotto, you can imagine the other party's magical strength.

After Strange learned about Camustro's deeds, he tried to find more powerful power from the books he collected.

Now that he has turned against the Ancient One, the only thing he can do is to strengthen his own strength first, and then think about time travel.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Strange waved to him, "Hello, can you hear me? Library, do you know where it is?"

He gestured with his hand, "I should have come to the forbidden land of time, maybe you can give me some inspiration. The Lost Book City of Camustro I mentioned is a place for storing books, reading and acquiring knowledge."

The man in the bamboo hat stared at him for a while, and suddenly turned and left.

"Hey, hey, I'm talking to you? Why are you leaving?"

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Strange immediately chased after him.

Following the strange guy out of the dense forest, a majestic castle appeared in front of him.

Looking up at the towering castle in the distance, Strange shook his head helplessly.

"It's a good place, but it's a pity that there is no entrance."

As he said, he immediately cast a portal spell and sent himself to the castle hall that was dozens of meters high and close to the cliff.

He had previously used the Eye of Agamotto to teleport himself to this legendary lost place that was out of time.

It is said that there is a book of Camustro here, but he is a little skeptical now.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

He shouted towards the empty surroundings.

No one responded to him, and the surroundings were still dead silent.

Take two steps forward and he saw a rune magic symbol on the floor.

"Hmm, it seems there are some hints."

Squatting down, he pinched his hand and used explicit magic to apply it to the magic rune.


With his movements, the magic runes on the ground immediately moved and floated in front of him.

After that, more and more magic runes rose from the ground, emitting a glittering light that surrounded him.

At the same time, the ground under his feet also moved.


Amid Strange's screams, he fell under the collapsed ground.

Falling in the dark ground, he staggered to his feet.

Covering his aching head, he looked at the place where the faint light was coming from in the distance.

Then the firelight kept magnifying in his eyes, and the man in the bamboo hat he had seen before walked towards him with a torch in his hand.

"You are the most bizarrely dressed wizard I have ever seen."

The man in the bamboo hat finally spoke to him.

"Ahem, this is an Armani suit, it might be worth a bit."

Looking at his suit, Strange said to the other party: "I came here to meet the legendary wizard Camustro. According to records, he has mastered the secret of breaking through the time point. Where should I find him?"

The man in the bamboo hat shook his head, "Sorry, this is a bit difficult. He is elusive and there is no trace to find."

Strange stared at him, "Okay, speak mysteriously and keep a little unpredictable. Don't tell me that you are Camustro."

"No, I'm not."

The man in the bamboo hat said that he was not the person he was looking for, "I am Auburn, the administrator of the Camustro Library. Come with me, Master Armani."

As he said, he walked forward holding the staff.

"No, my name is not Armani, I am Strange."

"The name is not important. Besides, I have seen many wizards with weirder names than you."

As he said, he took Strange to a door.


The door was pushed open, and a warmer and more dazzling light shone in.

A tower made of countless books appeared in front of him.

Staring at the mountains of books in front of him, Strange was stunned.

"This is the book you are looking for. As a librarian, I will allow anyone who enters here to browse these books, but - how long do you want to look at them?"

Strange stared at the spectacular scene in front of him and whispered: "I don't know, probably until I find it."

After Auburn left, Strange immediately activated his magic.

Countless books in the air were spinning around him.

"Transfiguration, mind control, and teleportation are not these."

A similar magic book flashed before him.

"Interesting, I finally found the time control technique."

Opening the book written by Camustro, Strange sat down and read the words above.

"Breaking through the absolute time node requires powerful power and is unreachable."

Turning the page over, he continued to read the words above, "Absorb dark creatures to gain power!"


Seeing this, he became interested in "absorption".

He read the text quickly.

Soon he understood the secret of this "absorption" of magic.

The "absorption" here means absorbing other people's magic and vitality for one's own use.

This magic was first created by Camustro, and it was through this magic that the other party finally became a god.

While this type of magic is rarely seen, it's not unheard of in the Marvel universe.

In "WandaVision", Agatha also uses this magic.

Just as Strange was about to summon the dark creature, he suddenly thought of the tentacles of the beholder that he had specially reserved before.

"Well, maybe I can try to absorb some of this stuff first."

He immediately made a gesture and used space magic to summon a space belt.


In the space zone, several tentacles of the beholder fell to the ground.

