
Seeing that the guard was about to be devoured, the black cat couldn't help but curse.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the black mud in front of her from swallowing up the guard.

Even though Gwen tried her best, she could not prevent the scene in front of her from happening.

With a "bang" sound, she almost fell backwards.

"What's this?"

Gwen asked the black cat in shock: "What kind of monster is this?"

"I don't know, but it is extremely dangerous, and it doesn't seem to be from our world. It comes from another world."

Just when the two of them were shocked by the scene that happened in front of them, the little naughty voice sounded in Gwen's headset.

"Hey, Gwen, another guard is here, you need to leave."

"Okay, we gotta go."

Gwen said to the black cat: "Or do you want to stay here?"

"While I'm interested in some things here, I'm not interested enough to stay here forever."

As she spoke, she fired the hook gun in her hand, pulled herself away from the spot, and shot towards the window of the hall.

Gwen glanced at the dark thing, sighed helplessly and left the place.

After she reunited with the little naughty boy, she rushed home.

"Okay, I admit, things are a little fishy."

Little Naughty also knew about the black substance that appeared at the scene. She thought about it and said, "That may be substances from other parallel worlds that corrode this world."

As someone who has lived in a parallel world for a period of time, she is more inclined to believe that this is a substance that invades dimensions.

"I don't know what kind of creature it is. We need to find out immediately, otherwise it feels like it will appear again and someone will be hurt."

The next day, early morning.

As soon as Gwen got up, she saw Peter standing in the courtyard, with a little red-haired girl standing next to him.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she felt a little confused.

When did Peter come back?

I didn't even notice it.

Did you sleep too much last night?


Gwen coughed and went downstairs and stood in the backyard corridor, "Hey, Peter, when did you get here?"

"It must have been late at night. You and Aunt Mei were sleeping soundly at that time, so I didn't disturb you."

Peter pointed at Wanda, who had curious eyes flashing next to him, "This is my new disciple—Wanda."

Then he pointed his finger at Gwen and introduced to Wanda: "Wanda, this is Gwen, my girlfriend."

Hearing Peter introduce herself as his girlfriend, Gwen's mood unexpectedly improved.

This was the first time Peter introduced himself as his girlfriend in front of others.

This shows that the relationship between the two has developed very quickly these days.

But she quickly noticed something more important, "Your disciple?"

"Yes, as the Supreme Mage, isn't it normal for me to choose a qualified disciple?"

Peter said while giving Gwen a matching look.

Gwen immediately understood that this was a little girl that Peter had deceived from outside with some clever words.

"So, Master Supreme, I also want to learn magic. Can you accept me as your disciple?"

Gwen asked him deliberately.

Unexpectedly, Peter shook his head and refused: "No, your magic talent is too poor, Gwen."

When Gwen heard what Peter said, her nose almost became angry.

Okay, do you dare to ask me if anyone’s talent is better than mine?

Walking over, Gwen quietly twisted Peter's arm, "Where did you lie to that little girl?"

Peter glanced at Wanda who was closing her eyes to feel the magic breath, "You are wrong, Gwen, I am not lying, but she is indeed destined to me."

"Destined? He's a liar!"

Gwen didn't believe Peter's story. She asked Peter again: "Do Aunt May and Uncle Ben know about this?"

"Of course, they met in the morning, but I said Wanda was entrusted to me by a friend to take care of her."

"A lie that is not very rigorous, you should be prepared for the lie to be exposed at any time."

"I shouldn't need to be prepared. After all, I have told many lies to Aunt May and Uncle Ben. If I worry about being exposed every day, then I will be on tenterhooks every day."

Wanda next to her watched the two people plotting something in a low voice, and looked at Gwen a few more times curiously.

Although it is very beautiful, I always feel that it is not as comfortable as the aura of Teacher Parker.


Peter, Gwen, and Wanda have lunch at a restaurant.

Wanda ran her clumsy thumb along the edge of the butter knife.

It wasn't sharp, but the mild serrations could hurt, if she had time to hold them down and cut slowly like a steak.

