Jiang Shuo was awakened and turned around suddenly, only to find that an old man had been standing behind him.

The old man was wearing a rough gray robe, and his aura was not obvious, but his eyes were unusually bright.

"Young friend, you are not from my Phoenix clan, nor are you in the realm of the spirit and soul, right?"

The old man looked at Jiang Shuo's forehead, which was still sweaty, but smiled.

Jiang Shuo's palpitations had not completely dissipated, and he was stunned when he heard the old man reveal his identity and strength.

The old man did not hear the answer, nor was he angry, and he looked at him quietly again.

Then he said calmly: "You can enter the state of meditation for half an hour, which has exposed your strength."

"And it is impossible for someone from the outer sect of the Phoenix Clan to enter the state of meditation for half an hour, which means you are not a member of the Phoenix Clan."

"But you can get in here... Are you a kid from the outer tribe who came to participate in the ceremony?"

Jiang Shuo took a deep breath, nodded, and clasped his fists and said: "Senior, you have a keen eye."

The old man laughed, "Come with me, sit with the old man, your situation is nothing."

"You have the aura that the Phoenix King doesn't like, so you are shocked. If you show your strength completely, it won't happen."

Jiang Shuo pondered after hearing this, the aura that the Phoenix King doesn't like? What is it.

After a while, he followed this old man, whose strength was unknown, to a corner on the first floor of the Visualization Building.

There was a room similar to a concierge inside, with a recliner, a coffee table, and a pot of tea.

Jiang Shuo felt a little cautious in his heart. This configuration looks like a big boss.

A retired elder or elder of the Phoenix Clan?

The old man gestured for a seat, and then began to pour tea.

"I'm old, my back is not good, I can't go anywhere, I just like to stay in these lively places."

"There's not much people to talk to in the past, you can have a cup of tea with me."

Jiang Shuo just endured his wake-up call, otherwise he wouldn't know how long he would be shocked, so he naturally wouldn't refuse.

"It's my honor to have tea with you, senior."

The gray-robed old man looked up at him, and didn't deny that he was a senior.

"Why didn't you go to the ceremony?"

"I had a gas reversal before leaving, so I was delayed." Jiang Shuo said.

The old man did not comment, "With your strength, it is really useless to go there."

"They are all some elixirs and skills for the Three Days Realm and the Three Difficulties Realm. It is better to meditate here for two quarters of an hour."

Jiang Shuo smiled, "These things are of no use to the senior, but they are quite important for young people who are only a few hundred years old and still below the Supreme Realm."

"After all, only by laying a foundation can we consolidate the path of becoming a strong man. The Phoenix Clan is willing to give these things to the geniuses of other races, which is very generous."

"Nowadays, most forces and races cherish their own things even if they don't need them, and don't want outsiders to take them away. Those who come to participate in the ceremony should be very grateful to the Phoenix Clan."

"Yes, so am I."

The gray-robed old man raised his eyes when he heard the words and saw Jiang Shuo's sincere face.

"That's true."

"Your ideas are also unique. Most people can only see the things themselves, and they are grateful because they are given things, but you can see from the motivation. It's rare, rare."

Jiang Shuo said: "Maybe I have received a lot of help, so it's inevitable that I always have a pure heart."

Speaking of which, although his state of mind is not pure and pure, it is not distorted and morbid.

He is not happy when he sees suffering, crazy and crazy, etc. He is not destined to have such personalities.

Maybe he has felt a lot of warmth since he was a child, with both fatherly and motherly love, and a grandfather to protect him from the wind and rain.

The gray-robed old man looked at the young man in front of him seriously, perhaps thinking that what he said was reasonable, and nodded.

"If the world can be more generous, maybe it won't fall halfway."

Jiang Shuo was surprised to hear this, "Half of the world has fallen... Was it occupied by the evil race outside the domain?"

Today's world is very wide, with a length of billions of miles from north to south and east to west, equivalent to more than 500 billion light years, the size of many medium-sized universes. I almost didn't remember that this is only half.

If the outer world and all the lower planes are included, it should be considered a super-large universe.

"Yes, before the ancient war, the power comparison between the Great Thousand and the outer evil race was unbalanced, and it was not much better after the war. If they were not also seriously injured, it is hard to say what the Great Thousand world would be like now." The old man sighed while leaning on his cane.

Jiang Shuo was infected by these words and fell silent.

After a while, the gray-robed old man raised his slightly dim eyes and squinted at the young man in front of him.

"You have the phantom of the dragon clan on you, but you come to my Phoenix clan. It's really interesting... How about I give you a good fortune?"

Jiang Shuo turned his head and looked at the gray-robed old man with a surprised expression, "What good fortune."

"Soon, the Phoenix clan will hold a ceremony for the young men of the three clans of the outer, middle and inner clans. The winner will receive rich prizes, and those things will be beneficial to you. I will give you a letter, how about you go to participate?"

The old man spoke slowly while leaning on his cane.

Jiang Shuo's eyes flashed, "Old man, since it is a martial arts competition within the Phoenix Clan, can I participate?"

"I can recommend you." The old man said lightly.


The atmosphere hesitated for a moment, and Jiang Shuo also weighed it for a moment, looking at the old man in front of him for a long time, and finally agreed.

