I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 128 Is Gwen's daughter's last name Parker?

The little girl said to her father: "I hope I'll be fine in the fall. I've never been to first grade before, just kindergarten. I don't know what kids do in elementary school, maybe do homework."

"You're going to be fine."

Listening to the words of the father and daughter in front of her, Gwen looked a little sad.

She could always relate to the pain of strangers.

"What's wrong?"

After paying the bill and coming out of the bookstore, Peter saw Gwen's strange behavior and asked her in a low voice.

"It's nothing, I just thought of some bad things."

Gwen forced a smile at Peter.

Harry was still checking out, and Peter glanced at the father and daughter walking away, roughly understanding why Gwen's mood suddenly changed.

"They're going to be fine."

Peter comforted Gwen.

Gwen glanced at Peter with an expression that could predict the future, and then turned to look at the crowd outside.

Then she said to Peter with some frustration: "I'm not simply letting other people's affairs affect me, it's just that I once had a dream."

"What dream?"

"It's hard to describe specifically. I mean, it's a bit weird. In the dream, I had a daughter. She was very similar to the girl just now. As for how she came here, maybe... maybe she picked it up from the grass."

Gwen glanced at Peter sheepishly. She was too embarrassed to tell him that Peter was the father.

As Gwen spoke, she remembered her mother telling her that when a woman wanted a child, she went out to the grass and picked one up.

She remembered that she had made a stupid oath not to lie to Peter in the future, but she realized that she was a great liar.

He even used the lies his mother told him to lie to Peter.

"Oh." Peter responded, and then stopped talking.

When Gwen was a little flustered, Peter asked her: "Is she cute?"

"Of course, she is very cute. I have never seen a girl cuter than her. She has a pair of green eyes, and she is very powerful."

Peter looked at Gwen in surprise.

Although he wanted to ask if she was his daughter, he had to consider Gwen's mood, so he asked her: "What's her last name?"

"I don't remember, maybe Parker, maybe someone else."

Gwen coughed, deliberately not looking at Peter's face.

This was already made clear, and Peter couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Is Gwen going to have a monkey with her too?

Why did I say "also?"

Gwen adjusted her emotions and said: "When you wake up, it feels really uncomfortable, as if I really lost her. I know it's weird for high school students to say this, but maybe in some parallel universe , there really is such a scene.”

Peter said nothing.

Gwen in the parallel universe seems to have met a tragic end.

It's better not to tell her.

"Dreams are subconscious projections. Maybe you have such dreams because you like little girls."

Peter said to her.

Do you like little girls?

Gwen thought for a while, and it seemed that she didn't hate it.

If it were Peter and his daughter, maybe he would like it more.

Just as a strange atmosphere filled the two of them, Harry walked out of the bookstore with a book in hand.

The topic just now made Gwen a little embarrassed. In order to break the awkward atmosphere, she said to Harry: "I hope everything goes well for you in Chicago, Harry."


"No? Why not?"

Harry raised his head and said with a very sad look, "I'm scared."

"Afraid? What are you afraid of, Harry? You're not afraid of airplanes, are you?"


Harry said: "I don't know what I'm afraid of. Yesterday, I dreamed that I went to my father's cemetery and the gravekeeper opened his coffin. It was empty. Then I dreamed that I returned home and saw my father. The bed was also empty, but there was dirt on the bed.”

Listening to Harry's description, Gwen felt goosebumps and suddenly remembered what the Bible said: Lazarus, come out.

"For the first time in weeks, I remember the dream he had after my father died. When I woke up, I found pine needles at the foot of the bed. Maybe it was caused by my pets, but I always think about it. to bad things.”

Gwen felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she listened to Harry's story.

"It was just a dream," Peter said to Harry.

He tried his best to make his voice sound warm, sincere and comforting, "These dreams will pass."

Gwen looked at Peter, that's not what you said about me just now.

Harry said: "Maybe I have been a little stressed recently. After all, I have never thought that managing a company is such a hard task. If possible, I really hope that the three of us can always be together."

"Just for a short while, Harry..."

Gwen said to Harry: "Maybe you can solve it in a few days, or wait until the holiday, and then Peter and I will go to be with you, and we can decide what to do next, such as spending the Christmas season together or traveling. "

Harry had that deeply uneasy look on his face, but he quickly adjusted his mood, exhaled and said to the two of them: "Thank you, I hope we can meet again soon."

A few people said a few more words, and then the announcement was made to urge the passengers on their flight to board the plane.

Harry waved goodbye to Peter and the two, hugged them and walked towards the departure gate.

Gwen looked at Harry's back and said in a depressed mood: "I hope Harry gets better. It would be great if the three of us could go back to the past."

Although she said this, she knew that since Norman Osborn died, the relationship between the few people would never be the same again.

The long line now began to move forward, people walking towards the plane.

The crowds at the airport also began to grow.

At the same time, Tony Stark of the Stark Group also changed his boarding pass and walked to the plane from the VIP channel.

The Stark Group has its own private jet, but now it is unable to fly due to maintenance reasons, so he can only take a civil airliner to the headquarters of the Wallen Mining Group.

Although he could always get a private jet, he always felt uncomfortable without his own pilot and flight attendant.

Maybe it's because I'm used to the flight attendants on my plane?

Tony, who was wearing sunglasses, cast his gaze towards the crowd while thinking.

He had no intention of hiding himself and immediately attracted everyone's attention after his high-profile appearance at the airport.

Gwen looked along the flow of people and discovered Tony's presence.

"He is like a peacock with his tail spread wide. He always feels like he is showing off something, even though he does seem to be very rich."

Gwen couldn't help but complain to Peter.

The moment Tony appeared, the environment in the airport became noisy.

A few sneaky people appeared in an unnoticed position.

Peter sensed the evil intentions of this group of people when the other party appeared.

But he had no intention of meddling.

"let's go."

He said to Gwen: "Didn't you ask me to explain to you what happened between me and Teacher Helen the night before yesterday?"

When Peter said this, Gwen remembered this particularly important thing.

"Sure, maybe we can find a cafe."

As soon as Gwen finished speaking, something happened at the airport.

A scream from the crowd silenced the bustling airport for a second.

Happy New Year everyone!

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