But all the same, she held the knife in front of her and twirled it, experiencing the novelty of enjoying this delicacy for the first time.

It was raining lightly outside, and the "pattering" rain pattered on the skylight.

Gwen tells Peter what happened to her last night.

"I don't know what it is, but it must be a pretty weird being."

Gwen said with a frown while holding the knife and fork.

"Perhaps we should find Master Ancient One. She told us that the world is facing the crisis of destruction. I think this may be related to the destruction of reality she said."


Wanda blinked and asked Peter and Gwen in confusion: "Can I know what happened?"


Gwen glanced at the curious Wanda and explained to her about the strange wizard.

"A bit of a scary story!"

After listening for a while, Wanda finally said, "If I want to make him into a movie, Sandra Bullock must be the first one to star. Well, maybe, Billy Bob Thornton will star as the big bad guy."

Wanda's brain circuit was a little strange. The first thing she thought of was to make this story into a movie.

"It's a good idea."

Gwen made a thoughtful expression. She intertwined her hands. "The story took a strange turn. Dr. Strange went from being a doctor that everyone respected to becoming the biggest villain. I think even the screenwriters were surprised. I can’t think of it.”

Wanda thought that this kind of thing would eventually be solved by the teacher, so she wasn't too worried.

After all, the teacher said that he is the Supreme Mage. Even if it is such a danger, Teacher Parker should be able to easily solve it.

"Teacher, can you defeat that Doctor Strange?"

"Not necessarily, because every day his power is getting stronger."

Peter didn't have the arrogance to admit that he could defeat Strange.

After all, this guy has gone dark.

As we all know, once any character becomes dark, his strength will explode.

Gwen also thought of the powerful opponents she might face. She frowned slightly and looked up out of the window.

A black eagle stands on the top of a telephone pole, watching the rats crossing the road below.

She doesn't know who is who here - in the coming crisis, who is the falcon and who is the mouse?

Holding the table knife, Gwen slowly put it in her hand.

Palm to palm, fingertips to fingertips, skin to skin, and then—darkness, cold water, sand, silt, and screaming.

Everything is like broken glass, and the radio station cannot search for any sound station. An unpleasant sound in the void, as if sleeping in the heart of a tornado, or suddenly descending to the bottom of a rushing river at night.

Whenever she is nervous or faced with something, she will have this wonderful feeling.

Then she saw outside. The black substance that swallowed the guards last night suddenly appeared outside the restaurant.

Gwen immediately stood up and looked outside in shock.


A car hit a black substance that appeared out of thin air, and the front part of the car was instantly swallowed up.

What happened in front of him made the people around him scream and run away.

"What's this?"

Wanda couldn't care less about the delicious food in front of her.

Although the food here is far more delicious than what I eat on the mountain.

Peter stared at the black being that seemed to be devouring space and quickly left the restaurant.

Just as he walked out, a space crack door suddenly opened in front of him.

In the astonished eyes of Wanda and the others, Master Ancient One slowly walked out.


"Master Ancient One?"

Peter frowned as he looked at the ancient mage who seemed to be a projection in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Peter. I hope I didn't disturb your lunch."

"It's late. Our lunch has been interrupted."

Gwen looked at the squirming black matter around her and asked her: "Master Ancient One, why is this kind of car-eating substance appearing on the street? What is it?"

"An energy that swallows reality. As the universe collapses, it will eventually swallow the entire universe."

Gwen asked her in shock: "Is this the end of the world you said?"

"Yes, Strange reverses the absolute point in time, and the resulting paradox will gradually destroy the universe, leaving us with little time."

As she spoke, she waved her hand, the rotating portal opened, and Strange walked out.

Seeing Strange appearing, Gwen immediately took a nervous stance and prepared to attack the opponent.

Even though she had a very good impression of this person who caused the destruction of the world, she can no longer hold back now.

"Relax, Gwen, I'm not here to fight with you, we are on the same side."

Hearing Strange say that he and she were on the same side, Gwen looked at the Ancient One Mage with doubts.

"Is what he said true? Master Gu Yi."

"He's not the Strange you think he is."

