I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 122 Okay, now it’s going to be fun

"But the government has an investigation report. Don't you think it's strange? They shouldn't believe this."

Liz drove and said to her friend: "Okay, listen to me before you refute me."

"It says that werewolves originated from the ancient wolf god demon. In ancient times, the wolf demon gave birth to a werewolf race, and they fought with other races."

"Some of these races enslaved developing humans, but by 20,000 BC, most races were slaughtered or expelled to seclusion. Because werewolves can transform into human form, people who are scratched or bitten by them can also become werewolves."

After a pause, Liz continued:

"The werewolf race became more and more numerous. At this time, the werewolf race rose briefly, enough to challenge human society. In 18,000 BC, a major disaster occurred on the earth. Many werewolves died in this disaster. The remaining werewolves survived and turned into human form and hid in human society."

Glory was listening to Liz's story attentively when his cell phone suddenly rang.

She immediately picked up the phone, "Hi, Mom, where am I? I'm watching TV at Liz's house, and I may be back later. Of course, I will pay attention to my safety. I love you, too, Mom."

After hanging up the phone, Gloria asked the reporter, "Where were you talking about?"

"Speaking of a disaster that happened before Christ, are you sure you still want to go? Your mother seems to be very concerned about your safety. I think I'm a little impulsive, Gloria."

"You can't give up halfway, right? Go on, Liz."

While driving the car carefully, Liz said to Gloria, "Well, it also says that there are basically two types of werewolves: one is natural, that is, born a werewolf. This kind of werewolf is very fierce and powerful, and has the ability to transform into a human."

"They usually use this transformation ability to deceive people - after transforming into a human form, ordinary people are Unrecognizable, so many innocent people have sacrificed themselves under the mask of werewolves. "

Glory nodded, "Is our society so dangerous? At first it was Spider-Man, then it was vampires, and now it's werewolves wearing masks! What is the other one?"

Liz continued, "The other one is acquired, most of them will lose their minds and become hungry killers on moonlit nights because of the curse, and return to human form during the day.

This type of werewolf will never return to human form due to the curse. Unless someone removes the curse, they will be bathed in blood like natural werewolves for the rest of their lives. "

After hearing this, Glory felt bad, "This is a bit scary. It seems that the government has been hiding the existence of these supernatural creatures. "

"Anything else?"

After listening to Liz's story, Glory asked with lingering feelings.


"About the secret information you saw, Miss Reporter."

Liz coughed. She thought the title of Reporter was not bad. After thinking about it for a while, she said: "Also, some dark creatures were studied by scientists during World War II, and Captain America's Howling Commandos may exist."

"Captain America?"

Glory was surprised. "Is this related to Captain America? He is my idol."

"Isn't your idol Spider-Man?"

Glory said with a guilty conscience: "Just like marriage, I made the same mistake that all women would make. Although I fell in love with Captain America at the beginning, the long separation caused me to cheat mentally."

Liz: ".Bad metaphor!"

As the two continued to talk, the battle in the jungle had come to an end.

When Peter and Helen arrived, the werewolf was lying on the ground with blood dripping.

The "Queen" who had completed the hunt emerged from the darkness, changed her previous tyrannical and cruel aura, and stood beside Peter.

She stretched her head to his chest, and at the same time, her eyes revealed a close expression, as if she was showing off her achievements.

Peter reached out and touched the head of the "Queen".

Helen next to him said with some jealousy: "He seems to regard you as the real master, and I have become a stranger."

Peter did not speak, feeling the biological signals transmitted to him by the alien in his mind.

He looked at the hunter Kraven lying on the ground.

The tortured hunter finally ended his unfortunate life.

The werewolf lying on the ground on the other side gradually changed from werewolf form to human form under the gaze of the two.

The naked white man was covered with mud and blood, covering most of his body parts.

Peter walked up to the other side and found that this guy still had a faint breath.

Is the self-healing ability so strong?

At this time, he felt that this werewolf was not as bad as he thought before.

"Is he not dead yet?"

Helen stood aside with disgust, and did not come up, asking Peter.

"Not yet. Maybe his heart stopped beating before, so the 'Queen' thought he was dead."

Peter stood up and said to Helen.

As soon as Peter finished speaking, the alien sent a signal to his spiritual sea.

The "Queen" has amazing perception. She can sense all the wind and grass in this forest.

Although it cannot communicate with Peter through language, the two can establish a spiritual connection.

It seems that the embryonic alien in her chest makes the "Queen" think that she is her kind.

After this biological signal was transmitted to him, he could roughly understand what the other party wanted to express.

After receiving this signal, Peter immediately cast his eyes towards a bush in the dark.

Helen also sensed something, frowned, and immediately cast his eyes in the direction Peter was looking.

At the same time, she was ready for battle.

"Come out, no need to hide."

Peter said to the darkness.

In Helen's astonished eyes, a vampire princess in a bikini uniform, showing off her exaggerated perfect figure, appeared in front of the two.

"This woman.!"

For some reason, Helen immediately felt disgusted with this woman.

Perhaps as a sexy woman, she saw that the other party showed her advantages so unreservedly.

She felt angry at being defeated by cheating.

The moment the vampire princess appeared, the alien "queen" immediately stood in front of Peter, opened her bloody mouth, and looked like she was not easy to mess with.

Peter looked at the vampire princess who appeared and thought of his previous interview with her.

The other party seemed to know more about the aliens.

After all, the spaceship she came on might be hiding aliens.

He was wearing an exoskeleton mask at this time, so Vampire Princess didn't know that the guy who deceived her before was standing in front of her.

Looking at the alien standing in front of Peter with a cautious expression, Vampire Princess was extremely shocked.

She didn't understand why this alien had no hostility towards Spider-Man, but obeyed his orders like his pet.

She had fought with this kind of creature in that spaceship, and she knew how terrible it was.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, cunning, and calm hunters were the impressions these creatures left on her.

No matter what, she couldn't imagine that such a creature would be driven by someone.

She stared at Peter's eyes, trying to see who he was behind the mask.

This Spider-Man was more dangerous than she thought.

People who could drive these terrible creatures were already equal to danger in Vampire Princess' eyes.

"Vampire Princess?"

Peter looked at the woman in front of him and was about to speak, but suddenly his eyes looked at the "Queen".

Is someone coming again?


The sound of branches being broken in the woods came, and Blade Warrior also appeared after Vampire Princess.

The half-vampire wearing sunglasses has been tracking the traces of dark creatures.

Peter was not surprised to see him here now.

Blade first looked at Vampire Princess with caution, and then turned his eyes to the alien.

He felt that this creature that killed werewolves was more terrible than vampires.

Compared to treating Vampire Princess as an enemy, he was more inclined to treat the creature in front of him as an enemy.

He glanced at the werewolf lying on the ground, and he suddenly found that the other party looked familiar.

Before he could take a closer look, Peter said, "Vampire and her natural enemy appeared."

"I've heard of you."

Vampire Princess saw Blade appear, and after a moment of stunned, she said to him, "Vampire hunter, are you here to hunt now?"

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