I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 129 Cindy's Death Illusion

Screams from the crowd immediately caused a commotion at the airport.

a few minutes ago.

Cindy was sitting in a car outside the airport, talking to her SHIELD colleague Crandall.

Although as an expert on arachnids, attendance duties are not within her scope of business.

But Cindy offered to study her biology project outside, so Crandall became her bodyguard.

"The weather is a little bad today."

Cindy was a little startled when Crandall said suddenly beside her.

"You hate bad weather?" Cindy said.

"Yeah, bad things always happen to me when I'm faced with bad weather."

Crandall struck a match and lit a cigarette.

The flames illuminated his face. "I encountered bad weather a few days ago. I was almost hit by a car. The last time I was there, I fell in the rain and almost broke my bones."

Cindy said to him, "You've got some bad luck."

"It is, so I hate weather like this," Crandall said.

He looked outside and saw the hazy sky coming down.

"On the rainy day the day before yesterday, Kraven the Hunter's live broadcast and the attack by unknown creatures also happened in such bad weather."

Crandall told Cindy about what happened at the state park.

"And our Mr. Craven was killed by a tragedy."

Cindy was more interested in werewolves and unknown and terrifying creatures, and asked Crandall: "What do you think of this tragedy?"

"I have been on the battlefield, and I know what a creature of that level means. This kind of killing machine should probably appear on the battlefield, and it can only appear on the battlefield. I mean the creature that kills werewolves."

"Have you participated in the war?"

Crandall shrugged and said: "I joined the army during the Gulf War, and I also joined the mercenary army in Europe. Later, I lived in the closest place to Europe, Bayanna, New Jersey. It was a dirty place, even though It’s a dirty place now.”

He told Cindy about his experience, "I was happy to return to SHIELD. Later I married my wife Norma and our life is peaceful to this day."

He was about to continue when he suddenly heard a sharp, thin cry, and then a harsh sound.

Just when he was confused, he suddenly saw a black off-road vehicle rushing towards him.

The fast-moving off-road vehicle hit several pedestrians on the roadside.

Shocked, he looked at the injured pedestrian who was knocked down.

His first impression was of blood, blood everywhere.

The people watching were also shocked!

A pale woman put her fisted hand in her mouth, twisting the corners of her mouth like a distorted grin.

The man who responded quickly and knew first aid was kneeling on the ground, trying to hold down the constantly twisting head of the child who was hit on the ground.

Crandall looked up at Cindy, reacted immediately, drew his pistol and prepared to get out of the car.

But soon several off-road vehicles rushed toward the airport.

A group of burly men wearing masks rushed out of the car, holding standard weapons.

Crandall, realizing the disparity in power between the two sides, immediately stopped thinking about overestimating his capabilities.

His first priority now is to protect Expert Cindy Moon. The other party's safety is the most important to him.

"Damn it!"

While cursing, he quickly called for help from SHIELD headquarters.

At the same time, he started the car, preparing to escape from this dangerous area if something went wrong.

"Damn! Why are there terrorists at the airport?"

He cursed in a low voice while anxiously calling for help from SHIELD.

Cindy, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was calmer. She said to Crandall: "We have to drive the car backwards."

The location of the two people's vehicles was near the entrance to the airport.

Once terrorists conflict with security personnel, they are likely to cause disaster.

"I know."

Taking advantage of the panic of the crowd, Crandall immediately drove the car backwards.

Other passengers in the airport also discovered this group of guys who looked like terrorists. They screamed and turned the entire airport into chaos.

As Crandall drove the car backwards, the crowd quickly blocked the way the car was moving backwards.

After pounding the steering wheel, Crandall opened the car door and protected Cindy from getting out.

There were many people surrounding the injured person, and a blond woman who seemed to be a nurse was rescuing the injured person.

Crandall glanced at the wounded man.

This was a young man of about 20 years old, and it only took him three seconds to make a diagnosis: This young man was going to die.

Half of his head was crushed, his neck was broken, and a collarbone protruded from his swollen, twisted right shoulder.

A pus-like liquid slowly flowed from his head and flowed to the ground.

Crandall could even see the young man's brain, still pulsing through a shattered piece of skull, as through broken glass.

And it's incredible that this young man is still alive.

The tragic situation of the young man in front of him reminded him of the death of his comrades on the battlefield.

The mutilated corpses of comrades bombarded by artillery shells were even worse than this.

After a moment of silence for the young man, Crandall protected Cindy from the screaming crowd without changing his expression.

"Call an ambulance," the blond woman who seemed to be a nurse hurriedly shouted to the surroundings, "He's dying—"

"The ambulance is on the way."

Someone next to her responded.

But most of them are concerned about the people fleeing for their lives.

Although Crandall wanted to help at this time, he was completely powerless.


A bullet grazed his scalp!

Aware of the danger, he understood that terrorists might be exchanging gunfire with security personnel.

Even louder screams and cries swept through the entire place.

"Oh, God!"

Crandall slapped his forehead and immediately took Cindy into hiding.

At this time, he and Cindy were hiding behind a car. They did not dare to move and could only wait for rescue.

Hiding behind the car were several other people, including a blonde woman and a young man who was injured and on the verge of death.

A white man who was hiding behind the car asked the blonde woman: "Madam, what should I do in this situation? If there is no ambulance, should I call the police car from the airport security department or the ambulance from the state emergency ambulance center?"

The blonde looked panicked and depressed.

But her voice remained calm when she answered: "I'm sorry, I don't know. I have never encountered this situation since I came to the hospital as an intern."

