I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 306 Doctor Strange and Ancient One's Enmity

"Since when did you start drinking cheap wine too? Stephen."

Karma Taj, Wang walked towards Doctor Strange sitting in the chair.

"Since coming here."

Doctor Strange turned around, "When I have something I can't figure out, I hope to use some alcohol to solve it, especially low-quality alcohol. Although I now have the secret of magic, it doesn't seem to be able to solve most problems."

"At least it helped you deal with the beholder, didn't it?"

Wang put his hands behind his back and said to Doctor Strange: "You saved New York."

"That's not my fault, that's Spider-Man and Ant-Man. I know my own strength. That's not a monster I can deal with."

Wang shook his head, "Never underestimate yourself, Stephen, you have a magical talent that no one can match."

Stephen did not continue to talk about this topic, but asked Wang: "Why don't you rest so late?"

"I got up and wanted to go to the mage toilet."

As he spoke, he looked at Doctor Strange's right hand.

Doctor Strange gently turned his hand over so that he wouldn't see what he was holding.

Although he knew that this could not be hidden from Wang, he still did it subconsciously.


When Wang saw the Eye of Agamotto in Doctor Strange's hand, he did not reveal it directly, but said to him: "I suggest you not do anything stupid, Stephen."

He turned around and said, "I'm going to make a pot of good tea, and we can have a good night talk. You know, in China, this is called holding a candle and talking at night."

Watching Wang leave, Doctor Strange stopped him.



"Is fate really unchangeable?"

"I have no idea."

Wang turned around, "But you already have an answer for that, don't you?"

Doctor Strange said nothing.

He thought of everything he had experienced in the beholder's illusion.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't save Christine.


This is an illusion created by the opponent based on his own weakness.

You can definitely change yourself.

Two time points.

One was that he was in a car accident, resulting in comminuted fractures of his hands, and then his own stupidity and arrogance led to Christine's death.

At another point in time, he had an argument with Christine in the car, which directly resulted in the other person's death.

If you want to change your destiny, at which point in time should you start?

Watching Wang's leaving figure, he had an idea in his mind.

He put the Eye of Agamotto around his neck and made a pinching gesture.

The green light emitted more intense light, gradually engulfing him.

"I'll give it to you, Strange."

Standing in front of him was the dead Christine.

He looked around in shock and found that he had arrived in the past.

The night I had a fight with Christine.

Take a deep breath and force yourself to calm down.

"You look beautiful today, Christine."


Christine looked at him suspiciously, "Are you okay? Strange."

She thought that the other party had suffered too much from the car accident and was now suffering from mental problems.

Otherwise, why would you say these incomprehensible words?

"Hey, listen, Strange, I promise, your hand will be fine. What you need to do now is to remain patient and have confidence in the current medical level."

Kristen tried to persuade the other party.

"No, those are not important to me anymore. I mean, I don't care if it can be cured now, because there are more important things in my life."


Kristen was stunned for a few seconds, and then looked at the other person again.

"I'm glad you can say that, Strange."

She said from the bottom of her heart.

"I'll take you home."

She offers to walk Strange home.

In the speeding car, Kristen was in a good mood.

She was happy that her boyfriend had finally come out of his decadence.

"You seem a little different today."

Christine said to him.

"Yes, I had a dream."

Strange smiled and said, "A long dream."

Kristen asked curiously: "About what?"

"I dreamed that I was in trouble, that I was already in trouble, and that I was going to get deeper into it."

“Without an oar, without a boat, not even a pair of little inflatable floating ‘arm life preservers’, the forces of darkness were coming for me.”

Christine shrugged, "That was a really pessimistic dream."

"Yes, it's very pessimistic, but I still have a chance to make up for it, and what makes me feel good is that I can swim back to the shore and be ready to go again, and I can even come back to the shore multiple times."

He said to Kristen, then closed his eyes tightly and murmured to himself, "Now I am making up for this regret. Although I have made many mistakes, having the opportunity to correct them is the biggest thing for me." of happiness.”

"You'll make it, Strange."

Christine turned around with a smile and replied to him.

The next second, dazzling lights illuminated the entire cab.

Just as Strange looked at him in disbelief, a truck rammed straight towards him.

Then he lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up from his coma.

I had a splitting headache, and a pain that seemed ready to split at any moment.


After he recovered, he immediately looked for Christine in the driver's seat.