Strange opened his mouth according to what was recorded in the magic book.

Suddenly, the surface of the beholder's tentacles emitted a burst of light, which was completely absorbed by him.

"It feels good."

Feeling the increase in magical power within his body, Strange continued to summon other creatures.

The first time he summoned a Bigfoot.

The monster with bared teeth and claws came towards him, only to be absorbed by him in one fell swoop.

"The second one!"

Strange burped and continued to summon other dark creatures.

Meanwhile, New York.

Gwen held an umbrella and stared at Times Square in New York, which was being repaired.

After the Beholder incident, Times Square suffered serious damage.

On both sides of the road are rows of oak trees.

Some leaves have turned yellow, some have fallen to the ground, and some have spun down like helicopters and landed on the road.

She tried her best not to think about the tentacled monster that made her feel sick.

The wet asphalt smells somewhat unpleasant.

Gwen thought about her previous conversation with Dr. Pym.

Although the monster was created by the other party, Dr. Pim expressed his apology and expressed his willingness to take all responsibilities.

"Quantum channel, if I can really travel through time, maybe I can go back and have a look."

Gwen thought of Dr. Pym's quantum channel.

As she thought about it, her eyes turned to the bus stop around the corner.

Holding an umbrella, she walked to the bus stop.

After attending band rehearsal at school, she was riding home.

After becoming a superhero, she usually goes home swinging in the air and rarely rides in a car.

At the bus stop, there was a person waiting for the bus, a stranger wearing a heavy robe.

Although it's not cold enough yet to wear a heavy coat.

But this is a free country and people can wear whatever they want.

She just stood there, her floppy hood pulled low.

Gwen's feet were soaked, and the rain poured in.

The postman delivered a copy of Consumer Reports magazine, the yellow pages...yellow pages.

Holding the magazine and staring at the increasingly heavy rain outside, Gwen took out her mobile phone and dialed Peter's number.

"Peter, it's raining hard, you have to come pick me up."

"You can fly over here, Gwen."

"I'll still get soaked in the rain."

"Your symbiote suit is not afraid of rain erosion."

"But it's still going to be hard."

After a lot of hard work, Gwen finally got Peter to agree to pick her up.

While waiting for Peter to pick her up, Gwen cast her gaze outside.

All the vehicles were coming and going and passing by in a hurry.

Gwen remembered coming here before, but that was several years ago.

Nothing has changed here.

Sausage and onion combos are still on sale.

The adjacent ice cream store had expanded, and the pink plywood cone hung loosely beneath the sign, its paint slowly scraped away and faded by the relentless onslaught of time.

Also around the corner was the dime store, which is still called Benner's.

But it would no longer be possible to buy something for only fifteen cents as before.

Even the kind of machine that sits outside sells crispy gum for twenty-five cents.

However, everything else has changed.

A natural gas station in the distance is now replaced by an Exxon oil company.

Also, it seems that Ruberto’s Brick Hearth used to be a Lai Amity company.

The original Pepper Pot Cafe opposite is now Ink Monkey Studio.

"Can we talk?"

The woman next to him in a yellow robe suddenly sat next to Gwen.

Gwen, who was startled, raised her head and saw the ancient mage looking at her with a smile.

She felt that the other person looked familiar.

Have you seen her yourself?

"Uh, are you talking about me?"


Master Gu Yi said to her: "I am waiting for someone here, and you seem to be waiting for someone too."

"Yes, I'm waiting for my friend."

Gwen exhaled and said to the other party: "It's raining a lot outside, and he's going to pick me up."

"I guess we're waiting for the same person."

The Ancient One Master said to Gwen: "And I guess your name is Gwen, right?"

Gwen looked at her in surprise.

"Do you know how to tell fortunes?"

"Then can you tell me whether I am a good girl or a bad girl?"

Gwen immediately became interested, "Will I become a good girl, or am I destined to be a bad girl, a worthless girl, I mean the kind that is useless to God's creation and can only create Girls in pain and confusion.”

"You are a good girl, Gwen. Although I can't know everything about you, I can feel that you are unusual."

Master Ancient One smiled and said: "You have saved many creatures that had disappeared, and even saved the existence closest to you."

"It sounds like I'm somewhat great, but unfortunately I don't think I've done that many great things."

Gwen felt that the woman in front of her was full of mystery.