Since he said it would be beneficial, I would like to see what benefits it would bring.

The gray-robed old man didn't waste any words, stretched out his hand to get the pen and ink, and started writing on the spot. In the blink of an eye, a letter was completed.

"Take this letter, and then use this token to go to the inner sect, no one will stop you."

The old man pushed the letter and a token that was all green and ink-black.

Jiang Shuo took a look and found that the token should be made of bronze, and the pattern and style were very different from the original brass.

Jiang Shuo was not afraid of the stage, so he took them all and bowed his hands and said, "The younger generation also wants to see what kind of foundation the Phoenix Clan, known as one of the nine primitive races, has."

After saying that, he stood up.

Before stepping out of the door, a leisurely reminder came to his ears.

"In that case, don't use your body."

Jiang Shuo paused and thought to himself, it was indeed seen through.

Turning around and clasping his fists, he nodded and agreed, "Okay!"


When they returned to the courtyard in the valley, Ye Guyi and others had also returned.

The four people couldn't hide their joy on their faces. Jiang Shuo glanced and found that there were many more things in the yard.

Feng Qing'er, who had sharp ears, was the first to hear the young man walk in.

She smiled and said, "If you don't go, you'll lose out."

"The Phoenix Clan is very generous. They gave us magic tools, elixirs, and even cultivation methods."

Mu Qingluan also said, "They also held a banquet with rich dishes."

Ye Guyi stood not far away and showed Jiang Shuo the robes she had received. To her, this was something similar to the battle armor and was of the greatest research value.

Jiang Shuo retracted his glance and said, "Not bad, not bad, the Phoenix Clan is very generous."

"More than generous, it's simply generous. You don't know that there are at least hundreds of thousands of people at the ceremony." Mu Qingluan said.

Preparing so many things for hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, including magic tools, magic objects, elixirs, and even cultivation methods.

The worst magic tools and magic objects seem to be mid-grade spiritual tools.

Compared to those stingy forces in the world, it can indeed be called a generous act of righteousness.

No matter what the purpose is, this move really enhances the strength of spiritual beasts such as spiritual birds.

When the courtyard of the col was filled with joy, a team of soldiers in green armor suddenly came here.

They went deeper and finally knocked on Jiang Shuo's door.

The conversation of several people was interrupted by the knock on the door. Ling Cai'er, who was closest to the door, opened the door and looked at the Phoenix soldiers in bright armor in front of her with doubts.

The deputy commander of the Qingqiong Army who had met before was also among them, and there was also a young man who looked quite handsome.

Feng Cheng, the deputy commander of the Qingqiong Army, glanced around and said directly to Jiang Shuo: "I am about to return to the inner sect. Let's go together."

"The Phoenix tribe is very large, and each sect's territory is at least the size of a mid-level continent. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to walk when the time comes."

The map given before was very simple, and there was no route to the inner sect, so it was not easy for outsiders to enter.

Jiang Shuo realized after hearing it, and it might be that the recommendation of the gray-robed old man worked, and nodded.

"Thank you."

Feng Cheng waved his hand, "You're welcome, the girls can go together."

Ye Guyi and others were still surprised and didn't understand why.

Why are you going to the inner sect of the Phoenix Clan? Or go with a deputy commander of the Supreme Realm.

At this time, the young man standing next to Feng Cheng ended his scrutiny and spoke with an interested tone:

"You are Jiang Shuo? Your cultivation is not outstanding, why did the elders allow you to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Tsk, which race are you from?"

Jiang Shuo followed the teasing and looked at the young man in front of him. He looked at him and saw a hint of arrogance and condescension on his face.

"You can't even tell which tribe I am from. It's normal that I don't understand the intentions of your elders."

After that, Jiang Shuo turned his eyes away and ignored him, and explained to Ye Guyi why he could go to the inner sect.

The young man narrowed his eyes and was about to speak again, but was stopped by the deputy commander of the Qingqiong Army, "Enough Yanshan, don't question the decision of the elders."

The young man named Yanshan snorted coldly, "I won't ask, there will be people who will ask in the inner sect. What's the matter with the geniuses of our various branches competing in martial arts, and we want an outsider to participate."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for an answer.

Feng Qing'er, Mu Qingluan, and Ling Cai'er were all immersed in the sudden surprise, and no one noticed the subtle unhappiness.

The inner sect of the Phoenix clan!

Even the outer sect is so vast and majestic, what is the inner sect like?

Only Jiang Shuo glanced at the empty door, thinking in his heart.

Is that gray-robed old man the elder of the Phoenix clan?

Now think about it, he recommended me to participate in the martial arts competition, I'm afraid it's not just a matter of getting along, maybe he also wants him to hone the younger generation of the Phoenix clan?

If this kind of personality spreads among all the elite clansmen, it really deserves to be dealt with.

After riding on the Qingqiong Army's flying spacecraft and passing through the space teleportation array, several hours later, several people successfully arrived at the Phoenix Clan's inner sect.

The inner sect still looks like a large sycamore forest, but except for this outer shell, everything else is very different.

If the outer sect is a little leisurely, then the inner sect is a rush of coming and going, with a taut string pulling everyone.

Feng Cheng said that this is the unique atmosphere of the inner sect, and it is also the reason why the elite geniuses of the Phoenix Clan can look down on the world.

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