Lifting his slightly heavy arms, he found that he was still in the truck, still sitting here.

The engine idled with a low thumping roar.

The "broken crayon" - the pickup truck that struck his car - lay in the beam of his headlights.

In the driver's seat was Christine, whose face was covered in blood.

There was a shard of glass stabbed into the opponent's heart.

"No! No! No!"

He was helpless as he watched Christine, who was once again in danger of death, falling into great pain.

He wanted to tell himself it was just a dream.

A long journey after falling asleep, a long night, a low haze.

What he was trying to hypnotize himself into seeing was not real.

But the bloody reality told him that this was reality, and he messed up again!

"No, I still have a chance to change!"

As he spoke, he immediately controlled the Eye of Agamotto and adjusted the time to before departure again.

"I'll give it to you, Strange."

Back to the original point, Christine said to Strange.

Taking a deep breath, Strange calmed down his restless heart.

"You look beautiful today, Christine."


Christine looked at him suspiciously, "Are you okay? Strange."

"Yes, my attitude towards life has changed. From now on, can I treat you to a steak? I suddenly miss that taste."

Since there is bound to be a car accident tonight, the two of them should stop driving.

He didn't believe he could avoid this car accident.


Christine looked at him with a smile.

"I'm glad to see this change you've made, Strange."

In the restaurant near the hospital, Strange looked at his hands in embarrassment.

Not only can he now not be able to hold a scalpel, he can't even cut a steak.

Seeing her boyfriend's embarrassment, Christine took the initiative to take his steak.

"I guess this thing is different from a scalpel."

She flashed the knife and fork in her hand to Strange, "I can do this for you."


Strange smiled and thanked the other party.

While Christine was cutting steak for him, she didn't notice that a car lost control and crashed in this direction.


The out-of-control car smashed the glass and hit Kristen.


After losing Christine again, he fell to his knees in pain.

"I still have a chance!"

He stood up and reversed time again.

This time, he did not let Kristine drive or go to the restaurant on the roadside. Instead, he asked Kristine to stay with him in the hospital.

There is no danger in this, right?

As it turns out, Christine did not get into a car accident this time, but was hijacked by a robber who broke in to steal medicines.

The other party claimed that he just wanted to get the medicine to save his son and did not want to hurt anyone.

Kristen was moved by the robbers and took the initiative to replace another hostage.

But when the other party was surrounded by the police, an excited man accidentally pulled the trigger, directly piercing Christine's heart.

Returning to Karma Taj, Strange held the Eye of Agamotto, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

No, it's not time to give up yet.

There is another point in time.

Strange immediately made his hand gestures and returned to another point in time - before the time of his car accident.

This time it was Peter who stood in front of him.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Strange, who had just finished the operation, was wearing surgical clothes and looked at Peter who greeted him.

He looked at his surroundings and confirmed that he was now back to the night of the car accident.

This time he saw it very clearly, and as Peter greeted him, he looked at his hands.

Strange didn't let himself appear strange. He walked up to Peter and said, "Speaking of which, I don't have your contact information yet. Maybe in order to avoid an embarrassing situation, I think we can exchange contact information."

He remembered that at this time, he planned to exchange contact information with Peter.


Peter nodded and took out his phone.

"Does Dr. Strange like to play with mobile phones?"

Peter suddenly asked him.

"Um, no, I just like to use my mobile phone to read CT medical records sometimes. You know, I'm a little pressed for time."

He continued to answer Peter according to his previous memory.

"That's good."

Peter nodded, "I don't think it's safe to look at CT medical records while driving, especially when it's raining heavily outside. Are you right, doctor?"


Strange nodded, hesitated and asked him: "If I don't go driving tonight, Peter, do you think those established things will still happen?"

Peter didn't seem to expect that he would ask this, and was stunned for a moment.

"What's a given, Doctor Strange?"

"Things that change your life."

"Who knows? But fate likes to play tricks on people. It's like a cat, and humans are like mice. When a mouse meets a cat, it's probably doomed."

Peter said something that made him think.

"Good luck, Doctor Strange."

After saying this, Peter turned and left.

Strange stood there, watching his leaving figure.

He took out his cell phone, dialed the organizer of the meeting, and canceled tonight's meeting.


There was a thunder outside, and the windows shook slightly.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, it was not his own guess, Peter definitely knew his fate.

Also, driving in the rain is indeed dangerous.