Master Ancient One explained to everyone: "In order to save everything, I drew power from the dark dimension and split the timeline. Doctor Strange was also divided into two. One is now reversing the absolute point in time, and the other is not. Strange made that choice.”

"So now there are two Doctor Strange?"

Wanda asked Ancient One curiously.

Before Master Ancient One could answer, Strange said next to him: "By the way, I do not support this behavior. It is full of dangers and may cause greater trouble."

"But we have no choice, Peter, you and Stephen, you two have to speed up the time, we don't have much time left."

After finishing speaking, the shadow of Master Gu Yi gradually disappeared into the air.

"Uh, is she just gone?"

Wanda swallowed and asked Peter.

"Yes, Master Ancient One likes to leave the mess to others."

Peter looked at Strange, "Tell me, Doctor Strange, how to stop your dark twins."

"I have no idea."

Strange shook his head, "But I know he will definitely come to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a magic circle appeared at the feet of several people.

"This is not good!"

Strange complained, and the ground beneath his feet immediately began to collapse.

Several people also followed Strange and fell into the ground.

Peter felt like he was being pulled into some space-time channel, falling continuously downwards.

When the light returned to his eyes, he found that he was standing in a dark space, with a magic circle emitting red light beneath his feet.

"Click! Click! Click!"

The sound of heavy footsteps gradually came towards him.

Peter saw a shadow emerge from the darkness.

The ever-changing black shadow seems to be some kind of animal, and the outline of the shadow is constantly changing.

Sometimes it turns into a monster waving its tentacles, sometimes it turns into a soaring phoenix with its wings spread.

The powerful coercion emanating from the black shadow made him secretly frightened.

At the same time, Gwen, Wanda and Strange gradually woke up.

A dark shadow appeared in front of Peter, and the ambient light around him became brighter.

The familiar face of Doctor Strange appeared in front of Peter.

However, his sinister aura and dark circles under his eyes showed that he was not a normal Strange.


Peter looked at the black Doctor Strange.

"Peter, long time no see. I haven't thanked you enough for introducing me to Master Ancient One. I didn't expect that we would meet here, and I didn't expect that your true identity would turn out to be a superhero. It's surprising!"

"Yeah, we didn't expect it."

Peter stared at the other.

"I know Master Ancient One must have said something to you. But Peter, I can end all of this, in my own way, please don't stop me."

"I remember you still owed me a favor, Doctor Strange."

Heiqi was stunned for a moment, "Yes, I owe you something, Peter, and I will repay it, but not now."

At this time, Strange had stood up from the ground and looked at his evil twin.

"You can't repay anything. None of the Supreme Mage lives for himself or dies for himself. You have betrayed your own beliefs! You have done the wrong thing."

He said to Dr. Black Strange: "You are causing the destruction of the world."

"This is not a wrong thing, Stephen, think about it, how many nights have we sat in the Holy of Holies, holding something that can change our destiny in our hands, knowing that we can change it by going back to the past, but we can't muster the courage. "

Black eyes stared at Strange, "And I took that step that changed my destiny."

Strange came face to face with him, "So you saved her? You managed to save Christine?"

"No, it's not me, it's us!"

As he spoke, he reached out to Strange and took his right hand, "Our abilities are dispersed and weakened. As long as we become one, we can save her."

"No you can't, you can't save her."

"I can prove it to you."

"Even if the price is to destroy the world?"

"The Ancient One doesn't know our love for Christine. I thought you would understand. We can't lose her."

Strange shook his head, "I love her, but I never want it to be in this way. Look around, all the bad consequences you have caused, this is not love, but a kind of arrogance."

Strange argued with Black Strange, "You have gone too far because of your arrogance."

"In this case, we have nothing to say!"

Black Strange immediately threw out a sudden burst of flames.

Strange quickly created a magic shield to resist.

The air crackled and roared!

The entire space seemed to be swayed by strange black flames.

The turbulence of the air continued to swing around, and the dust on the ground was shaken by the shock.


Strange's magic shield was broken through, and he himself was instantly blasted out.

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