Crandall looked at the group of people being blinded next to him and couldn't help but said: "Call the airport security. It's too late to call the emergency ambulance center to send their ambulance. When the gangsters' firepower can no longer cover this place, you can use fire trucks to send them." When he goes to Bangor, at least the fire trucks have sirens and lights."

The white man who heard this gritted his teeth and rushed out.

At the risk of being shot, this righteous passenger seemed to call the guards.

There was a flash of guilt in Crandall's eyes.

No matter what they did, the young man was going to die.

Even if the airport ambulance had been parked outside with its engine running when he was hit by the car, the young man would still have died.

The reason why I said this was just to ask others to call the airport security office not far away.

Cindy seemed to read his thoughts and looked directly at him with a penetrating gaze.

Incredibly, the dying man moved.

His eyes moved and opened.

The eyes were blue, with blood all around the iris.

The eyes looked around blankly and saw nothing.

He tried to move his head, but Crandall, who had taken over as the nurse, held him down firmly.

The person broke their neck, and head trauma can be extremely painful.

Cindy next to her asked Crandall: "How long can he last like this?"

"I don't know. Maybe I can die at any time. Maybe I can survive until the ambulance arrives. Maybe only the doctor can tell us."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized that it was too stupid and pointless to say it in this situation.

This is a question asked by a bystander, but the hole in the young man's head makes him feel that he is also a bystander, because no one can do anything.

Cindy then asked, "What are you going to do next, Mr. Crandall?"

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible. I don't know what's going on here."

Crandall replied.

He immediately thought what might have happened and that it was his responsibility.

Crandall said to Cindy: "We can't sit here and wait. I have to take you to the other door."

As he spoke, he stood up and looked towards the other door of the airport.

It is far away from the firefight point and is suitable as a hiding place.

The moment he stood up, the airport glass shattered with a crash.

Then, in his shocked eyes, a strong man holding a gun smashed the glass and smashed out.

The opponent's huge body shook the ground slightly.

Cindy also saw this scene, and she looked towards the entrance of the airport.

I found a somewhat familiar figure standing there.

That seems to be Spider-Man? !

Isn’t it Gwen?

There was a flash of doubt in her heart, and her eyes were locked on Spider-Man's figure.

The reason why she appeared here was that she knew that Gwen was inside the airport at this time, and at the same time, Tony Stark was also preparing to take the plane.

She arranged the attack originally to test Gwen Spider's abilities, but she didn't expect Spider-Man to show up first.

Peter Parker, is that you?

She has always suspected that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and now the appearance of the other party has further proved her suspicion.

Spider-Man suddenly appeared and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When Crandall saw the other party appearing, his expression became less tense than before.

Now that Spider-Man appears, the opponent may attract the full firepower of the terrorists.

Crandall heard police sirens blaring and the airport police were about to arrive.

He said to Cindy: "You stay here, I'll be right back."

He wanted to get the car out.

After Crandall left, on Cindy's side, the dying young man made a gurgling sound in his throat and tried to speak.

Cindy could make out some syllables, but not what he was saying.

She leaned over and said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Although she said this, there was nothing comforting in her eyes.

The nurse next to her felt sick in her stomach when she saw the scene in front of her. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands to restrain herself.

The young man made an indistinct sound: "Ka, ga -"

As the culprit who killed the young man in front of her, Cindy didn't feel any guilt at all.

She has experienced the same thing countless times.

No one's death will change her mentality.

She has done countless human experiments, and she has created many more serious human bodies than this.

She raised her eyes and looked at Crandall.

Poor Crandall didn't even know he was the culprit.

With such thoughts running through her mind, there was no change on her face.

She even recalled the first time she saw the miserable condition of a human body in an experiment.

At that time, I was as panicked as the nurse in front of me, right?

She looked around and saw that she was now alone with the young man.

The nurse braved the danger and ran to a nearby temporary storage room, which seemed to contain medical supplies such as simple medicines.

Faintly, she could hear the nurse yelling that she needed a stretcher.

Cindy doubted she would be able to find the stretcher in the storage room. After all, this was not a catch-all cabin where anything could be pulled out.

Turning her thoughts back to the present, she lowered her head and looked at the young man lying on the ground.

The ground near the young man's head was soaked with mud-like purple blood, and the young man's brain fluid no longer flowed out.

It was obvious that he couldn't hold on any longer.

But it's better to end his pain as soon as possible.

Looking at the young man in front of her indifferently, there was no sympathy in her expression.

She shook her head slightly and said to the other party: "Although it is a bit excessive to say this, it is better for you to die now than to live. After all, you will always maintain this kind of pain. Sometimes, death is a kind of relief for human beings." , do you think so?”

The young man seemed to understand her words, and his eyes showed the will to survive.

It was obvious that he didn't want to end his life just like that.

At least he felt that he could still save the situation in front of him.

Crandall had started the car and was heading this way.

The young man who exhaled breath from his mouth and kept taking deep breaths suddenly changed.

The young man suddenly said hoarsely: "You will end your destiny under Spider-Man and Spider-Woman!"

Then he started to open his mouth and laugh, and the bleeding corners of his mouth were extremely scary.

Cindy looked down at him, beginning not to believe what she was hearing.

Then I felt that I must be hallucinating.

The young man made some sounds, and Cindy subconsciously associated them with similar things in her own experience.

But after a while she realized she wasn't hallucinating.

But she still couldn't believe it.

Yes, these words were on the bloody lips of the young man on the ground, and in Cindy's ears.

But it just means that this is an illusion that can be seen and heard.

Cindy Moon has an indestructible heart.

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