The other party looks like Mrs. Weber, but is more mysterious than Mrs. Weber.

"So...are you waiting for Peter?"

She asked Master Gu Yi curiously.

"Yes, I have been waiting for him here for a long time."

"long time?"

Gwen raised her head in confusion, looked at the rain outside, and then looked down at her watch.

The watch showed it was only five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Have you been waiting for Peter all afternoon?"

"No, longer than that."

Master Gu Yi casually made a magic handprint. Following her movements, the scenery at the bus stop in front of her suddenly changed.

In Gwen's shocked eyes, the ice cream shop next to her quickly changed back to its previous appearance.

The pink tapered plywood, whose paint had gradually faded under the relentless attack of time, was repainted.

Exxon Oil Company in the distance has become an oil company again.

And the Ruberto's Brick Hearth became the La Amity Company.

Ink Monkey Studio has also been transformed into Pepper Coffee Cafe.

It seems like time has gone back a few years, and these stores have changed back to what they were before.

"This is.!"

Gwen looked at the scene in front of her in shock. She stood up suddenly and looked at everything around her.

"I have been waiting here. Time is cut here by me. I am waiting for his arrival. At every point in time, I may encounter him, now, in the past, and in the future."

Gwen's head was a little dizzy. She felt that what the other party said was a bit too profound.

"Uh sorry, I kinda don't understand what you mean, maybe it's a little complicated."

Master Ancient One stood in front of Gwen with his hands behind his back and said, "You can understand that if you want to find me in the future, just come to this station."

Gwen nodded hesitantly. She hesitated and asked the other party: "Are you a magician?"

"It counts."

"So do you know Doctor Strange?"

That's what Gwen remembered Peter calling the other person.

"Yes, he is my disciple, but his sanity was destroyed by love."

Master Gu Yi looked forward.

Gwen also followed her gaze and found Peter walking towards him holding an umbrella.

With his arrival, the surrounding buildings seemed to have been pressed on the time accelerator button, changing rapidly.

The buildings of the past are re-transformed into the present era.

When Peter walked to her side, time seemed to stretch from the past to the present.

Standing in the restored station, Gwen looked at Peter blankly.

A feeling of great changes suddenly arose in her heart.

"Are you okay? Gwen."

Peter waved his hand in front of the dazed Gwen.

After a long while, Gwen woke up as if from a dream.


"Your voice sounds like you haven't seen me for several years."

Peter said to the excited Gwen, and at the same time he turned his gaze to the ancient mage on the other side.

"Master Ancient One?"

He was slightly stunned. He never expected that Master Gu Yi would appear here.

Isn’t this woman teaching Doctor Strange magic?

How come you have time to come to New York?

Could it be that he was planning to deal with the beholder?

But wasn't the beholder sent away long ago?

Peter was in deep doubt.

At this time, he still didn't know that Doctor Strange and the Ancient One had turned against each other.

"We finally meet, Peter."

Master Gu Yi walked towards him with his hands behind his back.

"Master Gu Yi knows me?"

"Of course, you know me too, don't you? There's nothing strange about that."

The ancient mage glanced at the ring on Peter's finger that was made from the last page of the Book of Darkness.

"It's not easy to have a conversation with you. You are a busy man, Peter."

"Isn't the Ancient One teaching Doctor Strange?"

Peter asked the Ancient One noncommittally.

"He temporarily left Kama Taj and lost himself."

Ancient One said: "He has not yet come out of his pride."

Peter listened to Gu Yi's words and wondered what happened to the master and disciple.

But it should be a bad thing.

Peter pondered for a moment and asked the Ancient One, "Is the purpose of the Ancient One this time for me?"

He felt that the only thing that could be related to him now was the Dark Book.

But he placed this thing in Wanda's body.

If this woman asked for it, what would she do?

Reject or explain the situation directly?

"Yes, it was for you, Peter."

The Ancient One did not deny it, "I saw a crisis, a crisis caused by my negligence, and I tried to make up for it all."

"Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to escape into the past, and I couldn't find him."

The Ancient One said the biggest crisis, "Although he escaped into the past and I couldn't find him, I can see many possibilities in the future, and you are the key, Peter."

Gwen looked at her boyfriend in amazement when she heard that Peter was the key to the future.

"You said. Strange betrayed you?"

"He didn't betray me, he was destroyed by love and embarked on the road of destruction."

The Ancient One sighed.

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