This time, because it was not raining, he drove the Lamborghini on the winding mountain road, so there was no accident.

He spent the next few days cautiously, but life remained uneventful.

He always thought that there would be another accident that would cause his hand to be crushed and fractured.

Such as a medical accident, or a finger being squeezed by the door when opening the door.

But luckily that didn't happen.

One day two weeks later, Strange was in the hospital office, picking up a cup of coffee given to him by Christine.

His eyes accidentally caught the TV in the corridor outside.

The TV was broadcasting the latest accident, and there were many patients, doctors and nurses around.

"We have received the latest news of a fire in a shopping mall that has killed more than ten people, including the tragic death of Dr. Christine Palmer of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, an emergency and trauma specialist. "

Staring at the news on TV in shock, the coffee cup in Strange's hand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.


Unwilling to do so, he restarted time again and returned to the time when he met Peter.

This time he still did not choose to drive to the meeting and continued to stay in the hospital.

Christian died a week later due to a medical device accident that destroyed both of his hands.

Come again!


Strange, who had tried countless times, knelt down in front of the deformed car and screamed in pain, "No! Why?!"


In mid-air, a portal was opened.

Master Gu Yi slowly appeared from inside.

"Good evening, Strange. Is your car broken down?"

Strange, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and looked at the mage who was telling jokes about hell.

The car broke down? Why don't you just say you can't park here.

"Why. Are you here, mage?"

"I'm here to help you, Strange."

The ancient mage's feet landed on the ground, "You are confused now, Strange."

"Yes, I am a little confused. I am a mouse now, being played by the cat of fate."

Master Gu Yi said slowly: "If you want to be a changer, fate will have an 'interesting way' to resist those who want to change it. Sometimes fate is difficult to change."

"Strange, this is the starting point of everything, the beginning of your journey. The death of Dr. Christine Palmer will make you feel discouraged and seek the answer to magic. Then you and I meet, This is a fate that cannot be changed.”

Strange stood up, "Then help me change this node, Master."

"I'm sorry, I can't, and no one can. Her death is an absolute time point."


Strange shook his head, "It's not the shattering fractures of my hands, but the absolute timing of Christine's death?"

The Ancient One Master still said in a rational tone: "Yes, your hands can save it, but you can't save Dr. Palmer's death because you got one thing wrong, Strange, that's yours." There is no inseparable connection between the injury to your hands and your becoming the Supreme Mage and defeating the beholder."

"It was just an ordinary accident."

"There are countless accidents in this universe. Why is my accident ordinary, but Christine's accident is destined!"

He held the Eye of Agamotto and angrily stepped forward to question Master Ancient One.

"Everything is destined to happen, Strange, you are now modifying the laws of the universe and risking the safety of the entire universe. You cannot succeed."

Strange shook his head, "Nothing is impossible. This is what you taught me. Now I can't do it because my strength is not strong enough. I need more power."

Master Ancient One put his hand on his shoulder and softly persuaded his proudest disciple, "No, you can't. Even the greatest magician in history can't do it, Strange."

"How do you know it's not possible? You said that the magic you know is only the smallest part of the entire universe. I am creating a paradox in my own way."

Strange took a step back and let the other man's hand move away from his shoulder.

"Stop torturing yourself, you will only cause yourself more pain."

Master Gu Yi is still trying to persuade his beloved disciple.

"No! I won't give up."

"This will only lead you down a path of darkness and destruction, Stephen."

Strange was no longer prepared to listen to the words of the Ancient Master. He activated the Eye of Agamotto and prepared to restart time again.

Seeing that his disciple was stubborn, Master Gu Yi stopped trying to persuade him with his words.

Her eyes became sharper, "Don't do that! Stephen, otherwise I will be rude."

Strange looked up at his master, "No, you won't do anything to me, teacher."

"You can try to see if I will stop you!"

Then the Ancient One created two radiant fans in his hands and took a fighting stance.

The two looked at each other, and Strange's eyes made the Ancient One feel a little strange.

He slowly lowered his head, and the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest emitted a more intense green light.

"It depends on whether you can find me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately activated the power of the Time Stone and prepared to jump to other times.

Knowing what his disciple was going to do, the Ancient One immediately swung the fan.

A powerful magic beam burst out from the fan and rushed towards Strange.

At this time, Strange had already entered the long river of time.


The dazzling light spread outward with the explosion.

When the dust and light dissipated where Strange had originally stood, everything became empty.

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