The sudden interruption of the live broadcast signal caused all viewers watching the live broadcast to call "Fake" directly.


Liz looked at Glory, "It seems we were right. The bloody live broadcast platform will definitely be shut down."

"Don't you know hacking skills?"

Glory asked Liz, "Maybe you could hack into their backend."

"Although you said it very easily."

Liz said angrily: "But do you know how difficult it is to do?"

"If I can really do it, I will become a journalist."

She suddenly patted Glory's arm, "But I have a plan, do you want to try it?"

Craven and others at the state park did not know that the network signal had been cut off at this time.

He held his arm that was corroded by the "strong acid" substance, and the facial features on his painful face were almost wrinkled.

"Damn it!"

He used all his strength to cover the corroded part and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from making a sound.

Although the pain was unbearable, he kept glancing at the two monsters fighting.

The alien "Queen" used the tactic of attacking in the east and attacking in the west to force the werewolf to divert its attention, tearing open the werewolf's arm.

Blood spurted out immediately!

The werewolf howled in pain and stretched out his other hand to break the opponent's neck.

But the "Queen" reacted quickly, dodged the opponent's attack, and grabbed the werewolf's head with her black claws.

The claws are stronger than steel and can easily break the werewolf's head once it hits it.

The ferocious werewolf aroused hugged the alien's body and threw it to the ground.

Both sides fell to the ground at the same time, but the alien reacted faster and got up, and the blood flowing from its claws spurted onto the werewolf.

Corroded by a liquid comparable to strong acid, the werewolf howled in pain.

The screams could be heard even through the entire dense forest.

Covering the corroded skin on his face, the werewolf howled, and at the same time, the alien swung its claws and clawed at the opponent's heart.

The werewolf resisted desperately, but in the next second his body was penetrated by the tail spine extended by the "Queen".

Blood spurted from his chest!

The tall, rough-skinned werewolf immediately lost its fighting ability after being pierced through the chest.

at the same time.

Fletcher and Gina from Qian En Cinema had already left the cinema and rushed to the battlefield.

After the live broadcast signal was interrupted, the two left the cinema.

Cars speed on the road, breaking through the blockade of the rainy night.

"I don't understand, why don't we just fly there?"

Gina asked Fletcher confused.

Both of them are vampires and can fly directly to the scene by spreading their wings.

She didn't understand why Fletcher was going to such trouble.

"It's not time for us to just go off the field yet."

Fletcher, wearing sunglasses, drove a sports car in the rain and explained to Gina: "Flying around half-naked like the Vampire Princess is not our way."

Gina nodded and asked with a worried look: "Will Jack win?"

The Jack she was talking about was a werewolf, whose original name was Jack Russell.

"According to common sense, he is not an ordinary werewolf, and he is fused with vampire genes. No creature can easily defeat him."

Jack Russell is a werewolf transformed by her. In terms of strength, speed and self-healing ability, he combines the advantages of vampires and werewolves, making him even more bloodthirsty and powerful.

"But that creature was no ordinary creature. I had never seen anything so extraordinary."

Gina frowned and said, "Jack doesn't know the other party's details, so he can easily suffer a loss."

Fletcher was noncommittal, and after a moment of silence he replied: "Jack Russell is not an ordinary person."

Jack Russell is no unknown person.

Gina, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was caught up in the memory of this werewolf.

The reason why Jack Russell has the ability to become a werewolf is because Jack's family was cursed earlier.

At ordinary times, he is no different from a normal person, but during the full moon, his werewolf characteristics will appear and he will start to lose control.

Because he is a supernatural human-wolf combination, when he transforms into a werewolf, he will have some attributes of the wolf.

He is very powerful. After transformation, he has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, agility, durability, reflexes and sense of smell, accelerated healing factor, sharp claws and teeth.

Fletcher, who was driving the car, said to the thoughtful Gina: "Although he was very powerful when he became a werewolf, he also has a fatal weakness."

"What weakness?"

"His weakness is also very obvious. Werewolves have a natural fear of objects and weapons made of silver. Werewolves are afraid of silver products. This is common in most stories about werewolves."

Fletcher's voice was unusually calm, as if he was talking about something irrelevant.

"Our protagonist today, Mr. Werewolf, is no exception. Silver has a restraining effect on many supernatural creatures or demons.

If he is wounded by a silver object, it will take a long time for him to recover, but if he is shot through the heart by a silver bullet, he will die within a few minutes. "

Gina asked her with some confusion: "Why aren't you afraid of silver?"

"Maybe I'm not a supernatural creature. Maybe I'm from another planet like the Vampire Princess."

Fletcher looked at Gina behind his sunglasses.

Gina naturally didn't believe what the other party said.

She knew that the other party always said something that she couldn't understand, but always made fun of her.

Fletcher did not continue talking about this topic. She continued in a calm tone: "Although Mr. Werewolf has overcome his fatal weakness and become stronger, he has another weakness."


"When he transforms, his reason will be replaced by madness. When he encounters a highly intelligent opponent, he will easily fall into a disadvantage."

Fletcher said calmly: "Our Mr. Werewolf could control himself before. Although he would lose his mind on the third night of the full moon, he knew how to use his brain on weekdays."

"You mean, the intelligence of that creature can be comparable to that of humans?"

"Hmm, such suspicion cannot be ruled out."

Gina thought of the moment when the live broadcast signal was disconnected, and the terrible creature used the tactic of feinting to the east and attacking in the west to sneak attack Jack Russell, and she felt a little cold in her body.

"That werewolf."

At this time, Liz and Gloria also talked about werewolves.

At this time, the two were driving to the state park.

Gloria muttered, "I must be crazy to follow you to that place."

"Let's make it clear in advance, Liz, we can't go in. We can only shoot outside where there are police. If the police don't arrive, you drive back immediately."

"Don't worry, I'm at greater risk than you. If my dad knew that I drove his car to a dangerous place to join in the fun, I would be miserable!"

Liz drove carefully and said to Gloria, "Don't interrupt me now. I just hacked into the government website and checked the information of werewolves. Do you know what I found?"

"What did you find?"

"The origin of werewolves."

"What's there to find? Everyone knows."

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