I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 127: 20% is not enough? Stop it

"Everyone is paying attention to some weird creatures now, so our stock price will not continue to fall, but the bad news is that no one will pay attention to how I operate in the future."

Obaday looked at Tony, "What do you want to operate? About the operation of Valen Mining?"

"Yes, the acquisition is only the first step, and there are many steps to follow, but now these are not important. I want to taste my pie. Do you need some? Maybe this can make you forget your troubles."

Tony pressed the phone button and said to the secretary on the other end of the phone: "Okay, you can send my pie in."

Obaday was very dissatisfied with the frivolousness of this playboy, but when he thought that Stark Group still needed him to sit in, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction in his heart.

"No, I have an appointment, so I'll skip your party, Tony. I also heard that you are going to set up a research foundation."


"I am indeed interested in weird creatures. To some extent, I am helping the citizens of New York. Maybe our mayor should give me an award called the 'Tony Stark Non-Scientific Contribution Award'."

Obaday frowned. Although he felt that the other party was not doing his job properly, he would not comment on such trivial matters.

So in the end, he could only say: "Be careful. Those troubles are not like your business enemies. They will not abide by any rules."


Tony shrugged his shoulders, "I am not a person who abides by the rules. Remember the last time I attended Louise's funeral? I punched the priest."

Obaday certainly remembered this incident, "Because of his untimely condolences, I still remember that Mrs. Louise was given a sedative in the lounge at that time."

Tony in his eyes was this kind of person, proud, willful, and unruly.

Obaday patted Tony on the shoulder, "I know Louise is one of your good friends, I understand."

Although the playboy seemed to be very outgoing and sociable on the surface, he knew that Tony was a lonely guy who was not good at making friends.

"He is not my good friend."

Tony said, "In fact, I don't even know who my good friends are?"

Obaday pretended to be surprised, "Am I not one too?"

Without waiting for Tony to answer, he patted Tony's arm, "Okay, I don't care about these. Remember to be on time for the afternoon meeting and don't be late because of reporters."

After Obaday walked out of the office, Tony Stark sat in the manager's chair.

After operating the virtual display screen on the table for a few seconds, a three-dimensional picture appeared in the air.

This is a newly discovered mine by Valen Mining, an open-pit copper mine.

If calculated according to the proven reserves, this copper mine may even reach half of the reserves of the Kenigot copper mine.

(Kennegot: one of the largest open-pit mines in the United States)

"Part of this copper mine is near the state park."

He suddenly thought of the hottest news now, that the hunter Kraven had an accident in the state park.

"I hope my luck won't be so bad."

As he spoke, he picked up the banana pie that the secretary had just brought in, and bit off a corner with a "crunch".

The next day.

The bustling Kennedy International Airport.

While Harry was sending people to get tickets, Peter and Gwen sat on a plastic chair in the waiting hall, listening to the radio broadcasting the departure and arrival flights and times.

Harry had to stay in Chicago for a while to deal with his father's debt legacy.

Although someone was accompanying him in Chicago, it was still a difficult journey for a high school student.

As good friends, Peter and Gwen came to the airport to see Harry off.

Several people arrived at the airport 40 minutes before the plane took off.

Then they took the elevator to the boarding hall together, and Harry's expression was always worried.

Peter was texting on his mobile phone.

Helen texted her back: "Why me? You can do it yourself."

Peter had asked her to buy two hundred lottery tickets for him before.

As for what kind of lottery tickets, they were naturally the set of winning numbers that Reed got from him by coercion and bribery.

According to Reed, according to the formula he calculated, the number of the lieutenant general is included in these two hundred numbers.

"It's more convenient for you. After all, you often change your identity, so this shouldn't be difficult for you."

Peter texted back to the other party: "The first prize is 13.69 million, I can give you 10%."

"You are really confident, Peter. You have already started planning how to use the prize money before buying it."

"Why, don't you want to?"

"Fifty percent."

Peter naturally disagreed with the other party's lion's mouth, "You just run errands, this is fair."

"All the risks are borne by me. I guess you didn't win the prize through normal means. I will take the trouble for you, which is more fair."

Peter texted again: "20%."

Helen: "40%."

"Then I'll find someone else."

Seeing that Peter was about to withdraw, Helen could only give in helplessly: "Okay, I agree, you are really Grandet."

When Peter put away his phone, several people had arrived at the ticket office.

Gwen asked Harry if he wanted to go to the bookstore in the airport to pick up something to read on the plane.

Harry looked at her with a pensive look, "To be honest, I don't really like reading."

"I don't think I'm good at reading, at least. I'm not as good as you and Peter. Dad always thought I wasn't talented enough, and I think so too."

Gwen felt the need to dissuade her friend from his decadent mentality.

"I think you are very smart, Harry. At least when Peter was often bullied in the past, you could always find the right words to comfort Peter. Every time Peter listened to your words, he felt completely healed."

Peter was speechless.

This can also involve yourself.

Harry's mood improved a lot, and he looked at the crowd in the bookstore, "Okay, Gwen, do you have any books to recommend?"

"I don't know. If you want me to recommend some rock music to you, I can recommend a lot to you."

Gwen said as she walked to the bookstore with Peter and others.

There were not many people in the bookstore. After Harry bought the books, he went to the counter to check out. There was only a father and daughter in front of him.

The little girl seemed to be worried about her truancy. She raised her head and asked her father: "Dad, will the officer who catches truants catch me? Teacher Andy said that there is an officer who catches truants. He specializes in catching truants. "

The father touched the little girl's head and said, "Don't be afraid of the officials who catch truant students. I will give you a leave of absence from school. You can come back and start school again in the fall."

The girl's face looked sickly.

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